Saturday, March 31, 2012
Ryan on Romney Then & Now #2012 #teaparty #tlot #aynrand
“It’s not that dissimilar to Obamacare," Ryan said when asked about Romney's plan at a breakfast sponsored by the Spectator and held at the offices of Americans for Tax Reform. "And you probably know that I’m not a big fan of ObamaCare." "I just don’t think the mandates work," Ryan said. "I haven’t studied in depth the status of it, but I think it’s beginning to death spiral, they’re beginning to have to look at rationing decisions. I don’t think this kind of a system works."
"That's why I’m a believer in a consumer-based patient centered health care reforms, and I don’t think that the Massachusetts plan does it, it goes in the opposite direction.” The Massachussetts health care plan he signed remains the biggest liability for Romney as he prepares a likely presidential run.”.... Rep. Paul Ryan endorses Mitt Romney - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
....."I am convinced that Mitt Romney has the skills, the tenacity, the principles, the courage and the integrity to do what it takes to get America back on track. So I believe he's the right person for the job," Ryan said on Fox News.”.... RRD:I confess to have been somewhat taken in by this fraud,(he gives out copies of Atlas Shrugged).Romney is tenacious only at defending the Individual Mandate and his socialized medicine program,has no integrity,is as devoid of principles as Ryan apparently is,literally cowered before Ted Kennedy and denounced Reagan(fn1),and his "skills" consist of making money at Bain,fixing the Olympics,adopting whatever stance he thinks will get him elected,and ....Oh yes!...enacting THE PROTOTYPE FOR OBAMACARE,the first two are admirable,the latter two are disqualifiers. Footnotes: fn1
Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : DeMint's Defense of RomneyCare is Ignorant..& Dangerous #tcot #tlot #teaparty
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : DeMint's Defense of RomneyCare is Ignorant...And Dangerous
...”But beyond being ignorant, DeMint's comments are dangerous. I've long argued that the Massachusetts health care plan is not only toxic to Mitt Romney's presidential candidacy, but it could prove toxic to the entire Republican Party. If Romney is excused for crafting and signing the Massachusetts health care plan, it significantly undermines the case against ObamaCare and weakens the effort to repeal it. The reason is that opposition to ObamaCare will start to look increasingly political and less about principle. It's true that a state mandate doesn't raise the same Constitutional questions as the federal mandate, but it still is government forcing an individual to purchase a product. These comments are especially dangerous coming from DeMint, who is known as a leading conservative and ObamaCare opponent. Let's hope it's an isolated incident and not part of a broader trend.”....
Odd,the undecided voters Romney can supposedly get are not enthused. #GOP #tcot #tlot #teaparty
.....”There is some encouraging news for Republicans. Some gauges of voter intensity continue to show Republicans far more enthusiastic about this election than are Democrats; a New York Times/CBS News poll this month found that 40 percent of Republican primary voters say they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting in the presidential election this year, compared with 29 percent of Democrats. And the overall number of people voting in the Republican primaries is up slightly compared with four years ago.....". :.."Analysts said that Mr. Romney has had particular trouble energizing urban and suburban voters - typically moderates and swing voters - who would be vital to him against Mr. Obama. Less-than-robust turnout in the primaries from those areas in states like Florida and Michigan, analysts said, suggests a challenge for Mr. Romney in energizing independents and the less conservative components of the Republican electorate.”.....
Friday, March 30, 2012
Politico:Romney advisors think Romneycare will help him with independents by showing his ”compassion” #obamacare #2012 #teaparty
.....“The debate right now is fundamental and there’s one candidate in this race who can actually make the contrast that is necessary to take the Republican position, conservative position,” Santorum said outside the Supreme Court on Monday. “There is one candidate who is disqualified to make the case.” RRD:I am not a Santorum supporter,(he has problems of his own),but Santorum,(and Gary Johnson and Ron Paul,when you can find coverage of them),are correct,this is a fundamental moral issue and one of Individual Rights and the GOP is reverting full-bore to its suicidal mee-tooism that helped give us Obamacare.
For why this is a disaster see:
“Obama's Atomic Bomb: The Ideological Clarity of the Democratic Agenda” by John David Lewis
....”Romney and his aides view things differently: Since the outset of his 2012 run, they have privately predicted that “Romneycare” would be an asset in the general election that could help cast Romney as a kinder, gentler kind of Republican that swing voters can embrace. More recently, Romney has sought to reassure conservatives by vowing to scrap the federal law “root and branch,” though he has also pointed to the Massachusetts law as an example of his compassion as a governor.” RRD:From the "Etch-a-sketch” comment to this,(assuming it is accurate),the man's own campaign is vindicating the predictions and fears of his critics.
....”Regardless of how swing voters ultimately view the Massachusetts law, it still presents a quandary for the rest of the Republican Party, which has typically been able to paint in the broadest of rhetorical strokes when discussing the federal law and its impact on individual rights. And softening Romney’s image is not necessarily an urgent priority for Republicans focused on the House and Senate.”...
RRD:Translation:Romney will kick the legs out from under our efforts to defeat statism,and Republicans in the House and Senate are frightened that Romney will so alienate the GOP Base that they will not vote,and Congressional Republicans will be slaughtered in 2012.
If true,such is the "practicality" of the GOP. "Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, a Romney endorser who has also brought suit against the federal law, said that the party would have to be “slightly more nuanced” in its health care messaging with Romney at the top of the ticket.
