Jeb Bush: Reagan ‘would have a hard time’ in today’s GOP - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
...“Ronald Reagan would have,based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement, doesn’t allow for finding some common ground,” Bush said at the headquarters of Bloomberg LP in Manhattan, according to remarks reported by Buzzfeed. ...”According to Buzzfeed, Bush said he thought the rigid and highly charged political atmosphere was “disturbing” but “temporary.” “Back to my dad’s time and Ronald Reagan’s time — they got a lot of stuff done with a lot of bipartisan suport,” he said, adding that Reagan “would be criticized” for reaching across the aisle today.
...”The former Florida governor also said Monday that the deficit deal his father helped craft more than two decades ago helped spur economic growth, even though his father lost his bid for a second term after breaking his “no new taxes” pledge.”...
RRD:Sure,Jeb,a man who spoke of America's greatness(& meant it),cut taxes,rebuilt the "Hollow Military",made deals with Democrats but regretted them,denounced the idea of detente,someone who left the Democratic Party "because it left him",someone who spent years on the lecture circuit & coined some of the most oft repeated expressions of conservative thought would have a hard time getting the nomination.
This is said at a time when the standard bearer of the GOP is the man who created the prototype for Obamacare. In fact Jeb a New Reagan is something Conservatives have been seeking desperately,everywhere,
in everyone from your father--who betrayed Reagan--to your brother G.W.Bush to Palin to Scott Brown to Allen West to Marco Rubio to you.
It is like pursuing a mirage of a Oasis that disappears as soon as it is in your grasp.
Of those listed only Rubio,and perhaps West,come close.
No,Jeb Reagan would be welcomed by Conservatives,but he would be scorned by your father,and Murkowski,& other RINOS and CINOS. Just as he was scorned by Gerald Ford and your father.
You do remember that Ford called Reagan a "extremist",don't you Jeb.
Google does remember Jeb(fn1)
It took a great deal of time and effort to find that story. I went to Google,typed the keywords "Reagan" "Gerald Ford" and "extremist" and Behold! the past comes back to life! And then there's this:
The American Spectator : Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps
.... ”Ford went on at length in this March 1980 Times interview, digging moderate Republicans an even deeper political hole in 1980 than the one they were already in thanks to Dewey and the GOP Establishment. Assured the latest moderate GOP icon of the day: "Every place I go and everything I hear, there is growing, growing sentiment that Governor Reagan cannot win the election…. I hear more and more often that we don't want, can't afford to have a replay of 1964 [the Goldwater defeat by LBJ]." The Times reporter wrote the rest of the Ford interview story this way: Asked if he shared the view that Mr. Reagan could not win, Mr. Ford said "it would be an impossible situation" because Mr. Reagan is "perceived as a most conservative Republican." "A very conservative Republican," he said, "can't win in a national election." Meaning [asked the reporter] that Mr. Reagan can't win? "That's right," replied Mr. Ford. ”....
And Jeb what of your daddy(don't you remember him Jeb?).
Didn't he call the center-piece of Reagan's economic platform ”Voodoo Economics”
...”It just isn't going to work, and it's very interesting that the man who invented this type of what I call a voodoo economic policy...
George Herbert Walker Bush. Speech at Carnegie Mellon University (10 April 1980)”
But let us set aside Jeb's imaginary Reagan whose goal was ”finding accommodation"& "finding some degree of common ground”
& returning to our timeline--the one where the Earth revolves aound the Sun,and where the South lost the Civil War--let us parse the meaning of this shibboleth "working with others to find bipartisan solutions". When Jeb Bush speaks of "finding accommodation" & "finding some degree of common ground" what he means is that the Republicans should collaborate with the Democrats(again) to spend us into bankruptcy,placing our descendents into debt,all to bribe short sighted voters into voting for them,and then later to declare that since "we have so much debt it's just gosh darn irresponsible not to raise taxes" But what of ”spending cuts”?
