Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sweden to deport Iranian Christian convert Reza Jebbari to Iran where he faces potential death sentence #humanrights #iranelections (( tags: Iranian dissidents,Iranian Christians,Reza Jebbari,Iran human rights abuses)) ((delay : in 3 hours ))


Swedish Officials Order Iranian Christian Deported for Second Time - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

...” Now, Jebbari’s pastor, Cai Berger, tells CBN
News that another migration official has denied the request for
asylum and police are seeking to take Jebbari into custody and begin the deportation process.
Jebbari’s lawyer has already filed another appeal, but Berger says they are puzzled at the government’s persistence in its attempts to deport the Christian convert.
“It would seem that we are in a tight spot again and, quite frankly,we're at a loss as to why the Migration services are so determined to deport [him],” Berger wrote CBN News in an email. “People with weaker cases get permission to stay in Sweden, but not him.”....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Sweden to deport Iranian Christian convert Reza Jebbari to Iran where he faces potential death sentence #humanrights #iranelections (( tags: Iranian dissidents,Iranian Christians,Reza Jebbari,Iran human rights abuses)) ((delay : in 3 hours ))


Swedish Officials Order Iranian Christian Deported for Second Time - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

...” Now, Jebbari’s pastor, Cai Berger, tells CBN
News that another migration official has denied the request for
asylum and police are seeking to take Jebbari into custody and begin the deportation process.
Jebbari’s lawyer has already filed another appeal, but Berger says they are puzzled at the government’s persistence in its attempts to deport the Christian convert.
“It would seem that we are in a tight spot again and, quite frankly,we're at a loss as to why the Migration services are so determined to deport [him],” Berger wrote CBN News in an email. “People with weaker cases get permission to stay in Sweden, but not him.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

McCain reaches across aisle to his ”friends” to speed appointment of Obama's judges #tcot #tlot #teaparty (( tags : Obama's Judicial Nominees,Sen. Carl Levin,Sen.John McCain,RINOS,RINO,Filibuster "reform" )) (( delay : in 7 hours ))

McCain-Levin filibuster reform.pdf Download this file

Read The McCain-Levin Bipartisan Filibuster Reform Plan | TPM LiveWire

.....” The proposal would permit the majority leader to bypass motions to begin debate on legislation and in return guarantee the minority party two amendments. It would also increase the number of judicial nominations that can be expedited.”.....

RRD: Pdf attached

Posted via email from fightingstatism

McCain reaches across aisle to his ”friends” to speed appointment of Obama's judges #tcot #tlot #teaparty (( tags : Obama's Judicial Nominees,Sen. Carl Levin,Sen.John McCain,RINOS,RINO,Filibuster "reform" )) (( delay : in 7 hours ))

McCain-Levin filibuster reform.pdf Download this file

Read The McCain-Levin Bipartisan Filibuster Reform Plan | TPM LiveWire

.....” The proposal would permit the majority leader to bypass motions to begin debate on legislation and in return guarantee the minority party two amendments. It would also increase the number of judicial nominations that can be expedited.”.....

RRD: Pdf attached

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

NRO's Kevin Williamson The Second Amendment was created precisely to protect Military Style weapons #tcot #tlot #teaparty (( tags: Second Amendment,Sandy Hook,Newport))

Regulating the Militia - Kevin D. Williamson - National Review Online

......" My friend Brett Joshpe has published an
uncharacteristically soft-headed piece in the San Francisco
Chronicle arguing that in the wake of the massacre at Sandy
Hook, conservatives and Republicans should support what he
calls “sensible” gun-control laws. It begins with a subtext of
self-congratulation (“As a conservative and a Republican, I
can no longer remain silent . . . Some will consider it heresy,”
etc.), casts aspersions of intellectual dishonesty (arguments
for preserving our traditional rights are “disingenuous”),
advances into ex homine (noting he has family in Sandy Hook,
as though that confers special status on his preferences),
fundamentally misunderstands the argument for the right to
keep and bear arms, deputizes the electorate, and cites the
presence of teddy bears as evidence for his case.
Brett, like practically every other person seeking to diminish our constitutional rights, either does not understand the purpose of the Second Amendment or refuses to address it, writing,“Gun advocates will be hard-pressed to explain why the average American citizen needs an assault weapon with a high-capacity magazine other than for recreational purposes.” The
answer to this question is straightforward: The purpose of having citizens armed with paramilitary weapons is to allow them to engage in paramilitary actions. The Second
Amendment is not about Bambi and burglars — whatever a well-regulated militia is, it is not a hunting party or a sport-clays club. It is remarkable to me that any educated person — let alone a Harvard Law graduate — believes that the second item on the Bill of Rights is a constitutional guarantee of enjoying a recreational activity.
There is no legitimate exception to the Second Amendment for military-style weapons, because military-style weapons
are precisely what the Second Amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear. The purpose of the Second Amendment is to secure our ability to oppose enemies foreign
and domestic, a guarantee against disorder and tyranny. Consider the words of Supreme Court justice Joseph Story — who was, it bears noting, appointed to the Court
by the guy who wrote the Constitution:The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted by any persons,
who have duly reflected upon the subject. The militia is the natural defence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of
power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the
government, or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the
usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, December 28, 2012

Patton_ Newtown a Microcosm of Government Failure » Commentary -- GOPUSA #tcot #tlot #secondamendment #teaparty (( tags: Newtown,Sandy Hook,Second Amendment,School Shootings))

...." And in every mass shooting, in every school or other public place, in every corner of this country,
government has betrayed the very people it is sworn to protect, usually by declaring a “gun-free zone” or some other absurd control on the right of private citizens to render protection for
themselves, their families and their neighbors.
On October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, an assailant drove his pickup truck through the front window of the Luby’s Cafeteria. He then shot 50 people, killing 23 of them, before turning the gun on himself. Two of those victims were the elderly parents of Suzanna Hupp, whose revolver was useless to her because it was 100 feet away in the glove compartment of her car. Hupp later was elected to the Texas Legislature on a platform of allowing Texans to carry concealed handguns,legislation she successfully pushed through and which then-Governor George W. Bush signed into law."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Volokh : Armed civilians really do capture, kill, stop mass shooters #tcot #tlot #secondamendment (( tags: Second Amendment,Armed Civilians stop mass shootings)) (( delay: in two hours ))

Armed civilians really do capture, kill, stop mass shooters


1. In Pearl, Mississippi in 1997, 16-year-old Luke Woodham stabbed and bludgeoned to death his mother at home, then killed two students and injured seven at his high school. As he was leaving the school, he was stopped by Assistant Principal Joel Myrick, who had gone out to get a handgun from his car. I have seen sources that state that Woodham was on the way to Pearl Junior High School to continue shooting, though I couldn’t find any contemporaneous news articles that so state.

