RRD:The Muslim World consists of one billion people.Polls show a minority approve of Bin Laden(it varies by country,see below).However a minority of one billion translates into tens or hundreds of millions.
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project [Also covers Al-Qaeda]
http://pewglobal.org/2010/12/02/muslims-around-the-world-divided-on-hamas-and... Reaction,as you can see below,is varied.
Some American Muslims expressed joy &/or the hope that Islam will no longer be "caricatured".
Others here and abroad expressed indifference.Or they expressed the belief that Bin Laden was irrelevant,& that what matters is the "Arab Spring".
Others believed Bin Laden's death was good because he killed Muslims.
Others including Hamas,some Pakistanis, & some Yemenis openly raged & grieved.
Still others believed that Bin Laden either was not dead,was already dead,or was a fictional character created by Hollywood Jews to justify oppressing Muslims.(It should be noted that after Saddam Hussein was publicly executed some in his tribe believed that he was transported by magic into the moon).I don't have links for the latter two delusions.
Here is the list.Linking does not imply agreement. Of particular note is the first,which presents two different views of what effect Bin Laden's death should have on American policy in Afghanistan.Karzai rants & raves against the US.But the brother of Ahmed Shah Massoud--the Northern Alliance leader whom Al-Qaeda deliberately murdered days before 9/11 so as to prevent him from joining with us--warns against a premature withdrawal.I agree with him.
Osama bin Laden dead: US strategy misconceived, says Hamid Karzai | World news | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/osama-bin-laden-afghanistan-fears
...."Although the killing of Bin Laden will strengthen Karzai's argument with the US, some analysts and officials expressed fears that his demise could hasten the end of the huge US-led military and development effort in Afghanistan. "While thrilled to see the removal of the worst enemy of Islam who inflicted irreparable damage to image of Islam and Muslims, my concern is his death becomes the justification for US premature disengagement from the region," one senior Afghan government official who specialises in foreign affairs said. It was a view echoed by Ahmed Wali Massoud, an Afghan politician and brother of Ahmed Shah Massoud, the legendary resistance fighter who was assassinated just days before the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the orders of Bin Laden. "Already the US has been thinking about shifting its policy on the war on terror and there is a risk that the American public will continue to question why their troops are still fighting there," he said. But Massoud wa
that his killing would not make "any practical difference to the war in Afghanistan". "Symbolically this is huge because he was such an iconic figure, but this is not the end. Al-Qaida is still there and there are so many other groups that are just as ideologically strong. "The younger generation of the Taliban have come up and they now make up the bulk of the Taliban ideologically and are not very different from al-Qaida itself. We believe there is still scope for operations in Afghanistan, because the threat is still here."...
In Egypt, a Muted Response to Bin Laden’s Death - Dispatch - WSJ
... “It’s good for everyone —for Muslims and Christians. He killed a lot of people. He even killed a lot of Muslims in New York,” said Azzam Estawro, 65, a civil engineer who was buying newspapers. “But I think there is sympathy for him. Some people loved him.” Another man barked from the other side of the newspaper stand a defiant response. “If Osama Bin Laden is dead, one million more Osama Bin Ladens will rise up and they will strike in the middle of America, God willing!” yelled Nasser Sayyid Nasser. “All Americans are dogs and sons of dogs!” However, Egyptians hold a superficial affection for Mr. bin Laden and they will express some remorse for his death like they would for the killing of any fellow Muslim or Arab, even if they condemn al Qaeda terrorist attacks, said Adel, the newspaper stand vendor who declined to give his last name. “We have nothing to do with it as Egyptians. This is just about countries in conflict —it’s an old issue,” s
Adel. “It’s not going to change anything.” Among the varied opinions was a prevalent feeling of disbelief about Mr. bin Laden’s demise.... “I think he died five years ago,” said Mohammed Ali, 38 years old and a bank manager, sipping coffee at an up -scale cafe. "
AFP: After bin Laden death, Libya rebels ask US to kill Kadhafi
For Muslims, a reason to rejoice - CNN.com http://edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/05/02/iftikhar.binladen.killing/index.html
| U.S. Muslims hope bin Laden death will ease pressure
American Muslims celebrate bin Laden's death
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.627b7372f3acc13c7f531216bc315790.... Reaction Varies In Pakistan To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
Brotherhood: US troops should now quit Iraq, Afghan | Top News | Reuters http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE74105U20110502
Osama Bin Laden Killed: Pakistan Reacts Cautiously to U.S. Raid on Its Soil - ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/osama-bin-laden-killed-pakistan-reacts-cautiou...