What Jeb Bush(& politicians in general) mean by ”spending cuts” is very different from what sane,honest people mean by
term.Sane,honest people think of someone who spends $100 on something,and then spends $80 on it,thereby cutting
the amount they spend by $20.This is not how our wise leaders think.
They think that when they add less to the debt then they had originally wanted to add to the debt that that constitutes a "savings" "cutting spending". (ala Dicken's Richard Carstone in Bleak House ) (fn2)
(Indeed,it constitutes”real cuts”, "massive,painful cuts","cuts on the backs of the poor" etc ) To grasp the absurdity of our situation imagine the following: Imagine you were left your family's restaurant by your parents,(As you were the "responsible one").
Imagine that he had behaved foolishly with his life & insulted you in the past,but committed no major sin(he never stole) Imagine that you accepted your brother's apologies,and accepted his claim to have matured.
Imagine that you decide to entrust your brother with a job,and then one day with the task of taking the money of the family restaurant to the bank,(since you must attend to a emergency).
Imagine that instead of taking it to the bank,he absconds with the money to Las Vegas & spends it on drugs,prostitutes,and roulette.
Imagine that he then comes up with a brillant idea:he will forge your signature and put the family deli up as collateral to a loan shark,and then use that money to make up the money he lost gambling and make millions more to boot,by
gambling some more.
After signing your property over to a Chinese gangster named Mr.Gòngchǎn Zhōngguó
He then tries to figure out why he lost at roulette.He figures out what the problem is.He's unlucky!To solve this problem he decides to buy a lucky rabbit's foot,whose magic powers will enable him to win at roulette.
Imagine that the roulette wheel is unmoved by the rabbit's foot powers of persuasion.
Imagine that He then comes to you and tells you the following: 1."It doesn't matter who is to blame for this situation,there is no point in pointing fingers,or in assigning blame." 2."Life isn't fair to me." 3."You must work with the mobsters to give them a cut of our business.I say our business since we're all in this together,and since you and mom and dad cheated me out of my share of the family business by refusing to leave it equally to both of us." 4."If you don't work with the mobsters and share,YOU will be to blame for what happens to me." 4.He then quotes Cain from the Bible:"Cain said 'I am not my brother's keeper',do you wish to be like a murderer like Cain?What's more,not only does the Bible say it, but(even more importantly!) President Obama says that "we are our brother's keeper' too!" You answer: 1.If I were Cain you would be dead in the ground.Cain's sin was envy and murder.
2.I am not your servant because of a offhand comment made by a ancient murderer. 3.Be thankful that I don't have you arrested for theft and fraud.I won't.But never want to see you again.
4.I will call the police when the mobsters arrive,since the debt has no legal standing,there's nothing they can do to us.
Your brother is concerned:"You can't do that!You'll ruin my street cred with the other gamblers!I need to stay on good terms with them so I can borrow more money for....stuff.
"We're brothers!I'm your brother!It's your duty to help me!
Haven't you read the Parable of the Prodigal Son!
You:"We're Jewish.Besides wasn't that a metaphor for welcoming a repentant sinner,not serving the vices of a unrepentant one?" Your brother:"Vice!Sin!Evil!Repentance!What kind of morality is that!Morality is brother love!Oh!And NOW you care about the bible!" You respond:"You brought it up!" Your Brother:”That's no excuse for your callousness!"Don't make excuses for your actions"
You throw up your hands and refuse. Your brother:
"You,you,souless beast monstrous heartless fiend,you think of no one but himself!You're a bloodthirsty vampire who preys upon the innocent and profits off of the suffering and of the goodwill of others.You are a parasite who is willing to milk the human kindness of others for your own petty gain and then toss them aside!You worship Gold!
Why don't you sacrifice me to your Golden Calf!
You!You exploited me!
You made me take the money!
It was part of your PLOT!
You knew that I was weak.
You deliberately baited me with that money to tempt me!
You are S-A-T-A-N!! You respond to this by saying:have you heard of the psychological concept of projection? If you think that what I wrote above is "over-the-top",well.. it is ,but then so is our world. On to Jeb's "purity".
