Friday, September 28, 2012

Christopher Hitchens Obama is no Dr.King

Christopher Hitchens Obama is no Dr.King

....” On the same weekend as I was reading Nicholson Baker, I also absorbed a news item about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the recently retired pastor of Barack Obama's church in Chicago. Here is the form that the reverend's "retirement" will take: a $1.6 million home, purchased in the name of his church and consisting of more than 10,000 square feet, in a gated community in Tinley Park, a prosperous white section of the city. There used to be a secularist line about fat shepherds and thin sheep, but the joke here is not just at the expense of a man who never pretended to be much more than a hustler. The joke is on those of the "flock" who tithed themselves to achieve this level of comfort for a man who must be pinching himself when he wakes up every day.

But, then, so must the Rev. Al Sharpton, routinely described by the New York Times as "the civil rights activist," be pinching himself each morning. By evening, after all, several limos will have arrived to transport him to several studios where he will be flattered and taken seriously. And this enviable existence is watched with avaricious jealousy by more junior practitioners, like the raving Rev. James Meeks of Chicago's Salem Baptist Church, who may not yet be quite ready for prime time, and by the members of Louis Farrakhan's racist and sectarian crew, who affect to think that Christianity is a slave religion and that white people are the products of a laboratory experiment gone wrong.

The thing that this gaggle of cranks and parasites has in common is the extreme deference with which it is treated by the junior senator from Illinois. In April 2004, Barack Obama told a reporter from the Chicago Sun -Times that he had three spiritual mentors or counselors: Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks, and Father Michael Pfleger—for a change of pace, a white Catholic preacher who has a close personal feeling for the man he calls (as does Obama) Minister Farrakhan. This crossover stuff is not as "inclusive" as it might be made to seem: Meeks' main political connections in the white community are with the hysterically anti-homosexual wing of the Christian right. If Obama were to be read a list of the positions that his clerical supporters take on everything from Judaism to sodomy, he would be in the smooth and silky business of "distancing" from now until November. And that is why he hopes that his Philadelphia speech, which dissociated him from every thing and nothing, will be enough. He seems, indeed, to have a real gift for remaining adequately uninformed about the real beliefs of his "mentors."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Why boast that your candidate--Gary Johnson--could throw the election to Obama

Libertarian Party eyes spoiler role in 2012 race | Fox News

...."The Libertarian Party is now touting that possibility. An emailed statement from the organization earlier this week carried a rather sensational subject line: "Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson Could Deprive Mitt Romney of 5 battleground states, 74 Electoral Votes, 27% of the Electoral Votes needed to win in 2012."

Libertarians reasoned Johnson, then, "could determine the winner" of the election."...

RRD: This is not a new story and I am not suggesting some absurd notion of a collusion between Johnson & Obama, particularly since the former despises the latter,nor do I expect Johnson to drop out, or to try to lose ,or some such nonsense, my point is entirely different.
Whoever wins in 2012 whether Obama or Romney ,Johnson will need to win over many Romney voters for any future campaign, whether as a Libertarian, or as a Republican,if he is to have any chance of actually winning. In either case, why alienate people by making statements that sound essentially spiteful or petulant? Why not simply say: ”Johnson is serious”, or "We think Johnson could win x number of votes". To talk about "beating Romney" is absurd,it implies that Romney is the enemy,but Obama isn't. Why,when his staff must know how Obama is despised,and how important many regard this election as being,make it seem as if you are motivated not by the thought of winning,but of effectively helping the Democrat? Purely from a standpoint of self-interest this is self-defeating as it will alienate many of those very Republicans & Conservatives whom he will need in the future. In fairness I do not know whether this is his idea or his staff's but gi ven that Johnson & Romney supporters will need to work together in the future in any event it would be useful if they did not needlessly antagonize one another.(And yes I have made this comment to Romney supporters as well, urging them not to needlessly antagonize Johnson supporters).

