Friday, December 30, 2011

Ron Paul does interview with Iranian state TV, bashes Israel, defends Hamas - YouTube

Ron Paul is officially insane/ Ron Paul: Iran Would be Justified in Closing Strategic Waterway in Response to Sanctions #tcot #teaparty

Ron Paul: Iran Would be Justified in Closing Strategic Waterway in Response to Sanctions |

RRD:There is a name for someone who blames the U.S. government for everything done by belligerent,genocidal,foreign governments:a ”blame-america-firster”.
I have lost all patience with Paul supporters.This is beyond ”isolationism”.It is beyond ”naive”.It is willful,deliberate,self-hatred.
And put into practice it would be treasonous.I have no interest in arguing with Paul supporters.If they believe that the only reason the IRI hates the U.S. is due to our overthrow of Iran's government & the installation of the Shah,then they know nothing about the IRI,it's Mullahs,or the history of U.S.Iranian relations.The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Theocratic,Islamist,dictatorship.It is not governed by rational human beings.
It is governed by Mullahs.Ignoring the actual public statements,& actions of this regime in favor of a ”blame-America-first” religion would be catastrophic for the United States.
It would likely lead to deaths of hundreds of thousands of American civilians.
Were Paul to receive the nomination,we would be left with the obscene spectacle of a election in which the Democrat has a greater grasp of the threat posed to the U.S. by Tehran,then does the Republican.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

José Rizal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gary Johnson encourages supporters to vote for Ron Paul in #GOP primaries #2012

Fighting debt-limit hike futile, conservatives concede

Fighting debt-limit hike futile, conservatives concede

Defender of Paul,quite fittingly,defends anti-semite & racist Pat Buchanan #tcot #teaparty

RRD:I say ”quite fittingly”,not because I believe all Ron Paul supporters are anti-semitic or racist,but because Paul has all kinds of crackpots amonst his supporters,& seems quite tolerant of Neo-confederates.
It is interesting how all the racist & anti-semitic little rats are coming out of the woodwork.Carney claims Patrick Buchanan is not a racist & anti-semite?Try Googling ”Pat Buchanan racist”.

It's interesting how revealing this election season has been(to me at any rate,others may have more knowledge of these individuals.).
We see Coulter show her true--pragmatist--colors.We see Pajamas Media shill for Romney & attack Herman Cain.And now Timothy Carney argues that Buchanan is not a racist,& dismisses Paul's newsletters as a ”error”.
And no I really am not part of ”The establishment”,nor am I a ”Neo-conservative” --a term which refers to a actual,particular group of Wilsonian republicans,influenced by Irving Kristol,but which is often used indiscriminately towards anyone who does not agree with their views on foreign policy by many Ron Paul supporters.
(Much in the same way,I should note,that many Neo-Conservatives use the word ”Isolationist” for anyone who disagrees with their ”New American Century” projects)

GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa

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Defiant #Iranian Likely to Face Execution for Tossing Shoes at Mahmoud #iranelections #humanrights

Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia Mckinney & Ralph Nader?

Coulter's latest imbecility:Only Romney can save us from #Obamacare & Illegal #Immigration #tcot #tlot #teaparty

RRD:Romney is the republican most responsible for giving Obama the cover for passing Obamacare.He instituted socialized medicine in Massachusetts.
Yet according to Coulter he is our
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He is also a Rockefeller Republican,so of course he will fight efforts of the GOP establishment to offer Amnesty to illegal immigrants,(rolls eyes).(fn1)
I know of some people--people whom I respect--who admire this woman.
Why,I don't know.

If Romney is elected we will not only NOT repeal Obamacare,but we will enable the Democrats to win two victories:one on the Individual Mandate,(Romney believes it to be ”conservative”),& the other on the increasingly discredited Global Warming Hysteria.(fn2)

But don't worry about tomorrow.

Focus on ”beating Obama”.
Then,when Romney is defeated in 2016,the Democrats can pass Cap & Trade using the same:”It can't be socialism if Romney supports it” trick.
My goal is saving the United States.
Not having Republicans destroy it, instead of Democrats.
If you get Romney the nomination,goodbye & good luck.
I'll not be a party to this farce.

”But you'll be responsible for Obama's reelection”.

I used to argue with such people;telling them ”No,those who got Romney the nomination will be responsible...”.
But I'll bite.
I take full responsibility for Obama getting in.
Now what?
What's your next argument?
Frankly if this country is going down the tubes,then we should at least have its killers clearly identify what their ideology is.
We should NOT provide a ”conservative” face for statism.
This is a philosophical,moral,& political battle.
It cannot be won by electing Republican versions of our opponents.
It would be better to lose,(& rebuild ultimately),then have the collapse blamed on ”conservatism”.

Romney is capable of doing something Obama can't:He can make Obamacare,& belief in global warming appear bipartisan.
And that would marginalize us,after we have basically won the public opinion battle.
His nomination would be a unmitigated disaster.

One Candidate Is Right on The Two Most Important Issues - Ann Coulter - Townhall Conservative


I am not taking a position on the various immigration proposals at this time.But since Coulter brought it up,I felt the need to point out the absurdity of her claim.


Will the #Teaparty return to it's vomit,& choose Romney? #tcot #2012 - fightingstatism

Romney doubles down on argument that state health mandate is 'conservative' - The Hill's Healthwatch

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gary Johnson sets third-party pot bubbling as he quits #GOP race - #2012

Gingrich Applauded Romney's Health Plan - #tcot #tlot #2012

Articles: Bachmann vs. the 'Fact-Checkers': Did Iran Threaten Nuclear Attack on U.S.?

Articles: Bachmann vs. the 'Fact-Checkers': Did Iran Threaten Nuclear Attack on U.S.?

A Partner for peace?Hamas leader promises to destroy #ISRAEL in stages.Ranking Fatah member agrees. #jcot #xcot


To the west:

Palestinians offer to renew Israel peace talks without settlement freeze, official says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Amongst themselves:

Hamas top dog Haniyeh: Goal is destruction of Israel in stages - Jihad Watch

....”At a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniyeh said that Hamas may work for the "interim objective of liberation of Gaza, the West Bank, or Jerusalem," but that this "interim objective" and "reconciliation" with Fatah will not change Hamas' long-term "strategic" goal of eliminating all of Israel:

"The armed resistance and the armed struggle are the path and the strategic choice for liberating the Palestinian land, from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river, and for the expulsion of the invaders and usurpers [Israel]... We won't relinquish one inch of the land of Palestine."

.....” For many years, the PLO promoted a "stages plan" that would first create a Palestinian state on the 1949 - 1967 armistice lines, and then work from that position to destroy Israel.