I would say to Jeb,define purity? Is a whorehouse too pure for you,Jeb?
Because the GOP is far less pure than a whorehouse. Yes,I am being unfair;to prostitutes.
Placing prostitutes on par with Congress is unjust to the former,since a significant percentage of women and girls who work as prostitutes are runaways,or drug addicts,or victims of abuse.Some are young children.
We should stop using the word "whorehouse" to refer to ”a kind of moral sewer” & replace it with the word ”Congress”. No,Jeb,the problem really is not a surfeit of "ideological purity",or a unwillingness to ”work across the aisle" to get your ”stuff” done.
No,the problem is neither "ideological purity" ,or for that matter "ideological impurity" (since we would not be better off if we had a "pure" totalitarian regime) There is not A single problem;there are several related problems.
One problem is that both parties believe and act upon the belief that men exist to serve other men,whether they wish to or not.They believe that they have the right to force those who disagree with them to serve whatever the statists wish to yoke us to at any given time:whether it be the poor,the trees,the owls,the earth,the worms or the weeds,or whatever wishes their deity or deities of choice allgedly communicate to them .."Jesus was a Occupier!...No,a Republican!” etc)
They believe either that Individual Rights do not exist,or that they may be swept aside for whatever "good" intention pops into their skulls.(Which is to say one and the same thing)
But that is only one political problem.
Why are these thugs in power?
Who elected them?
I could say that "we did" but since I didn't(with one or two exceptions) I would be lying.
But many Americans did vote to empower this Ship of Fools, which is destroying our rights,and leading our country into national bankruptcy and down the path to third world status.
Some voted for the fools because they lied to us about their intentions,and we either believed them or feared that the alternative would be worse (as I did on the occasions I alluded to above) . Others,however,voted to send them to Washington to spend us further into debt,or they voted to send them to Washington because "they liked them",or because "their parents were of the same political party" or some other such rubbish like that.
One wonders if these Congressmen & Senators(of both parties) who constantly speak of doing such and such "for the children" ever think of the future generations of American children who will be buying a carton of milk with baskets of cash?(as they did in Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe)
That is if they can find one. Footnotes:
Times Daily - Google News Archive Search,3173004
Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search,4880535 fn2 Richard Carstone Bleak House - Charles Dickens - Google Books
”With a buoyancy and hopefulness and a gaiety that hardly ever flagged, Richard had a carelessness in his character that quite perplexed me— principally because he mistook it, in such a very odd way, for prudence. It entered into all his calculations about money, in a singular manner, which I don't think I can better explain than by reverting for a moment to our loan to Mr. Skimpole. Mr. Jarndyce had ascertained the amount, either from Mr. Skimpole himself or from Coavinses, and had placed the money in my hands with instructions to me to retain my own part of it and hand the rest to Richard.
The number of little acts of thoughtless expenditure which Richard justified by the recovery of his ten pounds, and the number of times he talked to me as if he had saved or realised that amount, would form a sum in simple addition.
"My prudent Mother Hubbard, why not ?" he said to me, when he wanted, without the least consideration, to bestow five pounds on the brickmaker.
"I made ten pounds, clear, out of Coavinses' business."
"How was that ?" said I. "Why, I got rid of ten pounds which I was quite content to get rid of, and never expected to see any more. You don't deny that ?"
"No," said I.
"Very well! Then I came into possession of ten pounds—"
"The same ten pounds," I hinted. "That has nothing to do with it!" returned Richard. "I have got ten pounds more than I expected to have, and consequently I can afford to spend it without being particular."
In exactly the same way, when he was persuaded out of the sacrifice of these five pounds by being convinced that it would do no good, he carried that sum to his credit and drew upon it. "Let me see!" he would say.
"I saved five pounds out of the brickmaker's affair; so, if I have a good rattle to London and back in a post-chaise, and put that down at four pounds, I shall have saved one. And it's a very good thing to save one, let me tell you: a penny saved, is a penny got!"
