Sunday, December 4, 2011

Topics for Don't Let it Unheard:If not #Cain,who for #2012 ? #SCOTUS & Privacy, #tcot #aynrand #FTC & #Facebook , Bosch Fawstin's latest piece on #Jihad.

BTR - Don't Let It Go Unheard - politics, Ayn Rand, Objectivism, culture, philosophy

"Topics planned: FTC's settlement with Facebook and privacy cases pending in the Supreme Court. Is Herman Cain out? If so, what are we left with? Bosch Fawstin talks about his recent Front Page Magazine article, "Non-Mulsim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West." And more if there's time."

RRD:Standard disclaimer,(particularly since the show has not yet aired),posting does not imply endorsement or agreement(or lack thereof) with the particular views expressed on a given topic.Simply that I find the show worth listening to.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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