RRD:Apparently anything and everything,including Freedom of Speech,logic,and consistency can be sacrificed to get Limbaugh.
”Allred wants an investigation under Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes which allows for the criminal prosecution of anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity.” While based on defamation, the law allows for a criminal charge of a misdemeanor of the first degree.”
Fighting Sexism With Sexism? Allred Calls For Limbaugh To Be Criminally Charged For His Attack On Fluke In The Name Of Free Speech « JONATHAN TURLEY http://jonathanturley.org/2012/03/12/fighting-sexism-with-sexism-allred-calls-for-limbaugh-to-be-criminally-charged-for-his-attack-on-fluke-in-the-name-of-free-speech/
What would be the effect on the rights of liberals to speak if such a case were brought and upheld?Blank out.
What standard would be used?
As Turley notes the law is a holdover from when Fornication and Adultery were crimes,and in order to stick,presumably,it would be necessary to show that Fluke was chaste.
Is she?
Why is she using birth control then?
Shall we begin instituting virginity inspections ala Egypt,Iran,etal?
The absurdity of this is manifest:to stop someone from being called a slut,Allred is seeking to revive a bill which WOULD regard Fluke as a slut.
Since "good girls" didn't have premarital intercourse.
Only the sexually promiscuous did.
(Never mind the innumerable cases of Fiancés having sex before marrying the person whom they loved,or women who had 3 or 4 lovers over time,whom they cared for deeply,even if they did not marry them.No,no the world was divided between Virgins and Whores)
This is not to say that there are not valid reasons for condemning Limbaugh:Fluke is not a slut,
and one takes the same amount of birth control pills whether one is having sex with 1 man or 1 thousand men,(or for that matter,with no one at all,in case the woman decides to have sex),Rush Limbaugh's statement on that matter is amazingly obtuse.
But while Limbaugh has supported statist judges in the past (Bork most notably),in this case HE is not the one who is seeking to violate individual rights.
Fluke is seeking to violate individual rights by forcing the devoutely religious to betray their convictions on the premise that the right to buy birth control,means the right to force others to provide you with it.
It does not.
Allred,for her part,is seeking to violate individual rights by censoring free speech.
They are the people,who are,in this case,the enemies of freedom.
Focusing outrage on Limbaugh,or even being "evenhanded", misses the point,as does Mr.Armstrong,who,as the commenters on his post note,incorrectly claims that Limbaugh did not critique Fluke for violating Individual Rights. Limbaugh’s “Slut” Comment Typifies the Wrongs of the Right
We live in a insane world,a world where a Law Student,who claims that she cannot afford birth control,(which costs roughly $100 a year fn1),and who seeks to have the government,in effect,rob peter to pay paul,is a "victim" of a talk show host because he called her a dirty word,while innocent conservative women have all manner of bile thrown at them(fn2) to little outrage from leftists. A world where a "Feminist" lawyer seeks to revive a law that would regard Fluke as a "slut" to censor Limbaugh for calling her a "slut" IN THE NAME OF FLUKE'S RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Limbaugh's statement was deplorable,idiotic,AND IRRELEVANT. Fluke's efforts,if successful,would create yet another statist welfare program,presumably on the premise that there is a "right" to have your sexual activities subsidized by others.
There isn't.
At a time when the Obama administration seems interested in rewriting the religious doctrine of the Catholic Church(fn3),in violation of the principle of the separation of church and state,
Conservatives,Libertarians and Objectivists should focus their anger on those,who,in this case,deserve it the most:
Fluke,Allred,and Obama.
Footnotes: fn1
We have gone from ”we need a safety net so the poor won't starve”,to ”we must force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control so that poor college students can have sex”. #teaparty #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/we-have-gone-from-we-need-a-safety-net-so-the
The War on Conservative Women
http://m.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2012/03/07/the_war_on_conservative_women/page/full/ Bill Maher won't apolgize for calling Palin a C*** Belmont Club » C what U Done? #tcot #tlot #tsot #spbwt - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/bill-maher-wont-apolgize-for-calling-palin-a
My Response To Those Who Seek To Exploit The Giffords Tragedy #tcot #p2 #tlot #tpot #nomore | Glory to man in the highest
Cardinal: Obama Admin Lectured Bishops on Catholic Teaching LifeNews.com #tcot #xcot #obamacare - fightingstatism
”Allred wants an investigation under Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes which allows for the criminal prosecution of anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity.” While based on defamation, the law allows for a criminal charge of a misdemeanor of the first degree.”