...“Ronald Reagan would have,based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground, as would my dad — they would have a hard time if you define the Republican party — and I don’t — as having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement, doesn’t allow for finding some common ground,” Bush said at the headquarters of Bloomberg LP in Manhattan, according to remarks reported by Buzzfeed. ...”According to Buzzfeed, Bush said he thought the rigid and highly charged political atmosphere was “disturbing” but “temporary.” “Back to my dad’s time and Ronald Reagan’s time — they got a lot of stuff done with a lot of bipartisan suport,” he said, adding that Reagan “would be criticized” for reaching across the aisle today.
...”The former Florida governor also said Monday that the deficit deal his father helped craft more than two decades ago helped spur economic growth, even though his father lost his bid for a second term after breaking his “no new taxes” pledge.”...
RRD:Sure,Jeb,a man who spoke of America's greatness(& meant it),cut taxes,rebuilt the "Hollow Military",made deals with Democrats but regretted them,denounced the idea of detente,someone who left the Democratic Party "because it left him",someone who spent years on the lecture circuit & coined some of the most oft repeated expressions of conservative thought would have a hard time getting the nomination.
This is said at a time when the standard bearer of the GOP is the man who created the prototype for Obamacare. In fact Jeb a New Reagan is something Conservatives have been seeking desperately,everywhere,
in everyone from your father--who betrayed Reagan--to your brother G.W.Bush to Palin to Scott Brown to Allen West to Marco Rubio to you.
It is like pursuing a mirage of a Oasis that disappears as soon as it is in your grasp.
Of those listed only Rubio,and perhaps West,come close.
No,Jeb Reagan would be welcomed by Conservatives,but he would be scorned by your father,and Murkowski,& other RINOS and CINOS. Just as he was scorned by Gerald Ford and your father.
You do remember that Ford called Reagan a "extremist",don't you Jeb.
Google does remember Jeb(fn1)
It took a great deal of time and effort to find that story. I went to Google,typed the keywords "Reagan" "Gerald Ford" and "extremist" and Behold! the past comes back to life! And then there's this:
The American Spectator : Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps
.... ”Ford went on at length in this March 1980 Times interview, digging moderate Republicans an even deeper political hole in 1980 than the one they were already in thanks to Dewey and the GOP Establishment. Assured the latest moderate GOP icon of the day: "Every place I go and everything I hear, there is growing, growing sentiment that Governor Reagan cannot win the election…. I hear more and more often that we don't want, can't afford to have a replay of 1964 [the Goldwater defeat by LBJ]." The Times reporter wrote the rest of the Ford interview story this way: Asked if he shared the view that Mr. Reagan could not win, Mr. Ford said "it would be an impossible situation" because Mr. Reagan is "perceived as a most conservative Republican." "A very conservative Republican," he said, "can't win in a national election." Meaning [asked the reporter] that Mr. Reagan can't win? "That's right," replied Mr. Ford. ”....
And Jeb what of your daddy(don't you remember him Jeb?).
Didn't he call the center-piece of Reagan's economic platform ”Voodoo Economics”
...”It just isn't going to work, and it's very interesting that the man who invented this type of what I call a voodoo economic policy...
George Herbert Walker Bush. Speech at Carnegie Mellon University (10 April 1980)”
But let us set aside Jeb's imaginary Reagan whose goal was ”finding accommodation"& "finding some degree of common ground”
& returning to our timeline--the one where the Earth revolves aound the Sun,and where the South lost the Civil War--let us parse the meaning of this shibboleth "working with others to find bipartisan solutions". When Jeb Bush speaks of "finding accommodation" & "finding some degree of common ground" what he means is that the Republicans should collaborate with the Democrats(again) to spend us into bankruptcy,placing our descendents into debt,all to bribe short sighted voters into voting for them,and then later to declare that since "we have so much debt it's just gosh darn irresponsible not to raise taxes" But what of ”spending cuts”?
