Monday, April 4, 2011

COICA,a bi-partisan internet censorship bill returns,in the House call your Rep. #freeweb

RRD:COICA (the Combating Online Infringements & Counterfeits Act),has returned,again.This time The House is going to take it up.For why I oppose COICA,see the links below.Contact your Representative,as well as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R -Texas),& Rep.John Conyers D-MI,& Bob Goodlatte (R -Va.) Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, & demand that Smith et-al oppose any bill that does not remove the provisions that threaten Freedom of Speech.(See my links below for background).

Momentum building for online piracy laws - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

...."The coalition of support from traditional adversaries makes this year’s push to stem online piracy the most serious in Congress to date. Senate aides avoided articulating a timeline but the issue will likely be front and center with the Senate having recently passed patent reform legislation. That issue, closely linked to the online piracy bill, is now in front of the House Judiciary Committee. Chairman Lamar Smith (R -Texas) and Leahy have worked closely ensure the passage of patent reform and appear likely to extend that cooperation to online piracy. The Obama administration for its part has urged Congress to accelerate the legislative process, noting that additional authorities for law enforcement agencies could help prevent further piracy. A recent list of legislative recommendations from White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel included controversial measures such as expanding federal wiretapping statutes to include copyright offe
and mandating longer prison sentences for offenders. With leaders in both parties and the White House all marching in lock step toward the need for increasing enforcement efforts, the small but vocal opposition appears unlikely to gain enough traction with its warnings of potential censorship to derail the legislative momentum. But supporters are quick to remind opponents that most Americans still don’t regard viewing copyrighted content online illegally to be a crime in the same manner as stealing or buying bootlegged DVDs. “Unfortunately, the problems we are discussing have a larger social and cultural dimension –the sad truth is that many people don’t see the download on their computers of a camcorded movie currently playing in theaters as stolen property,” Conyers said. Also appearing at Monday’s event will be Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R -Va.), who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property as well as representatives from Columbia Sportswear, Major L
Baseball and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. "...

Contact Info:

Contact Me | Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Representing the 6th District of Virginia

Washington, DC Office Phone: (202) 225 -5431

Fax: (202) 225 -9681

Contact | Congressman Lamar Smith

Washington, DC Office

Phone: 202 -225 -4236

Fax: 202 -225 -8628

U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. : Contact

Washington Office: Phone 202 -225 -5126

Links for Background:

The Week Ahead: Net neutrality approaches the floor - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

#COICA the most dangerous #censorship bill you've never heard off #s3804 - fightingstatism

Why #COICA a Internet Censorship bill must be stopped,& what you can do about it. (Updated) - fightingstatism

Stop the #COICA internet #censorship bill (Corrected) #tcot #tlot #s3804 - fightingstatismStop the #COICA internet #censorship bill (Corrected) #tcot #tlot #s3804 - fightingstatism

ICE Seizures Raising New Speech Concerns | Electronic Frontier Foundation

OpenDNS Blog » The Dangers of COICA

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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