Saturday, March 3, 2012

Does RIAA CEO Sherman's statement mean that we can expect #SOPA 2? #tcot #tlot #p2

RRD:One would think that given the public backlash and outcry SOPA's supporters would address the very real & legitimate concerns of Engineers,Lawyers,Entrepreneurs etal & return with a more rational anti-piracy bill.
Of course not.
Instead RIAA CEO Sherman denounces the "biased" Facebook and Wikipedia for daring to use their websites,which they built,to protest against legislation that they believe violates individual rights & harm the internet.
He contrasts them with the supposedly unbiased Mainstream Media.
Everyone who opposes SOPA,whether SANDIA Labs,Cerf,Vixie & other engineers,Facebook, Google,Legal Scholars,etc,we are all either Pirates,supporters of Piracy,or dupes of supporters of Piracy.
No evidence is offered for this idiotic claim,it is pure Ad Hominem.
No detailed rebuttal of the arguments against SOPA is offered.
Just a unbelievably obnoxious ”I hope you've learned your lesson”,now pass SOPA.
The man is delusional.
It is as if he believes that begging the question,and using the stock "To oppose SOPA is to support piracy line",as if no alternative to SOPA(such as OPEN) has ever been proposed or could be proposed,would make opposition melt away.
It won't.

Internet Evolution - Editor's Blog - RIAA CEO Hopes SOPA Protests Were a 'One-Time Thing'

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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