Senior Fatah official Abbas Zaki recently stated that this remains the goal for Fatah as well, but that "you can't say it to the world. You can say it to yourself."...

Hamas leader Haniyeh: Goal is destruction of Israel - PMW Bulletins

RRD:Peace is pipe dream with these barbarians.

Picture of Grand Mufti with Hitler.

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Hamas leader Haniyeh: Goal is destruction of Israel - PMW Bulletins

Sunday, December 25, 2011

This is Peace?”Bodies on rooftops & in gutters” in Nigerian Christmas bombing, #Christians butchered by Nigerian #Taliban #gwot #tcot #xcot #jcot

BBC News - In pictures: Nigeria church attacks

Christmas Attacks in Nigeria Kill 39 -

The Obama administration said the [Nigerian #Christmas] bombings “initially appear to be terrorist acts.”

J'lem condemns Nigeria terror, sends aid JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Nigerian blasts mar pope's Christmas peace appeal - CBS News

"Nigerian Taliban" church bombings kill dozens - CBS News

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Iran may still execute #Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani, #Iranian officials say - Bikya Masr #iranelections #humanrights

BosNewsLife – Christian News Agency » Blog Archive » BREAKING NEWS: Iran Security Forces Raid #Christmas Celebrations; Pastor, Wife Detained (BosNewsLife Exclusive) #iranelections #xcot #humanrights

TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)-- A senior evangelical pastor and his wife are spending Christmas behind bars in southern Iran after security forces raided their Assemblies of God-affiliated church, detaining everyone in the building, including children attending Sunday School, a friend of the couple told BosNewsLife.

...."Pastor Farhad Sabokrouh and his wife Shahnaz were among those detained in the southern town of Ahwaz Friday morning, [December 23] while they were having Christmas celebrations", explained their friend, Firouz Khandjani, early Sunday, December 25.

He said security forces pushed dozens of worshipers, including children, into two buses and brought them to a local police station. Most were eventually released, "but the pastor and his wife remain in jail," Khandjani explained.”....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Friday, December 23, 2011

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff convicted of ”crime” of criticizing Mohammed #gwot #tcot #jcot #no2sharia

RRD:There are two separate issues in this case:

1.The right to freedom of speech.

2.The truth of Ms.Sabaditsch-Wolff's statement.

1.The right to speak freely without fear of government persecution is one of the most important rights people possess.It is essential if one is to learn the truth about any subject.It is not some abstract value,it is a vital requirement for human survival.Only certain forms of speech can violate individual rights and,as such only,certain forms of speech should not be protected as free speech.
They are:

1.Child pornagraphy(which by its nature is evidence of a crime),along with snuff films and other such works.

2.Threats of violence.

3.Incitement to violence:Join Al-qaeda!Kill the Jews!Lynch him!

4.Publishing information which can reasonably be presumed to put a innocent life in harms way.(e.g. disclosing the identity of a undercover police officer who faces imminent death if exposed)

5.Anything that would reasonably make you a accessory to a crime.(Relaying messages to commit violence for a terrorist group)

Ms.Sabaditsch-Wolff's comments do not fall into any of these categories.Stating that the Prophet Mohammed was a pedophile,even if it were untrue,is not the same as inciting a mob to go on a anti-muslim pogrom;anymore than denying the Holocaust is incitement to murder.It may be part of a longer speech which promotes incitement to violence,but it is not,in itself,incitement.That is why neither of these statements should be illegal.

This brings me to point 2.Is she correct?
According to Muslim tradition as I understand it:Yes.
The prophet Mohammed married and had intercourse with a minor child at the age of 9.
If anyone disputes this,please do.The problem is that there are Muslim clerics who not only do not dispute this,they cite it as a justification for adults to have sex with children.That Muslims may not be alone in this is hardly a justification for it,or for censorship.At worst Sabaditsch-Wolff was guilty of singling Muslims out for a crime also commited--and justified by the religions--of other primitive cultures.
It is no more invalid to criticize this teaching,then it is to criticize the Old Testament for supporting the stoning of adulterers,or Christianity for Matthew's passage blaming the jews for killing Jesus.
But Austria does not follow your definition of Freedom of Speech?
I know,& that's part of the problem.
This case,and others:in France,in Holland,& elsewhere,provides a excellent example of the self-defeating nature of censorship.Laws which were established to protect Jews from Nazis,have been turned to the use of those who seek to proscribe all criticism of Islam.
Whenever laws--particularly those which affect free speech--are proposed,they must be throughly examined to ensure that they do not have unintended consequences.

SHARIA’ AUSTRIA: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff found guilty of ‘Denigration of Religious Teachings’ for telling the truth about Islam « Bare Naked Islam

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: Thoughts Before Trial | FrontPage Magazine

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International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – Iranian Christian Journalist Discusses Government Campaign to Target Protestants #iranelections #freeiran

Should Atheists celebrate Christmas(as time of good will towards men) #AynRand :Yes,of course. #christmas #objectivism

Christmas — Ayn Rand Lexicon

[In answer to the question of whether it is appropriate for an atheist to celebrate Christmas:]

...”Yes, of course. A national holiday, in this country, cannot have an exclusively religious meaning. The secular meaning of the Christmas holiday is wider than the tenets of any particular religion: it is good will toward men—a frame of mind which is not the exclusive property (though it is supposed to be part, but is a largely unobserved part) of the Christian religion.

The charming aspect of Christmas is the fact that it expresses good will in a cheerful, happy, benevolent, non-sacrificial way. One says: “Merry Christmas”—not “Weep and Repent.” And the good will is expressed in a material, earthly form—by giving presents to one’s friends, or by sending them cards in token of remembrance . . . .

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oops!Did we shut-down your website wrongly for ONE YEAR?S*** happens #tcot #tlot #p2

DHS abruptly abandons copyright seizure of hip-hop blog | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

....”What's unusual here is that normally U.S. law strongly discourages efforts to censor Web sites before a full trial can be held. That's called "prior restraint," and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Pentagon Papers case that even top-secret national defense information did not qualify for temporary, pre-trial censorship.”....

....”But in the DaJaz1 case, a series of allegations of dubious reliability offered in an ICE affidavit were enough to censor a popular music blog--which had been featured on MTV News a few months earlier--for over a year.”...

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Why does the Justice Dept. seek to make using a pseudonym a CRIME(Not a Civil Matter,a CRIMINAL OFFENSE)

Justice Department seeks to make lying online a crime - National Computer User |

....”At least one federal prosecutor has brought criminal charges against a user of a social network who signed up under a pseudonym in violation of terms of service.”.....

