RRD:Continuing to shill for Romney Coulter now adds insult to injury.
According to Coulter,those who oppose Romney do so because they are :
....”determined to change the meaning of "conservative"
from "normal person who wants to protect what's best in mainstream America" to "perpetually indignant, restless carper against everything, obsessed with symbolic issues,determined to punish the country for its impurities."...
She goes on: ...” Some Republicans, we were led to believe, would only be satisfied with angry denunciations of Obama as a Kenyan colonialist and demands for Barack Obama's birth
certificate -- without ever spending five minutes of calm contemplation to see that he had already produced it.And if there's anyplace for a zealot to shine, it's in a caucus
state like Iowa. ”....
RRD:Who does Coulter think she is addressing?Does she think that the readership of Townhall is stupid enough to believe this BS?Coulter knows perfectly well why Romney was,and is,opposed.He is opposed because of ROMNEYCARE,he is opposed for his acceptance of a fraud--the man made Global Warming hysteria--that I,Coulter,and countless Libertarians,Objectivists,and Conservatives have struggled to combat,against a hostile media that compares us to holocaust deniers.He is opposed because he has made "the conservative case for the individual mandate"(fn1).He is opposed because HE IS A IDEOLOGICAL MENANCE.Just as Bob Bennett,and the Heritage Foundation,AND MITT ROMNEY,with their craven appeasement of socialized medicine,aided in the passage of Obamacare(by providing the Democrats with cover to claim that their policies were ”mainstream”),so too will Romney's support for the global warming dogma pave the way for Cap and Trade.In Romney's case his CURRENT SUPPOR T for the Global Warming dogma is even more revealing(and alarming)than Mccain's was in 2008(fn2).In 2008 Mccain did not have to willfully evade Climategate. Romney does,& has. Nor can politics explain Romney's stance:polls show the majority of the American people have rejected this dogma.
Romney's position can only be explained by one of two things:
1.He believes in it.In which case he is ignoring reality to follow fashionable delusions which will finish off what's left of our freedoms. Or 2.He's pandering to the LEFTIST MINORITY FOR WHOM THIS IS A ISSUE. Either of these would make him--not only unfit for public office--they would make him a threat to the Tea Party & Libertarians,& Conservatives,since he would give the Left a ideological victory that they could never achieve on their own.
It is true that Romney is not to the left of Obama.
But he can do something Obama cannot do:make Cap & Trade & Obamacare,defacto bi-partisan platforms.He is more dangerous than Obama in this respect,much as a high-ranking traitor like Benedict Arnold is more dangerous than a open enemy is;because the traitor can lead his country's army into a trap.(And yes this is a metaphor, & no Romney is not a Democratic spy)
Coulter's ”method” ,to the extent she has one,is that of the sophist;or in todays jargon,a bulls***er.
Previously she baldly asserted that if Romney was elected he WOULD REPEAL OBAMACARE.Not that he MIGHT repeal it,he WOULD repeal it.She then asserted that if
Romney was not the nominee
then Obamacare would NEVER be repealed.
Anyone reading Coulter's columns, who was awake,and of at least normal intelligence,would ask these questions: *Why would a Rockefeller Republican who boasted that he did not want to "return to Reagan-Bush"(fn3),a man who believes in compelling people to buy health insurance,and a man who believes in man made global warming(at a time when the majority have rejected both)in short,a man to THE LEFT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON THESE ISSUES,defy the news media,the GOP establishment,the whole Washington establishment,& his whole past,to repeal Obamacare? But he needs to do so to be reelected?
Why?If they ”just don't have the votes to break a Democrat filibuster”,we couldn't blame Romney for that could we?
Why the solution would be ”to send even more Republicans to Washington”.And when we have done that & have RINOs defecting?Then ”we must work ten times as hard”....ad infinitum.
Unless we have a committed Republican,one who is willing to go to war with both the Democrats,& most Republicans,(most of whom are cowards),then Obamacare will not be repealed.
Bachmann--whatever else may be said about her--would move heaven & earth to repeal it.So would Sarah Palin,Gary Johnson,Herman Cain & yes,my loathing of him for his foreign policy notwithstanding,so would Ron Paul.
Gingrich is erratic,he supported the individual mandate,& cut a ad with Pelosi on Global Warming.
Perry is a unknown on this issue.
