Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Some 'experts' learn the wrong lessons of history | Thomas Sowell | Columnists | Washington Examiner
RRD:The main qualifier I would add is that Romney is not "to the center",if the center means the views of the majority.He is to the left of the majority of the electorate on Global Warming & the Individual Mandate.Which is why nominating him is inexcusable & insane.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Stop indefinite detention bill s.1867 unless civil liberties concerns are addressed #tcot #tlot #p2 #teaparty #tpot
Because unless there is a full scale insurrection on U.S. soil,I would oppose giving the President,or the Military(which is directly controlled by the White House)the power to hold American citizens,seized on U.S. soil,indefinitely,without any court oversight.It would make it too easy to just toss a innocent person(possibly a critic of the President)in jail for life.I don't think that is the intention of the bill's sponsors,but bills of this nature should be throughly vetted.Until I'm assured that the civil liberties concerns are addressed I'll oppose it.
Levin and McCain Strike Deal Over Detainee Handling -
Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union Levin & Mccain defend the bill here: Defense bill offers balance in dealing with detainees - The Washington Post
Mark Udall Trying to Strip Out Indefinite Detention Regime from Defense Bill | FDL News Desk
Thursday, November 24, 2011
What do I have to be thankful for?A lot. #tcot #xcot #jcot #supportourtroops
People here suffer the loss of loved ones.Or they suffer from incurable diseases.
Some of the student dissidents in Iran suffer horribly in Tehran's gulags. Chinese dissidents suffer the same fate,as do dissidents in many countries of the world.Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani faces death in Iran for converting to Christianity.(See the photo of the man with his wife & two children).
Our troops struggle in foreign wars to protect us.
Military Doctors labor in war zones to heal the wounded,& save the dying.
Young children in Africa,India & Latin America die from diseases that are easily curable in the western world.
Women in Afghanistan struggle to retain even the most basic rights.
I know that it is cliched,that it has been said millions of times,but it is still true.Our problems are often minor compared to what others face. I am thankful for living in a country where--despite all my complaints--I am free to speak without being imprisoned,tortured,or murdered.Where I can believe in "20 gods or no god",(fn1)without being drawn before a Inquisition--as my ancestors were. I am thankful to the men and women who volunteer to protect our country;for little pay,and a love of country.They have spared us the fate of many nations in Europe and Asia who have been conquered & oppressed in two world wars. I am thankful for living in the richest country in the world;where I can access life-saving medical care. I am thankful to the creators:from Edison,to Ford,to Steve Jobs,to countless others;and to the Workers,& to the Doctors & to the Scientists who's labors have enabled the United States to be the most prosperous nation on earth. In short I am thankful for being a citizen of the United States of America. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Thanksgiving at home away from home Thanksgiving on the Front Lines: No Break for Troops in Afghanistan - ABC News Airport USO first line of welcome for troops on holiday, returning from Iraq as war ends - The Washington Post
George Washington Celebrates Thanksgiving USS Essex Celebrates Thanksgiving At Sea Update: Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani to hear court’s decision in December Free Thanksgiving meals donated to MEU Marines Footnote: fn1
Notes on the State of Virginia - Wikiquote
The text of this post(not the pictures),are mine & I release them under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share-Alike license.You may legally reproduce & build on this work for non-commercial purposes so long as you share your added content under the same license.
The pictures of US Military personnel are from US Military websites,and are in the public domain.
What do I have to be thankful for?A lot. by Robert Reed Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Egyptian Cleric Tawfiq Al-Afni Leads Pro-Al-Qaeda Demonstration in Tahrir Square: "Sheikh Osama bin Laden is a man who waged Jihad for the sake of Allah, and we pray that Allah will unite us with him and the martyrs in Paradise." #tcot #gwot "Tawfiq Al-Afni (On stage): "Sheikh Osama bin Laden is a man who waged Jihad for the sake of Allah, and we pray that Allah will unite us with him and the martyrs in Paradise. My brothers, in Islam, we say with great pride that we adhere to the Jihad for the sake of Allah…"
"I say to the people who fear Islam: Are you thieves that should fear the chopping off of hands? Are you alcohol-drinkers that you should fear being flogged?"