What Jeb Bush(& politicians in general) mean by ”spending cuts” is very different from what sane,honest people mean by
term.Sane,honest people think of someone who spends $100 on something,and then spends $80 on it,thereby cutting
the amount they spend by $20.This is not how our wise leaders think.
They think that when they add less to the debt then they had originally wanted to add to the debt that that constitutes a "savings" "cutting spending". (ala Dicken's Richard Carstone in Bleak House ) (fn2)
(Indeed,it constitutes”real cuts”, "massive,painful cuts","cuts on the backs of the poor" etc ) To grasp the absurdity of our situation imagine the following: Imagine you were left your family's restaurant by your parents,(As you were the "responsible one").
Imagine that he had behaved foolishly with his life & insulted you in the past,but committed no major sin(he never stole) Imagine that you accepted your brother's apologies,and accepted his claim to have matured.
Imagine that you decide to entrust your brother with a job,and then one day with the task of taking the money of the family restaurant to the bank,(since you must attend to a emergency).
Imagine that instead of taking it to the bank,he absconds with the money to Las Vegas & spends it on drugs,prostitutes,and roulette.
Imagine that he then comes up with a brillant idea:he will forge your signature and put the family deli up as collateral to a loan shark,and then use that money to make up the money he lost gambling and make millions more to boot,by
gambling some more.
After signing your property over to a Chinese gangster named Mr.Gòngchǎn Zhōngguó
He then tries to figure out why he lost at roulette.He figures out what the problem is.He's unlucky!To solve this problem he decides to buy a lucky rabbit's foot,whose magic powers will enable him to win at roulette.
Imagine that the roulette wheel is unmoved by the rabbit's foot powers of persuasion.
Imagine that He then comes to you and tells you the following: 1."It doesn't matter who is to blame for this situation,there is no point in pointing fingers,or in assigning blame." 2."Life isn't fair to me." 3."You must work with the mobsters to give them a cut of our business.I say our business since we're all in this together,and since you and mom and dad cheated me out of my share of the family business by refusing to leave it equally to both of us." 4."If you don't work with the mobsters and share,YOU will be to blame for what happens to me." 4.He then quotes Cain from the Bible:"Cain said 'I am not my brother's keeper',do you wish to be like a murderer like Cain?What's more,not only does the Bible say it, but(even more importantly!) President Obama says that "we are our brother's keeper' too!" You answer: 1.If I were Cain you would be dead in the ground.Cain's sin was envy and murder.
2.I am not your servant because of a offhand comment made by a ancient murderer. 3.Be thankful that I don't have you arrested for theft and fraud.I won't.But never want to see you again.
4.I will call the police when the mobsters arrive,since the debt has no legal standing,there's nothing they can do to us.
Your brother is concerned:"You can't do that!You'll ruin my street cred with the other gamblers!I need to stay on good terms with them so I can borrow more money for....stuff.
"We're brothers!I'm your brother!It's your duty to help me!
Haven't you read the Parable of the Prodigal Son!
You:"We're Jewish.Besides wasn't that a metaphor for welcoming a repentant sinner,not serving the vices of a unrepentant one?" Your brother:"Vice!Sin!Evil!Repentance!What kind of morality is that!Morality is brother love!Oh!And NOW you care about the bible!" You respond:"You brought it up!" Your Brother:”That's no excuse for your callousness!"Don't make excuses for your actions"
You throw up your hands and refuse. Your brother:
"You,you,souless beast monstrous heartless fiend,you think of no one but himself!You're a bloodthirsty vampire who preys upon the innocent and profits off of the suffering and of the goodwill of others.You are a parasite who is willing to milk the human kindness of others for your own petty gain and then toss them aside!You worship Gold!
Why don't you sacrifice me to your Golden Calf!
You!You exploited me!
You made me take the money!
It was part of your PLOT!
You knew that I was weak.
You deliberately baited me with that money to tempt me!
You are S-A-T-A-N!! You respond to this by saying:have you heard of the psychological concept of projection? If you think that what I wrote above is "over-the-top",well.. it is ,but then so is our world. On to Jeb's "purity".
