Monday, October 25, 2010

Kosovo Muslims fight Saudi attempts to spread fundamentalism #Islam

Radical Islam Uses Balkan Poor To Wield Influence : NPR

....."Numerous Saudi-inspired charities settled in Bosnia, and helped build 150 mosques for an ultra-conservative strain of Islam
But after the Sept. 11 attacks, Sarajevo authorities cracked down and 14 charities were shut down.
Western intelligence sources say, step by step, the Bosnian Islamic community — which has always practiced a more moderate form of religion — retook control of the mosques.
In Bosnia, the influence of politicized, foreign Islam is waning, says Ahmed Alibasic, a professor at Sarajevo's Faculty of Islamic Studies.
"People are going back and saying, OK, probably we need to go back and check on our mystical tradition. That's personal piety and so on," Alibasic adds.
Today, in Sarajevo's old Bascarsija quarter, the prayer call echoes over cafes and restaurants where beer and wine flow freely, and where only a few women are veiled.".....

.....""What I saw during the past 10 years was a strong infiltration of Saudi money," says Flaka Surroi, owner of the independent Koha Media. "They brought in the mosques, they brought in their dogma and ideology at the same time. They identified the poorest people in the communities, they offered them a steady salary every month just so they take over the ideology and start wearing the veil."

......"Traditionally in Kosovo, religion was not very important."...

....."Ilir Deda is one of the co-founders of a new reformist political party that aims to fight corruption and impose rule of law.
"The institutions have not dealt with this issue," he says. "Radical Islam is mid- to long-term one of the biggest dangers for Kosovo, because they are aiming to change our social fabric."
Deda says that in the past decade, Middle Eastern charities have invested some $800 million in Kosovo. For his country to go forward, he adds, these links must be broken.

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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