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Why are Republicans considering Liberal-Socialists as their Presidential Candidate? #tcot #teaparty #tlot
Or at least they call Democrats that.
Both Romney & Gingrich are liberal on two of the most important issues facing us:whether the state has a right to force us to buy health insurance,& whether global warming is both real & man-made.
Both Romney and Gingrich believe that the State has the right to force us to buy health insurance.The average voter,by contrast,rejects the individual mandate(and NO not because it is a Federal rather than state mandate).Both Romney and Gingrich believe in Global Warming.The average voter does not.
So I ask why are Republicans considering choosing as their standard bearer from two people who are to the left of the precious independents?Do those who support Romney and/or Gingrich have any fundamental grasp of the issues at stake?Or is this just about partisanship?Why do these people oppose Obama?
Why is it that Obama's support for Obamacare makes him a socialist,but Romney's support for Romneycare makes him a "moderate"?Why is it that Global Warming is a excuse for totalitarian controls when Obama endorses it,but a "flaw",or a "error" when Romney endorses it?
Romney is not a Conservative.He is not a "moderate".He is not "flawed".He is not Reagan.He is not even George W.Bush.He is a sick joke played on conservatives.Yet Romney is regarded as"serious",or "inevitable",while Cain is regarded as a buffoon for confusing the members of the pro-Al-Qaeda Libyan Islamic Fighting Group with the Taliban(fn1).In fact,though the Taliban does not control Libya,Libya does have,among its "freedom fighters",self-avowed Jihadi who boasted of attacking American service personnel in both Afghanistan & Iraq(fn2).
This is not to defend Cain's more serious error:giving a interview when you are sleep deprived.Nor does it excuse Cain's ignorance of foreign policy more broadly.But given the choice of Cain on the one hand,& Romney or Gingrich on the other I would choose Cain.
fn1 Cain suggests Taliban running Libya –
fn2. We are aiding our enemies in Libya.Demand a end to the Libya war now. - fightingstatism
A interview with "reformed" members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group #no2sharia #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism
Libyan leader:Don't worry,Libyan rebels who fought US soldiers in afghanistan not Al-Qaeda - fightingstatism
Why are Republicans considering Liberal-Socialists as their Presidential Candidate? #tcot #teaparty #tlot
Or at least they call Democrats that.
Both Romney & Gingrich are liberal on two of the most important issues facing us:whether the state has a right to force us to buy health insurance,& whether global warming is both real & man-made.
Both Romney and Gingrich believe that the State has the right to force us to buy health insurance.The average voter,by contrast,rejects the individual mandate(and NO not because it is a Federal rather than state mandate).Both Romney and Gingrich believe in Global Warming.The average voter does not.
So I ask why are Republicans considering choosing as their standard bearer from two people who are to the left of the precious independents?Do those who support Romney and/or Gingrich have any fundamental grasp of the issues at stake?Or is this just about partisanship?Why do these people oppose Obama?
Why is it that Obama's support for Obamacare makes him a socialist,but Romney's support for Romneycare makes him a "moderate"?Why is it that Global Warming is a excuse for totalitarian controls when Obama endorses it,but a "flaw",or a "error" when Romney endorses it?
Romney is not a Conservative.He is not a "moderate".He is not "flawed".He is not Reagan.He is not even George W.Bush.He is a sick joke played on conservatives.Yet Romney is regarded as"serious",or "inevitable",while Cain is regarded as a buffoon for confusing the members of the pro-Al-Qaeda Libyan Islamic Fighting Group with the Taliban(fn1).In fact,though the Taliban does not control Libya,Libya does have,among its "freedom fighters",self-avowed Jihadi who boasted of attacking American service personnel in both Afghanistan & Iraq(fn2).