Huntsman is essentially Romney without the organization.
Santorum might repeal it,or not,but in any case he is a avowed enemy of the core value of this country:
The ”libertarian” notion that you should be free to be left alone so long as you do not violate the rights of another person.He has even attacked the right to the pursuit of happiness.(fn4) There are no good GOP candidates who are likely to get the nomination.Politico & Pajamas Media made sure that Cain was destroyed.(Though that does not excuse his adultery). But back to Coulter.Coulter had one last slap at our face at the end.
....”Newt Gingrich is not electable for many reasons”.... Such as: ...”he cut a global warming
commercial with Nancy Pelosi”... So believing in Global Warming makes you unelectable if your name is Newt Gingrich,but not if it is Mitt Romney?Sure. So far this is turning out to be a banner year.I will close with a link from a champion of individual rights,a Objectivist & scholar.
And one whose article is disturbingly prophetic.
“Obama's Atomic Bomb: The Ideological Clarity of the Democratic Agenda” by John David Lewis
....”Whereas Bush’s image as a free-market capitalist was a mirage, Obama’s image as a radical leftist is accurate. Obama’s great vulnerability is that a silent majority of American voters will see this, and will recognize that he does not share either their values or their vision of what America was and should be”.....
...”This is the clarity that Obama has brought to the American political scene. To see a president’s clear and principled commitment to an ideology—any ideology—is precisely what America has needed for decades. This sight has helped many people understand the issues at a more fundamental level than they ever have. Obama and his congressional allies have unwittingly launched a grass-roots movement that is actively questioning the role of government in our lives. Although a large portion of the protesters remains confused about the principles at stake, an increasing number are gaining clarity. They are coming to see the Democratic proposals for health-care “reform,” for instance, not as a matter of new programs backed by good intentions, but as an attack on individual rights and an effort to impose a dictatorship—as signs at tea parties attest. And many are beginning to see that the Republicans as well have been guilty of such attacks. Clarity is the first step toward understanding, and understanding is the prerequisite to rational evaluation. For three generations now, America has needed a blunt confrontation with the policies that have been leading the nation toward dictatorship and into bankruptcy. Such confrontations were stillborn in 1940, 1964, and 1980 because in each case Republicans failed to stand up, on principle, for capitalism, liberty, and individual rights. Republicans repeatedly collapsed into the quicksand of compromise and accepted the welfare state principles of their opponents while arguing about the “proper” amount of government coercion they would enact. The trend toward statism continued, because the incremental steps accepted by Republicans obscured the stark difference between America’s founding vision and its statist future. Obama has given active-minded Americans a close-up view of this future. His vision—a government bureaucracy to administer medicine, an environmental agency to shackle industry, and the institutional mechanisms for bringing the government into the most intimate details of our lives—is where we have been headed for decades. But until now this destination has been hidden by the smoke and mirrors of rhetorical obfuscation. Obama’s strident efforts to impose this agenda are enabling people to see that future with clarity.”...
...”The protests and the polls are clear: Americans have, by and large, rejected the radical leftist agenda. But the issue is not yet closed. The Democrats have one last resource—one secret weapon—with which they can save their plans while avoiding political suicide in the next election. That weapon is the Republicans. If the Republicans compromise—if they accept federally-mandated health insurance in the guise of a “co-op” or the like, or a cap-and-trade bill that is marginally less draconian than the Democratic version—they will have once again capitulated to their opponents, abandoned liberty, and ruined the opportunity to redirect this nation toward its founding moral principle: individual rights, protected under a constitution in a free republic.”...
RRD:Dr.Lewis lost his battle with cancer recently.If after spending the past 3 years fighting Obamacare we nominate someone who is created the Republican equivalent of Obamacare,then we will help to destroy this country,not save it. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Coulter's column: Iowa shows Republicans determined to beat Obama:
http://m.townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2012/01/04/iowa_shows_republicans_determined_to_beat_obama Footnotes: fn1 Romney doubles down on argument that state health mandate is 'conservative'
Say Anything Mitt Romney Says He’s “Not Going To Walk Away” From #Romneycare #teaparty #2012 - fightingstatism
The world is getting warmer : Romney
"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire. "It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors.
Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/romney-1994i-dont-want-to-return-to-reagan-bu fn4. Why Santorum Must Be Defeated - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/why-santorum-must-be-defeated
According to Coulter,those who oppose Romney do so because they are :
....”determined to change the meaning of "conservative"
from "normal person who wants to protect what's best in mainstream America" to "perpetually indignant, restless carper against everything, obsessed with symbolic issues,determined to punish the country for its impurities."...
She goes on: ...” Some Republicans, we were led to believe, would only be satisfied with angry denunciations of Obama as a Kenyan colonialist and demands for Barack Obama's birth
certificate -- without ever spending five minutes of calm contemplation to see that he had already produced it.And if there's anyplace for a zealot to shine, it's in a caucus
state like Iowa. ”....
RRD:Who does Coulter think she is addressing?Does she think that the readership of Townhall is stupid enough to believe this BS?Coulter knows perfectly well why Romney was,and is,opposed.He is opposed because of ROMNEYCARE,he is opposed for his acceptance of a fraud--the man made Global Warming hysteria--that I,Coulter,and countless Libertarians,Objectivists,and Conservatives have struggled to combat,against a hostile media that compares us to holocaust deniers.He is opposed because he has made "the conservative case for the individual mandate"(fn1).He is opposed because HE IS A IDEOLOGICAL MENANCE.Just as Bob Bennett,and the Heritage Foundation,AND MITT ROMNEY,with their craven appeasement of socialized medicine,aided in the passage of Obamacare(by providing the Democrats with cover to claim that their policies were ”mainstream”),so too will Romney's support for the global warming dogma pave the way for Cap and Trade.In Romney's case his CURRENT SUPPOR T for the Global Warming dogma is even more revealing(and alarming)than Mccain's was in 2008(fn2).In 2008 Mccain did not have to willfully evade Climategate. Romney does,& has. Nor can politics explain Romney's stance:polls show the majority of the American people have rejected this dogma.
Romney's position can only be explained by one of two things:
1.He believes in it.In which case he is ignoring reality to follow fashionable delusions which will finish off what's left of our freedoms. Or 2.He's pandering to the LEFTIST MINORITY FOR WHOM THIS IS A ISSUE. Either of these would make him--not only unfit for public office--they would make him a threat to the Tea Party & Libertarians,& Conservatives,since he would give the Left a ideological victory that they could never achieve on their own.
It is true that Romney is not to the left of Obama.
But he can do something Obama cannot do:make Cap & Trade & Obamacare,defacto bi-partisan platforms.He is more dangerous than Obama in this respect,much as a high-ranking traitor like Benedict Arnold is more dangerous than a open enemy is;because the traitor can lead his country's army into a trap.(And yes this is a metaphor, & no Romney is not a Democratic spy)
Coulter's ”method” ,to the extent she has one,is that of the sophist;or in todays jargon,a bulls***er.
Previously she baldly asserted that if Romney was elected he WOULD REPEAL OBAMACARE.Not that he MIGHT repeal it,he WOULD repeal it.She then asserted that if
Romney was not the nominee
then Obamacare would NEVER be repealed.
Anyone reading Coulter's columns, who was awake,and of at least normal intelligence,would ask these questions: *Why would a Rockefeller Republican who boasted that he did not want to "return to Reagan-Bush"(fn3),a man who believes in compelling people to buy health insurance,and a man who believes in man made global warming(at a time when the majority have rejected both)in short,a man to THE LEFT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON THESE ISSUES,defy the news media,the GOP establishment,the whole Washington establishment,& his whole past,to repeal Obamacare? But he needs to do so to be reelected?
Why?If they ”just don't have the votes to break a Democrat filibuster”,we couldn't blame Romney for that could we?
Why the solution would be ”to send even more Republicans to Washington”.And when we have done that & have RINOs defecting?Then ”we must work ten times as hard”....ad infinitum.
Unless we have a committed Republican,one who is willing to go to war with both the Democrats,& most Republicans,(most of whom are cowards),then Obamacare will not be repealed.
Bachmann--whatever else may be said about her--would move heaven & earth to repeal it.So would Sarah Palin,Gary Johnson,Herman Cain & yes,my loathing of him for his foreign policy notwithstanding,so would Ron Paul.
Gingrich is erratic,he supported the individual mandate,& cut a ad with Pelosi on Global Warming.
Perry is a unknown on this issue.
Huntsman is essentially Romney without the organization.