2. In Edinboro, Pennsylvania in 1996, 14-year-old Andrew Wurst shot and killed a teacher at a school dance, and shot and injured several other students. He had just left the dance hall, carrying his gun — possibly to attack more people, though the stories that I’ve seen are unclear — when he was confronted by the dance hall owner James Strand, who lived next door and kept a shotgun at home.
It’s not clear whether Wurst was planning to kill others, would have gotten into a gun battle with the police, or would have otherwise killed more people had Strand not stopped him.

3. In Winnemucca, Nevada in 2008, Ernesto Villagomez killed two people and wounded two others in a bar filled with three hundred people. He was then shot and killed by a patron who was carrying a gun (and had a concealed carry license). It’s not clear whether Villagomez would have killed more people; the killings were apparently the result of a family feud, and I
could see no information on whether Villagomez had more names on his list, nor could one tell whether he would have killed more people in trying to evade capture.

4. In Colorado Springs in 2007, Matthew Murray killed four people at a church. He was then shot several times by Jeanne Assam, a church member, volunteer security guard, and former
police officer (she had been dismissed by a police department 10 years before, and to my knowledge hadn’t worked as a police officer since). Murray, knocked down and badly
wounded, killed himself; it is again not clear whether he would have killed more people had he not been wounded, but my guess is that he would have.”.. ...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

NRA warns that Feinstein seeks to retro-actively re-classify Semi-Automatic rifles as class 3 weapons alongside automatic rifles requiring photos & fingerprints of all owners #tcot #tlot #secondamendment (( tags: Dianne Feinstein,Semi-Automatic rifles rec

NRA: Feinstein bill would impose $200 tax on many semi-automatic rifles | Mobile Washington Examiner

....” According to Feinstein’s bill summary, the legislation
requires owners of semi-automatic rifles – deemed as
assault weapons – to register their gun with the
Federal Government under the National Firearms Act.
The National Firearms Act, first enacted in 1934, was
passed to choke the sale and transfer of automatic
Under the current NFA, owners of automatic weapons
are allowed to keep their weapons but requires an
owner to submit photographs and fingerprints to the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

RRD: Of course the result of the passage of this bill (assuming that this story is accurate )would not be to prevent criminals from acquiring weapons,it would be to permit the government to identify & ultimately disarm people of exactly those weapons (which they still possess) which would be most effective in resisting a dictatorship,should the country become one & should armed rebellion become necessary. But of course we cannot fear such a occurance since "it can't happen here".

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Could #SOPA return by a treaty? #tcot #tlot #teaparty #twisters

No, A New SOPA Is Not Likely, But There's Still Plenty Of Damage That Can Be Done | Techdirt Lite

..." Historically, when the entertainment industry doesn't get
its way in Congress, it just moves into international fora
to seek the same thing. That's how we got the DMCA, of
course. Congress hadn't been interested until copyright
lobbyists went to WIPO (the World Intellectual Property
Organization) and got it to create a treaty in 1996 that
more or less required the DMCA. "....

RRD: I support intellectual property rights but opposed & oppose SOPA because of technical concerns about the effects of the DNS block/no-resolve provision,& also because I believe it may have insufficient due-process safeguards to protect non-infringing content.

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Could #SOPA return by a treaty? #tcot #tlot #teaparty #twisters

No, A New SOPA Is Not Likely, But There's Still Plenty Of Damage That Can Be Done | Techdirt Lite

..." Historically, when the entertainment industry doesn't get
its way in Congress, it just moves into international fora
to seek the same thing. That's how we got the DMCA, of
course. Congress hadn't been interested until copyright
lobbyists went to WIPO (the World Intellectual Property
Organization) and got it to create a treaty in 1996 that
more or less required the DMCA. "....

RRD: I support intellectual property rights but opposed & oppose SOPA because of technical concerns about the effects of the DNS block/no-resolve provision,& also because I believe it may have insufficient due-process safeguards to protect non-infringing content.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

No, A New SOPA Is Not Likely, But There's Still Plenty Of Damage That Can Be Done | Techdirt Lite

This is a message from the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Protection Service
The original e-mail attachment "No, A New SOPA.txt"
is on the list of unacceptable attachments for this site and has been
replaced by this warning message.

Due to limitations placed on us by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Act 2000, we were unable to keep a copy of the original attachment.

At Thu Dec 27 06:47:56 2012 the virus scanner said:
Very long filenames are good signs of attacks against Microsoft e-mail packages (No, A New SOPA.txt)

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

» Shapiro: The Left Bullies the NRA » Commentary -- GOPUSA #tcot #tlot #secondamendment (( tags: Second Amendment,Sandy Hook,NRA)) (( delay: in twenty hours))

...." Why ? Because the NRA represents the strongest single proponent of gun rights in America. And if the left can use Sandy Hook to bash the NRA, to make it unpalatable to the American public, they will. That's why the execrable Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC spouted that the NRA had "blood on its hands" despite any evidence to support that proposition. That's why Piers Morgan of CNN labeled NRA head Wayne LaPierre "dim -witted" and "dangerous" for suggesting that schools ought to have armed police, but said nothing when Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck said the same thing. David Gregory of NBC was only too happy to bash LaPierre over that proposed policy, but send his kids to a school with 11 armed security guards."....

RRD: The NRA does deserve condemnation-- for their unprincipled betrayal of individual rights : for their support of the previous assault weapons ban,for their support of the DISCLOSE Act & for their support of laws forcing PRIVATE entities ( businesses,Churches etc) to permit people to carry concealed weapons onto their property,whether those organizations wish it or not. But they are no more responsible for these massacres then the ACLU is responsible for crimes carried out by criminals who were released from prison on 4th or 5th Amendment grounds .