RRD:I wonder how many political dissidents need be imprisoned,tortured & murdered,to satiate this administrations paranoid desire to know who is saying hurtful things about Obama?Terms of service violations are no more ”crimes” then landlord-tenant disputes.
The most sane way to deal with violators is to simply delete their accounts & block them.But what about threats?Libel?There are already laws against threats & libel.(& Libel,I should note,is not a criminal matter,it is civil matter.)

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'Happy Hanukkah, Marines!' The Weekly Standard

Matthias Küntzel: European Roots of Antisemitism in Current Islamic Thinking

...”Firstly Sheikh Madiras, an Imam from Palestine. In September this year, he addressed the following to the faithful: “The Resurrection will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice [in it], rejoice in Allah’s Victory.… The Prophet said: the Jews will hide behind the rock and the tree, and the rock and the tree will say: oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!… Everything wants vengeance on the Jews, on these pigs on the face of the earth.”[2] No -one protested when the Palestinian Authority’s official TV station broadcast this call for genocide. The story of the rock and the tree is a popular one and a standard item on the Hamas propaganda menu.”...

...”Secondly Sheikh Tantawi, the Head of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University and thus the most renowned spiritual authority in Sunni Islam. The fourth edition of his standard work “The people of Israel in the Koran and in the Sunna” appeared in 1997. In it, Tantawi writes that the Jews instigated the French Revolution and October Revolution; that they provoked the First and Second World Wars; that they control the world’s media and economy; that they endeavour to destroy morality and religion and run brothels worldwide. Tantawi, the highest Sunni Muslim theologian, quotes Adolf Hitler’s words in Mein Kampf that “in resisting the Jew, I am doing the work of the Lord”. He praises the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, noting without the slightest trace of regret that “after the publication of the Protocols in Russia, some 10,000 Jews were killed.”....

...”This antisemitism has nothing to do with ethnic characteristics or cultural peculiarities deserving protection from criticism on grounds of “political correctness”. In fact, we are witnessing the revival of Nazi ideology in a new garb. Giving support to all those Muslims who oppose this development is of the utmost importance. Let me therefore conclude with an appeal by a Muslim, a scholar of Islam, Bassam Tibi, who said: “only when the public takes the appropriate stand against the antisemitic dimension of Islamism will it be possible to say that they have truly understood the lessons of the Holocaust.”[10]”

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Point of no return: On Howard Gutman and excuses for antisemitism

Point of no return: On Howard Gutman and excuses for antisemitism

..... "When Salman Rushdie writes a controversial novel, when a Danish newspaper publishes 'inflammatory cartoons' or when Israel kills Palestinians in Gaza, infidels and Jews become fair game for a backlash.Jews do not go on the rampage in German shopping malls because of the Holocaust; despite claims of mounting Islamophobia, Americans did not riot after 9-11. Only Arabs and Muslims are expected to vent their anger and frustration and let it spill over against innocent third parties.....

..."We have been here before. In the Arab world, Jews had long been on the receiving end of Muslim or Arab anger (well before the creation of Israel).Hundreds died in sporadic pogroms in 19th century Morocco, in the 1941 Iraqi Farhoud and in Libya in 1945.Boycotts were a hallmark of Nazi Europe,but they were also attempted boycotts on Jewish shops and businesses in Lebanon, Iraq and Morocco.”...

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Iran must stop persecuting minority religions - #iranelections #freeiran

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

Techdirt: Senator Reid Moves To Approve #PROTECTIP & Begin #Censoring The Internet #stopsopa #tcot #tlot #p2

..... ”it was announced over the weekend that Harry Reid is seeking to override the hold on PIPA put forth by Senator Ron Wyden (along with Senators Jerry Moran, Maria Cantwell and Rand Paul) by seeking cloture. This isn't a huge surprise. Last week Senator Reid had informed other Democratic Senators that he intended PROTECT IP to be the first bill he brought to the floor when the Senate returns for business in January. So, now the cloture vote will happen January 24th, 2012 just as the Senate comes back into session. That means there's a little over a month where Hollywood is going to make every effort it can to get Senators over to its side. They need 60 Senators to betray the Constitution and to undermine a decade and a half's work on online security for a plan that won't actually help Hollywood at all. But, with Hollywood flinging money around DC like they're making record revenues at the box office (which... um... they are), they've already got 40 Senators signed on”....

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BosNewsLife Christian News Agency #Iran #Christians Fear #Christmas Crackdown; Pastor Still Facing Execution (BosNewsLife Exclusive) #iranelections #freeiran

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Obama has full confidence in anti-semitic Ambassador to Belgium. #jcot #supportisrael #xcot #tcot

For background

The full text of the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's anti-semitic speech is now available.I rebut it. - fightingstatism

...“Ambassador [Howard] Gutman has expressed his regret, noting that he strongly condemns anti-Semitism in all its forms… This administration has consistently stood up against efforts to delegitimize Israel and we will continue to do so,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney, without condemning Gutman, who is Jewish and whose father survived the Holocaust. “We have full confidence in him,” said State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Monday. . “....

Ambassador To Belgium | Anti-Semitism Criticism | White House | The Daily Caller

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Monday, December 5, 2011

The full text of the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's anti-semitic speech is now available.I rebut it.

RRD:Due to copyright concerns I have excerpted the speech.The full speech is 2400 words(according to my word processor's word count),I have used approximately 600 words,which I believe is acceptable under fair use,assuming the speech is even protected by copyright,which may not be the case.American copyright law is maddeningly vague about Fair Use.

EJP | Voices | US Ambassador Howard Gutman: Peace in the Middle East would reduce Muslim 'anti-Semitism' in Europe

"But this second problem is in my opinion different in many respects than the classic bigotry–hatred against those who are different and against minorities generally --the type of anti-Semitism that I discussed above. ....This second form of what is labeled “growing anti-Semitism” produces strange phenomena and results. Thus for example, ..... the longest and loudest ovation I have ever received in Belgium came from the high school with one of the largest percentages of students of Arab heritage. It consisted of an audience dominated by girls with head scarves and boys named Mohammed, standing and cheering boisterously for a Jewish American, .... whose father was a Holocaust survivor. ....These kids were not anti-Semitic as I have ever thought of the term. And I get a similar reaction as I engage with imans, at Iftars, and with Muslims communities throughout Belgium. And yet,....within that same school and audience at Molenbeek, among those at the same Iftars, and throu
the Muslim communities that I visit, and indeed throughout Europe, there is significant anger and resentment and, yes, perhaps sometimes hatred and indeed sometimes and all too growing intimidation and violence directed at Jews generally as a result of the continuing tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territories and other Arab neighbors in the Middle East. .... And the analysis I submit is not served simply by lumping the problem with past instances of anti-Jewish beliefs and actions or those that exist today among minority haters under a uniform banner of “anti-Semitism.” ...... the largest part of the solution remains in the hands of government leaders in Israel and the Palestinian territories and Arab countries in the Middle East. It is the area where every new settlement announced in Israel,every rocket shot over a border or suicide bomber on a bus, and every retaliatory military strike exacerbates the problem and provides a setback here in Europe ....