RRD:Those who participated in the 2008 campaign know exactly what is meant by "nuanced":Self-defeating hypocritical partisanship that,at best,undercuts the efforts of those of us who oppose and condemn the Individual Mandate on principle,and at worst leads some to sell their souls by shilling for a position that they never would have taken had not a Republican taken it. “There are people that, as a matter of public policy, think they shouldn’t be required by anybody to do anything,” he said. “As a matter of public policy, those guys are goners. But I think there’s a lot of people in between that understand the difference, where states can make their own decisions.” RRD:"There are people that, as a matter of public policy, think they shouldn’t be required by anybody to do anything",indeed,they include the Founding Fathers,Objectivists,Libertarians,and a significant portion of the Teaparty and Conservatives;including some of the most dedicated,passionate and energetic activists.And what does he mean by "goners"?That they will not vote for Romney?
Not true,I will not,but I know many who believe that Romney is the "lesser of two evils".
Or does he mean "goners" in that they are marginal figures?If the latter then he has it backwards:the argument that the Individual Mandate violates individual rights is what has motivated people to oppose it,(due to their vestigial knowledge of,and respect for,the concept of individual rights),it is the narrow,legalistic argument that does not have wide backing.(And don't get me started on the absurdist irony of the "states can make their own decisions";on what?Whether to violate individual rights?On the Individual Mandate?On Forced segregation?On Forced abortions?On Eugenics?On Slavery?)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Follow up to previous #jcot
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
John ”sterilants in water” Holdren,obama's science czar,advised Romney #2012 #teaparty #tcot
.....”Individual rights. Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction. Some people—respected legislators, judges, and lawyers included —have viewed the right to have children as a fundamental and inalienable right. Yet neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce. Nor does the UN Charter describe such a right, although a resolution of the United Nations affirms the "right responsibly to choose" the number and spacing of children (our emphasis). In the United States, individuals have a constitutional right to privacy and it has been held that the right to privacy includes the right to choose whether or not to have children, at least to the extent that a woman has a right to choose not to have children. But the right is not unlimited. Where the society has a "compelling, subordinating interest" in regulating population size, the right of the individual may be curtailed. If society's survival depended on having more children, women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. Similarly, given a crisis caused by overpopulation, reasonably necessary laws to control excessive reproduction could be enacted. It is often argued that the right to have children is so personal that the government should not regulate it. In an ideal society, no doubt the state should leave family size and composition solely to the desires of the parents. In today's world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern. The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time. Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?”''.....
.... ”If society's survival depended on having more children,women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. ”... RRD:In civilized societies & among civilized human beings,whether Libertarian,Liberal,Objectivist or Conservative,the word for ”forcing women to bear children”(which means,logically,forcing them to conceive) is RAPE.
Do Progressives believe raping women is acceptable?
Or will they say:he ”just” meant banning abortion?
Romney’s John Holdren Problem - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online Are you kidding me, Mitt? John Holdren? | Washington Examiner
More on Romney's environmentalism: The American Spectator : Romney's Pending Sellout on Global Warming Will Romney hire Obama’s climate-change guru Holdren? « Hot Air
...”In other words, the Romney administration in 2005 essentially did what Barack Obama’s EPA wants to do now. He imposed CO2 emission caps — the “toughest in the nation” — in an effort to curtail traditional energy production. Not only did Romney impose these costly new regulations, he then imposed price caps to keep power companies from passing the cost along to the consumer. As we have seen in RomneyCare, regulation and price controls eventually drive businesses into bankruptcy or relocation. So what has happened to Massachusetts’ electrical production since signing these regulations into law?According to the EIA, whose latest data is for 2009, it dropped 18% in four years, from over 46 billion megawatt hours to 38 billion. International imports, however, went from 697 million megawatt hours in 2006 to 4.177 billion megawatt hours two years later, and to almost 5 billion megawatt hours in 2009, more than twice the amount imported in any of the previous twenty years”.... Meet another Romney climate-change advisor: Douglas Foy « Hot Air
The American Spectator : Romney's Pending Sellout on Global Warming RRD:No doubt Romney apologists will drag out all the arguments used by Obama's defenders.
And if they will say:
"Romney's relationship with Holdren is not as close as Obama's is,and Romney didn't know about Holdren's background"
So Romney's defense is that he took advice from a lunatic, without even knowing who was advising him?!?!
This is exactly the sort of thing we can expect if we nominate a Rockefeller.
Demint doesn't like #obamacare but glad Obama got something done #teaparty #tlot #2012
RRD:Well no,Demint isn't that consistent.Remember,socialized medicine is ok on the state level,but not on the federal level.
At least that will be the new Republican plank if Romney gets in.
I'm glad I'm a registered independent at times like these.
DeMint walks fine line on Romney health plan - The Hill's Ballot Box
.....”When DeMint met with Romney on Thursday, he said he wasn't bothered by the GOP front-runner's role in enacting healthcare reform in Massachusetts that's not dissimilar to the president's national plan. "That comparison is not a problem for me," DeMint said. "I still don't like the plan the way it ended up in Massachusetts, but I like the fact he tried to solve the problem.”....
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
#Objectivist podcast:Don't let it go..:Topics: #Toulouse & Islam,what would Romney replace #obamacare with? #teaparty #aynrand #jcot #2012
Disclaimer:Again linking not endorsement of content.Only means I find worth listening to.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Who will you believe about the etch-a-sketch candidate?PJM or your lying eyes? #2012 #teaparty
RRD:First the quote,then the spin:
The quote: ...”Host: Is there a concern that Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?