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani imprisoned again #iranelections #humanrights #tcot #ccot (( tags: Youcef Nadarkhani,Iranian dissidents,Iranian Christians,Iran Human Rights,Iran)) (( delay: in four hours ))

....” In September, a court acquitted Pastor Nadarkhani of apostasy, but sentenced him to three years for evangelising Muslims. Since he had already spent close to three years in Lakan Prison in Rasht, the pastor was released after posting bail.
However, CSW sources now report that Pastor Nadarkhani has been returned to jail on the orders of the director of Lakan Prison, who claimed he had been released several days too early due to the insistence of his lawyer, Mohammed Ali Dadkhah. The pastor has now been return to prison to serve the remainder of this time and to complete paperwork that allegedly had not completed during his release in September. ”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani imprisoned again #iranelections #humanrights #tcot #ccot (( tags: Youcef Nadarkhani,Iranian dissidents,Iranian Christians,Iran Human Rights,Iran)) (( delay: in four hours ))

....” In September, a court acquitted Pastor Nadarkhani of apostasy, but sentenced him to three years for evangelising Muslims. Since he had already spent close to three years in Lakan Prison in Rasht, the pastor was released after posting bail.
However, CSW sources now report that Pastor Nadarkhani has been returned to jail on the orders of the director of Lakan Prison, who claimed he had been released several days too early due to the insistence of his lawyer, Mohammed Ali Dadkhah. The pastor has now been return to prison to serve the remainder of this time and to complete paperwork that allegedly had not completed during his release in September. ”....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Kay Bailey Hutchinson signs on to restricting "high-capacity" magazines (i.e. standard capacity magazines) #tcot #tlot #secondamendment

Lawmakers look to restrict gun magazine capacity

"I think we ought to be looking at where the real danger is, like those large clips," said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas."

," where NRA President David Keene said lawmakers were asking the wrong question when discussing how many rounds a gun magazine should have.

The right question, he said: "Can we keep guns out of the hands of people who are potential killers?"

LaPierre made clear it was highly unlikely that the NRA could support any new gun regulations.

"You want one more law on top of 20,000 laws, when most of the federal gun laws we don't even enforce?" he said.

Instead, LaPierre reiterated the group's support for putting police officers in every school.

"If it's crazy to call for putting police and armed security in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy," LaPierre said on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''I think the American people think it's crazy not to do it. It's the one thing that would keep people safe."

Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, said he found the NRA's statements in recent days to be "really disheartening." Still, he said he agrees with some of the points the group has made about the causes behind violence in America.

"But it's obviously also true that the easy availability of guns, including military-style assault weapons, is a contributing factor, and you can't keep that off the table. I had hoped they'd come to the table and say, everything is on the table," Lieberman said.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said LaPierre was "so extreme and so tone deaf" that he was making it easier to pass gun legislation.

"Look, he blames everything but guns: movies, the media, President Obama, gun-free school zones, you name it. And the video games, he blames them," Schumer said.

RRD: How odd ,a organization that exists to oppose Gun Control ....opposes Gun Control instead of coming up with ways to violate the Second Amendment, which it was created to protect. Would that the NRA be as consistent in not violating our First Amendment rights ( see the DISCLOSE Act) .
Of course the issue is not "should violent felons own guns" almost no one on earth who opposes gun control takes the position that convicted felons have the right to own guns,(unless they were falsely convicted & subsequently exonerated) . The question is "does the state have the right to prohibit innocent people from owning assault rifles,because criminals commit crimes with them" , which means does the state have the right to prohibit you from owning a weapon which thousands of law abiding citizens own & have owned for decades without committing crimes, because some people commit horrific crimes with them . One other thing,unless the GOP loses the House, gun control legislation cannot be passed without Republican defections,no doubt if such defections occur we will be told that "there was no upside" to the GOP opposing gun control & that they had "no choice" & that "we have no choice but to support them" etc . etc. which will only further confirm my view the GOP needs to go the way of the Whigs ,& that we need a new party to replace them.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Left's double standards regarding Gun Control,dictatorships,& ”concern for the innocent”

The Twentieth Century was to a large degree the Totalitarian Century. It was also the Century of mass-mechanized genocide; genocide carried out by states. Despite the twenty million people slaughtered by Stalin,& the twenty some million slaughtered by Mao & the 1.7 million to 3 million slaughtered in the Killing Fields & the God-knows-how-many slaughtered in World War Two we are still being told that "only the Police & Military can be entrusted with guns".
When this country was founded there was a bitter debate among the Founders. The debate was not about whether people should be "permitted" to own guns;it was about whether the Congress should be permitted to maintain a standing army i.e. to maintain a army in peace time.
That is how far we have come. We have gone from a society which debates whether the state can be entrusted to maintain a army in peacetime,to a society where we are told that only the state can be entrusted with guns.
We are told that arguing for gun control i.e. for disarming the innocent,is ”courageous”. Perhaps the truly "courageous" question to ask--in the wake of the gas chambers--is whether the STATE can be entrusted with assault weapons. While I still believe that a standing Army is a necessary evil, asking such a question would be necessary first step towards reestablishing,(in our minds),the proper relationship between the state & the people. That relationship being one where the state is the servant of the people & the people are masters of their fate.

There is another point that I wish to make: Leftists are constantly warning us that the U.S. is in danger of becoming a dictatorship. They warn us of this when the government wiretaps people's phones,& when the government tortures terrorists or accused terrorists. They warn us of this when people suggest using profiling,& they warn us of this when Arizona passed it's immigration bill. There is one glaring exception to this though:whenever leftists seek to enact gun control they deride or mock anyone who suggests that the U.S. may become a dictatorship. Never mind that such fears date to the dawn of the Republic;such fears are "paranoid" we are told. We are told this while our government performs body cavity searches on four year olds,& while both Republican & Democratic Presidents agree that they can detain anyone indefinately ,so long as they declare them to be a member of Al-Qaeda,& while the Government is amassing massive files on innocent people (fn1) & while the DHS seeks to fly Unmanned Aerial drones over the United States,drones whose purpose is to monitor crowds for "dissonance" (fn2) (And yes many conservatives are equally unconcerned about civil liberties when it comes to searches & seizures)

And what of the Press,that guard against tyranny? We have the media again fawning over Bloomberg when he calls for gun control ,just as they did after the Times Square Bombing,when he dismissed the possibility that the Times Square bombing was carried out by Islamists,(this despite the fact that 9/11 was carried out by Al-Qaeda),choosing instead to fantasize that the attack was carried out by members of the Tea Party.(fn3)

That same media refused to acknowledge any link between Nidal Hasan & Islamism,yet rushed to concoct ties between the Giffords & Aurora shooters & the Tea Party (fn4),& now professes concern over violence.
That same media white-washed Obama's record on "Fast and Furious" a program whose likely purpose was to CREATE a justification for gun control by placing innocent people at risk,yet now professes to be concerned about violence(fn5).
The Media seeks to exploit murders for their own agenda,they did this when they tried to silence Rush Limbaugh in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing,when they sought to create a new smear-term "anti-government". (fn6)

Atrocities are opportunities to them.

As to Obama himself? In addition to "Fast & Furious" Obama offered us the grotesque spectacle of his giving a "shout-out" to a supporter in the audience while we waited for him to address the atrocity (fn7). He also "mourned" the Tucson shooting while handing out t-shirts with his slogan on them at a "memorial" that seemed more like a political rally. (fn8)
I see no need to pretend that this is a man who cares about innocent human life.



