Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's family turned away from prison visit | World news | The Guardian
..."her son Sajad, 22 and daughter Saeedeh, 17, were told she was unwilling to see them. Later, when she was allowed to phone her son, it emerged she had been told by guards that no one had come to visit and that her children had abandoned her, Sajad told the Guardian. "[The officials have become obstinate – they are seeking just different ways to mistreat my mother and us as her children," he said Mohammadi Ashtiani's government-appointed lawyer, Houtan Kian, has been unable to visit her since she appeared on TV this month and confessed to involvement in her husband's murder. Human rights campaigners say the confession was made under duress. This week Kian's house in Tabriz was ransacked by government officials who confiscated documents and laptops after breaking down the fron door. He said: "The government appointed me to represent Sakineh but now they are angry because they see that even I admit that she's completely innocent." Another defence lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei,
forced to flee Iran after a warrant for his arrest was issued. Kian said: "Now it's my turn but I am not going anywhere. I'm here to defend her 'til the end even if they put me in jail. He described the stoning sentence as "unbelievably ridiculous", adding that while she had been accused of adultery, her putative lover had no been named"She's been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery but no one else s named in the sentence for her adultery charges, so who has she had sex with? No one is named in the sentence. She's been convicted of adultery because the judge thought she had extramarital sex, but with whom?" .....
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's family turned away from prison visit | World news | The Guardian
..."her son Sajad, 22 and daughter Saeedeh, 17, were told she was unwilling to see them. Later, when she was allowed to phone her son, it emerged she had been told by guards that no one had come to visit and that her children had abandoned her, Sajad told the Guardian. "[The officials have become obstinate – they are seeking just different ways to mistreat my mother and us as her children," he said Mohammadi Ashtiani's government-appointed lawyer, Houtan Kian, has been unable to visit her since she appeared on TV this month and confessed to involvement in her husband's murder. Human rights campaigners say the confession was made under duress. This week Kian's house in Tabriz was ransacked by government officials who confiscated documents and laptops after breaking down the fron door. He said: "The government appointed me to represent Sakineh but now they are angry because they see that even I admit that she's completely innocent." Another defence lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei,
forced to flee Iran after a warrant for his arrest was issued. Kian said: "Now it's my turn but I am not going anywhere. I'm here to defend her 'til the end even if they put me in jail. He described the stoning sentence as "unbelievably ridiculous", adding that while she had been accused of adultery, her putative lover had no been named"She's been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery but no one else s named in the sentence for her adultery charges, so who has she had sex with? No one is named in the sentence. She's been convicted of adultery because the judge thought she had extramarital sex, but with whom?" .....
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Associated Press: 3 1/2-year sentence ordered in Iran missile part case
for a
car and wheels." The engines can be used in model aircraft but also for military drones".... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gZ717fMuW51yLZIHWmgXUFOcDbL...
Friday, August 27, 2010
The NSSF on the EPA's effort to outlaw most ammo #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment
NSSF urges you to stress the following in your opposition
* There is no scientific evidence that the use of traditional ammunition is having an adverse impact on wildlife populations
* Wildlife management is the proper jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the 50 state wildlife agencies
* A 2008 study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on blood lead levels of North Dakota hunters confirmed that consuming game harvested with traditional ammunition does not pose a human health risk
* A ban on traditional ammunition would have a negative impact on wildlife conservation. The federal excise tax that manufacturers pay on the sale of the ammunition (11 percent) is a primary source of wildlife conservation funding The bald eagle’s recovery, considered to be a great conservation success story, was made possible and funded by hunters using traditional ammunition – the very ammunition organizations like the CBD are now demonizing*
* Recent statistics from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service show that from 1981 to 2006 the number of breeding pairs of bald eagles in the United States increased 724 percent. And much like the bald eagle, raptor populations throughout the United States are soaring. 2. Contact Lisa Jackson directly to voice your opposition to the ban Lisa P. Jackson Administrator, U.S. Environmenta Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20460(202) 564-4700 Fax: (202) 501-1450 Email: jackson.lisa@epa.gov Comment online at the EPA:
Iranian #humanrights activist Shiva Ahari May Face death for dissent #freeiran #iranelections #p2 #tcot
Iranian #humanrights activist Shiva Ahari May Face death for dissent #freeiran #iranelections #p2 #tcot
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Afghan girls attacked with poison gas at their school #womensrights #gwot #af #tcot #p2
My thoughts on the August 24 primary #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Arizona: Mccain won.The less said about him the better.I have not yet decided whether the menace the man poses with his effort to "remake the GOP in his own center-right image",(see below), outweighs losing his seat.(Assuming he could even be beaten). See:
John Mccain's Mission a GOP makeover http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1009/27832.html AZ03:
Quayle won.Gorman did not.While I do not know that much about Gorman,Erick Erickson at Redstate made a compelling case for her here: Surprisingly, Jesse Kelly the "Tea Party candidate" for the GOP nomination won in Arizona's 8th district.He will go up against Giffords. Kelly pulls off upset over Paton: http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2010/08/24/kelly-leads-paton-in-cd8/ Florida:
Governor GOP candidate:
Scott,surprisingly,beat Mccollum.Frankly I don't think it particularly matters RE:Obamacare.However the Medicare fraud charges brought against his former company,(see below),plus the charge that his company profited from abortions probably will lead at least some Pro-life voters to stay home. Politifact on Medicare fraud charges: http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2010/jun/04/rick-scott/rick-scot... Abortion:
http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/blog/mccollum-campaign-manager-goes-after-ri... Fl02 Allan Boyd (D) had a difficult primary.He will face Steve Southerland,(who signed the Repealit pledge).
