Thursday, June 16, 2011

WH spokesman warns Congress against sending "mixed messages" on Libya #tcot #tlot

RRD:I wonder if Carney believes that by pretending that "we all share" the goal of helping Libyan rebels(who include Al-Qaeda synpathizers fn1) topple Qaddafi,that he can make it so?

White House warns Congress against 'mixed messages' on Libya -

...."Carney also issued a warning, saying it is "important for Congress not to send mixed signals about a goal… we all share.".....

RRD:But we don't all share that goal.And our signals aren't mixed.They're unequivocal:get out.Now.


We are aiding our enemies in Libya.Demand a end to the Libya war now. - fightingstatism

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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