Federal Government Reportedly Vastly Expands Big Data Spying, Includes Innocent Citizens - TechCrunch


Drones In U.S.: More Unmanned Aircraft Will Be Flying In Domestic Airspace By 2015 (VIDEO)

Homeland Security increasingly lending drones to local police - Washington Times


Liberals accuse Tea Partiers of role in failed Times Square car bomb attack | The Daily Caller


Mainstream Media Quick to Blame Tea Party for Shootings With No Evidence

The Usual Suspects: ABC's Ross, Stephanopoulos Point to Tea Party in Dark Knight Shooting <em>UPDATE:</em> ABC Corrects, Apo...


Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up:Amazon:Kindle Store


Clinton Rewrites History, Shifts Blame for Oklahoma City Bombing - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Obama gives a shout-out before addressing tragedy - YouTube

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago


New World Grief...T-shirts anyone? #gabriellegiffords #tcot #tlot #tpot #teaparty - fightingstatism

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Steve Emerson Documentary "The Grand Deception," examines the Muslim Brotherhood #tcot #jcot #ccot

New Steve Emerson Documentary "The Grand Deception" examines the Muslim Brotherhood

Rory Cohen: Tracking Muslim Brotherhood's 'Grand Deception

......” A new documentary film, "The Grand Deception," delves into the subversive culture of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, bringing to light footage of radical Islamists, masquerading as moderate Muslims, who call for violent jihad against the United States and its allies.

"While working at CNN as a correspondent in 1992, I had been sent to Oklahoma City, and I just happened to pass by the Oklahoma City Convention Center, where I witnessed thousands of people coming out dressed in Middle Eastern garb. I went inside and found out it was a radical Islamist conference with calls to kill the Jews and attack America," Steve Emerson, the film's producer and an award -winning journalist, said in an interview, explaining that the event prompted him to create a documentary called "Jihad in America" to research the subject. "If I looked good, it was only because others in the business were not doing their job."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, December 14, 2012

Egyptians Question U.S. Policy, Call for Change Fikra Forum

...."At this critical time in Egypt’s transition, Fikra Forum felt it important to gauge the reaction of the non -Islamist Egyptian opposition to current U.S. policy. We are happy to present the opinions of well-established democracy and human rights activists on the ground, in addition to expert analysts and observers. We offer gratitude to our contributors, Hafez Abu Saeda, Basil El-Dabh, Dina Guirguis, Hany Nasr, Bassem Samir, Josh Shahryar, and Dalia Ziada, for their valuable insight. ".....

More at the link.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cutting Up AFP Tent on Michigan Capitol Lawn - YouTube #migop #miteaparty #tcot #tlot #teaparty

"Liberal" columnist Max Read thinks the assault on Steve Crowder by a Union member is funny

Union Assault on Steven Crowder caught on camera

Do We Really Have to Condemn the Union Protestor Who Punched Fox News Comedian Steven Crowder?
By Max Read, Dec 12, 2012

...." I have a third solution: Steven, stop whining, take your licks, and accept that getting hit in the face is a hazard of inserting yourself in the middle of an argument between
billionaire-funded know-nothing ideologues and people whose livelihoods and stability are being threatened by the insatiable greed of the super-rich and the blind extremism of their wooden-headed political allies. In exchange,
liberals will buy you a band-aid for the cut on your forehead and re-iterate that Punching Is Bad. Sound good?Send your answer on Twitter.”....

RRD: I have a fourth solution: you abstain from assaulting us or we will have you arrested. How about that?
Of course Read 's apologists might say that since Crowder is joking about this,Read also has the right to joke about it. But Read's joke ( and it is not entirely clear to me whether he is entirely joking or only half joking) is about violating Individual Rights,by contrast Crowder's is essentially self-deprecating humor. And what shall we make of this :

"And then he got punched in the face, for reasons that have been edited out of the video. "

What "reasons" other than a imminent threat,could justify punching Crowder in the face?

"Oh ,Robert you know how these things are ,people say things & other people just can't help themselves...."

Actually no I don't. You see my mother was once called a "cunt" in front of her & to my face. I did not do anything violent or criminal in response. It is called "self-control".
And yes I do have a temper,it does not spontaneously cause me to strike people against my will.

Except for self-defense ,there is no excuse for a civilian to use force against others (unless the government is a dictatorship ,or unless the government is gone and anarchy prevails , in which case "natural law" should guide one's actions ,& even then saying nasty things would still not justify the use of force).

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Union Assault on Steven Crowder caught on camera

Union Assault on Steven Crowder caught on camera

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I am going on a semi-sabbatical

I am going to go on a semi-sabbatical in which I will cut back on my blogging & posting. I have a huge amount of reading & research on a number of subjects ( related to my blogging ) that I need to do that I have been postponing over & over again for the past four years.
I will continue to post on some subjects of great importance to me though;including Iran,national security issues,and any law that could negatively impact free speech rights or Fourth Amendment privacy rights.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

"Now, in the wake of a devastating election for Republicans,Boehner & Cantor are on the same page #tcot #teaparty #rinos

Spotlight not pointed at Cantor - The Hill

...."Cantor, unafraid to throw rhetorical bombs, initially took
on the role of Tea Party sympathizer within the GOP’s
expanded conference, setting him apart from Boehner,
viewed as the more laid-back leader who was willing to cut
a deal.Now, in the wake of a devastating election for Republicans,Boehner and Cantor are on the same page.
One Republican lawmaker told The Hill that Cantor seems
to be more patient in his quest to one day become the
Speaker given the current political reality: an unruly
conservative conference, coupled with a Democrat-
controlled Senate and White House."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

"Now, in the wake of a devastating election for Republicans,Boehner & Cantor are on the same page #tcot #teaparty #rinos

Spotlight not pointed at Cantor - The Hill

...."Cantor, unafraid to throw rhetorical bombs, initially took
on the role of Tea Party sympathizer within the GOP’s
expanded conference, setting him apart from Boehner,
viewed as the more laid-back leader who was willing to cut
a deal.Now, in the wake of a devastating election for Republicans,Boehner and Cantor are on the same page.
One Republican lawmaker told The Hill that Cantor seems
to be more patient in his quest to one day become the
Speaker given the current political reality: an unruly
conservative conference, coupled with a Democrat-
controlled Senate and White House."....

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Tom Price won’t challenge Boehner - The Hill

....” A senior House Republican said Monday he is not
mounting a challenge to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio),
momentarily keeping a lid on simmering tensions between
conservatives and the party leadership.
Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), a conservative stalwart who
recently lost his bid for a leadership post, shot down a
report that floated him as a lawmaker who could seek to
oust Boehner if the Speaker cuts a fiscal-cliff deal with
President Obama that breaks with conservative principles.”....