Fehrnstrom: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”.... Mitt Romney: The Consummate Etch A Sketch | RedState The Spin: ...”I am not sure why it would be shocking news that candidates who win contested races for the nomination, mainly among a political party’s most committed activist voters, might try to broaden a campaign message for a fall campaign to win over those who are not partisan to one party or another, and who might have a somewhat different agenda of issues than the party’s base. The fact of the matter is that virtually every national campaign is an attempt by the nominee to expand out from the base of the party which nominated that candidate to get to the 50% or more needed to win. The problem for Romney is that he has been battling an image as a moderate (an inauthentic conservative) and a flip-flopper in both this campaign and his first race for the GOP nomination in 2008. So Fehrnstrom’s error may have been to say publicly what everyone expected anyway (since moving to the center for the fall campaign is politically smart) in an impolitic manner suggesting cynicism by the Romney campaign and disregard for the conservative voters he has struggled to attract in the primaries so far.”...
PJ Media » The Romney Local Rumbles On Once again,the quote:
...”Host: Is there a concern that Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?
Fehrnstrom: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”.... The spin: ....” I am not sure why it would be shocking news that candidates who win contested races for the nomination, mainly among a political party’s most committed activist voters, might try to broaden a campaign message for a fall campaign to win over those who are not partisan to one party or another, and who might have a somewhat different agenda of issues than the party’s base ”.... RRD:Since the poor writer is too stupid to understand this(sarcasm),permit me to explain it to him:
The words ” broaden a campaign message for a fall campaign to win over those who are not partisan to one party or another” have a actual meaning,and in & of itself,doing so is not objectionable,it depends on how you do it.
The problem that Baehr has in putting over his con,is that the context of the quote,& the quote itself are so clear that only someone of subnormal intelligence,or someone seeking to rationalize their support of Romney,would buy this disingenuous rubbish.
The author apparently either believes that there is a significant portion of the electorate who will swallow this swill,so as to justify the time he spent writing it,that,or perhaps the author is trying to fool himself.
In either case it makes little difference.
While not all Romney voters are fools,the ones that aren't will not be taken in by this,& the ones who are,are irrelevant at the end of the day.
#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty
i.e.: government run health care,violates the ONLY real "right to health care" that there is:The right to freely make what arrangements you wish for your health care without government interference.
I oppose it because it violates individual rights.
I oppose it because it violates the rights of both Doctors and patients.
I oppose it because it is bureaucrat-run medicine and not free market healthcare,(which we do NOT have in this country) which will kill the innocent and deprive them of their rights and their liberties.
I oppose it because it is NEITHER MORAL NOR PRACTICAL to deprive people of their rights.
They say no nation,once it has enacted socialized medicine,can ever return to freedom.
They said that about communism too.
Anyone been to Latvia lately?
That which is done,can be undone. For more see below:
Health Care Is Not a Right
And here:
I Oppose ObamaCare
and here: Our Educational Kit for Students The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: To Fix American Healthcare, Get the Government Out of It
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Demint prostitutes himself "sees much to like in Romney" #2012 #teaparty
DeMint: Time for 'self-reflection' from Romney foes -
"I am very impressed by Romney and I always have been," DeMint said. "There's a lot to like there." RRD:Indeed,there is much for the Democrats to like about Romney.
See below.
Mitt Romney: The Consummate Etch A Sketch | RedState
...”Host: Is there a concern that Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?
Fehrnstrom: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”....
The failure of RomneyCare, doctor shortage edition | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
We Stand FIRM: Interview With RomneyCare Author Jonathan Gruber #tcot #tlot #teaparty #2012 - fightingstatism
Romney 1994:I don't want to return to Reagan-Bush policies #2012 #tcot #rino #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism
Romney:I could ask for forgiveness for #Romneycare,but that wouldn't be honest #teaparty #wethepeople - fightingstatism
Romney Exposed on #2ndAmendment ! RedState #teaparty #scprimary #teaparty #tpot - fightingstatism
Not a parody:Romney Surrogate: Electability Should Trump 'Beliefs & Principles' #aynrand #2012 - fightingstatism
Mitt Romney: The Magically Malleable Man of Mystery RedState #teaparty #wethepeople - fightingstatism
Mitt Romney we will repeal the bad & keep the ”good” parts of #Obamacare #teaparty #wethepeople - fightingstatism Mitt Romney Told Glenn Beck The Individual Mandate Was "Ultimate Conservatism" - BuzzFeed Mobile
Romney will not attack Obama,won't say ”incendiary”,”outrageous” & ”accusatory” things about Obama #tcot #rino #teaparty #2012 - fightingstatism What can we expect if #Romney leads the GOP?A purge of conservatives from the #GOP . | Glory to man in the highest
Romney #obamacare not worth getting angry about - fightingstatism
Romney: Very conservative voters might not be with me now but they will be in November « Hot Air Yes, Mitt Romney Flip-Flopped on the Mandate - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine PJ Media » The Romney-fication of the Tea Party
Further Proof Romney Supported a National Individual Mandate In 2009 | RedState
Romney supports automatic hikes in minimum wage -
Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal | RedState
Mark Levin’s rebuttal of Ann Coulter’s “Three Cheers for RomneyCare” article » The Right Scoop - Mitt Romney: Leader of the Pale Pastel Wing of Party | RedState Romney Jabs Bush Over Hurting U.S. Image With Iraq War - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -,2933,278615,00.html "I do think that we have suffered over the past several years for a number of reasons, and I think you probably know what they are," Romney said, citing the absence of strong international support in the lead-up to the war. "There has been the perception that we have not been as open and participative with other nations as is our normal approach," he said. The anti-Bush comments revived a theme from the debate Tuesday night in which Romney and several of his GOP rivals criticized the president on his management of the war, the immigration bill and diplomacy. "There are a few countries and a few people who have demonstrated themselves for being so evil that we will cut off our engagement with those countries," Romney said, mentioning Cuba and Iran. "With most of the others, even those that are doing authoritative and outrageous acts like Putin in Russia, I don't want to cut off talking." Mitt Romney's shifting views on climate change - Political Hotsheet - CBS News Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills Romney in 2006 Backed Immigration Stance He Now Deems ‘Amnesty’ - Bloomberg Mitt Romney on gun control -- 2002 - YouTube
Romney: I’m Moderate and Progressive, Not a Wingnut | RedState
The world is getting warmer : Romney June 3 2011
"I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that," he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire. "It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors. RomneyCare Is Problem, Not Part Of The Solution -
The Real Romney? - YouTube
A Tale of Two Mitts #2012 #teaparty #wethepeople - fightingstatism
I'm not Sophie,Hewitt,and I'm not voting for Romney #2012 #teaparty
SS officer : [to Sophie] You're so beautiful. I'd like to get you in bed. Are you a Polack? You! Are you also one of those filthy communists?[walks away]
Sophie: I am a Pole! I was born in Cracow! I am not a Jew. Neither are my children! They're not Jews. They are racially pure. I am a Christian. I am a devout Christian. [the officer comes back]
SS officer : You are not a communist? You are a believer? Sophie: Yes sir, I believe in Christ. SS officer : You believe in Christ the redeemer?