Posted via email from fightingstatism

No kinder, gentler #Ahmadinejad Opinion The Orange County Register #irannuclear #iranelections

Monday, September 24, 2012

Justice Delayed: The massacre of political prisoners in Iran | WNN – Women News Network #iranelections #womensrights

Iranian Mullahs incite mobs against U.S. & Israel over "Innocence of Muslims" #no2sharia #iranelections

...."Some senior ayatollahs welcomed the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and warned that the U.S. should expect further harsh reactions from the Muslims.[5] The Global Ahl-e Al-Bayt Foundation, which is directly subordinate to the office of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, urged Muslims worldwide, and especially the Shi'ites, "to demonstrate and protest against this offensive move [of making the film], and do everything they can to ban it, in order to prevent the continuation of these satanic actions." [6] On September 13, senior ayatollah Mohammad Ali Alavi Gorgani exhorted the Shi'ites worldwide to "express their outrage to the people of the world" and that Muslims should "react to this satanic move... behind which stands global Zionism."[7] Student Basij representative Ali Hassan Zadeh called on Muslims to remove the cancerous growth – Israel – from the Middle East.[8] Kazem Tabatabai, a Friday prayer leader from the city of Zabol, said: "The Muslims must no longer keep silent. They must launch all-out jihad to eliminate the arrogance [the West headed by the U.S.]."[9] Assembly of Experts member Ayatollah Abbas Ka'abi said: "The entire Muslim nation must join forces with the zealous Libyan people against the film that insults Islam and the Prophet." [10] Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani said: "The U.S. must expect [even] harsher measures."[11]

Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said that the Iranian government would search for the producer of the anti-Muhammad YouTube film and would place him under surveillance.[12]

Two prominent regime mouthpieces, Kayhan and Fars, stressed that the targeting of U.S. diplomats in the Middle East would now become a trend.[13] A September 15, 2012 Fars analysis said that the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya will be "the opening shot for the killing of U.S. ambassadors in the region." It also warned Arab leaders not to suppress the masses' rage against the U.S., because doing so could bring down their regimes: "The Arab leaders... of the post -Mubarak, post -Qadhafi and post -Ali 'Abdallah Saleh [era]... must realize that the revolutions do not depend on them, but that they depend on the revolutions. If they stray from the path [of the revolutions], they will undoubtedly be deposed. This time, the insults to Islam came up against the dam of the Islamic awakening. The offending country [i.e. the U.S.] can no longer insult [Islam] and expect that its ambassadors in the Islamic countries will remain safe. The Islamic awakening has significantly increased the cost of insulting the sanctity of Islam. It is not only [the YouTube film's purported director] Sam Bacile who should go into hiding; now the offending country's ambassadors in the Islamic countries will [also] feel unsafe, even though the Egyptian and Yemeni police fired on the protestors... [The killing of the U.S. ambassador] is a phenomenon that possibly could continue – and even if it does not continue with the same determination, it may make the U.S. diplomats feel constantly unsafe."

Fars also warned the leaders of Arab countries where revolutions have recently taken place that "if they want to grow close to the West and sacrifice Islam in favor of liberal democracy, they will face their peoples' demands, and they should not expect that to end well." It added that Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi's September 12 speech condemning the film but banning attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo pleased both Islamist and Western ears, and reflected his understanding that "anti-Western sentiment now prevails in his country."....

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Egyptian PM Mursi calls for censorship at UN, Pakistani minister puts bounty on ”Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker #tcot #twisters

Washington Post Pakistani minister offers bounty for murder of ” Innocence of Muslims” filmmaker, calls on Al-qaeda to commit the murder.

Egyptian President Demands Criminalization of Anti-Islamic Speech At United Nations « JONATHAN TURLEY

Some time ago Dr.Leonard Peikoff called for responding to the fatwa against Salman Rushdie by declaring war on Tehran. I thought that he was overreacting then. I no longer think he was overreacting.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, September 23, 2012

You wish to take our freedoms from us Islamists? Come & claim them!/ Arwen Ride - YouTube

#Iranian girls defend themselves from ”morality police” #iranelections #womensrights


‘Immodest' Girls Beat Up Iranian Cleric - Middle East - News - Israel National News

”She startled the cleric with her feminist reply, “Cover your eyes.” He stood his ground and repeated the warning, and the girl and her friend teamed up to promptly hurl insults at him and then followed up with a few kicks while pushing him.

“I fell on my back on the floor ,” Beheshti said. “I don’t know what happened after that, all I could feel was the kicks of this woman who was insulting me and attacking me.”...