[RRD:Note the moral equivalency between self-defense & murder]

... I said that it is both fortunate and unfortunate that the largest part of the solution for this second type of problem –too often lumped under a general banner of anti-Semitism –is in the hands of Israel, the Palestinians and Arab neighbors in the Middle East. It is fortunate because it means that, unlike traditional hatred of minorities, a path towards improving and resolving it does at least exist. It is crucial .... for the Jewish and Arab communities in Europe ....–that Mid-East peace negotiations continue, that settlements abate, and that progress towards a lasting peace be made and then such a peace be reached in the Middle East.

[RRD:Note he does not say Hamas's attacks on Israel must cease in the list of "musts"]

...."Were a lasting peace in the Middle East to be reached,were joint and cooperative Israeli-Arab attentions turned to focus instead on such serious,... threats... as Iran, this second type of ethnic tension and bigotry here in Europe ...–would clearly abate. I can envision the day when it disappears. Peace in the Middle East would indeed equate with a huge reduction of this form of labeled “anti-Semitism” here in Europe. It is at the same time somewhat unfortunate that most of the cause and thus most of the solution for tension and hatred in Europe, for growing problems at Belgian universities, for epithets in the streets, rest with governments and people a continent away. For, in some respect, citizens, parents, religious and community leaders here in Europe can simply try to promote understanding and patience, while ensuring law enforcement serves its mission, without being able fully to address the most root causes and most efficient cures. "...

RRD:I have deliberately quoted as much as I think can be reasonably covered under fair use so that I will not be able to be accused of "plucking sentences out of context" by Gutman's apologists.
(And of course if I reprint the whole thing IN context I will be accused of the theft of intellectual property by Gutman's apologists).Meanwhile the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium is offering rationalizations for anti-semitism.

But I digress.

Let us begin with this beaut:

"But the longest and loudest ovation I have ever received in Belgium came from the high school with one of the largest percentages of students of Arab heritage. It was in Molenbeek. It consisted of an audience dominated by girls with head scarves and boys named Mohammed, standing and cheering boisterously for a Jewish American,.... whose father was a Holocaust survivor. ....These kids were not anti-Semitic as I have ever thought of the term. And I get a similar reaction as I engage with imans, at Iftars, and with Muslims communities throughout Belgium."

RRD:And a African-American who went around promoting the Lost Cause Narrative would get standing ovations from Neo-Confederates.And a Jewish Sonderkommando would receive thanks from the Nazis for helping to hunt down and murder jewish men women and children.Would this "prove" that the neo-confederates are not racist,and that the nazis are not anti-semites?The reason Gutman is welcomed,is because useful idiots,house slaves,and collaborators are always welcomed by bigots,as they serve their purposes.

"Robert!Are you saying that Howard Gutman the U.S.-Ambassasdor-to-Belgium-whose-father-was-a-HOLOCAUST-SURVIVOR-is-like-a-African-American-who-defends-the-Confederacy!"

The fact that Gutman is a son of a Holocaust Survivor makes him all the more depraved."But what if his father defends him!"Then his father is either a fool defending a self-hating jew out of some deluded parental loyalty,or is himself a self-hating jew.
Let us not be naive.
There were all kinds of people:moral,immoral,virtuous,depraved,& everything in between in the camps.
None deserved death.
But self-hating jews were there alongside the righteous.
The Nazis did not pick and choose.The fact that someone survived the Holocaust should make it all the more INEXCUSABLE for them to whitewash the rabid,insane,anti-semitism of the Muslims,much less invoking their status as a Holocaust Survivor to lend credence to their denial of Muslim Anti-semitism.(fn1)
(I should note,that I am simply pointing out that if Gutman's father defended him,he should be condemned,for all I know Gutman's father is outraged,or,if dead,turning over in his grave.)
But even if one were naive enough to give such a person the benefit of the doubt:What of it?
Being in a death camp does not alter the irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of Muslim anti-semitism.

This brings us to the Honorable Ambassador's assertion that anti-semitism was caused by the Israel-Palestinian conflict and would subside if the conflict abated.

There are two viable theories pertaining to the origins of Muslim Anti-Semitism.
I will call them the "Bostom thesis",& the "Küntzel/Lewis thesis".

In "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History" (fn2),Andrew Bostom argues that there is a long history of anti-semitism in the Muslim world,dating back centuries.

By contrast both Matthias Küntzel (fn3) and Bernard Lewis(writing separately) have argued that virulent anti-semitism was not in widespread existence among Muslims (or at least not at levels comparable to that of the west)until it was imported by the Nazis through the Muslim Brotherhood & the Baath parties.
For the purposes of this discussion however the key is that they both demonstrate that Muslim anti-semitism PREDATES the EXISTENCE of Israel,much less the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
If widespread Muslim anti-semitism predates the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza,how then,can it be resolved by Israel ending settlements?

Of course the belief that peace can be achieved as long as Hamas is power is itself delusional.

Let us examine Hamas.

From Hamas's charter:

"The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him"

"The Nazism of the Jews does not skip women and children, it scares everyone. They make war against people's livelihood, plunder their moneys and threaten their honor They took advantage of key elements in unfolding events, and accumulated a huge and influential material wealth which they put to the service of implementing their dream ."

"(Jews) control of the world media (and use their) wealth to stir revolutions ...They stood behind the French and the Communist Revolutions." "There was no war that broke out anywhere without their (Jews') fingerprints on it."

Anti-Semitism at Core of Hamas Charter

RRD:Yep,Muslim Anti-Semitism sure is different from "traditional anti-semitism".Yeah,see,all the Jews have to do is stop controlling the world and starting all them wars & stuff, and the Muslims will love'em to death.

But this is "just the charter",surely Hamas members don't actually believe this.Lets see what else the "non-traditionally anti-semitic" Hamas members have to say.

"We regard this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We ask God to offer him mercy with the true believers and the martyrs." (Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip commenting on the killing of Osama Bin Laden, May 2, 2011)
See also:

Hamas condemns killing of holy warrior bin Laden | Reuters

"Whoever is killed by a Jew receives the reward of two martyrs, because the very thing that the Jews did to the prophets was done to him. "The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah. "Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world. "The Jews kill anyone who believes in Allah. They do not want to see any peace whatsoever on Earth." (Sermon delivered by 'Atallah Abu Al-Subh, former Hamas minister of culture, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV, April 8, 2011, translation by MEMRI).

