Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Americans for Prosperity & Heritage attack Boehner's counteroffer #tcot #twisters #RINO

Conservative groups lash out at GOP's 'fiscal cliff' counteroffer - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


...“Republicans were reelected in the House to stop Pres.
Obama's agenda, not figure out creative ways to fund it,”
Dan Holler, communications director for Heritage Action
for America, a sister organization of the Heritage
Foundation, told The Hill in an email.
And Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group
partially funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, said the
GOP offer “left conservatives wanting.”
"The President's proposal and Speaker Boehner's
counteroffer fail to seriously deal with the reality of the
problems facing the nation,” Americans for Prosperity
president Tim Phillips said in a statement. “Conservatives
are looking for a leader to fight against tax increases, to
push back against wasteful government spending, and
address the fiscal challenges in a bold way. Sadly this plan
leaves conservatives wanting.".......
....."Speaker Boehner's counteroffer today offers
disappointingly small spending reductions,” AFP’s policy
director James Valvo continued in the statement. “After
immediately giving in to higher taxes following the election,
the Speaker has now followed up by pulling the best parts
of the House budget off the table. The only way to solve
the nation's fiscal woes is to reform the runaway
entitlement programs and government spending. It is
disturbing that this proposal may give up the entire FY2013
spending reductions agreed to in the BCA.”.....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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