This is not to defend Cain's more serious error:giving a interview when you are sleep deprived.Nor does it excuse Cain's ignorance of foreign policy more broadly.But given the choice of Cain on the one hand,& Romney or Gingrich on the other I would choose Cain.
fn1 Cain suggests Taliban running Libya –
fn2. We are aiding our enemies in Libya.Demand a end to the Libya war now. - fightingstatism
A interview with "reformed" members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group #no2sharia #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism
Libyan leader:Don't worry,Libyan rebels who fought US soldiers in afghanistan not Al-Qaeda - fightingstatism
Obama's secret weapon: #RINOS
"Whereas Bush’s image as a free-market capitalist was a mirage, Obama’s image as a radical leftist is accurate. Obama’s great vulnerability is that a silent majority of American voters will see this, and will recognize that he does not share either their values or their vision of what America was and should be......" This is the clarity that Obama has brought to the American political scene. To see a president’s clear and principled commitment to an ideology—any ideology—is precisely what America has needed for decades. .... Although a large portion of the protesters remains confused about the principles at stake, an increasing number are gaining clarity. They are coming to see the Democratic proposals for health-care “reform,” for instance, not as a matter of new programs backed by good intentions, but as an attack on individual rights and an effort to impose a dictatorship—as signs at tea parties attest. And many are beginning to see that the Republicans a
s well
have been guilty of such attacks. .....For three generations now, America has needed a blunt confrontation with the policies that have been leading the nation toward dictatorship and into bankruptcy. Such confrontations were stillborn in 1940, 1964, and 1980 because in each case Republicans failed to stand up, on principle, for capitalism, liberty, and individual rights. Republicans repeatedly collapsed into the quicksand of compromise and accepted the welfare state principles of their opponents while arguing about the “proper” amount of government coercion they would enact. The trend toward statism continued, because the incremental steps accepted by Republicans obscured the stark difference between America’s founding vision and its statist future. Obama has given active-minded Americans a close-up view of this future. His vision—a government bureaucracy to administer medicine, an environmental agency to shackle industry, and the institutional mechanisms for bringing
government into the most intimate details of our lives—is where we have been headed for decades." .... .... "But the issue is not yet closed. The Democrats have one last resource—one secret weapon—with which they can save their plans while avoiding political suicide in the next election. That weapon is the Republicans. If the Republicans compromise—if they accept federally -mandated health insurance in the guise of a “co -op” or the like, or a cap -and -trade bill that is marginally less draconian than the Democratic version—they will have once again capitulated to their opponents, abandoned liberty, and ruined the opportunity to redirect this nation toward its founding moral principle: individual rights, protected under a constitution in a free republic. .....
RRD:And that is exactly what will happen if we nominate a Liberal like Romney,or(on the Individual Mandate and Global Warming) Newt Gingrich.
Why are Republicans considering Liberal-Socialists as their Presidential Candidate? #tcot #teaparty #tlot
Both Romney and Gingrich believe that the State has the right to force us to buy health insurance.The average voter by contrast rejects the individual mandate(and NO not because it is a Federal rather than state mandate).Both Romney and Gingrich believe in Global Warming.The average voter does not.
So I ask why are Republicans considering choosing as their standard bearers people who are to the left of the precious independents?Do those who support Romney & Gingrich have any fundamental grasp of the issues at stake?Or is this just about partisanship?
Mitt Romney: The Magically Malleable Man of Mystery RedState #teaparty #wethepeople
...."He refused to support George Bush’s tax cuts in 2004, but in 2007 claimed he had always supported them. In 2002, Romney refused to sign the Americans for Tax Reform pledge, but in 2007, Romney signed it. In 2002, Mitt Romney wanted heaving federal regulations on campaign finances. Back in 1994, Romney even wanted a cap on congressional election spending and wanted to ban political action committees. By 2007, Romney was attacking McCain -Feingold, which did much of what he previously had wanted. In the 1992 Presidential Primary in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney voted for Paul Tsongas. He contributed to numerous Democrats and, i 1994 while running as a Republican, praised Bill Clinton as doing “a lot of things that make sense.” More troubling, in 1994 Mitt Romney campaigned against the Contract With America calling it “too partisan.” He also insisted he was an independent during Ronald Reagan’s years in office, balking at Ted Kennedy’s attempts to connect Romney to
Ronald Reagan. By 2005, Mitt Romney claimed Ronald Reagan was his political hero. On the second amendment, Mitt Romney supported the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons ban in 1994, but by 2007, Mitt Romney oppos gun control measures. At one point in 2007, Mitt Romney claimed he owned a gun and then admitted he did not."...