Never underestimate the power of a woman.

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Links on the DISCLOSE Act of 2010 #vetobama #twisters #tcot

Links on the DISCLOSE act of 2010. Though ostensibly just a bill to mandate disclosure,it did in fact directly restrict speech both by government contractors & by companies that have 20% or more of their equity in the hands of foreign investors.

Even the disclosure provisions
were designed to be so onerous so as to have a chilling effect on speech; specifically the speech of anonymous political bloggers & the speech of ”new political organizations”, such as the Tea Party groups.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Jerusalem District Court will hear on Thursday a motion by Arab MK Taleb A-Sana (Raam Taal), Arab local authority heads and Muslim clerics, to block Israelis' access to the trailer for the movie "The Innocence of Muslims” #jcot #tcot

Arab-Israeli MK who praised ”martyrs” demands Israeli censorship of ”Innocence of Muslims” film

Israeli-Arab MK (Minister of Knesset, Israel's parliament) Taleb A-Sana (Raam Taal) :

.... ”Freedom of expression does not mean unlimited freedom to humiliate and demean a person," the motion adds. "For Muslims this strikes at the core of their essence, it hurts their personal and collective dignity..."

MK A-Sana and other Arab MKs are among the most frequent users of the "free speech " argument in defending their own Knesset speeches and other statements, including statements praising terror actions against Israel.”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, September 21, 2012

Maureen Dowd's ”war for the jews” smear #jcot #tcot #supportisrael

Maureen Dowd's ”war for the jews” smear

....” Unlike the rest of the Obama cheerleading squad that occupies the Times opinion pages, she is not content to just bash him for attacking Obama’s apologies, weak leadership and disdain for Israel. Dowd sees him and running mate Paul Ryan as the cat’s-paws of a shadowy group of “powerful” Jewish “neocons” who are out to seize the country in his name and enforce, “a duty to invade and bomb Israel’s neighbors,” on Americans. In a perfect illustration of how hate for Israel shows where the left and right meet, Dowd channeled Pat Buchanan in arguing that Romney/Ryan are the “puppets” of neoconservative conspirators who want Americans to die for Israel.

Dowd doubled down on Eric Lewis’ point that it is “outrageous” for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to demand that the president state some red lines about Iran. But all Netanyahu is doing is asking the president to show us that he has some intention of doing something about Iran other than talking about the threat. The pushback from the pro -Obama camp against the suggestion that the administration stop pretending that failed diplomacy and unenforced sanctions will persuade Tehran to give up its nuclear ambition reinforces the suspicion that once he is re -elected, the president will have the “flexibility” to choose to “contain” rather than stop Iran. That is a position that would endanger both the U.S. and Israel.

Dowd’s biggest target is Dan Senor, an author and former Bush administration staffer who is one of Romney and Ryan’s top advisors. But neither Senor nor Romney nor any American supporter of Israel needs to apologize to the likes of Dowd for their belief that the U.S. should keep its word to stop Iran. Though those who write about “neocons slithering” are clearly intending to stoke prejudice, even Obama has paid lip service to the fact that a nuclear Iran is a deadly threat to the entire Middle East as well as to the interests of the United States. Though Romney is not always the most consistent or coherent of thinkers about foreign policy, he does seem to understand this dilemma a lot better than Obama and his hateful press hit squad.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

You wish to take our freedom from us? Come & take it/Arwen Ride - YouTube #no2sharia

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Increased concerns about how close #tehran is to weaponizing Uranium Family Security Matters

Ahmadinejad Accuses West of Destroying Rain Clouds - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Pathetic /Sen. McCain praises Clinton speech condemning attack on US embassy in Libya - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama's statement on the #Benghazi attack Washington Post #tcot

“I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America’s commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.

I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.

On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya’s transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.

The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Iranians mourn 9/11

Iranians mourning 11 September's victims in the streets of Tehran in 2001 - fightingstatism

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Would Romney ban "discrimination" against those with pre-existing conditions? #obamacare

Mitt Romney On Obamacare: 'I'm Not Getting Rid Of All Of Health Care Reform' (VIDEO) - The Huffington Post

"Well, I'm not getting rid of all of health care reform," the former Massachusetts governor said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press." "

....”In his "Meet the Press" interview, Romney again pledged repeal of the law. ”....