Unfortunately Daniel Webster won.Webster not only did not sign either the Repealit or Defundit pledges,he does not discuss repealing Obamacare on his website,& if he has spoken about it I have not yet been able to find it online.(Though I have not been researching this for that long). See this link for my recommendations: http://theneointellectual.wordpress.com/2010/08/23/my-recommendations-for-the...
Dennis Ross has won.He has signed both the Repealit & Defundit pledges. He will be running for Adam Putnam's seat Fl20
Karen Harrington won the nomination.So far as I know either she or Donna Milo would have been fine as Harrington signed the Repealit & Defundit pledge & Milo the Defundit pledge. Harrington raised more money. Neither are likely to defeat the loathsome & repellent Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Fl24 Sandy Adams appears to have won though Diebel has not yet conceded,(though Miller has).
.Of the three frontrunners Deibel advocates private free-market solutions.Unfortunately,questions have been raised about her mental stability).She & Miller are the two top fundraisers.
Adams advocates Government solutions on the state level,which will undercut her ability to fight Obamacare on principle.Craig Miller was the most worrisome since he stated on his website that he would not be opposed to inserting Stupak language into Obamacare.(the statement has since been removed but is still stored in Google's cache,see the link below).This,in effect,is the position of the Council of Catholic Bishops.They are fully supportive of a bill that devalues human life through rationing,so long as the rationing begins after birth.Fortunately he has lost.
(Note:It is under the "Pro-life" link not the health care reform link)
Here is the text:
"As a Catholic, my faith teaches me that all life is precious and begins at conception. I’m pro-life, and I look forward to the day when Roe v. Wade is overturned in America. I do not support the President’s healthcare reform, but I would vote in favor of the “Stupak” amendment prohibiting federal funding of abortion through healthcare reform. " Google cache link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4l6aRBDkWnYJ:www.craigmillerforcongress.com/issues/
Politico on Diebel not conceding : http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/41452.html Oklahoma district 5:Lankford beat Calvey.
While both candidates oppose Obamacare,(Calvey signed Defundit,& Repealit,& Lankford signed Repealit),there was a incident that concerns me.(See the links below).While Calvey is a outspoken critic of CAIR,Lankford made a statement that at best could be interpreted as being naive about CAIR.At worst it may indicate a superficial "politically correct" view of faux-moderate Islam groups such as CAIR,ISNA, & MSA. On Calvey & Lankford & CAIR http://ztruth.typepad.com/ztruth/2010/08/james-lankford-uses-same-status-quo-...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
CBO's deficit projections on #obamacare omitted that they depended on tax increases #repealit #tcot #tlot
...."Keith Hennessey discovers a valuable little ObamaCare nugget in a new report by the Congressional Budget Office".... ...."..Only now does CBO tell us in a parenthetical“Taking into account all of the provisions related to health care and revenues the two pieces of legislation were estimated to increase mandatory outlays by $401 billion and raise revenues by $525 billion. This is a very different picture. Imagine two scenarios of a lawmaker who was on the fence last March. He or she is a Blue Dog Democrat, or a Democrat from a fiscally conservative red district, and is deeply concerned that the legislation may be fiscally responsible. He is presented with two different statements from CBO 1. “CBO says these bills will reduce the budget deficit by $124 billion over the next decade.” 2. “CBO says these bills will increase federal entitlement spending by $401 billion over the next decade, and will increase taxes by $525 billion over that same time period, for a net deficit reduction of $124 billion. These are very different statements. Both are true. CBO said only the first when Members
looking to understand the fiscal impacts of this legislation."...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
FDA #Rationing Battle Continues Big Gov. #avastin #breastcancer #repealit #tcot #obamacare #tlot
http://biggovernment.com/capitolconfidential/2010/08/13/fda-rationing-battle-... http://www.ovariancancer.org/2010/08/12/ovarian-cancer-national-alliance-and-...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Armey demands #GOP support Paul Ryan's plan or be replaced #rino #teaparty #tcot #tlot
My recommendations for the 8th district of #Florida #Fl08 #tcot #tlot #teaparty #obamacare #repealit
As a fallback position Bruce O'Donoghue pledges to "repeal & replace",but has not signed the pledge.He has been endorsed by Chuck Devore though.
