Sunday, October 23, 2011

#Aynrand : "Today, the last group one can expect to fight for capitalism is the capitalists." Silicon Valley bets on Obama for #2012 #tcot #twisters

Silicon Valley makes a big investment in President Obama's reelection campaign - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

...." As a group, businessmen have been withdrawing for decades from the ideological battlefield, disarmed by the deadly combination of altruism and Pragmatism. Their public policy has consisted in appeasing, compromising and apologizing: appeasing their crudest, loudest antagonists; compromising with any attack, any lie, any insult; apologizing for their own existence. Abandoning the field of ideas to their enemies, they have been relying on lobbying, i.e., on private manipulations, on pull, on seeking momentary favors from government officials. Today, the last group one can expect to fight for capitalism is the capitalists."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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