"I say we're going to replace Obamacare," Romney said. "And I'm replacing it with my own plan. And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people."

While that may be true, the Romney campaign has said in the past his federal plan wouldn't include such a provision.

Earlier this election, his campaign laid out a policy that ensures that a person who is covered by an employer and switches jobs could not be discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition during that job switch. The Obama campaign argued that that's already law. But the bigger question left unanswered was: what happens to those people just entering the labor market with a pre-existing condition? Would Romney pass laws prohibiting discrimination by insurance companies against them?

In a statement to The Huffington Post in June,Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul confirmed that -- contra what Romney said Sunday -- he would not pass such a law, but rather push reforms to help alleviate the problem at the state level:

...”Fixing our health care system means making sure that every American, regardless of their health care needs, can find quality, affordable coverage. That is why Governor Romney supports reforms to protect those with pre-existing conditions from being denied access to a health plan while they have continuous coverage. And for those purchasing insurance for the first time, he supports reforms that empower states to make high risk pools more accessible by using cost reducing methods like risk adjustment and reinsurance. Beginning on his first day in office, Governor Romney is committed to working with Congress to enact polices like these that protect Americans’ access to the care they need.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Perhaps it is time to stage a intervention for Romney

The Associated Press: Romney says he likes parts of 'Obamacare'

"Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who promised early in his campaign to repeal President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, says he would keep several important parts of the overhaul.

"Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I'm going to put in place," he said in an interview broadcast Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage."

Romney also said he would allow young adults to keep their coverage under their parents' health-insurance."....

....""I say we're going to replace Obamacare. And I'm replacing it with my own plan," Romney said. "And even in Massachusetts when I was governor, our plan there deals with pre-existing conditions and with young people."...

RRD:How,specifically,does he intend to do this? There are ways to do it that are inappropriate ,but that will not result in the destruction of private health insurance (e.g. "shared risk pools") ,and then there is a flat ban on "discriminating” against those with pre-existing conditions,which will destroy private insurance. Does anyone have a full transcript?
Perhaps it is time for us to stage a "intervention" for Mr.Romney?
If you wish to see why so many people are either reluctant or unwilling to vote for this man and why they believe that they would merely be pawns in his game this is exactly why.
And this is precisely the sort of behavior that sucked all the energy out of Mccain's campaign.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Larry Elder the five "reasons" to re-elect Obama Townhall #tcot #teaparty #2012elections

”1) Obama "inherited" the worst set of economic conditions since World War II.

False. Based on unemployment, inflation and interest rates, the recession of 1981-82 was worse. Unemployment during the early '80s reached 10.8 percent, inflation 13.5 percent, and prime interest rates reached 21.5 percent. During this so-called "Great Recession," the numbers peaked at 10.2 unemployment, 5.6 percent inflation and 7.25 percent for the prime interest rate.

2) Obama's economic policies "rescued the economy from falling off a cliff."

False. Nearly 350 economists, including several Nobel laureates, publicly urged Obama to following the path President Reagan pursued -- cutting taxes, slowing the growth of domestic spending and continuing deregulation.

Most business economists think Obama's "stimulus" plan accomplished little, if anything, with some academic economists, like Stanford's John Taylor, believing that stimulus actually made things worse: "I just don't think there's any evidence. When you look at the numbers, when you see what happened, when people reacted to the stimulus, it did very little good."

TARP, begun under President George W. Bush, supposedly prevented financial institutions from collapsing. But Neil Barofsky, in his new book called "Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street," argues that TARP completely failed in its mission: to increase liquidity to jumpstart lending.

The reason for intervention in the first place is that banks had become "too big too fail." Not only did the banks park the money and make risk-free profits off the spread, but banks became bigger than ever after TARP”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

To those who think that Obama is Peter Keating #aynrand #objectivism #tlot

RRD: There are some individuals who believe that Obama is "a Peter Keating",and that Ryan is "the real threat" . To those I would say this is what the "pragmatic”,”go along” Democrats,led by Obama,are saying about the Health Care Bill that cost them the House.