Sophie: Yes.
SS officer : [looks at Sophie's children] Did He not say... "Suffer the children, come unto me?" [Sophie remains silent]
SS officer : You may keep one of your children.
Sophie: I beg your pardon?
SS officer : You may keep one of your children. The other must go away.
Sophie: You mean, I have to choose?
SS officer : You are a Polack, not a Yid. That gives you a privilege, a choice.
Sophie: I can't choose. I can't choose!
SS officer : Be quiet.
Sophie: I can't choose!
SS officer : Make a choice. Or I'll send both of them over there. Make a choice.
Sophie: Don't make me choose! I can't!
SS officer : Shut up! Enough! I'll send them both over there! I told you to shut up! Make a choice! Sophie: I can't choose! Please! I can't choose!
SS officer : [to an officer] Take BOTH children away! [Sophie clings on to her son while the Nazis take her screaming and crying daughter away from her]
Sophie: Take my little girl! Take my baby! RRD:I'm not Sophie,Hewitt.
"Robert!How can you compare voting for Romney etc...."
No,I'm not EQUATING the two,I am simply pointing out that Mr.Hewitt takes his manipulative little arguments from the Nazis & illustrating the idiocy of the argument that I will be responsible for Obama's victory if I DO NOT VOTE FOR EITHER CANDIDATE.
Those who vote for Obama will be responsible for his election.
Those who vote for Romney will be responsible for his.
On a related note,isn't it odd how I and other "dead enders"
are at one and the same time:
1.Statistically irrelevant ”purists”
2.The people who will be responsible for Obama's victory if,we don't vote for Romney.
We are at one & the same time,both fanatics who are destroying the GOP and yet we must not leave the GOP or we will be to blame. I know a con game when I see one Hewitt,& a con-man.
You,Hewitt,and other lying scum,have long promoted the man who will make "the conservative case for the individual mandate".
If you and other rancid pieces of garbage succeed in getting your little Etch-a-sketch toy the nomination,you can kiss my vote goodbye and say hello to a third party. I don't bluff.
I helped defeat Mike Castle.
I will not hesitate to vote for Gary Johnson,or skip the Presidential portion of the ballot.
Mitt Romney: The Consummate Etch A Sketch RedState #2012 #teaparty
Mitt Romney: The Consummate Etch A Sketch | RedState
...”Host: Is there a concern that Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?
Fehrnstrom: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.”.... RRD:It is clear from the actual context,(Romney's spin notwithstanding) that he was in fact talking about jettisoning his conservative "convictions".
But this is not Romney?This is "just" his senior campaign advisor?
So why hasn't Romney fired him?
Why hasn't Romney exploded in righteous indignation at the suggestion that his words mean nothing.
Why didn't Peter Keating throw Ellsworth Toohey out when he suggested that Keating betray Roark? Still think THIS is the key to victory in 2012? We need to drag this out as long as possible,all the way to Tampa.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Romney's senior campaign advisor admits that Romney campaign will jettison conservatism this fall
....“I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign,” senior aide Eric Fehrnstrom said on CNN. “Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all of over again.” Fehrnstrom made the remarks in response to a question about whether the grueling primary forced Romney far enough to the right to alienate voters in the general election.”..... RRD:This is exactly what Romney critics have said he would do,& now we have confirmation from Romney's senior campaign advisor. Romney's spokespeople are trying to spin this as ”he just means that the structure of the general election is different”,but the video clearly shows that the statement was in reply to a question about whether Romney would be harmed by the pseudo-conservative positions he has taken.
It is neither moral nor practical to nominate someone who will betray you once he gets the nomination.
And if you will now say "but he's electable";in the realm of theoretical matchups 8 months before the election.
For a example of what will likely happen see 2008.
This is a path to defeat.
