Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mitt Romney: Leader of the Pale Pastel Wing of Party Redstate #scprimary #2012 #obamacare #twisters

....”It is true that Obamacare raises taxes, cuts Medicare, and has many other onerous provisions. But the most offensive part of Obamacare is that it permanently raises the cost of healthcare and health insurance on everyone in the country. It represents the motherload of all market-distorters in an industry that is already plagued by high costs, due to the lack of a free-market. As an aside, Obamacare dumps scores of people on Medicaid.

Unfortunately, Romney lacked the gumption to mention these two additional prominent vices of Obamacare. The reason?They represent the same problems that Massachusetts faces with Romneycare. The subtle implication of Romney’s case against Obamacare is that as long as the plan doesn’t raise taxes or cut Medicare it is a laudable proposal, more meritorious than free-market anti-third-party-payer solutions.

And no wonder. Despite Romney’s ad nauseum lie about 92% of Massachusetts residents remaining unaffected by Masscare, the market-distortions have spiked the cost of private insurance for everyone in the state to a higher level than any other state. Government mandates and third-party interventions – both state and federal – necessarily raise the cost of health insurance. Also, Masscare, much like Obamacare, has dumped thousands of people onto Medicaid – to be paid for by taxpayers from other states.

Moreover, it is nonsensical and dangerous to believe that statism is tolerable as long as it is promulgated by state government. Federalism allows different states to experiment with legitimate functions of government, such as transportation and infrastructure spending. Statism, on the other hand, is wrong on every level. In fact, when Thomas Jefferson warned about “elected despotism” in Notes on the State of Virginia (also cited in Federalist 48 by Madison), he was explicitly discussing state government.”....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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