Dems embrace Obama health law - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Kathleen Sebelius:

....“For us Democrats, ObamaCare is a badge of honor,”
“Because no matter who you are,
what stage of life you're in, this law is a good thing.”

Michelle Obama at the convention:

“When it comes to the health of our families, Barack refused to listen to all those folks who told him to leave
health reform for another day, another president,” “He didn't
care whether it was the easy thing to do politically —that's not how he was raised — he cared that it was
the right thing to do.”....

Fmr.Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania said that Democratic candidates ....should challenge Republican opponents
about what parts of the law they would repeal,citing
provisions banning insurance companies from
excluding children with pre-existing conditions and
giving seniors rebates for prescription drugs not
covered by Medicare.
“We can kill them on it,” he said."

Neera Tanden, a former adviser to Sebelius who is now
at the liberal Center for American Progress, said:

...“My advice to them will be to use Mitt Romney’s
experience on healthcare as an attack on Mitt Romney
but also a character point about what he was willing to
do five years ago, six years ago. He was arguing for the
individual mandate,” ...

...“Do I think we could have done a better job of
explaining what’s in the legislation? Yes, I think we
could,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), a close ally
of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “But I
think people are experiencing it, and that, I think, is the
best way to get the word out.”
DeLauro said the healthcare law represented “the
proudest vote” she had taken in her 22-year career.
“I think this is an opportunity, one, to let people know
what’s in this legislation, and two, to dispel the
misinformation about the legislation,” . “We are proud of the Affordable Care Act.We are proud of what’s in it and the difference it’s making in people’s lives. And we are going to talk
about it here.”

“I think we Democrats have basically turned a corner
on that,” said Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), “We all knew that it
was going to take some time for average Americans to
understand what the Affordable Care Act was. But now
they’re getting it. People are now saying, ‘Wow, this is
good stuff.’ ”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) “We don’t need a reason to defend the Affordable Care Act,” ,“We have
millions of reasons to defend the Affordable Care Act.”

Harkin again:

“Don’t run away from ObamaCare. Embrace it.”
“If people have something of value, and you want to take it away from them? Look out,” ...“That’s a losing

RRD: As someone said recently "This is the power of belief!"
But you see Obama is just a Peter Keating,he isn't a driven ideologue,no,no he bends with the wind. He's not a Toohey, or a Ferris or even a Walter Breckenridge. Keep telling yourself that a Peter Keating could have gotten Obamacare passed. Keep telling yourselves that Obama is a Peter Keating,but that Ryan,on the other hand is E-V-I-L.

I could understand it if someone said that both are evil in different ways or to different degrees,but how can one conclude that Obama is some kind of benign weakling?
Maybe because Ryan is Catholic & wants to enact a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion, even though that will never be passed or ratified?
Is that it?
If not, then why,& how?
How,exactly,is Ryan "ten times worse than Obama",or "five times worse than Obama"?
What specific harm will Ryan inflict,that makes him worse than Obama?
The first time that I heard the claim that Obama was like ”Peter Keating” was during the 2008 election. It was made by Robert Tracinski,so far as I know he has long since abandoned it.

But never mind:Keep telling yourself that Democrats are just taking "some ambling steps" towards socialism. Keep telling yourself that socialism is "a fad",which "has had its day" (during which time the ”fad” just happens to have killed tens of millions of people and left whole countries in ruins). Keep telling yourself that it is espoused only by "anti-ideologists" & "that Leftists are no longer the passionate collectivists" that they once were.
Keep telling yourself that long after the person who made such statements has (at least partially) modified his view.