Fighting Sexism With Sexism? Allred Calls For Limbaugh To Be Criminally Charged For His Attack On Fluke In The Name Of Free Speech « JONATHAN TURLEY http://jonathanturley.org/2012/03/12/fighting-sexism-with-sexism-allred-calls-for-limbaugh-to-be-criminally-charged-for-his-attack-on-fluke-in-the-name-of-free-speech/
What would be the effect on the rights of liberals to speak if such a case were brought and upheld?Blank out.
What standard would be used?
As Turley notes the law is a holdover from when Fornication and Adultery were crimes,and in order to stick,presumably,it would be necessary to show that Fluke was chaste.
Is she?
Why is she using birth control then?
Shall we begin instituting virginity inspections ala Egypt,Iran,etal?
The absurdity of this is manifest:to stop someone from being called a slut,Allred is seeking to revive a bill which WOULD regard Fluke as a slut.
Since "good girls" didn't have premarital intercourse.
Only the sexually promiscuous did.
(Never mind the innumerable cases of Fiancés having sex before marrying the person whom they loved,or women who had 3 or 4 lovers over time,whom they cared for deeply,even if they did not marry them.No,no the world was divided between Virgins and Whores)
This is not to say that there are not valid reasons for condemning Limbaugh:Fluke is not a slut,
and one takes the same amount of birth control pills whether one is having sex with 1 man or 1 thousand men,(or for that matter,with no one at all,in case the woman decides to have sex),Rush Limbaugh's statement on that matter is amazingly obtuse.
But while Limbaugh has supported statist judges in the past (Bork most notably),in this case HE is not the one who is seeking to violate individual rights.
Fluke is seeking to violate individual rights by forcing the devoutely religious to betray their convictions on the premise that the right to buy birth control,means the right to force others to provide you with it.
It does not.
Allred,for her part,is seeking to violate individual rights by censoring free speech.
They are the people,who are,in this case,the enemies of freedom.
Focusing outrage on Limbaugh,or even being "evenhanded", misses the point,as does Mr.Armstrong,who,as the commenters on his post note,incorrectly claims that Limbaugh did not critique Fluke for violating Individual Rights. Limbaugh’s “Slut” Comment Typifies the Wrongs of the Right
We live in a insane world,a world where a Law Student,who claims that she cannot afford birth control,(which costs roughly $100 a year fn1),and who seeks to have the government,in effect,rob peter to pay paul,is a "victim" of a talk show host because he called her a dirty word,while innocent conservative women have all manner of bile thrown at them(fn2) to little outrage from leftists. A world where a "Feminist" lawyer seeks to revive a law that would regard Fluke as a "slut" to censor Limbaugh for calling her a "slut" IN THE NAME OF FLUKE'S RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Limbaugh's statement was deplorable,idiotic,AND IRRELEVANT. Fluke's efforts,if successful,would create yet another statist welfare program,presumably on the premise that there is a "right" to have your sexual activities subsidized by others.
There isn't.
At a time when the Obama administration seems interested in rewriting the religious doctrine of the Catholic Church(fn3),in violation of the principle of the separation of church and state,
Conservatives,Libertarians and Objectivists should focus their anger on those,who,in this case,deserve it the most:
Fluke,Allred,and Obama.
Footnotes: fn1
We have gone from ”we need a safety net so the poor won't starve”,to ”we must force the Catholic Church to pay for birth control so that poor college students can have sex”. #teaparty #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/we-have-gone-from-we-need-a-safety-net-so-the
The War on Conservative Women
http://m.townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2012/03/07/the_war_on_conservative_women/page/full/ Bill Maher won't apolgize for calling Palin a C*** Belmont Club » C what U Done? #tcot #tlot #tsot #spbwt - fightingstatism http://fightingstatism.posterous.com/bill-maher-wont-apolgize-for-calling-palin-a
My Response To Those Who Seek To Exploit The Giffords Tragedy #tcot #p2 #tlot #tpot #nomore | Glory to man in the highest
Cardinal: Obama Admin Lectured Bishops on Catholic Teaching LifeNews.com #tcot #xcot #obamacare - fightingstatism
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