I would say to Jeb,define purity? Is a whorehouse too pure for you,Jeb?
Because the GOP is far less pure than a whorehouse. Yes,I am being unfair;to prostitutes.
Placing prostitutes on par with Congress is unjust to the former,since a significant percentage of women and girls who work as prostitutes are runaways,or drug addicts,or victims of abuse.Some are young children.
We should stop using the word "whorehouse" to refer to ”a kind of moral sewer” & replace it with the word ”Congress”. No,Jeb,the problem really is not a surfeit of "ideological purity",or a unwillingness to ”work across the aisle" to get your ”stuff” done.
No,the problem is neither "ideological purity" ,or for that matter "ideological impurity" (since we would not be better off if we had a "pure" totalitarian regime) There is not A single problem;there are several related problems.
One problem is that both parties believe and act upon the belief that men exist to serve other men,whether they wish to or not.They believe that they have the right to force those who disagree with them to serve whatever the statists wish to yoke us to at any given time:whether it be the poor,the trees,the owls,the earth,the worms or the weeds,or whatever wishes their deity or deities of choice allgedly communicate to them .."Jesus was a Occupier!...No,a Republican!” etc)
They believe either that Individual Rights do not exist,or that they may be swept aside for whatever "good" intention pops into their skulls.(Which is to say one and the same thing)
But that is only one political problem.
Why are these thugs in power?
Who elected them?
I could say that "we did" but since I didn't(with one or two exceptions) I would be lying.
But many Americans did vote to empower this Ship of Fools, which is destroying our rights,and leading our country into national bankruptcy and down the path to third world status.
Some voted for the fools because they lied to us about their intentions,and we either believed them or feared that the alternative would be worse (as I did on the occasions I alluded to above) . Others,however,voted to send them to Washington to spend us further into debt,or they voted to send them to Washington because "they liked them",or because "their parents were of the same political party" or some other such rubbish like that.
One wonders if these Congressmen & Senators(of both parties) who constantly speak of doing such and such "for the children" ever think of the future generations of American children who will be buying a carton of milk with baskets of cash?(as they did in Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe)
That is if they can find one. Footnotes:
Times Daily - Google News Archive Search,3173004
Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search,4880535 fn2 Richard Carstone Bleak House - Charles Dickens - Google Books
”With a buoyancy and hopefulness and a gaiety that hardly ever flagged, Richard had a carelessness in his character that quite perplexed me— principally because he mistook it, in such a very odd way, for prudence. It entered into all his calculations about money, in a singular manner, which I don't think I can better explain than by reverting for a moment to our loan to Mr. Skimpole. Mr. Jarndyce had ascertained the amount, either from Mr. Skimpole himself or from Coavinses, and had placed the money in my hands with instructions to me to retain my own part of it and hand the rest to Richard.
The number of little acts of thoughtless expenditure which Richard justified by the recovery of his ten pounds, and the number of times he talked to me as if he had saved or realised that amount, would form a sum in simple addition.
"My prudent Mother Hubbard, why not ?" he said to me, when he wanted, without the least consideration, to bestow five pounds on the brickmaker.
"I made ten pounds, clear, out of Coavinses' business."
"How was that ?" said I. "Why, I got rid of ten pounds which I was quite content to get rid of, and never expected to see any more. You don't deny that ?"
"No," said I.
"Very well! Then I came into possession of ten pounds—"
"The same ten pounds," I hinted. "That has nothing to do with it!" returned Richard. "I have got ten pounds more than I expected to have, and consequently I can afford to spend it without being particular."
In exactly the same way, when he was persuaded out of the sacrifice of these five pounds by being convinced that it would do no good, he carried that sum to his credit and drew upon it. "Let me see!" he would say.
"I saved five pounds out of the brickmaker's affair; so, if I have a good rattle to London and back in a post-chaise, and put that down at four pounds, I shall have saved one. And it's a very good thing to save one, let me tell you: a penny saved, is a penny got!"
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