Friday, November 18, 2011
Will the #Teaparty return to it's vomit,& choose Romney?
First Coulter shills for Chris Christie--a supporter of the global warming mythology and buddy of Islamists,now she shills for Romney.According to Coulter Romney will repeal Obamacare--he won't.
Yes,I know he has said that he will,he also said that "he did not want to go back to the policies of Reagan-Bush"(fn3),and denied being a Republican during Reagan's tenure(fn4),he is a liar.He tells people whatever they want to hear to get elected.Indeed Coulter says as much in the article.
If he were to be elected we would suddenly begin hearing that "they don't have the votes to repeal Obamacare",or to do a full repeal,or that "we should make Obamacare work",or we can't afford to lose the independents in the 2014/2016/2018.... elections.
How do I know this?
How do I know that Al-Zawahiri will not simply turn himself in?
After all,he has free will.
He "might" do this.
All I have to go on is his past and reason.And reason tells me that Romney is a liar,that he is a Rockefeller Republican who regards National Health Care(along with Cap and Trade) as "inevitable",& that he views the Teaparty as a group of kooks who need to be "reined in",and "managed".There is no earthly reason to believe that Romney will buck the entire Washington Establishment to repeal Obamacare.It's insulting to the intelligence to claim otherwise.
"But Romney will need to repeal Obamacare if he wishes to be reelected"?Why?If "they don't have the votes"(and they won't)then "surely we can't blame Romney for the failure to repeal Obamacare",and "you can't let the GOP lose in 2014...2016...2018"... ad nauseam.
So long as we are prepared to elect Rockefeller Republicans,the GOP has no need to change.
How many times do you think you can betray people and get away with it?But there's a chance that Romney will repeal Obamacare?Sure,and we will be told this again after Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012.There is always "a chance",and so long as we elect RINOS there always will "a chance",& only "a chance",& nothing more.Did people forget the fact that there WAS a GOP majority under Bush,and there were GOP defections on a number of issues?For that matter did people forget that Bush ushered in "Compassionate Conservatism"
How many times will we hear "just hold your nose because we have to get through this one election"?Does Coulter think we've forgotten that this line was used in 2004,and 2006,AND 2008,AND the Scott Brown special election?
I voted for the GOP in 2010 to stop Obama;the result?The GOP broke their promise they made to cut spending by $100 billion,AND passed a debt ceiling increase that has a "trigger" for slashing Military spending while leaving the expanded welfare state untouched.Now Lamar Alexander is demanding HIGHER TAXES and Hensarling,who intially opposed higher taxes is retreating(fn5).In short the very GOP that went to Washington to stop Obama is helping him to institute his policies.
We could very well see BOTH higher spending AND higher taxes under Romney just as we did under Bush 2,and under Bush 1 respectively.
What will we be told if Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012,& faces Obama(or some other Democrat) in 2016?
Will Coulter suddenly say that it's acceptable NOT to vote for Romney?
Of course not.
What's more supporting Romney means choosing as our standard bearer a man who will give Obama a moral victory that he can't possibly win on his own by "conceding" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance,and that global warming is real.Years from now,when another Democrat is in the White House he will point to the "bi-partisan consensus" on Global Warming,just as Obama pointed to "practical" Republicans like Bennett who "conceded" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance;to disarm his critics.
So long as the the Republicans are one iota less destructive than the Democrats we will have people like Coulter mocking anyone who wants to save this country,(as opposed to supporting ABO: Anyone But Obama) as "purists".To which I would respond;better a political purist,than a political slut.
How many times will we be told that it is practical to eat our own vomit?And how many times will we be played for fools?If Romney gets the nomination it will be time to say: "wretched GOP,adieu!" If Not Romney, Who? If Not Now, When - Ann Coulter - Townhall Conservative,_who_if_no... P.S. : At some point I expect we will see "7 stages of grief" articles by Romney supporters,saying that opponents of Romney are "in denial".I was told similarly condescending things when Obamacare was passed,and (for that matter) when Obama was running for President.Indeed some OBOTS "informed me" that I WOULD vote for Obama,I "just needed to hear him speak",he could unite us,blah blah...