Dan Webster has neither signed the pledges nor mentioned repealing Obamacare on his website.I also cannot find any mention of his opposition to Obamacare on the web.So I will not only not support him,I urge you to support one of those two others.
Let me add,that these recommendations are based on what information I have been able to compile in the little time I have devoted to this.Let me also add that my endorsement of these individuals should not be taken as a endorsement of all their positions. The Defundit pledge page:
http://defundit.org/?page_id=6 The Repealit pledge Florida page:
Bruce O'Donoghue pledge to "repeal & replace"
Mccain respects #Obama views @jdhayworth as a pig #Azsen #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Joe Miller vs Murkowski on #obamacare & whether the Constitution is a "living document" #Aksen #Alaska #AK #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Can anyone present me with any statements made by Ayn Rand regarding wartime #censorship #aynrand #Objectivist #objectivism #tcot #tlot #liberty
Friday, August 20, 2010
UK Professor: Rationing by Waiting Isn’t All Bad NCPA #repealit #obamacare #tcot #tlot
Michelle Minton Republicans should support legalized gambling #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The link sent to me to by @undhimmi re:the #Hamas child brides story #womensrights #humanrights #p2 #tcot
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Divisive debate on Ground Zero M.Zuhdi Jasser
step towards genuine reform and the separation of mosque and state"... http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/opinions/articles/2010/08/17/2010081...
AFP: #Iran tells West to stay out of #Sakineh Ashtiani's stoning case #freeiran #tcot #p2 #humanrights
AFP: #Iran tells West to stay out of #Sakineh Ashtiani's stoning case #freeiran #tcot #p2 #humanrights
Monday, August 16, 2010
Castle may support #filibuster reform #rino #Desen #tcot #tlot #teaparty
.."Castle is the Republican Senate candidate from Delaware. I asked him if he’d consider joining with other Senators to change the Senate filibuster rules. He said, “I might,” and continued to say that this would be something he may speak about before the election" http://www.starkreports.com/2010/08/11/rep-mike-castle-on-filibuster-reform/
Note follow up to Hamas child wedding story @undhimmi claims is fake
AFP: Nobel laureates seek action on #Sakineh Ashtiani #stoning
YouTube - Mass Wedding[Rape] Organized By Hamas in #Gaza 450 girls 6-9 years old. #Womensrights #p2 #tcot #humanrights
..."June 18, 2010, New York City on WABC, Aaron Klein interviewed the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and he said, "Do you agree[that Hamas is a] terrorist organization?"
RAUF: I'm not a politician. I try to avoid, uh, he issues of... Uh, the issue of the terrorism is a very complex...uh, question, and, um, I'm a bridge builder KLEIN: But... But I'm asking, though - RAUF: Aaron? Aaron KLEIN: Is Hamas a terrorist organization RAUF: My work -- my work -- I've defined my work as bridge builder. Do not... I do not want to be placed neither will be accept to be placed in a position of being put in a position where I am the target of one side or another"... Hamas's Mass rape :
YouTube - Mass Wedding[Rape] Organized By Hamas in #Gaza 450 girls 6-9 years old. #Womensrights #p2 #tcot #humanrights
..."June 18, 2010, New York City on WABC, Aaron Klein interviewed the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and he said, "Do you agree[that Hamas is a] terrorist organization?"
RAUF: I'm not a politician. I try to avoid, uh, he issues of... Uh, the issue of the terrorism is a very complex...uh, question, and, um, I'm a bridge builder KLEIN: But... But I'm asking, though - RAUF: Aaron? Aaron KLEIN: Is Hamas a terrorist organization RAUF: My work -- my work -- I've defined my work as bridge builder. Do not... I do not want to be placed neither will be accept to be placed in a position of being put in a position where I am the target of one side or another"... Hamas's Mass rape :
YouTube - Mass Wedding[Rape] Organized By Hamas in #Gaza 450 girls 6-9 years old. #Womensrights #p2 #tcot #humanrights
..."June 18, 2010, New York City on WABC, Aaron Klein interviewed the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and he said, "Do you agree[that Hamas is a] terrorist organization?"
