So now that the Senate has passed the bill where do we go from here.
What's more,where does the bill,or rather,the bills,go from here.
Some of the people who are reading this may be newcomers to all of this
,& even some of those who have been following this may not know how the
the process works,so I want to fill them in.
Now that The House & The Senate have each passed their respective bills,the 2 bills must be reconciled. This is normally done through a House-Senate Conference,but as Fox News explains:
“Reid had wanted to assign conferees to meet with House negotiators on a compromise between the two versions of the bill. Democrats had hoped to begin negotiations as early as next week, though the House doesn't return officially until Jan. 12 and the Senate until Jan. 19.
But Reid's effort was dashed by Republicans who put the leader on notice that they would object to the appointment of conferees, and that would have delayed the Senate's recess, something no one wanted on Christmas eve.
House and Senate Democrats do have parliamentary avenues to get around the objection. The House and Senate can play ping-pong with the bill, where the Senate pings the bill over to the House and it makes changes and then the House pongs it back over to the Senate for another round.
This congressional table tennis continues until both bodies have adopted the same piece of legislation. That, however, could take longer than the administration had hoped.”
Republicans Look for Mechanisms to Halt Health Insurance bill 12-24-09
This is part of a plan conceived by Dan Perrin, & which he presented in detail in his article:
The Extraordinary Measures Needed to Kill the Bill — Updated with Vote Numbers
And followed up with:
The Best Christmas Present Ever: Senator DeMint Objects to the Appointment of the Conferees
In essence he argues for using procedural maneuvers,(already being done,see above),to make it as difficult as possible to reconcile the bills,while working w/ Leftists in the House to insert “poison pill” provisions into the House bill.
As He explains it:
“So, first, conservatives force two votes in the House, by preventing the appointment of the conferees,and therefore, preventing a House-Senate Conference.
Second, the left will focus on three separate issues to kill the bill in the House. The object of these issues is not to support these policies per say, but to add items to the House bill that will be so objectionable that when the bill goes back over to the Senate, that the Dems lose one or more of their 60 votes.”
The three issues are:
The Public Option
Killing the Nebraska & Vermont sweetheart deals,(& I would add the Louisiana Purchase that bought off Landrieu).
And Abortion:(Both Pro-Choice & Pro-Life Congressmen reject the Ben Nelson compromise reached in the Senate bill)
Perrin again:
“Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Forces: In short, have at it. Given the Stupak amendment majority in the House, the pro-lifers must stick Stupak back on the bill, so that when it is sent back to the Senate, the pro-abortion majority can pull Stupak back off. When the bill goes back to the Senate, the pro-abortion forces can remove Stupak, just as they did a couple of weeks ago. Once Stupak is pulled again from the Senate it must go back to the House to be amended, or die there.”
The idea of a temporary alliance of convenience with the Left has also been put forward by Robert Trancinski in “ Letter to a Sincere Leftist: Let's Smash the State Power of the Corporations “
What we must now do if this bill is to stopped:
1.If you know any Liberals urge them to pursue this strategy.
2.Do everything you can to discredit the thesis, put forward by the Obama Administration that failure to pass this bill will do more harm to the Democratic Party then passing it will.This is the argument that they have been using to sell the bill in spite of the obvious,overwhelming public opposition to the bill. Further:"opposition to the bill will subside once people get to know what's in it”.Indeed Sen.Chuck Schumer cheerfully boasted that: “Mitch Mcconnell said on the floor that we're going to go home & hear our constituents rail against this bill, I don't believe that,I believe that the negativity that leader Mcconnell & others have continually displayed on the floor has peaked...”1.
3..We must show them,by direct,but peaceful confrontation,by continually calling faxing & e-mailing them,that they are wrong. While no individual call will make a difference,showing them that we will not go away,will belie their spin. Equally important,is the fact that any slackening off will be taken as vindication of their fantasies.Indeed we must turn UP the pressure.We must find out who their largest campaign donors are,& stage boycotts of them. Protest at every,fundraiser,townhall,& speech that they give. Protest at every public relations event .Contact your local teaparty group,Republican Party meeting,even the anti-bill Liberals. But you argue,the Liberals just want to put the Public Option back in?True,they hope to get the Public Option put back in,but even if they cannot,they believe that no bill is better than this bill.(They believe the bill is a giveaway to the Insurance Companies,since it requires people to buy private insurance).
4.Finally & most importantly,keep spreading the ideas of Freedom,Individual Rights,& the value of Free-Market Economics,to your friends,neighbors,co-workers,to everyone,everywhere,where appropriate,so as to make a principled opposition to Socialized Medicine.
What we should do next to fight obamacare by Robert Reed Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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