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Tom Price won’t challenge Boehner - The Hill

....” A senior House Republican said Monday he is not
mounting a challenge to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio),
momentarily keeping a lid on simmering tensions between
conservatives and the party leadership.
Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), a conservative stalwart who
recently lost his bid for a leadership post, shot down a
report that floated him as a lawmaker who could seek to
oust Boehner if the Speaker cuts a fiscal-cliff deal with
President Obama that breaks with conservative principles.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

At ITU China & Russia Withdraw Bids For Internet Control #freeandopen #tcot #tlot #twisters

Open Internet Scores A Win At ITU China And Russia Withdraw Bids For Internet Control |WebProNews

..... "TechWeekEurope is reporting that nations including China, Russia and others have taken their controversial proposal off the table for now. It would appear that the reason for the withdrawal was due to the negative response the proposal received from citizens all around the world.

Google is leading one of the largest campaigns against the ITU with its #freeandopen campaign. As of now, over 3 million people have signed in support of Google’s efforts to keep the Internet out of the hands of those who would abuse it. It’s unknown if Google’s other concern – a proposal to tax Internet companies – has been killed yet. ”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

At ITU China & Russia Withdraw Bids For Internet Control #freeandopen #tcot #tlot #twisters

Open Internet Scores A Win At ITU China And Russia Withdraw Bids For Internet Control |WebProNews

..... "TechWeekEurope is reporting that nations including China, Russia and others have taken their controversial proposal off the table for now. It would appear that the reason for the withdrawal was due to the negative response the proposal received from citizens all around the world.

Google is leading one of the largest campaigns against the ITU with its #freeandopen campaign. As of now, over 3 million people have signed in support of Google’s efforts to keep the Internet out of the hands of those who would abuse it. It’s unknown if Google’s other concern – a proposal to tax Internet companies – has been killed yet. ”....

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Monday, December 10, 2012

Iran Said to be Killing Imprisoned Pastor by Neglect #tcot #jcot #ccot


Iran Said to be Killing Imprisoned Pastor by Neglect - Christian News, Commentary

.... ”The condition of an Iranian pastor languishing in prison on charges of “actions against the Islamic state” is deteriorating as authorities intend to kill him by denying him medical treatment, according to sources close to the prisoner.

The sources say the health of pastor Behnam Irani, a married father of two, is deteriorating rapidly, according to Jason DeMars of Present Truth Ministries (PTM).

“The prison scheduled a time for him to have surgery several months ago, but mysteriously this decision was reversed, and he was not allowed to receive medical attention,” DeMars told Morning Star News. “Those close to the case believe this is a deliberate attempt to bring about the conditions so that Pastor Behnam would die in prison as a result of his sickness.”

Due to injuries sustained from brutal beatings by prison guards and other inmates, Irani has suffered acute stomach ulcers and colon complications, resulting in weight loss, severe bleeding and a blood infection, according to a November report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

Another aid agency, Release International, reported yesterday (Dec. 6) that Irani has been vomiting and is unable to speak.

In January 2011 Irani was sentenced to a year in prison in Ghezal Hesar, a notoriously violent prison, for alleged “actions against national security” – leading house-church worship, according to PTM. He had previously been arrested in 2006 for “actions against national security” and received a suspended five-year sentence in 2008, but in October 2011 a judge ordered him to serve”...

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Iran Said to be Killing Imprisoned Pastor by Neglect #tcot #jcot #ccot


Iran Said to be Killing Imprisoned Pastor by Neglect - Christian News, Commentary

.... ”The condition of an Iranian pastor languishing in prison on charges of “actions against the Islamic state” is deteriorating as authorities intend to kill him by denying him medical treatment, according to sources close to the prisoner.

The sources say the health of pastor Behnam Irani, a married father of two, is deteriorating rapidly, according to Jason DeMars of Present Truth Ministries (PTM).

“The prison scheduled a time for him to have surgery several months ago, but mysteriously this decision was reversed, and he was not allowed to receive medical attention,” DeMars told Morning Star News. “Those close to the case believe this is a deliberate attempt to bring about the conditions so that Pastor Behnam would die in prison as a result of his sickness.”

Due to injuries sustained from brutal beatings by prison guards and other inmates, Irani has suffered acute stomach ulcers and colon complications, resulting in weight loss, severe bleeding and a blood infection, according to a November report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW).

Another aid agency, Release International, reported yesterday (Dec. 6) that Irani has been vomiting and is unable to speak.

In January 2011 Irani was sentenced to a year in prison in Ghezal Hesar, a notoriously violent prison, for alleged “actions against national security” – leading house-church worship, according to PTM. He had previously been arrested in 2006 for “actions against national security” and received a suspended five-year sentence in 2008, but in October 2011 a judge ordered him to serve”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Quotes from #GOP Congressmen on Boehner's plan #tcot #teaparty #rino

Lack of rank-and-file House GOP backlash hints at softening on taxes - The Hill

RRD: This is a somewhat belated post but it contains some interesting quotes & I had intended to post it earlier,so I am posting it now. After noting that Boehner has the support of Paul Ryan, The Hill quotes Rep.Austin Scott (R-Ga) as saying:

...“I think that Speaker Boehner is the one who has
conducted himself as an adult in the whole discussion, "....

It goes on to quote Jim DeMint ( who has since announced that he is leaving to head The Heritage Foundation) :

DeMint said Boehner's proposal was a “$800
billion tax hike” which would “destroy American jobs and
allow politicians in Washington to spend even more, while
not reducing our $16 trillion debt by a single penny.”

Outgoing chair of the Republican
Study Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio), said that Boehner's proposal was “a lot better than the president’s, but it’s still a tax increase, so that’s
not going to help grow the economy when you are raising

The Hill then quotes a anonymous aid to the House leadership who responded to the criticism by saying that Boehner's plan:

“It points to the fact that we’ve put a serious offer on the table —
serious compromise,”

RRD: Why "compromise" is a value to us is never explained by the anonymous aide. He then complains rather oddly that:
Obama “isn’t facing any backlash” from the left over Obama's plan to raise taxes. The anonymous aide seems to think that since leftists are not criticizing Obama for seeking to raise taxes,then Conservatives shouldn't criticize the GOP leadership for seeking to raise taxes. Somehow the fact that leftists are not criticizing Obama because THEY AGREE WITH HIM on tax increases,while Conservatives are criticizing Boehner because THEY DISAGREE WITH HIM on tax increases is lost the unnamed aide.

Boehner himself had nothing to say.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)
GOP conference chairwoman, called Boehner's plan “a work in progress” ,but added that critics “need to be constructive.”

Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) said that he would support the Boehner plan &
seemed hurt that Obama was not appreciative of the GOP's efforts to serve the idol of compromise.

“Good faith is good faith,” he said. “If we give a little, you’ve got to give a little. That’s how it works.”

Actually ,no ,that is not how it works. I have observed leftist politicians support the filibuster when it served their purposes & oppose it when it didn't. I've seen them make up wholly fabricated accusations of racism against the innocent & then brush aside the real,actual racism of Harry Reid & Bill Clinton & Joe Biden. I have seen them support reconciliation as a legal method to pass Obamacare & then declare that it would be illegal to repeal it by that method. I have heard them defend the most outlandish attacks on Bush,not merely as being exercises in free speech,but as being "patriotic" since "dissent is patriotic";only to then turn around & describe criticism of Obama as being a attack on the nation itself. I have seen Democrats call for immediate concession speeches from conservatives while they still deny that Al Gore lost the election, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
All of this has a common denominator & it isn't " we give a little, you give a little" ;it's "we win you lose ,consistency be damned".

Rooney then said that he “disagreed” with the claim that Boehner’s offer was a tax increase,yet he acknowledged that he would not have taken that position a few months ago.

What changed?

The Hill then reports that Cantor was seen on Tuesday meeting with
two members of the Republican Study Committee:Reps. Scott Garrett (N.J.) and Tom Graves (Ga.). They quote Graves as objecting to the plan due to a lack of spending cuts. Graves added that:
“It’s a start, but my concern is that this is turning into
‘Who’s going to raise taxes the least?’ And that’s a

Scott was unwilling to commit until he saw how the CBO scored the plan.

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) was studying the plan.

Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said:
“I think most people don’t know what it is on all the
details,” & added that “There is some
frustration because people want to see real cuts. I’m from
that perspective as well.” ...
Lankford also told The Hill that he opposed tax increases.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Quotes from #GOP Congressmen on Boehner's plan #tcot #teaparty #rino

Lack of rank-and-file House GOP backlash hints at softening on taxes - The Hill

RRD: This is a somewhat belated post but it contains some interesting quotes & I had intended to post it earlier,so I am posting it now. After noting that Boehner has the support of Paul Ryan, The Hill quotes Rep.Austin Scott (R-Ga) as saying:

...“I think that Speaker Boehner is the one who has
conducted himself as an adult in the whole discussion, "....

It goes on to quote Jim DeMint ( who has since announced that he is leaving to head The Heritage Foundation) :

DeMint said Boehner's proposal was a “$800
billion tax hike” which would “destroy American jobs and
allow politicians in Washington to spend even more, while
not reducing our $16 trillion debt by a single penny.”

Outgoing chair of the Republican
Study Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio), said that Boehner's proposal was “a lot better than the president’s, but it’s still a tax increase, so that’s
not going to help grow the economy when you are raising

The Hill then quotes a anonymous aid to the House leadership who responded to the criticism by saying that Boehner's plan:

“It points to the fact that we’ve put a serious offer on the table —
serious compromise,”

RRD: Why "compromise" is a value to us is never explained by the anonymous aide. He then complains rather oddly that:
Obama “isn’t facing any backlash” from the left over Obama's plan to raise taxes. The anonymous aide seems to think that since leftists are not criticizing Obama for seeking to raise taxes,then Conservatives shouldn't criticize the GOP leadership for seeking to raise taxes. Somehow the fact that leftists are not criticizing Obama because THEY AGREE WITH HIM on tax increases,while Conservatives are criticizing Boehner because THEY DISAGREE WITH HIM on tax increases is lost the unnamed aide.

Boehner himself had nothing to say.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)
GOP conference chairwoman, called Boehner's plan “a work in progress” ,but added that critics “need to be constructive.”

Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) said that he would support the Boehner plan &
seemed hurt that Obama was not appreciative of the GOP's efforts to serve the idol of compromise.

“Good faith is good faith,” he said. “If we give a little, you’ve got to give a little. That’s how it works.”

Actually ,no ,that is not how it works. I have observed leftist politicians support the filibuster when it served their purposes & oppose it when it didn't. I've seen them make up wholly fabricated accusations of racism against the innocent & then brush aside the real,actual racism of Harry Reid & Bill Clinton & Joe Biden. I have seen them support reconciliation as a legal method to pass Obamacare & then declare that it would be illegal to repeal it by that method. I have heard them defend the most outlandish attacks on Bush,not merely as being exercises in free speech,but as being "patriotic" since "dissent is patriotic";only to then turn around & describe criticism of Obama as being a attack on the nation itself. I have seen Democrats call for immediate concession speeches from conservatives while they still deny that Al Gore lost the election, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
All of this has a common denominator & it isn't " we give a little, you give a little" ;it's "we win you lose ,consistency be damned".

Rooney then said that he “disagreed” with the claim that Boehner’s offer was a tax increase,yet he acknowledged that he would not have taken that position a few months ago.

What changed?

The Hill then reports that Cantor was seen on Tuesday meeting with
two members of the Republican Study Committee:Reps. Scott Garrett (N.J.) and Tom Graves (Ga.). They quote Graves as objecting to the plan due to a lack of spending cuts. Graves added that:
“It’s a start, but my concern is that this is turning into
‘Who’s going to raise taxes the least?’ And that’s a

Scott was unwilling to commit until he saw how the CBO scored the plan.

Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) was studying the plan.

Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said:
“I think most people don’t know what it is on all the
details,” & added that “There is some
frustration because people want to see real cuts. I’m from
that perspective as well.” ...
Lankford also told The Hill that he opposed tax increases.

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Boehner's purge #tcot #teaparty #912

Tea Party conservatives booted from prominent committees |

...." Speaker John A. Boehner initiated today a small purge
of rebellious Republicans — mostly conservatives —
from prominent committees; it’s the latest instance of
the Ohio Republican’s clamping down on his fractious
The decisions were made by the GOP Steering
Committee at a Monday meeting, which reviewed a
spreadsheet listing each GOP lawmaker and how often
he or she had voted with leadership, three sources
Reps. David Schweikert of Arizona and Walter Jones of
North Carolina were booted from the Financial
Services Committee. Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan
and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas were removed from the
Budget Committee.
According to a source, Schweikert was told that he was
ousted in part because his “votes were not in lockstep
with leadership ".....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Boehner's purge #tcot #teaparty #912

Tea Party conservatives booted from prominent committees |

...." Speaker John A. Boehner initiated today a small purge
of rebellious Republicans — mostly conservatives —
from prominent committees; it’s the latest instance of
the Ohio Republican’s clamping down on his fractious
The decisions were made by the GOP Steering
Committee at a Monday meeting, which reviewed a
spreadsheet listing each GOP lawmaker and how often
he or she had voted with leadership, three sources
Reps. David Schweikert of Arizona and Walter Jones of
North Carolina were booted from the Financial
Services Committee. Reps. Justin Amash of Michigan
and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas were removed from the
Budget Committee.
According to a source, Schweikert was told that he was
ousted in part because his “votes were not in lockstep
with leadership ".....