We need to fight for a Dark Horse.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Follow up:Newt Gingrich rejects advice of pro- #Obamacare advisor #2012 #tcot #teaparty
Why is Newt being advised by someone who will profit from implementing #obamacare ? #tcot #2012 #teaparty #tlot | Glory to man in the highest Why is Newt being advised by someone who will profit from implementing #obamacare ? #tcot #2012 #teaparty #tlot - fightingstatism Gingrich Campaign Responds: Newt Counsels States to ‘Resist’ Implementation of ObamaCare | Cato @ Liberty
#GOP "leaders"(i.e. Mccain & Romney) urge candidate truce on social issues #teaparty #2012
RRD:This is a rather odd-duck piece from the Washington Examiner.The title speaks of "GOP leaders",but doesn't name any.
Wayne Root works for the Libertarian Party,and it's understandable that he does not want the race to be about social issues,but a member of another political party cannot be said to be a "GOP leader". Nor can a member of the left leaning Brookings Institution be said to be a "GOP leader"
So that leaves us with John Mccain,who is a "GOP leader" only in his,and Lindsey Graham's imagination,and Romney's spokeswoman Gail Gitcho. In short:Romney supporter Mccain,and Romney's spokeswoman want Santorum to only fight on those issues which they think will be to Romney's advantage.Or better yet,go away and endorse Romney.The question is:why do they expect these statements to matter to Santorum,or to anyone else for that matter.
The Libertarian/Conservative-Libertarian wing of the GOP mostly supports Paul or Gary Johnson,and while they have disdain for Santorum,they also loathe Romney.
One of the amusing things about this piece is the attack on Santorum for saying that this election will be about Government Overreach and not about the economy. If this election is NOT about Government Overreach than what,exactly,have I and others been fighting for the past four years?It sure has not been simply about the economy.
This is not to say that Santorum--who condemns the whole libertarian concept of "leaving people alone"-- is the man who should be leading such a struggle.He isn't.
Johnson,or Paul,perhaps Bachmann,and Cain,would all be better positioned.
But in terms of that one statement,despite his contradictions,Santorum is correct,at least about what the election needs to be about.
But if Romney gets the nomination the election will be about nothing,for nothing,and will likely result in nothing but another Obama term.
This is why I,like Palin,advocate dragging this out as long as possible,in the hope that someone half-way decent will enter the race.
Manzullo vs the co-opted Kinzinger,Cantor sides with Kinzinger #teaparty #tcot #2012
Romney as defacto head of the GOP?As I noted before the establishment wants to purge the GOP of Conservatives,or co-opt them.
See here:
What can we expect if #Romney leads the GOP?A purge of conservatives from the #GOP . | Glory to man in the highest
Manzullo: Cantor should step down for interfering in primary - The Hill's Ballot Box .....”Manzullo has been helped by local Tea Party members, some of whom supported Kinzinger in 2010 but have been sorely disappointed by the freshman’s voting record. He received the backing of Rep. Timothy Johnson (R-Ill.) over the weekend and has the support of conservative national groups including FreedomWorks, the Family Research Council and a dozen others. “Kinzinger’s only been there a few months, but he’s an establishment vote,” said David Hale, the head of the Rockford Tea Party and a Manzullo backer. “He is not a Tea Party conservative”.....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Don't Let Go.. #Objectivist( #aynrand ) podcast 8pm est Topics:U.S.Soldiers betrayed/ #obamacare-cost/Santorum-Porn #tcot #teaparty #2012
....”Planned topics: Rick Santorum pledges, if elected, to crack down on…Internet pornography. Several U.S. soldiers were killed by their supposed Afghan allies in the last month — how are these cases being reported and is anything being done about it? Surprise: Obamacare will cost at least twice as much as originally promised. And more.”....
Disclaimer:Posting does not imply endorsement.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Why is Newt being advised by someone who will profit from implementing #obamacare ? #tcot #2012 #teaparty #tlot
The Return of the the ”Wise Men” #tcot #2012
PJ Media » Mitt’s the Nominee. Get Used to It.
....”There was once a time when both Republicans and Democrats had party elders. These were called, because of their actual gender, the Wise Men. Some had served in elective office, many were Wall Street and Washington lawyers who’d been Supreme Court clerks in their youth, others were captains of industry. A few were respected professors (an oxymoron today). All had a basic sense of how the world works. And how it doesn’t. The Republican Party has a precious few: former Senator Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming, who did yeoman service as co-chairman the Simpson-Bowles commission only to have the president who appointed him say, “Who cares? I don’t.” There’s also former United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate minority leader; George P. Schulz, the 91-year-old former secretary of state; Henry A. Kissinger, the 88-year-old former secretary of state; former Utah Senator Bob Bennett; former President George Herbert Walker Bush; former Senator Bob Dole; and a handful of others.”
I will assume the author is serious.
Lets go down this list of losers(excluding Schulz). Sandra Day O’Connor:
A Participant in the Anti-Israel Iraq Study Group.
A judge notable only for her Gender and her ideological incoherence.
Alan K. Simpson:
Fellow ISG alumnus,clown,a fool who embodies everything milquetoast about the GOP. Mitch McConnell: Where shall I begin with this wretch?
At a time when we were desperately struggling to stop Obamacare this traitor cuts a deal so they can go home for Christmas since "the vote was a forgone conclusion"
Missed several opportunities to slow down the passage of the legislation.In league with the loathsome Murkowski. George P. Schulz:
All I recall about Schulz is that he refused to issue Arafat a visa.For this he deserves credit. Henry A. Kissinger:Realpolitik,Pinochet,nuff said.
Former Senator Bob Bennett:Why former?Oh,yes the Teaparty kicked out the bastard for supporting the Individual Mandate in Wyden-Bennett.