RAUF: I'm not a politician. I try to avoid, uh, he issues of... Uh, the issue of the terrorism is a very complex...uh, question, and, um, I'm a bridge builder KLEIN: But... But I'm asking, though - RAUF: Aaron? Aaron KLEIN: Is Hamas a terrorist organization RAUF: My work -- my work -- I've defined my work as bridge builder. Do not... I do not want to be placed neither will be accept to be placed in a position of being put in a position where I am the target of one side or another"... Hamas's Mass rape :
Sunday, August 15, 2010
350 Afghan clerics demand return of #stoning #gwot #p2 #tcot #womensrights
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
From the Guardian:Up to 1 in 10 sons of #iraq defect to #alqaeda due to threats & lack of pay #tcot #gwot
would have more authority than I have now. They said: 'We have not hurt you, why are you working against us?' Major Mudher al-Mowla, who is in charge of the Sons of Iraq inside the Iraqi reconciliation ministry, said the government had recently learned of the cash offers and coercion. "We have learned about this, especially in Adhamiyeh [in West Baghdad] and we have started investigating. We are waiting for the results. The US government has granted visas to many Sons of Iraq members and claims that future applications to emigrate to the US from Sons of Iraq leaders would be well received. Both the Pentagon and White House have hailed the Sons of Iraq experience as a triumph during seven difficult years of war Some commanders believe Sons of Iraq leaders are overstating an al Qaida putsch because they fear the unknown once the Americans leave. But they remain warm in their praise of the people they claim helped pave a way for their exit"The Sons of Iraq have displayed persona
l and
physical courage on behalf of their country," said Lieutenant Colonel Bob Owen, chief of the media operations centre at the US embassy in Baghdad. "When they partnered with the government of Iraq to counter the insurgency, they played a pivotal role in disrupting al-Qaida and reducing Iraqi civilian deaths"The people of Iraq and Iraqi leaders at every level of government are grateful for the courage and personal sacrifices the Sons of Iraq have made and continue to make for the safety, security and future success and prosperity of the country."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Dems try to change #filibuster w/o 67 votes #DISCLOSE #tcot #tlot #teaparty
support judicial filibusters,& do not believe that they are unconstitutional.It is imperative that we do everything possible to slow down,& stop,the violation of individual rights.The fact that there are those who believe that Congress is unpopular because of "gridlock",(as opposed to passing laws that the majority do not agree with),shows,once again that there is no limit to the capacity of humans for self delusion.
...."Many Democrats have grown serious about ending what they regard as GOP abuse of the filibuster rules, before their legislation meets the same stalled fate in the 112th Congress, when Democrats anticipate having a smaller majority. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid along with Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois support changing filibuster rules when the new Congress convenes in January. Technically, it takes 67 votes to change Senate rules, an unreachable number, but Democrats are looking at a procedural measure that arguably allows for a simple majority to do the trick at the start of next session. ..... Last Wednesday, the Senate Rules Committee, chaired by New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, held the fourth in a series of hearings on filibuster reform. New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg proposed using the movie classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as a reference point. Lautenberg said his "Mr. Smith bill" would keep the three-fifths majority requirement to cut off
debate, but would force filibustering senators to speak on the floor for as long as they were willing to block the bill, as a lone senator played by Jimmy Stewart does in the 1939 film. A rule established in 1964 permits senators to resume other business during a filibuster. "The filibuster—which used to be an extraordinary event—has become nothing more than a routine dilatory tactic," argued Lautenberg. "And it is now a silent filibuster—you can expend next to no effort to slow down and stop the Senate from considering legislation." ..,. http://politics.usnews.com/news/articles/2010/08/06/democrats-prepare-to-figh...
Dems try to change #filibuster w/o 67 votes #DISCLOSE #tcot #tlot #teaparty
support judicial filibusters,& do not believe that they are unconstitutional.It is imperative that we do everything possible to slow down,& stop,the violation of individual rights.The fact that there are those who believe that Congress is unpopular because of "gridlock",(as opposed to passing laws that the majority do not agree with),shows,once again that there is no limit to the capacity of humans for self delusion.
...."Many Democrats have grown serious about ending what they regard as GOP abuse of the filibuster rules, before their legislation meets the same stalled fate in the 112th Congress, when Democrats anticipate having a smaller majority. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid along with Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois support changing filibuster rules when the new Congress convenes in January. Technically, it takes 67 votes to change Senate rules, an unreachable number, but Democrats are looking at a procedural measure that arguably allows for a simple majority to do the trick at the start of next session. ..... Last Wednesday, the Senate Rules Committee, chaired by New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, held the fourth in a series of hearings on filibuster reform. New Jersey Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg proposed using the movie classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as a reference point. Lautenberg said his "Mr. Smith bill" would keep the three-fifths majority requirement to cut off
debate, but would force filibustering senators to speak on the floor for as long as they were willing to block the bill, as a lone senator played by Jimmy Stewart does in the 1939 film. A rule established in 1964 permits senators to resume other business during a filibuster. "The filibuster—which used to be an extraordinary event—has become nothing more than a routine dilatory tactic," argued Lautenberg. "And it is now a silent filibuster—you can expend next to no effort to slow down and stop the Senate from considering legislation." ..,. http://politics.usnews.com/news/articles/2010/08/06/democrats-prepare-to-figh...