Friday, May 18, 2012

Dear Romney & MSM;No it really is not "racist" to condemn Obama for his voluntary association with a anti-american & anti-Israel & #antisemitic hate monger #tcot #jcot

Romney moves swiftly to rule out anti-Wright ad (+video) -

...."Republican Romney pushed back against a proposal being weighed by a conservative super PAC,Ending Spending Action Fund, to run a $10 million ad campaign drawing attention to racially provocative sermons Wright delivered at a church Obama attended in Chicago . But with super PACS operating under significantly looser campaign finance restrictions than in past presidential contests, there was no guarantee Romney's words would be heeded by other groups eager to make Wright — and, by extension, race — a factor in the campaign.

"I want to make it very clear: I repudiate that effort," Romney told reporters after a campaign stop in Florida. "I think it's the wrong course for a PAC or a campaign. I hope that our campaigns can be respectively about the future and about issues and about vision for America."...


..." there was no guarantee Romney's words would be heeded by other groups eager to make Wright — and, by extension, race — a factor in the campaign"...

How is condemning a candidate for freely choosing to associate with a rabidly anti-american,anti-Israel & anti-semitic hate monger "racism" CSM?

This racism smear is like the ”Emperor's New Clothes”,all it takes to blast it to bits is to ask:How is it racism to condemn a man for statements that anyone,black or white,would be condemned for?

But neither Mccain then,nor Romney now,will say such things because they both cower before the MSM & their Rockefeller Republican Strategists.
Say such things?!
They denounce those who do!
I however,am not terribly concerned with what Romney says about me,(or what he says about anything else.)

Wright's words:

A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith -
JODI KANTOR Published: April 30, 2007

”On the Sunday after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Mr. Wright said the attacks were a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later he wrote that the attacks had proved that “people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.”

”While Mr. Obama stated his opposition to the Iraq war in conventional terms, Mr. Wright issued a “War on Iraq I.Q. Test,” with questions like, “Which country do you think poses the greatest threat to global peace: Iraq or the U.S.?”

Israpundit » Blog Archive » Jeremiah Wright’s Endorsement of Barack Obama

Jeremiah Wrights own War in Iraq IQ Test( as of March 12 2008)

41. Q: How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992? A: Over 65

42. Q: How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto between 1972 and 1990? A: 30+

43. Q: How much does the U.S. fund Israel a year? A:$5 billion

44. Q: How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons ? A: 8

45. Q: How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got ? A: 0

46. Q: How many nuclear warheads has US got ? A: Over 10,000

47. Q: Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons ? A: The US

48. Q: How many nuclear warheads does Israel have ? A: Over 400

49. Q: Has Israel ever allowed UN weapon inspections? A: No

50. Q: What percentage of the Palestinian territories are controlled by Israeli settlements ? A: 42%

51. Q: Is Israel illegally occupying Palestinian land? A: Yes

52. Q: Which country do you think poses the greatest threat to global peace: Iraq or the U.S.A: ????”

RRD:Oh,& here is The Rev. Jeremiah Wright's speech in which he calls upon God to damn America ”for killing innocent children”,& denounces us for our support of Israel's ”state terrorism against the Palestinians”.This is the FULL sermon,in context,as opposed to the "snippets" of Fox.
Watching the full sermon is different in one way;in the "snippets" we are not shown Wright grieving over the murder victims of 9/11,in the "snippets" Wright seems to be celebrating the atrocity.
The full video is somewhat less damning,but to conservatives and moderates only somewhat.
Whereas in the "snippets" Wright comes off as a demon celebrating murder,in the full clip he comes off as a deluded "blame America Firster" smearing the U.S. Government & Israel.
Your reaction to the full clip will of course depend on your worldview.
If you are a leftist (or Libertarian), of the sort who sees America as the ”bully of the world”,then no doubt what Wright has said will strike you as ”just common sense”.

Since,however,America does not,in fact,deserve damnation(neither does Israel) & since many people do understand this,they will respond differently to this garbage.

FOX Lies!! The real sermon given by Pastor Wright - YouTube

Then in 2009:

Rev. Jeremiah Wright apologizes about blaming "them Jews" for keeping him from Obama - Lynn Sweet

....”In the case of Wright, his latest remarks about Jews once again put him in the news. In an interview with David Squires, a columnist from the Newport News, Va. Daily Press, Wright blamed "them Jews" for keeping him from talking to President Obama.

"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me," Wright said. "I told my baby daughter that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office." He added: "They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said from the beginning. He's a politician, I'm a pastor. He's got to do what politicians do."....

Wright, discussing his comments with Sirius/XM radio's host Mark Thompson on "Make it Plain," may have thought he issued a clarification --certainly to me no apology --but only added to the damage.

Said Wright, "I'm not talking about all Jews, all people of the Jewish faith, I'm talking about Zionists... I'm talking about facts, historical facts. I'm not talking about emotionally charged words.

"They can jump on that phrase if they want to,'' he said, "but they can't undo history and they can't undo the fact of Jewish historians and Jewish theologians who write about what's going on."

On Friday, the Daily Press reported that Wright posted a statement on his Facebook page.

Wrote Wright, "I am extremely disturbed and deeply saddened that once again my comments as reflected in the June 10, 2009, Daily Press article has resurfaced a divisive debate about my relationship with President Barack Obama. I love President Obama as my son, and support and honor him as the President of the United States of America and leader of the free world. I apologize to the Jewish community and all others who were offended by the way in which I framed my comments. I misspoke. I meant no harm or ill-will to the American Jewish community or the Obama Administration. My great respect for the Jewish faith and the foundational (and central) part of my Judeo Christian tradition are unquestionable, and I pray that all whom I have hurt accept my sincerest apology”

The refusal to condemn Wright for his evil is itself evil,and --when done by Republicans-- it is craven cowardice.

It is to say that we cannot condemn a unjust,immoral man because he is a African-American.

It is perverse to implicitly concede the justness of Wright's outrageous libels & to welcome this garbage into the ”mainstream”(or mainsewer) while denouncing those who rightly condemn him,as being beyond the pale.

It is yet another pathetic example of the Republicans--in their craven cowardice--giving the enemy a victory that they could never achieve on their own.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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