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Boehner to members: Leadership is watching your voting patterns - The Hill

Boehner to members: Leadership is watching your voting patterns - The Hill

Boehner to members: Leadership is watching your voting patterns - The Hill

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sen. Corker open to higher tax rates #teaparty #tcot #twisters

Sen. Corker open to higher tax rates

.... “A lot of people are putting forth a theory —and I actually think it has merit — where you go and you give the president the 2 percent increase that he's talking about, the rate increase on the top 2 percent, and all of a sudden the shift goes back to entitlements,” Corker said. “And all of a sudden, once you give him a top rate on the 2 percent it's actually a much lesser tax increase than what he's been talking about.

“I actually am beginning to believe that is the best route for us to take,” Corker said, “to again shift the focus to where it needs to be, which is entitlements.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sen. Corker open to higher tax rates #teaparty #tcot #twisters

Sen. Corker open to higher tax rates

.... “A lot of people are putting forth a theory —and I actually think it has merit — where you go and you give the president the 2 percent increase that he's talking about, the rate increase on the top 2 percent, and all of a sudden the shift goes back to entitlements,” Corker said. “And all of a sudden, once you give him a top rate on the 2 percent it's actually a much lesser tax increase than what he's been talking about.

“I actually am beginning to believe that is the best route for us to take,” Corker said, “to again shift the focus to where it needs to be, which is entitlements.”....

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Crovitz: "Would be Internet regulators (the UN's ITU) need deleting"

Crovitz: "Would be Internet regulators (the UN's ITU) need deleting"

...” In a referendum among the world's two billion Internet users, how many would vote to transfer control of the Internet to the United Nations? Perhaps 100,000, an estimate based on the number of top officials ruling the most authoritarian countries, whose power is threatened by the open Web.

Under the one country, one vote rule of the U.N., these 100,000 people trump the rest of the two billion. It only takes a majority of the 193 countries in the U.N. to hijack the Internet.

The International Telecommunications Union is hosting a conference in Dubai, where many countries are eager to extend the agency's role beyond telecommunications to regulate the Internet. The two -week conference is half over, with meddlesome proposals from China, Russia and other authoritarian regimes dominating the discussion.

A U.S. -Canadian proposal would have limited topics to telecommunications, excluding the Internet. Top U.S. negotiator Terry Kramer said in a call with the media last week that the State Department believes that "fundamentally, the conference should not be dealing with the Internet" and that the U.S. team was working "day and night" to find allies. But State didn't respond to my follow-up question asking for an estimate of how many countries have pledged to keep hands off the Internet. This is likely a low percentage of the 193.

Instead, authoritarian governments want to legitimize government censorship, tax Internet traffic that crosses national boundaries and mandate that ITU bureaucrats replace the nongovernmental engineering groups now smoothly running the Internet.”....

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Crovitz: "Would be Internet regulators (the UN's ITU) need deleting"

Crovitz: "Would be Internet regulators (the UN's ITU) need deleting"

...” In a referendum among the world's two billion Internet users, how many would vote to transfer control of the Internet to the United Nations? Perhaps 100,000, an estimate based on the number of top officials ruling the most authoritarian countries, whose power is threatened by the open Web.

Under the one country, one vote rule of the U.N., these 100,000 people trump the rest of the two billion. It only takes a majority of the 193 countries in the U.N. to hijack the Internet.

The International Telecommunications Union is hosting a conference in Dubai, where many countries are eager to extend the agency's role beyond telecommunications to regulate the Internet. The two -week conference is half over, with meddlesome proposals from China, Russia and other authoritarian regimes dominating the discussion.

A U.S. -Canadian proposal would have limited topics to telecommunications, excluding the Internet. Top U.S. negotiator Terry Kramer said in a call with the media last week that the State Department believes that "fundamentally, the conference should not be dealing with the Internet" and that the U.S. team was working "day and night" to find allies. But State didn't respond to my follow-up question asking for an estimate of how many countries have pledged to keep hands off the Internet. This is likely a low percentage of the 193.

Instead, authoritarian governments want to legitimize government censorship, tax Internet traffic that crosses national boundaries and mandate that ITU bureaucrats replace the nongovernmental engineering groups now smoothly running the Internet.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Kyl,Mccain,Alexander & Graham seek to cut deal with the Dems to preserve Filibuster #tcot #tlot #teaparty #twisters

Kyl,Mccain,Alexander & Graham seek to cut deal with the Dems to preserve Filibuster

....." So top Senate Republicans — including John McCain of Arizona, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Jon Kyl of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — are trying to head off the showdown. They’re reaching out to Democrats who have expressed concerns about changing the rules by 51 votes, including Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Carl Levin of Michigan. And Republicans are reaching out to a key Reid ally, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the No. 3 Senate Democrat and chairman of the Rules Committee, to see whether a deal can be cut before the new Congress convenes in January.

McCain called it a “meeting of the minds.”

“I’d like to see what we agree on and where we can share our mutual concerns,” the Arizona Republican said.

“We’d all like to avert the nuclear option,” Schumer told POLITICO, but he would only say there were lots of conversations occurring between different groups of senators.

“I’m not a fan of this,” Pryor said of the 51-vote option. “I’m talking to my Democratic and Republican colleagues about changing some things around here that would make the place run better but would also honor the integrity of our traditions around here.”

Several participants say these talks aren’t quite like the Gang of 14 negotiations in 2005. The group’s bipartisan deal preserved the use of the filibuster on judicial nominees and averted a Republican-led push to impose the nuclear option. But informal talks among various senators are picking up, with some hoping the efforts could lead to a series of bipartisan proposals that can be presented to Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when their negotiations begin in earnest.”....

RRD: We went through this nonsense in 2011. Frankly I don't think Reid wants or wanted to "reform" (i.e. weaken) the Filibuster;I think that this is a game that he plays every term to extract concessions from the GOP.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Kyl,Mccain,Alexander & Graham seek to cut deal with the Dems to preserve Filibuster #tcot #tlot #teaparty #twisters

Kyl,Mccain,Alexander & Graham seek to cut deal with the Dems to preserve Filibuster

....." So top Senate Republicans — including John McCain of Arizona, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Jon Kyl of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — are trying to head off the showdown. They’re reaching out to Democrats who have expressed concerns about changing the rules by 51 votes, including Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Carl Levin of Michigan. And Republicans are reaching out to a key Reid ally, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the No. 3 Senate Democrat and chairman of the Rules Committee, to see whether a deal can be cut before the new Congress convenes in January.

