To paraphrase Churchill,this is not the beginning of the end, it is not even the end of the beginning.
The bill now goes to the Senate, where we must fight it w/ all our strength.
If it passes the Senate it must then be reconciled w/the House & passed by both chambers.
At every step along the way we have the opportunity to stop it,or slow it down.All the while we should offer those who voted for the bill the opportunity to "see the light",& change their vote.
What if the bill is passed,you ask?Then we go to work on the 2010 and 2012 elections.
We identify their weaknesses.We target businesses large & small who give money to their campaigns for boycotts.
We work to weaken or defeat them at every stage from the primary on.
We identify their strengths & weaken them.We take their weaknesses & exploit them,(where appropriate through stings of the kind that exposed Acorn).
If we cannot defeat someone in 2010 then we drag their numbers down as much as possible for the next election.
Do not waste your time on Pelosi,or other fanatics in far left districts.
Our goal is not revenge.Our goal is to defeat the bill.And if that fails,repeal it.
Why do you despair?Because the bill has passed the House?If you despair because this bill is a violation of rights & you fear it's passage,then the solution,the only solution, is to work for its defeat,& if it passes,to repeal it.
To despair,to give up & to give in,to say all is lost,is hypocrisy.
If you genuinely believe something is evil, then a defeat is not a reason to crawl away and despair.To the degree that something is wrong,that is all the more reason for not surrendering to it.
Victory can never be guaranteed.
The only thing that can be guaranteed is that surrender leads to defeat.
If you believe that the bill is evil,then you must fight it.Not because victory is certain,but because surrendering to evil,is itself evil.
(On a lighter note see this video above, & man up,(or woman up,(or Transgender up for that matter) as the case may be).
My response to the despair over the passage of Obamacare by the House,Stop whining & act like Men,(& Women) by Robert Reed Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
1 comment:
Robert, I agree with you but over the years I've come to believe repetition seldom helps. More effective is to step back and let people absorb what was said. Though I'm no expert, but I think the only winning way is to have more people resent having their freedom of choice removed.
The politicians have been at war with all productive people for a long time and use the group who consider themselves incapable and insignificant, to legitimize their thievery. Making more people aware that they have personal strength first may be the only answer.
Cheers, keep it up, I think all is not lost until the last breath is drawn. gs
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