As I noted earlier I began studying this primary relatively late & must now turn my attention to the Louisiana primary,et-al & the general election. Alaska As I have noted before I support Joe Miller.See the link below for why: Murkowski denounces Palin for using the phrase "Death Panels": "Murkowski: Don't tell lies about the health-care reform bill":
Arizona: Mccain won.The less said about him the better.I have not yet decided whether the menace the man poses with his effort to "remake the GOP in his own center-right image",(see below), outweighs losing his seat.(Assuming he could even be beaten). See:
John Mccain's Mission a GOP makeover AZ03:
Quayle won.Gorman did not.While I do not know that much about Gorman,Erick Erickson at Redstate made a compelling case for her here: Surprisingly, Jesse Kelly the "Tea Party candidate" for the GOP nomination won in Arizona's 8th district.He will go up against Giffords. Kelly pulls off upset over Paton: Florida:
Governor GOP candidate:
Scott,surprisingly,beat Mccollum.Frankly I don't think it particularly matters RE:Obamacare.However the Medicare fraud charges brought against his former company,(see below),plus the charge that his company profited from abortions probably will lead at least some Pro-life voters to stay home. Politifact on Medicare fraud charges: Abortion: Fl02 Allan Boyd (D) had a difficult primary.He will face Steve Southerland,(who signed the Repealit pledge).
Unfortunately Daniel Webster won.Webster not only did not sign either the Repealit or Defundit pledges,he does not discuss repealing Obamacare on his website,& if he has spoken about it I have not yet been able to find it online.(Though I have not been researching this for that long). See this link for my recommendations:
Dennis Ross has won.He has signed both the Repealit & Defundit pledges. He will be running for Adam Putnam's seat Fl20
Karen Harrington won the nomination.So far as I know either she or Donna Milo would have been fine as Harrington signed the Repealit & Defundit pledge & Milo the Defundit pledge. Harrington raised more money. Neither are likely to defeat the loathsome & repellent Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Fl24 Sandy Adams appears to have won though Diebel has not yet conceded,(though Miller has).
.Of the three frontrunners Deibel advocates private free-market solutions.Unfortunately,questions have been raised about her mental stability).She & Miller are the two top fundraisers.
Adams advocates Government solutions on the state level,which will undercut her ability to fight Obamacare on principle.Craig Miller was the most worrisome since he stated on his website that he would not be opposed to inserting Stupak language into Obamacare.(the statement has since been removed but is still stored in Google's cache,see the link below).This,in effect,is the position of the Council of Catholic Bishops.They are fully supportive of a bill that devalues human life through rationing,so long as the rationing begins after birth.Fortunately he has lost.
(Note:It is under the "Pro-life" link not the health care reform link)
Here is the text:
"As a Catholic, my faith teaches me that all life is precious and begins at conception. I’m pro-life, and I look forward to the day when Roe v. Wade is overturned in America. I do not support the President’s healthcare reform, but I would vote in favor of the “Stupak” amendment prohibiting federal funding of abortion through healthcare reform. " Google cache link:
Politico on Diebel not conceding : Oklahoma district 5:Lankford beat Calvey.
While both candidates oppose Obamacare,(Calvey signed Defundit,& Repealit,& Lankford signed Repealit),there was a incident that concerns me.(See the links below).While Calvey is a outspoken critic of CAIR,Lankford made a statement that at best could be interpreted as being naive about CAIR.At worst it may indicate a superficial "politically correct" view of faux-moderate Islam groups such as CAIR,ISNA, & MSA. On Calvey & Lankford & CAIR
Arizona: Mccain won.The less said about him the better.I have not yet decided whether the menace the man poses with his effort to "remake the GOP in his own center-right image",(see below), outweighs losing his seat.(Assuming he could even be beaten). See:
John Mccain's Mission a GOP makeover AZ03:
Quayle won.Gorman did not.While I do not know that much about Gorman,Erick Erickson at Redstate made a compelling case for her here: Surprisingly, Jesse Kelly the "Tea Party candidate" for the GOP nomination won in Arizona's 8th district.He will go up against Giffords. Kelly pulls off upset over Paton: Florida:
Governor GOP candidate:
Scott,surprisingly,beat Mccollum.Frankly I don't think it particularly matters RE:Obamacare.However the Medicare fraud charges brought against his former company,(see below),plus the charge that his company profited from abortions probably will lead at least some Pro-life voters to stay home. Politifact on Medicare fraud charges: Abortion: Fl02 Allan Boyd (D) had a difficult primary.He will face Steve Southerland,(who signed the Repealit pledge).
Unfortunately Daniel Webster won.Webster not only did not sign either the Repealit or Defundit pledges,he does not discuss repealing Obamacare on his website,& if he has spoken about it I have not yet been able to find it online.(Though I have not been researching this for that long). See this link for my recommendations:
Dennis Ross has won.He has signed both the Repealit & Defundit pledges. He will be running for Adam Putnam's seat Fl20
Karen Harrington won the nomination.So far as I know either she or Donna Milo would have been fine as Harrington signed the Repealit & Defundit pledge & Milo the Defundit pledge. Harrington raised more money. Neither are likely to defeat the loathsome & repellent Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Fl24 Sandy Adams appears to have won though Diebel has not yet conceded,(though Miller has).
.Of the three frontrunners Deibel advocates private free-market solutions.Unfortunately,questions have been raised about her mental stability).She & Miller are the two top fundraisers.
Adams advocates Government solutions on the state level,which will undercut her ability to fight Obamacare on principle.Craig Miller was the most worrisome since he stated on his website that he would not be opposed to inserting Stupak language into Obamacare.(the statement has since been removed but is still stored in Google's cache,see the link below).This,in effect,is the position of the Council of Catholic Bishops.They are fully supportive of a bill that devalues human life through rationing,so long as the rationing begins after birth.Fortunately he has lost.
(Note:It is under the "Pro-life" link not the health care reform link)
Here is the text:
"As a Catholic, my faith teaches me that all life is precious and begins at conception. I’m pro-life, and I look forward to the day when Roe v. Wade is overturned in America. I do not support the President’s healthcare reform, but I would vote in favor of the “Stupak” amendment prohibiting federal funding of abortion through healthcare reform. " Google cache link:
Politico on Diebel not conceding : Oklahoma district 5:Lankford beat Calvey.
While both candidates oppose Obamacare,(Calvey signed Defundit,& Repealit,& Lankford signed Repealit),there was a incident that concerns me.(See the links below).While Calvey is a outspoken critic of CAIR,Lankford made a statement that at best could be interpreted as being naive about CAIR.At worst it may indicate a superficial "politically correct" view of faux-moderate Islam groups such as CAIR,ISNA, & MSA. On Calvey & Lankford & CAIR
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