Santorum might repeal it,or not,but in any case he is a avowed enemy of the core value of this country:
The ”libertarian” notion that you should be free to be left alone so long as you do not violate the rights of another person.He has even attacked the right to the pursuit of happiness.(fn4) There are no good GOP candidates who are likely to get the nomination.Politico & Pajamas Media made sure that Cain was destroyed.(Though that does not excuse his adultery). But back to Coulter.Coulter had one last slap at our face at the end.
....”Newt Gingrich is not electable for many reasons”.... Such as: ...”he cut a global warming
commercial with Nancy Pelosi”... So believing in Global Warming makes you unelectable if your name is Newt Gingrich,but not if it is Mitt Romney?Sure. So far this is turning out to be a banner year.I will close with a link from a champion of individual rights,a Objectivist & scholar.
And one whose article is disturbingly prophetic.
“Obama's Atomic Bomb: The Ideological Clarity of the Democratic Agenda” by John David Lewis
....”Whereas Bush’s image as a free-market capitalist was a mirage, Obama’s image as a radical leftist is accurate. Obama’s great vulnerability is that a silent majority of American voters will see this, and will recognize that he does not share either their values or their vision of what America was and should be”.....
...”This is the clarity that Obama has brought to the American political scene. To see a president’s clear and principled commitment to an ideology—any ideology—is precisely what America has needed for decades. This sight has helped many people understand the issues at a more fundamental level than they ever have. Obama and his congressional allies have unwittingly launched a grass-roots movement that is actively questioning the role of government in our lives. Although a large portion of the protesters remains confused about the principles at stake, an increasing number are gaining clarity. They are coming to see the Democratic proposals for health-care “reform,” for instance, not as a matter of new programs backed by good intentions, but as an attack on individual rights and an effort to impose a dictatorship—as signs at tea parties attest. And many are beginning to see that the Republicans as well have been guilty of such attacks. Clarity is the first step toward understanding, and understanding is the prerequisite to rational evaluation. For three generations now, America has needed a blunt confrontation with the policies that have been leading the nation toward dictatorship and into bankruptcy. Such confrontations were stillborn in 1940, 1964, and 1980 because in each case Republicans failed to stand up, on principle, for capitalism, liberty, and individual rights. Republicans repeatedly collapsed into the quicksand of compromise and accepted the welfare state principles of their opponents while arguing about the “proper” amount of government coercion they would enact. The trend toward statism continued, because the incremental steps accepted by Republicans obscured the stark difference between America’s founding vision and its statist future. Obama has given active-minded Americans a close-up view of this future. His vision—a government bureaucracy to administer medicine, an environmental agency to shackle industry, and the institutional mechanisms for bringing the government into the most intimate details of our lives—is where we have been headed for decades. But until now this destination has been hidden by the smoke and mirrors of rhetorical obfuscation. Obama’s strident efforts to impose this agenda are enabling people to see that future with clarity.”...
...”The protests and the polls are clear: Americans have, by and large, rejected the radical leftist agenda. But the issue is not yet closed. The Democrats have one last resource—one secret weapon—with which they can save their plans while avoiding political suicide in the next election. That weapon is the Republicans. If the Republicans compromise—if they accept federally-mandated health insurance in the guise of a “co-op” or the like, or a cap-and-trade bill that is marginally less draconian than the Democratic version—they will have once again capitulated to their opponents, abandoned liberty, and ruined the opportunity to redirect this nation toward its founding moral principle: individual rights, protected under a constitution in a free republic.”...
RRD:Dr.Lewis lost his battle with cancer recently.If after spending the past 3 years fighting Obamacare we nominate someone who is created the Republican equivalent of Obamacare,then we will help to destroy this country,not save it. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Coulter's column: Iowa shows Republicans determined to beat Obama:
http://m.townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2012/01/04/iowa_shows_republicans_determined_to_beat_obama Footnotes: fn1 Romney doubles down on argument that state health mandate is 'conservative'
Say Anything Mitt Romney Says He’s “Not Going To Walk Away” From #Romneycare #teaparty #2012 - fightingstatism
The world is getting warmer : Romney
"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire. "It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors.
Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/romney-1994i-dont-want-to-return-to-reagan-bu fn4. Why Santorum Must Be Defeated - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/why-santorum-must-be-defeated
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