I am stunned by those (particularly those on the right) who deride this outpouring of humanity marching for freedom as "more of the same." How can those who supported the Bush doctrine turn away? Some attitudes are entrenched in people and cultures, but I do not believe that people fight bullets with rocks and bricks for more of the same. They can have Shari'a rule now, without the suffering and horror that has come with the demonstrations and risking their lives. They're being slaughtered.Why are those on the right so quick to deride this powerful movement and kick it to the curb? How could anyone dismiss out of hand so courageous a movement? What is there to lose in supporting this effort? What's the downside? If they are right, nothing changes. But if they are wrong, this could be historically cataclysmic. So why help despots and the world's worst oppressors in snuffing out this movement and relegating to an historical footnote? This would undermine every position supporters of freedom and democracy ever took. Why not wait and do a gleeful post mortem? Why help the ghouls and Islamic supremacists?American Thinker: The Case for Iran: Fighting for Freedom
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