Palestinian factions divided on response to bin Laden - Salon.com Mobile
http://mobile.salon.com/news/feature/2011/05/02/palestine_split_bin_laden_rea... Jerusalem: Muslims riot over bin Laden's death - Jihad Watch
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/05/jerusalem-muslims-riot-over-bin-ladens-deat... Hundreds join Quetta rally to honour bin Laden – The Express Tribune
http://tribune.com.pk/story/161126/hundreds-join-first-rally-to-honour-bin-la... Islamic Scholars Criticize Bin Laden's Sea Burial : NPR
Osama Bin Laden Killed Pakistan Reaction Pictures - Monsters and Critics http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/southasia/features/article_1636443.php...
Pakistani Journalist Comments On U.S. Operation : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135914886/pakistani-journalists-comments-on-u-s... Hamas condemns killing of holy warrior bin Laden | Reuters
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/02/binladen-palestinians-hamas-idUSLDE... Kabul Reacts To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135930252/kabul-reacts-to-bin-ladens-death YouTube - Osama Bin Laden Dead: Reactions From Inside Pakistan Musharraf: Bin Laden mission violated Pakistan - Washington Times
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/may/2/musharraf-bin-laden-mission-vi... Many in Pakistan suspicious of US | PRI's The World
Abbottabad Residents Recall the Assault On Bin Laden : NPR
Jihadist Websites React To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135930242/jihadist-websites-react-to-bin-ladens... Israel Matzav: The end of the 'peaceful' Hamas illusion?
http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2011/05/end-of-peaceful-hamas-illusion.html Reactions to News of OBL's Death on Jihadi Websites Voice Disbelief, Call for Revenge; OBL Commemorated on Facebook [Members only] http://www.memrijttm.org/content/en/report.htm?report=5240¶m=GJN
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project [Also covers Al-Qaeda]
http://pewglobal.org/2010/12/02/muslims-around-the-world-divided-on-hamas-and... Reaction,as you can see below,is varied.
Some American Muslims expressed joy &/or the hope that Islam will no longer be "caricatured".
Others here and abroad expressed indifference.Or they expressed the belief that Bin Laden was irrelevant,& that what matters is the "Arab Spring".
Others believed Bin Laden's death was good because he killed Muslims.
Others including Hamas,some Pakistanis, & some Yemenis openly raged & grieved.
Still others believed that Bin Laden either was not dead,was already dead,or was a fictional character created by Hollywood Jews to justify oppressing Muslims.(It should be noted that after Saddam Hussein was publicly executed some in his tribe believed that he was transported by magic into the moon).I don't have links for the latter two delusions.
Here is the list.Linking does not imply agreement. Of particular note is the first,which presents two different views of what effect Bin Laden's death should have on American policy in Afghanistan.Karzai rants & raves against the US.But the brother of Ahmed Shah Massoud--the Northern Alliance leader whom Al-Qaeda deliberately murdered days before 9/11 so as to prevent him from joining with us--warns against a premature withdrawal.I agree with him.
Osama bin Laden dead: US strategy misconceived, says Hamid Karzai | World news | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/osama-bin-laden-afghanistan-fears
...."Although the killing of Bin Laden will strengthen Karzai's argument with the US, some analysts and officials expressed fears that his demise could hasten the end of the huge US-led military and development effort in Afghanistan. "While thrilled to see the removal of the worst enemy of Islam who inflicted irreparable damage to image of Islam and Muslims, my concern is his death becomes the justification for US premature disengagement from the region," one senior Afghan government official who specialises in foreign affairs said. It was a view echoed by Ahmed Wali Massoud, an Afghan politician and brother of Ahmed Shah Massoud, the legendary resistance fighter who was assassinated just days before the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the orders of Bin Laden. "Already the US has been thinking about shifting its policy on the war on terror and there is a risk that the American public will continue to question why their troops are still fighting there," he said. But Massoud wa
that his killing would not make "any practical difference to the war in Afghanistan". "Symbolically this is huge because he was such an iconic figure, but this is not the end. Al-Qaida is still there and there are so many other groups that are just as ideologically strong. "The younger generation of the Taliban have come up and they now make up the bulk of the Taliban ideologically and are not very different from al-Qaida itself. We believe there is still scope for operations in Afghanistan, because the threat is still here."...