"We cannot agree to a programme that is intended to poison the minds of our children Holocaust studies in refugee camps is a contemptible plot and serves the Zionist entity with a goal of creating a reality and telling stories in order to justify acts of slaughter against the Palestinian people." (Statement from Hamas Ministry of Refugee Affairs on U.N. Relief and Works Agency plan to include Holocaust education in the curriculum taught Palestinian refugees, February 28, 2011)

"The lie of the Zionist Holocaust crumbles with countless holocausts committed by the Zionists in Beit Hanoun, al-Fakhoura school and other places in Palestine." (Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar, speaking at a memorial service for Palestinians killed during the 2008 Israeli war in Gaza, January 6, 2011)

"Palestine is Islamic,and not an Islamic emirate, from the river to the sea, that unites the Palestinians. Jews have no right in it, with the exception of those who lived on the land of Palestine before World War I." (Hamas official Halil Al-Hayya, Al-Hayat newspaper, November 11, 2010)

"We have liberated Gaza, but have we recognized Israel? Have we given up our lands occupied in 1948? We demand the liberation of the West Bank, and the establishment of a state in the West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital but without recognizing [Israel]. This is the key without recognizing the Israeli enemy on a single inch of land. ... "

"Our plan for this stage is to liberate any inch of Palestinian land, and to establish a state on it. Our ultimate plan is [to have] Palestine in its entirety. I say this loud and clear so that nobody will accuse me of employing political tactics. We will not recognize the Israeli enemy. " (Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, Future News TV, June 15, 2010, Source:

Hamas "must lay the foundation for a tomorrow without Zionists." (Hamas leader Mahmoud a-Zahar, Al-Aqsa TV, January 4, 2009)

"We are stronger, and more determined, and have more will, and we will hold onto our rights even more than before." (Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, December 28, 2008)

"This is the time for the third uprising... Resistance will continue through suicide missions." (Hamas leader-in-exile Khaled Mashaal, Damascus, Syria, December 27, 2008)

"Hamas will continue the resistance until the last drop of blood." (Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, calling for a resumption of suicide attacks on Gaza radio, December 27, 2008)

"Israel will pay a heavy price for its crimes against the Palestinians. Israel's actions enhance our determination to pursue the path of resistance through all means available. [Israel is] committing a holocaust as the whole world watches and doesn't lift a finger to stop it." (Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, December 25, 2008)

"We won't succumb to the logic of threats made by the Zionist war criminals. Today we are prepared more than ever to foil any aggression against our people." (Leaflet issued by Izzadin Kassam, the armed wing of Hamas, December 25, 2008)

"It is our right as an occupied people to defend ourselves from the occupation by all means possible including suicide attacks." (Hamas leader Ayman Taha, December 22, 2008).

(The economic crisis is the result of) "bad administrative and financial management and a bad banking system put into place and controlled by the Jewish lobby." (The Jewish lobby) "controls the U.S. elections and defines the foreign policy of any new administration in a manner that allows it to retain control of the American government and economy." (Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhum, October 7, 2008; as reported by AFP and other news agencies)

"...the Jewish faith does not wish for peace nor stability, since it is a faith that is based on murder: 'I kill, therefore I am'... Israel is based only on blood and murder in order to exist, and it will disappear, with Allah's will, through blood and Shahids [martyrs]." (Dr. Yussuf Al-Sharafi, Hamas representative, April 12, 2007; as reported by Palestinian Media Watch, April 23, 2007)

"This is Islam, that was ahead of its time with regards to human rights in the treatment of prisoners, but our nation was tested by the cancerous lump, that is the Jews, in the heart of the Arab nation... Be certain that America is on its way to utter destruction, America is wallowing [in blood] today in Iraq and Afghanistan, America is defeated and Israel is defeated, and was defeated in Lebanon and Palestine... Make us victorious over the community of infidels... Allah, take the Jews and their allies, Allah, take the Americans and their allies... Allah, annihilate them completely and do not leave anyone of them." (Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Bahar, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, April 20, 2007; as reported by Palestinian Media Watch, April 23, 2007)

"We will not betray promises we made to God to continue the path of Jihad and resistance until the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine. . . So be assured doctor Ayman, and all those who love Palestine like yourself, that Hamas is still the group you knew when it was founded and it will never abandon its path."
(Hamas statement in response to criticism by Al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahri, March 12, 2007)
"[The Tel Aviv suicide bombing] is an an act of self defense... [it is] a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people." (Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, April 17, 2006)

"[Hamas will] never recognize the legitimacy of the Zionist state that was founded on our land." (Khaled Mashaal, Hamas leader, February 3, 2006, Al-Hayyat al-Jedida)

"[Hamas] will not change a single word in its covenant [which is calling for the destruction of Israel]." (Mahmoud Zahar, Hamas leader, after casting his vote in the Gaza Strip, January 25, 2006, Ha'aretz)

"They have tried to pressure Hamas to abandon resistance and to abandon arms. They tried to pressure Hamas to abandon its strategic choice in Palestine, all of Palestine. They tried to pressure Hamas to recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. But they failed... We say Hamas will not change its constant principles."
(Ismail Haniyah, Hamas leader, at an election rally in Gaza, January 20, 2006, Reuters )

"The constants and the strategy of Hamas do not change according to circumstances. Hamas will stay faithful to jihad, to resistance, to guns, to Palestine and to Jerusalem." (Ismail Haniyah, Hamas leader, at an election rally in Gaza, January 20, 2006, Gulf Daily News, Bahrain)

RRD:But wait there's this!

"Hamas is not hostile to Jews because they are Jews. We are hostile to them because they occupied our land and expelled our people.... We did not say we want to throw the Jews in the sea or feed them to sharks. We just said that there is a land called occupied Palestine. It was burglarized and it needs to be returned to the Palestinian people." (Ismail Hanieh, Hamas leader, January 18, 2006, AP )
RRD:You see,Hamas says they're not anti-semitic when speaking to a western news outlet,therefore it must be true!Why they're non-anti-semitic-anti-semites.They just enspouse anti-semitic ideas!