The pixie dust of condescension did not work then & will not work in 2012. More Links:
Who should we support for the #2012 election:Why we need better candidates.Part 2: Romney #obamacare #tcot #tlot #teaparty - fightingstatism Mitt Romney: The Fruitcake of 2012 Presidential Candidates | Don't Let It Go
Is RomneyCare Different from ObamaCare? | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |
What Mitt Romney did to Massachusetts | The Right Scoop Mitt Romney defends Massachusetts health care law in Las Vegas speech - Kasie Hunt -
Mitt Romney defends individual mandate in Nevada | The State Column We Stand FIRM: More Massachusetts Gaming The failure of RomneyCare, doctor shortage edition | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner We Stand FIRM: Lucidicus On RomneyCare
We Stand FIRM: Massachusetts Unravelling We Stand FIRM: Flirting With Unintended Consequences in Massachusetts
PJ Media » Massachusetts: The Canary in the Coal Mine for ObamaCare
Behold the 1099-Romney Romney, Gingrich Flunk Poli-Philosophy
Mitt Romney on health care, then and now - Romneycare a big bust - Truth Squad: Romney's Health Care Speech - Interactive Feature - RomneyCare could be radioactive for GOP | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner Ryan criticizes Romney on health care RomneyCare Is Problem, Not Part Of The Solution - Latest Headlines - 5 painful health-care lessons from Massachusetts - Jun. 15, 2010 We Stand FIRM: Interview With RomneyCare Author Jonathan Gruber
Romney endorses Global Warming: Mitt Romney’s Second Gaffe: Endorsing Man-Made Global Warming
And why is it that Cain's flaws ,(or Perry's flaws,or Giuliani's or whoever's flaws),are disqualifying,but Romneycare & Romney's support for Cap & Trade is not? Why does Pajamas Media keep shilling for Romney? - fightingstatism My responsa to a Rockfeller Republican re:"Holding our nose,& voting for Romney" - fightingstatism
fn1 Proverbs 26:11 KJV As a dog returneth to his vomit,so a fool returneth to his folly.
Newt Gingrich is not a Romney alternative #tcot #2012 #teaparty - fightingstatism fn3 Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
Romney Denies Being Republican During Reagan Era (Video) | Yes, But, However!
fn5 GOP leader bucks party on taxes -
Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals -
Say Anything Mitt Romney Says He’s “Not Going To Walk Away” From #Romneycare #teaparty #2012
RRD:I will not vote for this Son-of-a-Bitch.Not now,not in the general election,not ever.Scum like him are why we face the disaster we face.I am not asking Coulter's,or Pjmedia's permission,I am not arguing about whether I will or not vote for this creature;I will not vote for him,full-stop.Thursday, November 17, 2011
The New Salman Rushdie Affair: Facebook ID Crackdown Has Activists Uneasy #tcot #p2 #tlot #privacy
RRD:If Facebook continues with this they may soon find that they will lose people rather than gain more info on their users.
The New Salman Rushdie Affair: Facebook ID Crackdown Has Activists Uneasy
Will the #Teaparty return to it's vomit,& choose Romney? #tcot #2012
RRD:Will the Teaparty return to it's vomit?Proverbs 26 uses the metaphor of a dog returning to it's vomit for a fool who never learns.(fn1).That is what I feel when watching the grotesque efforts of supposedly conservative commentators to push Romney,Gingrich(fn2) or other RINOS on us for 2012.
First Coulter shills for Chris Christie--a supporter of the global warming mythology and buddy of Islamists,now she shills for Romney.According to Coulter Romney will repeal Obamacare--he won't.
Yes,I know he has said that he will,he also said that "he did not want to go back to the policies Reagan-Bush"(fn3),and denied being a Republican during Reagan's tenure(fn4),he is a liar.He tells people whatever they want to hear to get elected.Indeed Coulter says as much in the article.
