Friday, September 3, 2010

Australian cleric calls for beheading of Geert Wilders #jihad #islamist #FreedomOfSpeech #p2 #tcot

...." the Netherlands' largest newspaper led its front page on Friday with a story on the speech by Feiz Muhammad The Sydney-born Muhammad has gained notoriety for, among other things, calling on young children to be radicalized and blaming rape victims for their own attacks. The paper posted an English-language audio clip in which he refers to Wilders as "this Satan, this devil this politician in Holland" and explains that anyone who talks about Islam like Wilders does should be executed by beheading. De Telegraaf did not say when the speech was given but said it and the Dutch secret service both had copies.According to his website, Muhammad is based in Malaysia"...,

Posted via email from theneointellectual

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