Saturday, September 11, 2010

American Muslim organization asks U.S. Army to deny Pfc Nasser Abdo Conscientious Objector status & for Abdo to be punished #tcot #gwot
AIFD American Islamic Forum for Democracy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PHOENIX (September 3, 2010) - The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) takes deep exception with claims from PFC Nasser Abdo regarding his application for Conscientious Objector (CO) status from the U.S. Army. Abdo claims that his faith precludes him from serving "in throughout the United States Military and AIFD sees Abdo's traitorous public assertions as a slap in the face to all American Muslims especially those Muslims who fight in our armed forces for the liberty and freedom guaranteed by the American Constitution. Abdo's claims of conscientious objection clearly violate the requirements for CO status as delineated by DOD directive 1300.06. On August 21 2010, he treasonously told the foreign Islamist media arm, Al Jazeera,"Muslims. I don't believe I could sleep at night if I take part, in any way, in the killing of a Muslim." In his own published web statement he further states that "being a soldier i
n the
U.S. Army may not be permissible according to Islamic doctrine. It did not take me long to find an abundance of religious sources on the matter… fighting in an unjust war particularly against a fellow Muslim brother would be considered to be a form of disbelief or kufr" According to DOD directive 1300.06 (May 31, 2007), CO status is given to those enlisted who have "a firm, fixed and sincere objection to participation in war in any form or the bearing of arms, by reason of religious training and/or belief." CO status cannot be selective for any particular war. It is only against all war or any military service. Abdo entered the Army in April 2009 freely and knowing full well that he stood a significant chance of being deployed in one of two theaters of war. Abdo's statements clearly demonstrate that not only does he exploit the CO provision, but he is a traitor who clearly is serving his Islamist loyalties and beliefs about the "ummah" (the Muslim nation) above his sworn lo
to the United States and our security. His actions are a cowardly attempt to use his faith to make a political statement about wars in Muslim majority nations. Abdo further mixes in slanderous accusations of discrimination by his Army unit upon him for his religious beliefs. Among the religious experience of the vast majority of Muslims who have served in the US Military who found the time to perform our spiritual rituals. This is typical of the American Islamist technique of highlighting a false victimization in order to deflect from their own American and Islamic responsibilities. Rather than publicly repudiate the embarrassingly disloyal actions of Muslims like Abdo, Islamist groups like CAIR instead advertise their often baseless complaints in order to augment their narrative of hyperbolic Islamophobia. After the Fort Hood massacre, groups like CAIR feeding into the same anti-American narrative American Muslim responses to these public displays of disloyalty by Muslim un
soldiers like that of Abdo are critical in this war of ideas between our American democracy and transnational political Islam as embodied in groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. For example known Islamist apologist Muzammil Siddiqui representing the stridently Islamist, Islamic Law Council of North America told ABC News that there are a lot of good Muslims who are serving in the U.S. Army and a lot of other places." What Siddiqui does not answer and what leading Muslims should lead with is that Nasser Abdo does not represent American Muslims or the Islam we know. He represents the ideology of a traitor with allegiance to the ummah over allegiance to our nation. AIFD calls upon Mr. Siddiqui, his "Law Council" (aka Shariah council) and all American Muslim groups to repudiate the statements of Abdo which reflect upon all American Muslims and are used by Islamist propaganda arms like Al Jazeera to radicalize our youth.

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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