Examiner editorial: Santorum should put away the knives and help Romney beat Obama | Washington Examiner
....”Republicans should welcome this fight, although they should obviously reframe the debate on their terms: as a choice between the record spending and deficits of the Obama administration versus a Republican vision for the country that returns power to individuals, families and communities. Unfortunately, the Santorum campaign is trying to muddy these waters. Its only television commercial in Wisconsin this past week was dedicated to blurring the distinction between Obama and Romney. This line of attack can only help Obama win in the fall. Is that what Santorum, or the conservatives supporting him, really want ?” RRD:You despicable liars.
Romney supports socialized medicine on the state level,Obama on the federal level,Romney forced Catholic Hospitals to provide the morning after pill,Obama seeks to force them to pay for birth control,Romney believes that the Individual Mandate is Conservative and intends to make the "Conservative Case" for the Individual Mandate,Romney and Obama both believe in Global Warming.
The problem is not that Santorum says that there is little difference between them,it is that there IS LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM.
You brainless scum gave us Obama in 2012 by ramning that fool Mccain down our throat,because he was "electable" now you act as if the problem isn't Romney's liberalism,it's the fact that Santorum correctly attacks Romney for his evil.As if reality can be faked.You think you can pawn off your poison as a antidote to Obama's poison?
The GOP is dead if Romney gets the nomination.It will need to go the way of the Whigs if this country is to survive. I am not endorsing Santorum,but I will not support Romney in the general election.
I will support any halfway decent Republican on the state level,and the Congressional level, but I will not act as a enabler to the Rockefeller Republicans so that they can play their "me-tooist" games.
Conservative Pragmatism will be the death of us.
....”Republicans should welcome this fight, although they should obviously reframe the debate on their terms: as a choice between the record spending and deficits of the Obama administration versus a Republican vision for the country that returns power to individuals, families and communities. Unfortunately, the Santorum campaign is trying to muddy these waters. Its only television commercial in Wisconsin this past week was dedicated to blurring the distinction between Obama and Romney. This line of attack can only help Obama win in the fall. Is that what Santorum, or the conservatives supporting him, really want ?” RRD:You despicable liars.
Romney supports socialized medicine on the state level,Obama on the federal level,Romney forced Catholic Hospitals to provide the morning after pill,Obama seeks to force them to pay for birth control,Romney believes that the Individual Mandate is Conservative and intends to make the "Conservative Case" for the Individual Mandate,Romney and Obama both believe in Global Warming.
The problem is not that Santorum says that there is little difference between them,it is that there IS LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM.
You brainless scum gave us Obama in 2012 by ramning that fool Mccain down our throat,because he was "electable" now you act as if the problem isn't Romney's liberalism,it's the fact that Santorum correctly attacks Romney for his evil.As if reality can be faked.You think you can pawn off your poison as a antidote to Obama's poison?
The GOP is dead if Romney gets the nomination.It will need to go the way of the Whigs if this country is to survive. I am not endorsing Santorum,but I will not support Romney in the general election.
I will support any halfway decent Republican on the state level,and the Congressional level, but I will not act as a enabler to the Rockefeller Republicans so that they can play their "me-tooist" games.
Conservative Pragmatism will be the death of us.
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