If he were to be elected we would suddenly begin hearing that "they don't have the votes to repeal Obamacare",or to do a full repeal,or that "we should make Obamacare work",or we can't afford to lose the independents 2014/2016/2018.... elections.
How do I know this?
How do I know that Al-Zawahiri will not simply turn himself in?
After all,he has free will.
He "might" do this.
All I have to go on is his past and reason.And reason tells me that Romney is a liar,that he is a Rockefeller Republican who regards National Health Care(along with Cap and Trade) as "inevitable",& that he views the Teaparty as a group of kooks who need to be "reined in",and "managed".There is no earthly reason to believe that Romney will buck the entire Washington Establishment to repeal Obamacare.It's insulting to the intelligence to claim otherwise.
"But Romney will need to repeal Obamacare if he wishes to be reelected"?Why?If "they don't have the votes"(and they won't)then "surely we can't blame Romney for the failure to repeal Obamacare",and "you can't let the GOP lose in 2014...2016...2018"... ad nauseam.
So long as we are prepared to elect Rockefeller Republicans,the GOP has no need to change.
How many times do you think you can betray people and get away with it?But there's a chance that Romney will repeal Obamacare?Sure,and we will be told this again after Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012.There is always "a chance",and so long as we elect RINOS there always will "a chance",& only "a chance",& nothing more.Did people forget the fact that there WAS a GOP majority under Bush,and there were GOP defections on a number of issues?How many times will we hear "just hold your nose because we have to get through this one election"?Does Coulter think we've forgotten that this line was used in 2004,and 2006,AND 2008,AND the Scott Brown special election?
I voted for the GOP in 2010 to stop Obama;the result?The GOP broke their promise to cut spending by $100 billion,& passed a debt ceiling increase that has a "trigger" for slashing Military spending while leaving the expanded welfare state untouched.Now Lamar Alexander is demanding HIGHER TAXES and Hensarling,who intially opposed higher taxes is retreating(fn5).In short the very GOP that went to Washington to stop Obama is helping him to institute his policies.
We could very well see BOTH higher spending under Romney just as we did under Bush 2,and higher taxes just like we did under Bush 1.
What will we be told if Romney fails to repeal Obamacare in 2012,& faces Obama(or some other Democrat) in 2016?
Will Coulter suddenly say that it's acceptable NOT to vote for Romney?
Of course not.
Further if we support Romney we will have choosen as our standard bearer a man who will give Obama a moral victory that he can't possibly win on his own by "conceding" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance,and that global warming is real.Years from now,when another Democrat is in the White House he will point to the "bi-partisan consensus" on Global Warming,just as Obama pointed to "practical" Republicans like Bennett who "conceded" that the state has the right to force us to buy health insurance,to disarm his critics.
So long as the the Republicans are one iota less destructive than the Democrats we will have people like Coulter mocking anyone who wants to save this country,(as opposed to supporting ABO: Anyone But Obama) as "purists".To which I would respond;better a political purist,than a political slut.