McCain called it a “meeting of the minds.”

“I’d like to see what we agree on and where we can share our mutual concerns,” the Arizona Republican said.

“We’d all like to avert the nuclear option,” Schumer told POLITICO, but he would only say there were lots of conversations occurring between different groups of senators.

“I’m not a fan of this,” Pryor said of the 51-vote option. “I’m talking to my Democratic and Republican colleagues about changing some things around here that would make the place run better but would also honor the integrity of our traditions around here.”

Several participants say these talks aren’t quite like the Gang of 14 negotiations in 2005. The group’s bipartisan deal preserved the use of the filibuster on judicial nominees and averted a Republican-led push to impose the nuclear option. But informal talks among various senators are picking up, with some hoping the efforts could lead to a series of bipartisan proposals that can be presented to Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when their negotiations begin in earnest.”....

RRD: We went through this nonsense in 2011. Frankly I don't think Reid wants or wanted to "reform" (i.e. weaken) the Filibuster;I think that this is a game that he plays every term to extract concessions from the GOP.

Posted via email from Repeal and replace all RINOS

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Extent of FCC's power to be determined by Supreme Court #tcot #teaparty #tlot

FCC's Internet authority in balance - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

".... A federal court is currently considering a case that could determine how much power the Federal Communications Commission has over the primary communications tool of the 21st century: the Internet.

Liberals and consumer advocates fear that if the FCC loses, it will become a neutered and outdated agency, unable to protect consumers in the modern marketplace.

But conservatives claim that if the FCC wins, the agency will be emboldened to adopt more invasive and burdensome regulations of the Internet."....

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Extent of FCC's power to be determined by Supreme Court #tcot #teaparty #tlot

FCC's Internet authority in balance - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

".... A federal court is currently considering a case that could determine how much power the Federal Communications Commission has over the primary communications tool of the 21st century: the Internet.

Liberals and consumer advocates fear that if the FCC loses, it will become a neutered and outdated agency, unable to protect consumers in the modern marketplace.

But conservatives claim that if the FCC wins, the agency will be emboldened to adopt more invasive and burdensome regulations of the Internet."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Apparently Anonymous attacked the UN's ITU ,(the ITU seeks to regulate the internet)

ITU says 'network outage' after website cyberattack disrupted Dubai conference - Computerworld

....." The ITU on Thursday said last night's "network outage" at one ITU website "blocked civil society,
media and other interested parties from following the proceedings, and prevented access to the wealth of online information on the ITU's WCIT home page and Newsroom. Some delegates were frustrated at being unable to access some of the online working documents that were being considered at the meeting. However a spirit of camaraderie prevailed, with those who had access to up-to-date versions of the texts willing to share with other delegates in order to keep discussions moving forward."
The ITU noted "some hacker groups are claiming responsibility"
When Network World on Wednesday inquired of the group Anonymous why it bears resentment toward the ITU, the response from Anonymous was, "While we feel most of the controversial proposals at this year's WCIT stand little chance of passing, we feel that the ITU is extremely non-transparent and un-democratic." The group also indicated its effort against the ITU is being largely driven out of Anonymous Germany.

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet

Apparently Anonymous attacked the UN's ITU ,(the ITU seeks to regulate the internet)

ITU says 'network outage' after website cyberattack disrupted Dubai conference - Computerworld

....." The ITU on Thursday said last night's "network outage" at one ITU website "blocked civil society,
media and other interested parties from following the proceedings, and prevented access to the wealth of online information on the ITU's WCIT home page and Newsroom. Some delegates were frustrated at being unable to access some of the online working documents that were being considered at the meeting. However a spirit of camaraderie prevailed, with those who had access to up-to-date versions of the texts willing to share with other delegates in order to keep discussions moving forward."
The ITU noted "some hacker groups are claiming responsibility"
When Network World on Wednesday inquired of the group Anonymous why it bears resentment toward the ITU, the response from Anonymous was, "While we feel most of the controversial proposals at this year's WCIT stand little chance of passing, we feel that the ITU is extremely non-transparent and un-democratic." The group also indicated its effort against the ITU is being largely driven out of Anonymous Germany.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

US extends waivers on Iran sanctions to China and India #irannuclear #tcot

UPDATE 3-US extends waivers on Iran sanctions to China and India | Reuters

..." The United States granted 180-day waivers on Iran sanctions to China, India & a number of other countries on Friday in exchange for their cutting purchases of oil from the Islamic Republic.
President Barack Obama's administration has now
renewed waivers for all 20 of Iran's major oil buyers, after
granting them to Japan and 10 European Union countries
in September. F r i day's action was the second renewal for
all 20 after Obama signed the sanctions into law a year
ago "....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

US extends waivers on Iran sanctions to China and India #irannuclear #tcot

UPDATE 3-US extends waivers on Iran sanctions to China and India | Reuters

..." The United States granted 180-day waivers on Iran sanctions to China, India & a number of other countries on Friday in exchange for their cutting purchases of oil from the Islamic Republic.
President Barack Obama's administration has now
renewed waivers for all 20 of Iran's major oil buyers, after
granting them to Japan and 10 European Union countries
in September. F r i day's action was the second renewal for
all 20 after Obama signed the sanctions into law a year
ago "....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Ousted GOP freshmen demand explanation from Speaker Boehner - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Friday, December 7, 2012

For those who died at Pearl Harbor & their loved ones

UN Control of Web Could Open Door to Censorship #ocra #freetheweb #teaparty

UN Control of Web Could Open Door to Censorship News & Opinion |,2817,2412937,00.asp

....” U.S. officials today reiterated that an 11-day telecom
conference currently being held in Dubai should not
address Internet regulation issues.
"Fundamentally, the conferecence - to us - should not be
dealing with the Internet sector," U.S. Ambassador Terry
Kramer said during a Thursday call with reporters. "That
carries significant implications that could open the door to
things like content censorship [or] payment models that
we would be concerned would reduce traffic."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

UN Control of Web Could Open Door to Censorship #ocra #freetheweb #teaparty

UN Control of Web Could Open Door to Censorship News & Opinion |,2817,2412937,00.asp

....” U.S. officials today reiterated that an 11-day telecom
conference currently being held in Dubai should not
address Internet regulation issues.
"Fundamentally, the conferecence - to us - should not be
dealing with the Internet sector," U.S. Ambassador Terry
Kramer said during a Thursday call with reporters. "That
carries significant implications that could open the door to
things like content censorship [or] payment models that
we would be concerned would reduce traffic."....

Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet