Friday, April 6, 2012

Evangelicals urge Gingrich to drop out and support Santorum.#teaparty #2012 Also the "mormon card"

Santorum, conservatives plot to beat Romney | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

RRD:First I know of some Gingrich supporters who have told me flatly that they would support Romney over Santorum if Gingrich left the race,I don't know how widespread that view is,but I would expect it is prevalent among small l libertarian-Republicans.So I am not convinced that Gingrich leaving the race would automatically result in those votes going to Santorum.It is somewhat like the assumption of the ROMBOTS that if only they could get rid of Bachmann,Johnson,Paul,and Cain,Perry and Santorum,that people will be "forced" to vote for Romney.I have no doubt that the Romney camp will work to keep the Libertarian Candidate,Gary Johnson,off the ballot in many states using similiar "reasoning".

Second I find the use of the word "plot" amusing,as if they are secretly gathering to plan some secret and sinister activity,when they are quite upfront in what they believe and are planning.

The ”Mormon Card”.

Finally it is hysterical to read the comments of the ROMBOTS (below the article) that Romney's opponents are motivated by anti-mormon bigotry!
Sure,the Evangelicals would never oppose a "severely conservative” ,Etch-a-Sketch candidate unless he was a Mormon.
After all can you picture them supporting Glenn Beck?
We have a candidate who forced Catholic hospitals to cover the Morning After Pill(fn1),a candidate who enacted socialized medicine(& who still defends it),a candidate who believes in Global Warming,& who was,at least formerly,pro-choice.

Given all this,what other explanation could there possibly be for a ardently anti-abortion,pro-religion,Anti-porn,anti-gay,and anti-gay marriage candidate to gain the Evangelicals' support over Mitt Romney!

Clearly it is a combination of Anti-Mormon bigotry and envy of Romney's hair.

I have noticed that this smear,along with smear that those who won't vote for Romney are literally paid agents of Obama,has become increasingly popular in the comment section of some websites.The latter argument should not be confused with the argument that those who oppose Romney are wrong,& that they are,in effect,helping the Democrats,but instead that they are literally Democratic spies who are pretending to be conservatives.
If you point out that you have been running a conservative or libertarian blog for years,you will be told that,that is proof that you are a kind of "sleeper blogger" waiting for the signal to strike!

As to the ”Mormon Card”,it is nothing more than a repackaging of the Obama tactic of smearing anyone who opposes you as a racist,with the question being not:"should we vote for Romney",but "Can the anti-Mormon bigots overcome their prejudice to vote for Romney",just as the argument was framed that way with Obama & race.
And if Romney goes down in flames we will be told that it is because of the Evangelical's alleged hatred of Mormons.



FLASHBACK: Romney Does Flip-Flop and Forces Catholic Hospitals to Distribute Morning-After-Pill |

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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