RRD:The Ames Straw Poll results are in.
Percentages are approximations.
16,892 ballots
1.Bachmann 29%
2.Paul 28%
3.Pawlenty 14%
4.Santorum 10%
5.Cain 9%
6.Perry (write in) 4%
7.Romney (write in)3%
8.Gingrich (write in) 2%
9.Hunstman(write in) 69 votes 0.4%
10.Mccotter 35 votes 0.2% Bachmann wins Ames straw poll; Ron Paul takes second - TheHill.com http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/176771-bachmann-wins-ames-straw-poll
...."A House member has never finished in the top two; extraordinarily, two House lawmakers finished nearly neck-and-neck toward the top. Bachmann is the first woman to ever win the straw poll. "... RRD:What does Ames signify?
...."Of the five straw poll winners in history, three have gone on to win the Iowa caucus, two managed to secure the Republican nomination and only one has ever made it to the White House. Statistically speaking, a highly coveted win in Ames gives a candidate about a 20 percent chance of even getting on the ballot in the general election."....
..."Ames is the first real test of voters' confidence in each candidate....." For example, many expected Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to take the top spot at the 2007 straw poll. When he turned up with a comparatively dismal third place finish behind Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, his supporters' confidence was shaken and his fundraising reports showed it. From April to June, in the first quarter before the straw poll, Brownback raised more than $1.4 million. But the following quarter, which ran from July through October, his fundraising dropped to $925,000; by the last quarter of 2007, Brownback pulled in less than $140,000. In Ames, it is not necessarily about winning, but about doing better than expected, which is why the nine candidates on the ballot this year are all downplaying where they hope to finish. As ABC's Matt Jaffe pointed out, Pawlenty has said he will be happy with anything higher than sixth place. ".... What Is the Ames Straw Poll? - ABC News
Percentages are approximations.
16,892 ballots
1.Bachmann 29%
2.Paul 28%
3.Pawlenty 14%
4.Santorum 10%
5.Cain 9%
6.Perry (write in) 4%
7.Romney (write in)3%
8.Gingrich (write in) 2%
9.Hunstman(write in) 69 votes 0.4%
10.Mccotter 35 votes 0.2% Bachmann wins Ames straw poll; Ron Paul takes second - TheHill.com http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/176771-bachmann-wins-ames-straw-poll
...."A House member has never finished in the top two; extraordinarily, two House lawmakers finished nearly neck-and-neck toward the top. Bachmann is the first woman to ever win the straw poll. "... RRD:What does Ames signify?
...."Of the five straw poll winners in history, three have gone on to win the Iowa caucus, two managed to secure the Republican nomination and only one has ever made it to the White House. Statistically speaking, a highly coveted win in Ames gives a candidate about a 20 percent chance of even getting on the ballot in the general election."....
..."Ames is the first real test of voters' confidence in each candidate....." For example, many expected Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to take the top spot at the 2007 straw poll. When he turned up with a comparatively dismal third place finish behind Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, his supporters' confidence was shaken and his fundraising reports showed it. From April to June, in the first quarter before the straw poll, Brownback raised more than $1.4 million. But the following quarter, which ran from July through October, his fundraising dropped to $925,000; by the last quarter of 2007, Brownback pulled in less than $140,000. In Ames, it is not necessarily about winning, but about doing better than expected, which is why the nine candidates on the ballot this year are all downplaying where they hope to finish. As ABC's Matt Jaffe pointed out, Pawlenty has said he will be happy with anything higher than sixth place. ".... What Is the Ames Straw Poll? - ABC News
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