Talk about returning to your vomit.
George Herbert Walker Bush:
Oh god,where shall I begin with that Son-of-a-bitch?
Read my lips?Gun control?The chicken kiev speech?Voodoo economics?Telling Israel not to respond to its citizens being murdered by Husseins SCUD missles,so that his beautifully crafted coalition would not break up;which meant,in practice,so that anti-semitic barbarians could celebrate the sight of dead jews.
For which, Israel was rewarded with ineffective Patriot Missles ,and the betrayal at Madrid.
Or perhaps I should begin with,his calling Hussein ”worse than Hitler”,talking about new Nuremberg trials,then calling upon the Iraqis to overthrow Hussein,and THEN giving Hussein permission to slaughter them,AND THEN CALLING UPON THEM TO RISE UP AGAIN. Bob Dole:
The man who kept referring to himself in the third person.
The man perpetually interested in "getting things done",even if those things violated individual rights.
The man whose "turn it was" ,to go up against Clinton.
And who lost. This is a list,(Schulz excepted),of people who represent everything wrong about the GOP,and everything that the Teaparty is rebelling against. Assuming the author was serious,why on earth cite this herd of Rinos unless she is totally out of touch with the GOP base,or unless she yearns for a return to the Rockefeller Republican era.
PJ Media » The Romney-fication of the #TeaParty #2012
We must not abandon our allies in #Afghanistan .(And yes we do have some allies) #tcot #gwot
RRD:No doubt people will ask:”What allies,the ones calling for Americans to be killed for burning already desecrated Quran's?”
The answer is no,not the ones who the news media on both the left & right make sure we see,but the ones who we are rarely shown. Examples include the Northern Alliance,formerly headed by Ahmed Shah Massoud;before Al-qaeda murdered him in the run up to 9/11. Ahmed Wali Massoud,his brother,spoke out on the dangers of leaving Afghanistan prematurely: Osama bin Laden dead: US strategy misconceived, says Hamid Karzai
...."Although the killing of Bin Laden will strengthen Karzai's argument with the US, some analysts and officials expressed fears that his demise could hasten the end of the huge US-led military and development effort in Afghanistan. "While thrilled to see the removal of the worst enemy of Islam who inflicted irreparable damage to image of Islam and Muslims, my concern is his death becomes the justification for US premature disengagement from the region," one senior Afghan government official who specialises in foreign affairs said. It was a view echoed by Ahmed Wali Massoud, an Afghan politician and brother of Ahmed Shah Massoud, the legendary resistance fighter who was assassinated just days before the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the orders of Bin Laden. "Already the US has been thinking about shifting its policy on the war on terror and there is a risk that the American public will continue to question why their troops are still fighting there," he said. But Massoud warned that his killing would not make "any practical difference to the war in Afghanistan". "Symbolically this is huge because he was such an iconic figure, but this is not the end. Al-Qaida is still there and there are so many other groups that are just as ideologically strong. "The younger generation of the Taliban have come up and they now make up the bulk of the Taliban ideologically and are not very different from al-Qaida itself. We believe there is still scope for operations in Afghanistan, because the threat is still here."... We do,in fact have allies in Afghanistan.Whatever action we take,it is neither moral,nor practical, to abandon those who have risked death to aid us.
It makes no difference how many,or how few,there are.
Those who are our allies are our allies,those who are our enemies are our enemies,those who are neutral are neutral.
People routinely make statements about Afghanistan,or Iraq,that they would never make about the U.S..
They speak as if the 20 million people of that nation are a undifferentiated hive mind like the borg.
I 've read comments on Bay's piece that say:”Let those savages kill one another” Which savages? Is the translator who risked death to work for Americans a "savage"? Is Ahmed Wali Massoud a savage?
Was Ahmed Shah Massoud a savage? Were the women who risked death to teach girls to read ”savages”? Is this girl in the photo a savage?
Were the librarians and artists who suffered persecution under the Taliban "savages"?
It is clear that if these people are left behind,(as we left others behind in the past)we will be sacrificing the BEST of the Afghanis,not the worst.
At this point someone may say:"Don't you believe in acting in America's self-interest"?
Yes,of course.
Is it in our best interest to send a message to any current,and future allies that our commitments mean nothing,that our policies change without rhyme or reason,and that we do not distinguish between friends & foes,dismissing a entire nation of 20 million people as ”savages”?
Is it in our best interest to have our intelligence sources dry up,because people fear that they will be spat upon and left to be slaughtered if they aid us?
We need not stay in Afghanistan for the sake of our allies.But what moral right do we have to ask people to risk death & then brush them off as ”savages”,& leave them to have their brains blown out by our mortal enemies? I do not believe that we have any moral obligation to rebuild Afghanistan,or to help those who hate us.
But we cannot imagine that potential allies all throughout the world are eager to come to our aid because of our NEED.
They are not Christian Martyrs risking death only to be spat upon for their pains.
We have a right to act in our Rational National Self-Interest.
So do all other innocent people.
Nor does the fact that various people in the past have exploited our country for their gain,justify any injustice towards the innocent.
Whether we stay in Afghanistan & Nation Build(because we think it is our long term best interest to do so) ,or maintain a smaller presence,or use drones or other methods is a Strategic & Tactical question.
But the moral principles are these:
Do not sacrifice your nations rational self-interest,& do not betray those whom you have allied yourself with.
A wide spectrum of Military options may be considered. But simply leaving our allies to die is not one of them.
Though I doubt that will ultimately happen,the risk is serious enough to call attention to it.
