Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Biden "not second guessing",& "fully understands" China 's forced abortion policy #tcot #teaparty

One-Child Policy | Joe Biden | Administration Clarification | The Daily Caller

..... “As I was talking to some of your leaders,” Biden said in China, “you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand —I’m not second-guessing —of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable. So hopefully we can act in a way on a problem that’s much less severe than yours, and maybe we can learn together from how we can do that.”

RRD:People who do not believe me when I say that this administration has a totalitarian worldview,who act as if this is just another Democratic administration,& that we can afford to brush off viable Republicans because of this or that stupid or unjust policy,DON'T GET IT.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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