RRD:Unfortunately this creature cannot be removed due to the bylaws.
She should be removed as soon as possible.
(The following statements are directed to a minority of Conservatives,Republicans etc.)
To those who say:"But she insulted Obama....Obama is evil etc".
The fact that you believe that she insulted Obama indicates that you don't understand the nature of racism. She did NOT "insult Obama". I insult President Obama(for his vices). She insulted Allen West,Clarence Thomas,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr,Star Parker,Janice Rodgers Brown,Harriet Tubman,Frederick Douglas,all of them & every other black man and woman,whether good or evil,indiscriminately,based on something that is no more relevant to a person's character than their gender. Just as she would have insulted me,& every Jew had she directed a anti-semitic cartoon against Schumer,Soros,Axelrod,Ezekiel Emanuel etc,(even if she liked "good jews"). That there are racists on the left is also irrelevant.Nor is it relevant that racism on the Left(see Harry Reid,& Clinton's rationalization of Byrd's Klan membership),is often downplayed.
Nor are you "giving it back"(see above Douglas,King etc).The correct response to a racist is to condemn his racism,not to emulate it.
Orange County GOP official considers photo of President Obama as baby chimp 'amusing' | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/04/obama-davenport-racist-chi... Racism — Ayn Rand Lexicon http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/racism.html
...."Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content ) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge —which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differenti
between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination."
“Racism,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 126. "A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin. "..
“Racism,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 127. YouTube - Ayn Rand: Racism VS. Individualism
She should be removed as soon as possible.
(The following statements are directed to a minority of Conservatives,Republicans etc.)
To those who say:"But she insulted Obama....Obama is evil etc".
The fact that you believe that she insulted Obama indicates that you don't understand the nature of racism. She did NOT "insult Obama". I insult President Obama(for his vices). She insulted Allen West,Clarence Thomas,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr,Star Parker,Janice Rodgers Brown,Harriet Tubman,Frederick Douglas,all of them & every other black man and woman,whether good or evil,indiscriminately,based on something that is no more relevant to a person's character than their gender. Just as she would have insulted me,& every Jew had she directed a anti-semitic cartoon against Schumer,Soros,Axelrod,Ezekiel Emanuel etc,(even if she liked "good jews"). That there are racists on the left is also irrelevant.Nor is it relevant that racism on the Left(see Harry Reid,& Clinton's rationalization of Byrd's Klan membership),is often downplayed.
Nor are you "giving it back"(see above Douglas,King etc).The correct response to a racist is to condemn his racism,not to emulate it.
Orange County GOP official considers photo of President Obama as baby chimp 'amusing' | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2011/04/obama-davenport-racist-chi... Racism — Ayn Rand Lexicon http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/racism.html
...."Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content ) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge —which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differenti
between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination."
“Racism,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 126. "A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin. "..
“Racism,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 127. YouTube - Ayn Rand: Racism VS. Individualism
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