Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some questions about the 2012 election #tcot #teaparty #aynrand #twisters

In putting these questions I am not interested in hearing about your moods or feelings,however earnest & heartfelt.

I am interested in facts. Facts as in a careful,methodical study of polling data,not "facts" as in assertions.

1. What were the motives of Obama's voters? (And no they likely did not all share the same motives). What did they think they were voting for? What was their level of knowledge? Did they have access to all the facts? Were they duped by the media? To what extent,has Obama succeeded because he is a socialist,and to what extent because the media has been covering for him?

2. Why did those who sat out the election do so? Who would they have voted for? Did they sit out the election because they thought Romney was not conservative enough? Or did they sit out the election because Obama was not liberal enough?

3. In a country that has given landslide victories to: FDR (twice) ,LBJ,Nixon,Reagan,Bush 2004,& Obama in 2008 is it wise to make sweeping proclamations in response to a narrow loss by a candidate who is far,far too close to Obama in his views & who spent much of his time declaring--not that Obama was a enemy of the United States--but that he was just "a nice guy,who was out of his depth".( Particularly given that Objectivists & Conservatives could not persuade all of their own to vote for Romney.)

4. What role did the GOP's position on abortion,& particularly that of Akin & Mourdock ,play in the election? Forget whether it SHOULD have played a role,what role did it play?
( I can personally attest to the loss of four anti-Obama women who simply did not vote & of one who voted for Gary Johnson)

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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