How many times will we be told that it is practical to eat our own vomit?And how many times will we be played for fools?If Romney gets the nomination it will be time to say: "wretched GOP,adieu!",_who_if_no... P.S. : At some point I expect we will see "7 stages of grief" articles by Romney supporters,saying that opponents of Romney are "in denial".I was told similarly condescending things when Obamacare was passed,and (for that matter) when Obama was running for President.Indeed some OBOTS "informed me" that I would vote for Obama,I "just needed to hear him speak",he could unite us,blah blah..The danger of trying to ram something down someone's throat is that you may get your hand bitten off. More Links:
Who should we support for the #2012 election:Why we need better candidates.Part 2: Romney #obamacare #tcot #tlot #teaparty - fightingstatism Mitt Romney: The Fruitcake of 2012 Presidential Candidates | Don't Let It Go
Is RomneyCare Different from ObamaCare? | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |
What Mitt Romney did to Massachusetts | The Right Scoop Mitt Romney defends Massachusetts health care law in Las Vegas speech - Kasie Hunt -
Mitt Romney defends individual mandate in Nevada | The State Column We Stand FIRM: More Massachusetts Gaming The failure of RomneyCare, doctor shortage edition | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner We Stand FIRM: Lucidicus On RomneyCare
We Stand FIRM: Massachusetts Unravelling We Stand FIRM: Flirting With Unintended Consequences in Massachusetts
PJ Media » Massachusetts: The Canary in the Coal Mine for ObamaCare
Behold the 1099-Romney Romney, Gingrich Flunk Poli-Philosophy
Mitt Romney on health care, then and now - Romneycare a big bust - Truth Squad: Romney's Health Care Speech - Interactive Feature - RomneyCare could be radioactive for GOP | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner Ryan criticizes Romney on health care RomneyCare Is Problem, Not Part Of The Solution - Latest Headlines - 5 painful health-care lessons from Massachusetts - Jun. 15, 2010 We Stand FIRM: Interview With RomneyCare Author Jonathan Gruber
Romney endorses Global Warming: Mitt Romney’s Second Gaffe: Endorsing Man-Made Global Warming
And why is it that Cain's flaws ,(or Perry's flaws,or Giuliani's or whoever's flaws),are disqualifying,but Romneycare & Romney's support for Cap & Trade is not? Why does Pajamas Media keep shilling for Romney? - fightingstatism My responsa to a Rockfeller Republican re:"Holding our nose,& voting for Romney" - fightingstatism
fn1 Proverbs 26:11 KJV As a dog returneth to his vomit,so a fool returneth to his folly.
Newt Gingrich is not a Romney alternative #tcot #2012 #teaparty - fightingstatism fn3 Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
Romney Denies Being Republican During Reagan Era (Video) | Yes, But, However!
fn5 GOP leader bucks party on taxes -
Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals -
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Newt Gingrich is not a Romney alternative
Newt Gingrich is no conservative | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner ...."Gingrich's campaign nearly imploded this summer when he dismissed Rep. Paul Ryan's, R-Wis., Medicare reform plan as "right-wing social engineering." But that gaffe was a window into Gingrich's irresponsible approach toward entitlements. In 2003, Gingrich stumped hard for President George W. Bush's prescription drug bill, which has added about $17 trillion to Medicare's unfunded liabilities. "Every conservative member of Congress should vote for this Medicare bill," Newt urged. And in his 2008 book "Real Change," he endorsed an individual mandate for health insurance. In a 2006 piece for Human Events, Gingrich offered House Republicans "11 Ways to Say: 'We're Not Nancy Pelosi.' " Point seven proposed a Solyndra-on-steroids industrial policy devoted to "developing more clean coal solutions, investing in a conversion to a hydrogen economy" and more. It's not clear why the former madame speaker would complain. It's also unclear why anybody looking to distance himself from Pe
would plop down on a love seat with her to call for government action on climate change --as Gingrich did in a 2008 television commercial. It was a season of bipartisan chumminess for Newt. "Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees --and (Almost) Each Other," the Washington Post described a 2007 global warming event Gingrich headlined with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. "...
Lamar Alexander endorses Higher Taxes #RINOS #Tpot #wethepeople
GOP leader bucks party on taxes - Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals -
Lamar Alexander endorses Higher Taxes #tcot #2012 #teaparty
GOP leader bucks party on taxes - Hensarling says GOP is willing to consider new Dem tax proposals -
Newt Gingrich is not a Romney alternative #tcot #2012 #teaparty
Newt Gingrich is no conservative | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner ...."Gingrich's campaign nearly imploded this summer when he dismissed Rep. Paul Ryan's, R-Wis., Medicare reform plan as "right-wing social engineering." But that gaffe was a window into Gingrich's irresponsible approach toward entitlements. In 2003, Gingrich stumped hard for President George W. Bush's prescription drug bill, which has added about $17 trillion to Medicare's unfunded liabilities. "Every conservative member of Congress should vote for this Medicare bill," Newt urged. And in his 2008 book "Real Change," he endorsed an individual mandate for health insurance. In a 2006 piece for Human Events, Gingrich offered House Republicans "11 Ways to Say: 'We're Not Nancy Pelosi.' " Point seven proposed a Solyndra-on-steroids industrial policy devoted to "developing more clean coal solutions, investing in a conversion to a hydrogen economy" and more. It's not clear why the former madame speaker would complain. It's also unclear why anybody looking to distance himself from Pe
would plop down on a love seat with her to call for government action on climate change --as Gingrich did in a 2008 television commercial. It was a season of bipartisan chumminess for Newt. "Kerry and Gingrich Hugging Trees --and (Almost) Each Other," the Washington Post described a 2007 global warming event Gingrich headlined with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. "...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Obama's "malaise" #tcot #teaparty
Footnotes: fn1 Krauthammer rips Obama’s ‘ill-concealed contempt’ for Americans: ‘It’s unseemly’
fn2 Exodus 5:17 KJV But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice to the Lord.