#Tehran's self-contradictory claims about Pastor charged with apostasy. #iraneexcution #humanrights
”Responding to Shaheed's presentation, Iranian human rights envoy Mohammad Javad Larijani denied that Nadarkhani faces the death penalty, though the sentence was spelled out in a ruling handed down by Iran's highest court last fall. Larijani also offered a new set of charges against Nadarkhani, including preaching to youth without their parents' permission, converting his home into a church and offending Islam.
“In the last 33 years after [the Islamic] revolution, no single person has been put to death or executed or pursued for changing his religion from Islam,” he told the council. “Hundreds of people are changing from other religions to Islam. Why we should be so sensitive about a few people to change their religion from Islam?” “Christianity and Judaism are preached in Iran," Larijani said. "We have a number of synagogues; we have a number of churches. But there is no need to humiliate, to offend Islam.” Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, told that it was noteworthy Larijani did not mention the rape and extortion charges that Tehran lodged against Nadarkhani amid mounting international pressure following his conviction for apostasy. “He reads off the charges which are all faith-based, while denying that Nadarkhani received a death sentence for apostasy,” Sekulow said."They are admitting the pastor is being charged for his faith.".....
The ”inevitable” candidate gets rejected by the base again in #Alabama, #Mississippi,& #Tennessee #2012 #gop
RRD:Romney stands on,and for no principle other than his "conservative case for the Individual Mandate",and the belief that "the Earth is getting warmer",and man is largely to blame.(fn1)
Yet despite the fact that Romney has no convictions other than liberal ones,people continue to be suprised when he keeps losing.
While some of Santorum's Mississippi & Alabama supporters are no doubt motivated by agreement with some or all of Santorum's platform,others,(& perhaps more than one would think),are motivated by opposition to Romney & Romney's great ”achievement”:Romneycare.
Erikson seems to think that more of the voters were motivated by a desire to stop Romney,than by support of Santorum. I have excerpted the key parts below,& I summarize some parts. Romney came in third,in Alabama & Mississippi. Not Closing the Deal
....”Yesterday, Mitt Romney went on CNN and told Wolf Blitzer that Rick Santorum’s campaign 'was coming to a desperate end.' That seems more apt this morning to Romney’s southern campaign.”.... ...”Newt Gingrich last night proved he is neither a regional candidate nor a spoiler. ”.......”Gingrich could not win the deep south. He won Georgia and South Carolina. A Catholic yankee from Pennsylvania won Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and will probably win Louisiana. Even with Gingrich in the race, Santorum beat Romney. He was no spoiler. ”....
...” The striking thing about the exits, which over all captured the race fairly well, is that Santorum’s voters made up their mind in the last few weeks. In other words, Santorum’s voters made up their minds as Romney was winning Arizona, Michigan, and Ohio. Santorum’s vote is not about Santorum so much as it is about stopping Romney.”.... ....”No doubt buoyed by exit polling yesterday, the Romney campaign made sure everyone knew they could seriously win Mississippi. By 8pm, Eric Fehrnstrom was on CNN telling Anderson Cooper that no one really thought Romney would win Alabama or Mississippi.”.... ...”In heavily Republican Madison County, MS, voter turn out barely topped 7,000 voters. In 2008, when the GOP contest was done and everyone knew McCain would be the nominee, 10,500 people still turned out to vote for McCain. Yes, more Republicans turned out to vote McCain in 2008 than Romney in 2012. ”..... Footnotes: fn1 Though,interestingly,the closer we move to the GOP convention,the less convinced Romney is of man's role in Global Warming.One wonders what will happen if he gets the nomination.Will Man's role increase again?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Not a parody:Allred Calls for Criminally Prosecuting Limbaugh for questioning Fluke's Chastity. #tcot #freedomofspeech
”Allred wants an investigation under Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes which allows for the criminal prosecution of anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity.” While based on defamation, the law allows for a criminal charge of a misdemeanor of the first degree.”
Fighting Sexism With Sexism? Allred Calls For Limbaugh To Be Criminally Charged For His Attack On Fluke In The Name Of Free Speech « JONATHAN TURLEY
What would be the effect on the rights of liberals to speak if such a case were brought and upheld?Blank out.
What standard would be used?
As Turley notes the law is a holdover from when Fornication and Adultery were crimes,and in order to stick,presumably,it would be necessary to show that Fluke was chaste.
Is she?
Why is she using birth control then?
Shall we begin instituting virginity inspections ala Egypt,Iran,etal?
The absurdity of this is manifest:to stop someone from being called a slut,Allred is seeking to revive a bill which WOULD regard Fluke as a slut.
Since "good girls" didn't have premarital intercourse.
Only the sexually promiscuous did.
(Never mind the innumerable cases of Fiancés having sex before marrying the person whom they loved,or women who had 3 or 4 lovers over time,whom they cared for deeply,even if they did not marry them.No,no the world was divided between Virgins and Whores)
This is not to say that there are not valid reasons for condemning Limbaugh:Fluke is not a slut,
and one takes the same amount of birth control pills whether one is having sex with 1 man or 1 thousand men,(or for that matter,with no one at all,in case the woman decides to have sex),Rush Limbaugh's statement on that matter is amazingly obtuse.
But while Limbaugh has supported statist judges in the past (Bork most notably),in this case HE is not the one who is seeking to violate individual rights.
Fluke is seeking to violate individual rights by forcing the devoutely religious to betray their convictions on the premise that the right to buy birth control,means the right to force others to provide you with it.
It does not.
Allred,for her part,is seeking to violate individual rights by censoring free speech.
