ITU says 'network outage' after website cyberattack disrupted Dubai conference - Computerworld
....." The ITU on Thursday said last night's "network outage" at one ITU website "blocked civil society,
media and other interested parties from following the proceedings, and prevented access to the wealth of online information on the ITU's WCIT home page and Newsroom. Some delegates were frustrated at being unable to access some of the online working documents that were being considered at the meeting. However a spirit of camaraderie prevailed, with those who had access to up-to-date versions of the texts willing to share with other delegates in order to keep discussions moving forward."
The ITU noted "some hacker groups are claiming responsibility"
When Network World on Wednesday inquired of the group Anonymous why it bears resentment toward the ITU, the response from Anonymous was, "While we feel most of the controversial proposals at this year's WCIT stand little chance of passing, we feel that the ITU is extremely non-transparent and un-democratic." The group also indicated its effort against the ITU is being largely driven out of Anonymous Germany.
....." The ITU on Thursday said last night's "network outage" at one ITU website "blocked civil society,
media and other interested parties from following the proceedings, and prevented access to the wealth of online information on the ITU's WCIT home page and Newsroom. Some delegates were frustrated at being unable to access some of the online working documents that were being considered at the meeting. However a spirit of camaraderie prevailed, with those who had access to up-to-date versions of the texts willing to share with other delegates in order to keep discussions moving forward."
The ITU noted "some hacker groups are claiming responsibility"
When Network World on Wednesday inquired of the group Anonymous why it bears resentment toward the ITU, the response from Anonymous was, "While we feel most of the controversial proposals at this year's WCIT stand little chance of passing, we feel that the ITU is extremely non-transparent and un-democratic." The group also indicated its effort against the ITU is being largely driven out of Anonymous Germany.
Posted via email from Defend Individual Rights on the Internet
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