"She [first Hamas woman suicide bomber] is not going to be the last because the march of resistance will continue until the Islamic flag is raised, not only over the minarets of Jerusalem, but over the whole universe." (Hamas leader, Mahmoud Zahar, at funeral of Reem Raiyshi, who murdered 4 people, January 15, 2004, AP )

"By God, we will not leave one Jew in Palestine. We will fight them with all the strength we have. This is our land, not the Jews..." "You will have no security except outside the homeland Palestine.... We have Allah on our side, and we have the sons of the Arab and Islamic nation on our side." (Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas leader, June 10, 2003, interview with Al-Jazeera, Jerusalem Post )

"America is implementing Zionist Israeli policy to serve the Zionist project in Palestine. The battle America is undertaking is designed to allow Israel to remain in the Palestinian homeland...." "Zionist Israeli and Jewish policy is to strike every power emerging in the Arab and Muslim world Any country that develops power threatening to this entity (Israel), they want to smash it." (Sheik Ahmed Yassin (killed in March 2004), January 30, 2003, Teheran Times )

"Suicide attacks and jihad reinforce national unity in the ranks....Our voice is one of struggle, of jihad and of suicide....Iraq could win if it equipped its citizens with explosive belts and turned them into human bombs." (Sheik Ahmed Yassin, interview with the Muslim website Alskifa, January 10, 2003, translated by Israel Defense Forces)

"We reject this US domination and this frantic war. From our side, we concentrate on striking blows to it here in Palestine, with the aim of ironing out the Jewish entity in Palestine, which is the cause of trouble in the world..." "America... always works in favor of the existence of the Israeli entity... This is mainly due to the Zionist -Christian conviction and the 70 million Americans who follow the Protestant creed, which is in favor of Jews against the Muslims. The same applies to most of Britain's population..." "Because the Israeli and American enemies are ravaging the earth; they do not believe in anything besides power. The Ummah must adopt the principle of Jihad and fighting the enemies." (Sheik Ahmed Yassin, interview with Australian Muslim youth magazine, Nida'ul Islam, June/ July 2002)

"The Movement within two months [after the intifada broke] was able to launch qualitative operations that shook the world there are qualitative Jihad operations such as those in Natanya and Khadera. We are proud of such operations and the next days will witness better and bigger ones...." "I say that the final battle will result in our victory and that this land will reject this enemy similar to its predecessors..." "It is not a must that it would be in 2027 for it could be five years earlier or ten years later. The important thing is that the equation revolves round 2027 and the Hebrew state would end Insha'allah [God willing]." (Sheik Ahmed Yassin, interview, Palestine-info, March 2001)

Early Hamas communiques (distributed by Islamic Association for Palestine) "Come to jihad, come to jihad, come to martyrdom..." "Those thirsty for Jihad all over the world. For the sake of Allah. For liberating the land of Palestine and Jerusalem...."
"We declared and continue to declare now, that a Jew is a Jew... [do not trust them when they say they want peace because they act only] to serve their religion and their people." (Hamas communique, March 9, 1989, translated and distributed in the U.S. by the Islamic Association for Palestine)

"The Jews: killed the prophets slaughtered the innocent imprisoned our pious... NO PEACE WITH THE MURDERERS."
(Hamas communique, October 5, 1988, translated and distributed in the U.S. by the Islamic Association for Palestine)

"The Nazi Jews tried different methods..." "Let everyone know that Hamas... is only against Jews and those twisted in their manner... it realizes the Jews' methods in trying to cause hostility and friction between people..." "We should lend punches to the Jews wherever possible [to commemorate Muhammad's defeat of one of the Jewish tribes of Arabia]." (Hamas communique, September 8, 1988, translated and distributed in the U.S. by the Islamic Association for Palestine)

All from the ADL

Hamas in Their Own Words

More links:

[A brief overview of Israels quest for peace]

Days of Violence, Days of Mourning, Days of War « Commentary Magazine

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Israeli mother of suicide bombing victim seeks in vain for some kind of reconciliation with the mother of the bomber.Mother of bomber refuses to condemn bombing.

'Jerusalem' Filmmaker Discusses Documentary : NPR

BRAND: And you really see that towards the end of the movie. The two mothers finally meet. They're unable to meet face-to -face for various reasons, but they meet via a satellite hookup. Ms. MEDALIA: Right. BRAND: And I think both sides are trying so hard to convince the other side about what they're going through in their perspective. And yet, even though they share so much, share so much in common -they're both grieving mothers of young, beautiful, talented young women -they cannot reach across that divide. Ms. MEDALIA: I think Avigail was really trying to say, enough, and let's not talk about the politics because we're not get to get anywhere. And let's talk about the personal kind of story, being mothers and losing our daughter. And let's look to the future. And she asked Um-Samir to really condemn and say that what her daughter did is not the way, and we should do something else. And Um-Samir is locked into this historical narrative of victimhood, of the Palestinians who -she cannot leave that. BRAND: When the two mothers meet, Avigail and Um-Samir, Avigail says to Um-Samir, your daughter and my daughter got killed for nothing. Ms. MEDALIA: Right. For Avigail, if she lost her daughter for nothing. That bombing didn't solve the Middle East's conflict. She didn't get anything. And to her also, Um-Samir didn't get anything. But for Um-Samir, she sees that as an act on the way to achieve the right-see, Palestinians always look at themselves as the people of the last stand. So that's another fight in the many fights that they have to fight, which we don't, obviously, don't see it this way. BRAND: We, being Israelis... Ms. MEDALIA: Israelis, yeah. BRAND: As you say, it does seem to be a microcosm of the whole conflict, and it does seem at the end of your movie to be, to be rather hopeless. Ms. MEDALIA: The meeting actually, in reality, took four hours. And none of these mother left, because they were really trying to get to some resolution, despite all the difficulties and disagreement that they had. And I think that's the hope.

Erasing the Distinction Between Innocence and Evil - Michael Medved

"The Israeli girl went to the market to buy Sabbath supplies; the Palestinian girl went there to murder strangers in a homicide bombing. The publicity for the film also downplays the security guard killed alongside the girls, and the thirty bystanders wounded in the blast. The real reason for the “complexity of reconciliation” is that the mother of the bomber, encouraged by a society that praises her murderous child as a heroine with posters and commemorations, now feels “hesitant pride” in her heinous act."

RRD:One thing the film got right.It is a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict".More accurately described as a conflict between Israelis the majority of whom wish to live in peace alongside the Palestinians,and the Palestinians the majority of whom are obsessed with destroying Israel & killing jews,rather than forming a peaceful state alongside Israel.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Israeli mother of suicide bombing victim seeks in vain for some kind of reconciliation with the mother of the bomber.Mother of bomber refuses to condemn bombing.

'Jerusalem' Filmmaker Discusses Documentary : NPR

BRAND: And you really see that towards the end of the movie. The two mothers finally meet. They're unable to meet face-to -face for various reasons, but they meet via a satellite hookup. Ms. MEDALIA: Right. BRAND: And I think both sides are trying so hard to convince the other side about what they're going through in their perspective. And yet, even though they share so much, share so much in common -they're both grieving mothers of young, beautiful, talented young women -they cannot reach across that divide. Ms. MEDALIA: I think Avigail was really trying to say, enough, and let's not talk about the politics because we're not get to get anywhere. And let's talk about the personal kind of story, being mothers and losing our daughter. And let's look to the future. And she asked Um-Samir to really condemn and say that what her daughter did is not the way, and we should do something else. And Um-Samir is locked into this historical narrative of victimhood, of the Palestinians who -she cannot leave that. BRAND: When the two mothers meet, Avigail and Um-Samir, Avigail says to Um-Samir, your daughter and my daughter got killed for nothing. Ms. MEDALIA: Right. For Avigail, if she lost her daughter for nothing. That bombing didn't solve the Middle East's conflict. She didn't get anything. And to her also, Um-Samir didn't get anything. But for Um-Samir, she sees that as an act on the way to achieve the right-see, Palestinians always look at themselves as the people of the last stand. So that's another fight in the many fights that they have to fight, which we don't, obviously, don't see it this way. BRAND: We, being Israelis... Ms. MEDALIA: Israelis, yeah. BRAND: As you say, it does seem to be a microcosm of the whole conflict, and it does seem at the end of your movie to be, to be rather hopeless. Ms. MEDALIA: The meeting actually, in reality, took four hours. And none of these mother left, because they were really trying to get to some resolution, despite all the difficulties and disagreement that they had. And I think that's the hope.

Erasing the Distinction Between Innocence and Evil - Michael Medved

"The Israeli girl went to the market to buy Sabbath supplies; the Palestinian girl went there to murder strangers in a homicide bombing. The publicity for the film also downplays the security guard killed alongside the girls, and the thirty bystanders wounded in the blast. The real reason for the “complexity of reconciliation” is that the mother of the bomber, encouraged by a society that praises her murderous child as a heroine with posters and commemorations, now feels “hesitant pride” in her heinous act."

RRD:One thing the film got right.It is a microcosm of the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict".More accurately described as a conflict between Israelis the majority of whom wish to live in peace alonside palestinians,and the Palestinians the majority of whom are obsessed with destroying Israel & killing jews,rather than forming a peaceful state alongside Israel.

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Historian finds Arabs who sheltered Jews during WW2.Many of their descendents deny "the accusation".

RRD:In the aftermath of 9/11 historian Robert Satloff sought to understand,and combat Muslim Holocaust denial.He thought he found a answer.By pointing out the role Arab Muslims played in sheltering Jews during World War 2 from the Nazis,he would form a bond with Muslims & show them a better way.When I heard Satloff's premise at the opening of the broadcast about 4yrs ago,I remember thinking,in my naivete,"while this will not solve the problem of Muslim Anti-semitism and Holocaust denial,maybe it will show us the existence of some Moderate Muslims who we can work with to forge a better future".
(Yes,I have my Lisa Simpsonesque moments)
However the result of Satloff's efforts were unpromising.

..."As you were researching the book, did you encounter that equation being made between Israel and the stories of the 1940s ?

Mr. SATLOFF: Yes I did, and sometimes in very odd and awkward ways. Sometimes I would knock on the door of the family of this or that Arab, who I believed was a rescuer, and I wanted to celebrate this great humanitarian act with the children or the grandchildren of that Arab who did this during the war, and the last thing that they wanted was for their father or grandfather to be recognized as a great humanitarian for saving Jews, which I originally was naïve enough to think that they would want to know, but as I learned throughout my story, many people didn't want this to be known. There was even one fantastic story where there's sort of irrefutable proof that an Arab opened his doors to Jews fleeing from a labor camp, but in family lore, this Arab opened his door to Germans who were avoiding being captured as prisoners of war from the Allies. There's no evidence really that that happened, but there's quite a lot of evidence that he opened his door to Jews. But over generations, the story has changed. "

Book Tracks Holocaust's 'Lost Stories' : NPR

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Historian finds Arabs who sheltered Jews during WW2.Many of their descendents deny "the accusation". #antisemitism #jcot #supportisrael

RRD:In the aftermath of 9/11 historian Robert Satloff sought to understand,and combat Muslim Holocaust denial.He thought he found a answer.By pointing out the role Arab Muslims played in sheltering Jews during World War 2 from the Nazis he would form a bond with Muslims & show them a better way.When I heard Satloff's premise at the opening of the broadcast about 4yrs ago,I remember thinking,in my naivete,"while this will not solve the problem of Muslim Anti-semitism and Holocaust denial,maybe it will show us the existence of some Moderate Muslims who we can work with to forge a better future".
(Yes,I have my Lisa Simpsonesque moments)
However the result of Satloff's efforts were unpromising.

..."As you were researching the book, did you encounter that equation being made between Israel and the stories of the 1940s ?

Mr. SATLOFF: Yes I did, and sometimes in very odd and awkward ways. Sometimes I would knock on the door of the family of this or that Arab, who I believed was a rescuer, and I wanted to celebrate this great humanitarian act with the children or the grandchildren of that Arab who did this during the war, and the last thing that they wanted was for their father or grandfather to be recognized as a great humanitarian for saving Jews, which I originally was naïve enough to think that they would want to know, but as I learned throughout my story, many people didn't want this to be known. There was even one fantastic story where there's sort of irrefutable proof that an Arab opened his doors to Jews fleeing from a labor camp, but in family lore, this Arab opened his door to Germans who were avoiding being captured as prisoners of war from the Allies. There's no evidence really that that happened, but there's quite a lot of evidence that he opened his door to Jews. But over genera
the story has changed. "

Book Tracks Holocaust's 'Lost Stories' : NPR

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Topics for Don't Let it Unheard:If not #Cain,who for #2012 ? #SCOTUS & Privacy, #tcot #aynrand #FTC & #Facebook , Bosch Fawstin's latest piece on #Jihad.

BTR - Don't Let It Go Unheard - politics, Ayn Rand, Objectivism, culture, philosophy

"Topics planned: FTC's settlement with Facebook and privacy cases pending in the Supreme Court. Is Herman Cain out? If so, what are we left with? Bosch Fawstin talks about his recent Front Page Magazine article, "Non-Mulsim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West." And more if there's time."

RRD:Standard disclaimer,(particularly since the show has not yet aired),posting does not imply endorsement or agreement(or lack thereof) with the particular views expressed on a given topic.Simply that I find the show worth listening to.

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It's Time!Yes it's time for "GOP no longer has a lock on the evangelicals" story #2012 #tcot #tlot

RRD:People who have been following politics for awhile know that this election Evangelicals may no longer vote Republican this time.Social Issues which have long dominated the concerns of Evangelicals have taken a back seat to other issues like Darfur and Social Justice.Abortion and Gay Marriage,while important,are no longer....Wait,did I say Darfur?Haven't the atrocities in Darfur subsided?Oh!Silly me.I'm reading a story from 2002,or is it '04,or '06,or '08,or 2010?There have been so many of these stories over the years that it is difficult to keep them all straight in my head.

I am reminded of the famous maxim concerning artificial intelligence(or alternately flawless speech or handwriting recognition):"AI is FIVE YEARS AWAY!And always has been."

Oh,well,the hope enndures...and the dream shall never die!

Democrats see opening to attract religious voters in 2012 election -

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Islamists claim Egypt & Tunisia.

Pictures of Egypt then and Now.
Pictures showing anti-semitic imagery in Egypt.

RRD:I feared that Islamists would win.
I warned that Islamists would win.
I hoped I was wrong.
It seems I wasn't.
There is "no joy in this".
No gloating.Just fear,horror,and disgust.
Egyptians and Tunisians are human beings.They can,in fact,live in a free society,just like the French and the Germans.They can also choose to live in a dictatorship,just like the French and the Germans.
The issue is what philosophy they choose(fn1).
Most,based on the poll below choose Political Islam(the Pew Poll showed that most Egyptians embrace Sharia).
Not all did.
Some,such as some Sufis in Egypt tried to fight the Islamists(fn2).
So did secular liberals like Naguib Sawiris(fn3).

But the majority chose to support them.

In a later post I will catalog the statements of those who dismissed warnings against conflating elections with freedom.

Egyptian Islamists put sharia law on agenda after election gains | World news | The Guardian

Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project (mobile)



One of the arguments made by Neo-Conservatives like Bush and Bill Kristol is that those who warn that Islamists will win are essentially racists who believe "that some people are not fit for freedom".The correct answer is that all people possess free will & can choose slavery or freedom.


Egyptian Sufis Reject Rise of Islamists | Middle East | English

Image of Bearded Mickey Mouse Enrages Egyptian Islamists (Minnie Too!) |

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Howard Gutman U.S. ambassador to #Belgium claims Muslim anti-semitism is understandable.

RRD:At this point I suppose I could argue that anti-semitism is racism & as such is never justifiable,"understandable",or sane.
I won't.
I won't because Gutman knows this,as do all his anti-semitic brethren through history,& arguing would imply that I thought there was something for honest people to debate.

...."Growing global anti-Semitism is linked to Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians, the American ambassador to Belgium told stunned Jewish conference attendants in Brussels earlier this week. Speaking Wednesday at a Jewish conference on anti-Semitism organized by the European Jewish Union (EJU,) Howard Gutman told participants he was apologizing in advance if his words are not to their liking. He then proceeded to make controversial statements about his views on Muslim anti-Semitism, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday. A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, Gutman said. He also argued that an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will significantly diminish Muslim anti-Semitism. The American envoy, a lawyer by training, is Jewish and played a major role in fundraising for the Democratic Party. He was appointed to the post by
President Barack Obama."....

....."the next speaker offered a scathing rebuttal to the envoy’s remarks. “The modern Anti-Semite formally condemns Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust and expresses upmost sympathy with the Jewish people. He simply has created a new species, the “Anti-Zionist” or –even more sophisticated –the so -called ‘Israel critic,’” Germany attorney Nathan Gelbart said. “The ‘Israel critic’ will never state ‘Jews go home’ but is questioning the legality of the incorporation of the State of Israel and therefore the right for the Jewish people to settle in their homeland. He will not say the Jews are the evil of the world but claim that the State of Israel is a major cause for instability and war in the region,” he said. “There is no other country, no other people on this planet the ‘Israel critic’ would dedicate so much time and devotion as to the case of Israel.” “For no other country he would criticize or ask to boycott its goods or academics. And this
for one simple reason: Because Israel is the state of the Jewish people, not more and not less,” Gelbart said."...

RRD:The only problem I have with Gelbart's statement is that it is touchingly naive.There are many "Israel critics" who would say many of these things.(And to be precise there are some anti-Israel fanatics who hate the U.S. & many other governments because they are Marxists or Anarchists,so not all unjust critics of Israel are necessarily anti-semitic,but I presume he is referring to the Mearsheimer-Walt-Atzmon axis.)

'Jew-hate stems from conflict' - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4156355,00.html

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Support for Pastor Youcef Grows as Iran Threatens Churches | The Moral Liberal #iranelections #freeiran

3 Christian Pastors in Iran to Be Imprisoned? Ministry Warns of Increased Persecution, Christian News #iranelections #freeiran

Has the indefinite detention bill been fixed?Feinstein says Yes,ACLU says No. #tcot #tlot #p2

UPDATE:A compromise has been reached supposedly fixing the bill by saying that the law is unchanged regarding U.S. citizens.The ACLU disputes this.I will try to discover the truth by Saturday.Right now I need to post some more links & attend to some personal matters.

Senate Kills Effort To Ban Indefinite Military Detentions Of U.S. Citizens

"As part of the detention compromise, Feinstein extracted a promise from Senate leaders that they would insist on the Senate's new language remaining in the final product. It could change, however. The American Civil Liberties Union found the compromise troubling, and said the president should still veto the bill because even with the no-change language, the measure sets in stone the military's ability to operate inside the U.S. borders. "The bill is an historic threat to American citizens and others because it expands and makes permanent the authority of the president to order the military to imprison without charge or trial American citizens," said ACLU senior legislative counsel Christopher Anders in a statement. "The final amendment to preserve current detention restrictions could turn out to be meaningless and Sens. [Carl] Levin [Micigan Democrat] and Graham made clear that they believe this power to use the military against American citizens will not be affected by the new
language," Anders said. "

Senate passes Defense spending bill - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

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Who voted for cloture on the indefinite detention provision s1867? #humanrights #tcot #tlot #p2

GovTrack: Cloture vote on S. 1867

37 Republicans & 49 Democrats & 2 Independents voted for it.

RRD:When evaluating a piece of legislation there are certain questions that must be answered before supporting it.

*Is this something the Government has the legal authority to do.

*Is this directed against a actual problem.

*Does this bill present any rationally forseeable consequences that outweigh the benefits of the legislation.

*If the bill's end is legitimate,can the same result be achieved with less risk to the liberties of a individual,through another piece of legislation.

So far as I can tell none of these questions were adequately answered before passing this bill.
So far as I can tell the U.S. Senate just passed a bill that effectively guts all of our liberties by giving the current president (& future presidents) the power to lock up any & all of us at his discretion.
No court review.Even if the courts are functioning.Not even a FISA-type court,(which would at least be independent of the President).No oversight.Just "shut up",as Lindsey Graham put it.Since you've been accused of being a terrorist.Anyone remember Richard Jewell?Wen Ho Lee?Jewell was a hero,his reward was to be crucified by the media.
I think I will vomit.To think I supported some of these creatures.
Destroying the greatest nation on earth is a bi-partisan exercise.
Our fate now rests in the hands of The US House,& possibly Obama.
God save us all from our protectors.

Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto

Wen Ho Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard Jewell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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