In Egypt, a Muted Response to Bin Laden’s Death - Dispatch - WSJ
... “It’s good for everyone —for Muslims and Christians. He killed a lot of people. He even killed a lot of Muslims in New York,” said Azzam Estawro, 65, a civil engineer who was buying newspapers. “But I think there is sympathy for him. Some people loved him.” Another man barked from the other side of the newspaper stand a defiant response. “If Osama Bin Laden is dead, one million more Osama Bin Ladens will rise up and they will strike in the middle of America, God willing!” yelled Nasser Sayyid Nasser. “All Americans are dogs and sons of dogs!” However, Egyptians hold a superficial affection for Mr. bin Laden and they will express some remorse for his death like they would for the killing of any fellow Muslim or Arab, even if they condemn al Qaeda terrorist attacks, said Adel, the newspaper stand vendor who declined to give his last name. “We have nothing to do with it as Egyptians. This is just about countries in conflict —it’s an old issue,” s
Adel. “It’s not going to change anything.” Among the varied opinions was a prevalent feeling of disbelief about Mr. bin Laden’s demise.... “I think he died five years ago,” said Mohammed Ali, 38 years old and a bank manager, sipping coffee at an up -scale cafe. "
AFP: After bin Laden death, Libya rebels ask US to kill Kadhafi
For Muslims, a reason to rejoice - CNN.com http://edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/05/02/iftikhar.binladen.killing/index.html
| U.S. Muslims hope bin Laden death will ease pressure
American Muslims celebrate bin Laden's death
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.627b7372f3acc13c7f531216bc315790.... Reaction Varies In Pakistan To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
Brotherhood: US troops should now quit Iraq, Afghan | Top News | Reuters http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE74105U20110502
Osama Bin Laden Killed: Pakistan Reacts Cautiously to U.S. Raid on Its Soil - ABC News http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/osama-bin-laden-killed-pakistan-reacts-cautiou...
Palestinian factions divided on response to bin Laden - Salon.com Mobile
http://mobile.salon.com/news/feature/2011/05/02/palestine_split_bin_laden_rea... Jerusalem: Muslims riot over bin Laden's death - Jihad Watch
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/05/jerusalem-muslims-riot-over-bin-ladens-deat... Hundreds join Quetta rally to honour bin Laden – The Express Tribune
http://tribune.com.pk/story/161126/hundreds-join-first-rally-to-honour-bin-la... Islamic Scholars Criticize Bin Laden's Sea Burial : NPR
Osama Bin Laden Killed Pakistan Reaction Pictures - Monsters and Critics http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/southasia/features/article_1636443.php...
Pakistani Journalist Comments On U.S. Operation : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135914886/pakistani-journalists-comments-on-u-s... Hamas condemns killing of holy warrior bin Laden | Reuters
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/02/binladen-palestinians-hamas-idUSLDE... Kabul Reacts To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135930252/kabul-reacts-to-bin-ladens-death YouTube - Osama Bin Laden Dead: Reactions From Inside Pakistan Musharraf: Bin Laden mission violated Pakistan - Washington Times
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/may/2/musharraf-bin-laden-mission-vi... Many in Pakistan suspicious of US | PRI's The World
Abbottabad Residents Recall the Assault On Bin Laden : NPR
Jihadist Websites React To Bin Laden's Death : NPR
http://www.npr.org/2011/05/02/135930242/jihadist-websites-react-to-bin-ladens... Israel Matzav: The end of the 'peaceful' Hamas illusion?
http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2011/05/end-of-peaceful-hamas-illusion.html Reactions to News of OBL's Death on Jihadi Websites Voice Disbelief, Call for Revenge; OBL Commemorated on Facebook [Members only] http://www.memrijttm.org/content/en/report.htm?report=5240¶m=GJN
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