RRD:Nearly three thousand American men,women & children were slaughtered on our soil.Pakistan has the bomb,Iran may soon have it,& China is stealing our technology,hacking into our computers & arming itself to the teeth.As I predicted the practical result of puttting the Military "on the table" is that only the Military will be cut and as a result we will end up both bankrupt AND defenseless.The Democrats are already salivating over using the non-existent "peace dividend" on more porkulus spending.(fn1)
And where are the Republicans who were elected to "hold Obama in check"?Answer:by and large they accepted this debt ceiling bill,and are currently debating whether they are obligated to keep they're promises regarding taxes(fn2)!
Top Marine: Nation doesn’t grasp impact of massive budget cuts on Defense - TheHill.com http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/193571-top-marine-nation-doesnt-grasp-... Footnotes:
fn1 Democrats want war savings to fund new stimulus package - The Hill's On The Money
fn2 House Republican leader: GOP should keep word on taxes - TheHill.com
http://thehill.com/homenews/house/193427-house-gop-leader-republicans-should-... GOP lawmakers want out of tax pledge - TheHill.com
And where are the Republicans who were elected to "hold Obama in check"?Answer:by and large they accepted this debt ceiling bill,and are currently debating whether they are obligated to keep they're promises regarding taxes(fn2)!
Top Marine: Nation doesn’t grasp impact of massive budget cuts on Defense - TheHill.com http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/193571-top-marine-nation-doesnt-grasp-... Footnotes:
fn1 Democrats want war savings to fund new stimulus package - The Hill's On The Money
fn2 House Republican leader: GOP should keep word on taxes - TheHill.com
http://thehill.com/homenews/house/193427-house-gop-leader-republicans-should-... GOP lawmakers want out of tax pledge - TheHill.com
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