Chris Matthews: Support Gun Control or an American President Could Be Murdered | NewsBusters .....”He lobbied, "Check the shooters of John F. Kennedy and Jerry Ford, who got shot at twice. Look at the men that shot Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and George Wallace. They all had political motives and they all had guns." In the very next sentence, Matthews sneered, "And if you're not against this movement, you're with it.".... RRD: Indeed let us check the motives of the shooters: JFK: Shot by Lee Harvey Oswald--a self-declared Marxist--with a Carcano bolt-action rifle. Gerald Ford shot at by two women. The first Lynette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme was a member of the Manson Family. She tried to shoot Ford with a 1911 semi-automatic 45ACP pistol but she never chambered a round ,this meant that she could not shoot Ford unless she racked the slide. She either did not know this basic fact about semi-automatic handguns or (as she claimed later) she did not actually intend to shoot Ford.
Subsequently the self-described radical leftist Sara Jane Moore actually shot at Ford with a 38 special revolver, narrowly missing him.
Robert Kennedy: shot by Sirhan Sirhan a Christian Palestinian who reportedly shot RFK because of Kennedy's support for Israel.
He shot him with a 22 caliber revolver. Martin Luther King Jr. : shot by white supremacist James Earl Ray with a Remington 760 pump action rifle chambered in 30-06.
Malcolm X was shot multiple times by members of the Nation of Islam with a sawed off shotgun & semi-automatic pistols.
George Wallace was shot with a 38 special revolver by Arthur Bremer. Bremer's self-declared motive was NOT political it was a desire for fame. So if we go through this list :one of the shooters whom Matthews lists as being politically motivated ( Bremer) wasn't. Malcolm X 's shooters were presumably carrying out some vendetta in defense of the Nation of Islam's ”honor” & are therefore arguably apolitical. Sara Jane Moore & Oswald were self-avowed leftists. Fromme was a adherent of Manson's bizarre ”Helter Skelter” ”philosophy” which was a weird melange of ideas taken from the hippies,white supremacists,the Beatles & the Book of Revelations & which defies easy categorization. Sirhan Sirhan was a anti-Israel fanatic & James Earl Ray was a racist.
With the exception of Ray none could be clearly classified as being ”right-wing” & Sirhan Sirhan probably counts as a leftist. Nonetheless THIS is the group that Matthews points to, so as to ”illustrate” the alleged threat of ”right-wing extremists”.
One other thing: with the twin exceptions of Malcolm X's assassins (who also used a shotgun) ,& the inept assassination attempt on Ford by Fromme none of these assassinations were carried out by ”assault weapons” or semi-automatic pistols. The murders of JFK,RFK & MLK were carried out with a bolt action rifle,a revolver & a non-semi-automatic pump rifle. Yet the weapons that are being attacked today are the ”evil” semi-automatic handguns & rifles.
Subsequently the self-described radical leftist Sara Jane Moore actually shot at Ford with a 38 special revolver, narrowly missing him.
Robert Kennedy: shot by Sirhan Sirhan a Christian Palestinian who reportedly shot RFK because of Kennedy's support for Israel.
He shot him with a 22 caliber revolver. Martin Luther King Jr. : shot by white supremacist James Earl Ray with a Remington 760 pump action rifle chambered in 30-06.
Malcolm X was shot multiple times by members of the Nation of Islam with a sawed off shotgun & semi-automatic pistols.
George Wallace was shot with a 38 special revolver by Arthur Bremer. Bremer's self-declared motive was NOT political it was a desire for fame. So if we go through this list :one of the shooters whom Matthews lists as being politically motivated ( Bremer) wasn't. Malcolm X 's shooters were presumably carrying out some vendetta in defense of the Nation of Islam's ”honor” & are therefore arguably apolitical. Sara Jane Moore & Oswald were self-avowed leftists. Fromme was a adherent of Manson's bizarre ”Helter Skelter” ”philosophy” which was a weird melange of ideas taken from the hippies,white supremacists,the Beatles & the Book of Revelations & which defies easy categorization. Sirhan Sirhan was a anti-Israel fanatic & James Earl Ray was a racist.
With the exception of Ray none could be clearly classified as being ”right-wing” & Sirhan Sirhan probably counts as a leftist. Nonetheless THIS is the group that Matthews points to, so as to ”illustrate” the alleged threat of ”right-wing extremists”.
One other thing: with the twin exceptions of Malcolm X's assassins (who also used a shotgun) ,& the inept assassination attempt on Ford by Fromme none of these assassinations were carried out by ”assault weapons” or semi-automatic pistols. The murders of JFK,RFK & MLK were carried out with a bolt action rifle,a revolver & a non-semi-automatic pump rifle. Yet the weapons that are being attacked today are the ”evil” semi-automatic handguns & rifles.
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