Top Marine: Nation doesn’t grasp impact of massive budget cuts on Defense - #teaparty
And where are the Republicans who were elected to "hold Obama in check"?Answer:by and large they accepted this debt ceiling bill,and are currently debating whether they are obligated to keep they're promises regarding taxes(fn2)!
Top Marine: Nation doesn’t grasp impact of massive budget cuts on Defense - Footnotes:
fn1 Democrats want war savings to fund new stimulus package - The Hill's On The Money
fn2 House Republican leader: GOP should keep word on taxes - GOP lawmakers want out of tax pledge -
Israeli "human rights group",former head believed Israel should cease to exist. #jcot #xcot #tcot
RRD:To any reading this who would say "she didn't say Israel should cease to exist,just that it should be just another Arab state."--don't go there.I am really not in the mood.I am not concerned about the "Democratic" aspirations of Saddam Hussein to butcher the Kurds,nor the "Democratic" impluses of the People's Republic of China vs Taiwan,or the "Democratic" impluses of the Athenians who murdered Socrates,or "Democratic" desires of Hitler,or the "Democratic" longings of barbarians who hand out candy to celebrate the slitting of the throats of Israeli children.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Anti-Semite & 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Richard Falk will not debate Dershowitz #jcot #supportisrael
Dershowitz: Why Are John Mearsheimer And Richard Falk Endorsing A Blatantly Anti-Semitic Book? RRD:They're anti-semites - fightingstatism
Alan Dershowitz: Why Are John Mearsheimer And Richard Falk Endorsing A Blatantly Anti-Semitic Book? | The New Republic The photos are of Falk's cartoon & screenshots of his denials.
UN’s Falk denies posting anti-Semitic cartoon, then deletes it at View from Geneva Timeline: Richard Falk's Anti-Semitic Cartoon, Denial, and Non-Apology Apology - UN Watch Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on Richard Falk Further Falk posted one of E.E.Cummings' (or rather e.e.cummings') bizarre & profane poems. Saying No to Alan Dershowitz «
Princeton prof turns down Dershowitz challenge
...."Earlier this year, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice called for Falk’s resignation as United Nations Special Rapporteur to the Palestinian Territories for “endors[ing] the slurs of conspiracy theorists who allege that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were perpetrated and then covered up by the U.S. government and media.” In July, the United States again called on Falk, who is Jewish, to resign from his U.N. post after he published an anti-Semitic cartoon on his blog. U.N. human rights head Navi Pillay also called the cartoon “anti-Semitic and objectionable.” Falk later removed the cartoon, conceding it “had strongly anti-Semitic symbolism that I had not detected before it was pointed out to me.” But Falk says he will not debate Dershowitz over his endorsement of Atzmon’s book. “I can find nothing useful coming from such a debate, and I would feel demeaned if I adopted his tactics and if I didn’t I would feel abused for no good
end,” Falk said, turning down Dershowitz’s debate"...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Tomorrow’s “Don’t Let It Go…Unheard” #Objectivist Podcast Topics: Cain, #obamacare #2012
"Topics planned for tomorrow include: Does the sheer number of Cain accusers mean that we should think there must be something to the allegations? How did the candidates perform in the debates this week? Who is your favorite at this point? For whom could you tolerate voting? Is there yet another truly horrible provision of Obamacare, one that might also make it unconstitutional? What does it say about our culture that college students are more upset about a coach being fired, than about the sexual abuse he helped to cover up? And more..."