They are the people,who are,in this case,the enemies of freedom.
Focusing outrage on Limbaugh,or even being "evenhanded", misses the point,as does Mr.Armstrong,who,as the commenters on his post note,incorrectly claims that Limbaugh did not critique Fluke for violating Individual Rights. Limbaugh’s “Slut” Comment Typifies the Wrongs of the Right
We live in a insane world,a world where a Law Student,who claims that she cannot afford birth control,(which costs roughly $100 a year fn1),and who seeks to have the government,in effect,rob peter to pay paul,is a "victim" of a talk show host because he called her a dirty word,while innocent conservative women have all manner of bile thrown at them(fn2) to little outrage from leftists. A world where a "Feminist" lawyer seeks to revive a law that would regard Fluke as a "slut" to censor Limbaugh for calling her a "slut" IN THE NAME OF FLUKE'S RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Limbaugh's statement was deplorable,idiotic,AND IRRELEVANT. Fluke's efforts,if successful,would create yet another statist welfare program,presumably on the premise that there is a "right" to have your sexual activities subsidized by others.
There isn't.
At a time when the Obama administration seems interested in rewriting the religious doctrine of the Catholic Church(fn3),in violation of the principle of the separation of church and state,
Conservatives,Libertarians and Objectivists should focus their anger on those,who,in this case,deserve it the most:
Fluke,Allred,and Obama.
Footnotes: fn1
We have gone from ”we need a safety net so the poor won't starve”,to ”we must force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control so that poor college students can have sex”. #teaparty #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism
The War on Conservative Women Bill Maher won't apolgize for calling Palin a C*** Belmont Club » C what U Done? #tcot #tlot #tsot #spbwt - fightingstatism
My Response To Those Who Seek To Exploit The Giffords Tragedy #tcot #p2 #tlot #tpot #nomore | Glory to man in the highest
Cardinal: Obama Admin Lectured Bishops on Catholic Teaching #tcot #xcot #obamacare - fightingstatism
Don't Let It Go Unheard: #Objectivist podcast: DOJ vs Apple,WSJ unreliable on Israel,Japanese nuclear power post-quake #jcot #aynrand #twisters ”PLANNED TOPICS: Japan one year after the quake and tsunami that killed thousands. Should Japan reduce its reliance on nuclear power? Why you should not rely on the Wall Street Journal for news on the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict, Justice Department threatens to sue Apple and book publishers on e-books, and more.”
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Derrick Bell's ”understanding” of #antisemitism,& Farrakhan #tcot #jcot
RRD:There is no ”context”,for racism & anti-semitism.
Nothing ”makes” people racists or anti-semites.
There is no ”understanding” for racism & anti-semitism,& no excuse for either,ever.
Racism & anti-semitism are among the most primitive & barbaric forms of collectivism on earth.(Along with sexism).
And while people sometimes misuse the terms,there can be no doubt that the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads,fit the bill.
As someone who was a member of the Civil Rights movement,particularly in Mississippi(fn1),Bell's statements are MORE,not less shameful.
Derrick Bell in 1994: ‘Jewish Neoconservative Racists’ « Commentary Magazine
....”I was furious. Even if everything he said was true, it was inexcusable not to mention what might have motivated blacks to feel this way, and to fail to talk about all the Jewish neoconservative racists who are undermining blacks in every way they can.
Bell went on to say, “Now, that wouldn’t excuse anti-Semitism, which is awful, but it would at least provide a context for this anger…”
It might seem nice of Bell to acknowledge the awfulness of anti-Semitism, but he didn’t mean it. The very same interview began as follows: “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.” Khalid Muhammad was Farrakhan’s right hand, who made a name for himself referring to Jews as, among many other things, “bloodsuckers” whose “father was the devil.” As for Farrakhan, if you need a refresher course in his vileness, look here. Why exactly were we supposed to appreciate them? Quoth Bell: “While these guys talk a lot, they don’t do anything. The new crop of leaders are going to be a lot more dangerous and radical, and the next phase will probably be led by charismatic individuals, maybe teenagers, who urge that instead of killing each other, they should go out in gangs and kill a whole lot of white people.”....
Footnotes: fn1 PBS - From Swastika to Jim Crow - Black-Jewish Relations
....”From the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, Blacks and Jews marched arm-in-arm. In 1909, W.E.B. Dubois, Julius Rosenthal, Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch, Stephen Wise and Henry Malkewitz formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). One year later other prominent Jewish and Black leaders created the Urban League. Julius Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington worked together in 1912 to improve the educational system for Blacks in the South. Thus, in the 1930s and '40s when Jewish refugee professors arrived at Southern Black Colleges, there was a history of overt empathy between Blacks and Jews, and the possibility of truly effective collaboration. Professor Ernst Borinski organized dinners at which Blacks and Whites would have to sit next to each other - a simple yet revolutionary act. Black students empathized with the cruelty these scholars had endured in Europe and trusted them more than other Whites. In fact, often Black students - as well as members of the Southern White community - saw these refugees as "some kind of colored folk." The unique relationship that developed between these teachers and their students was in some ways a microcosm of what was beginning to happen in other parts of the United States. The American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, and the Anti-Defamation League were central to the campaign against racial prejudice. Jews made substantial financial contributions to many civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, the Urban League, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. About 50 percent of the civil rights attorneys in the South during the 1960s were Jews, as were over 50 percent of the Whites who went to Mississippi in 1964 to challenge Jim Crow Laws.” BBC ON THIS DAY | 4 | 1964: Three civil rights activists found dead