Remember Obama is Peter Keating! One day he may even get the memo.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sorkin's latest shibboleth #teaparty as Taliban The American Spectator #tcot

"They can call themselves the Tea Party. They can call
themselves conservatives. They can even call themselves
Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn't. But
we should call them what they are: the American Taliban."
That might sound like a drunken rant at your local College
Democrat club. But then the scene shifts to the newsroom
where Will's producers are backslapping and hear-hearing
each other, as though the French had finally sailed into
Yorktown. This is perhaps the most striking feature of The
Newsroom. Seeping out of every pore of its characters,
embedded in every word of its dialogue, is the demand
that we prostrate ourselves before its crayon-scrawled,
left-wing nonsense and hail its moral courage.
The Newsroom is the brain child of Aaron Sorkin, the once-
wunderkind writer behind The West Wing. He clearly
intends for conservatives like me to be either outraged or
intellectually swayed by his Speaking Truth to Power.
Instead it's hard not to feel bored…even sorry for Sorkin.
Will's entire rant feels yellowed and musty. The "American
Taliban"? Really? In addition to being tedious, that was also
the title of a book by Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas.
At this point, the savants of liberalism are even borrowing
banalities from each other.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Meet the "new Obama" as clueless as the #OTAWO one#tcot #teaparty

RRD: Julian Castro gave a speech last night at the Democratic Presidential Convention.
Background on Castro:

Controversial, inept mayor Julian Castro headlines first night of DNC | Washington Free Beacon

Last night Mr.Castro attempted to bluster his way through his speech at the DNC,but that pesky thing called reality kept getting in his way.

We have had a Democratic President for the past four years. When Obama came into office he obnoxiously proclaimed that he was going to "make government service cool again" .
I remember that shortly after Obama came into office,one of his underlings summed up the attitude of many ignorant liberals,who have apparently never heard of "the projects" or of "the war on poverty" (fn1) ,when he said that they had to correct the effects of years of "anti-government propaganda” which had led to the widespread belief that government programs did not work.

How would they rebut this "propaganda"?

Why with the stimulus of course.
The stimulus whose results this braggart claimed they would document in detail to rebut Republican "lies".

You do remember the trillion dollar (fn2) stimulus don't you?

It's the one that was supposed to prevent unemployment from rising to 8%.

Unemployment is 8.3% as I write this,not only did the "stimulus" not stimulate the economy to the levels predicted,but the economy WITH the stimulus has been far worse than what Obama's team predicted that it would be without the stimulus. (fn3)

I want Mr.Castro to say--with a straight face--that he would be hailing a 8.3% unemployment rate,purchased at a cost of nearly a trillion dollars,as a success,if a Republican was the one who had orchestrated this debacle.

Mr.Castro is brazen enough to think that if only he pretends that the past four years never happened,if only he pretends that Obama himself,through his own actions ,had not already reminded us that centrally planned "investments" do not succeed in creating wealth,then the rest of us would ride along with him on his crazy train.

Castro defends Obama’s economic record in keynote - The Hill's Video

....“We all understand that freedom isn't free,” he said.“What [Mitt] Romney and [Paul] Ryan don't
understand is that neither is opportunity. We have to
invest in it.”...

RRD: "Investing" is the Democrats latest term for government spending and/or subsidies.

What Castro means is that without the government "investing" in Apple there would be no Personal Computers,without the Government "investing" in Andrew Carnegie's Carnegie Steel corp, America would not have become the dominant player in the steel industry,but for the Government's "investments" in Standard Oil,America would not be a world player in the oil industry,without Government "investments" Edison would not have invented the light bulb(fn4), that without Government "investments" the Wright Brothers would never have invented the Airplane,& that without Government "investments" Henry Ford would never have invented the automobile (fn5). Wait?
Those were private firms that did those things,they were not the result of a government plan by designed by bureaucratic mandarins?
Yes,I know,odd that these things slipped his mind,though.

...“It's a choice between a nation that slashes funding for
our schools and guts Pell grants, or a nation that invests more in education,”.....

RRD: Or "a choice between being a nation that goes bankrupt and suffers hyperinflation,or the United States."
And by "investments" he means paybacks to the Teachers Unions for their support of the Democratic Party. The same Teacher's Unions who ensure that mediocrity reigns in the classroom. But then Obama need not worry,since his children go to private school (fn6)

“It's a choice between a politician who rewards companies that ship American jobs overseas or a leader who brings jobs back home.”

RRD: What hypothetical "leader" who "brings American Jobs home" is he referring to?
I assume that the politician that he is referring to who "rewards companies that ship jobs overseas" is of course Obama.
We know that GM closed a American plant..and opened a nice shiny new Chinese one,(fn7) and we know that Obama "invested" the money that we refused to spend on GM's defective cars ourselves,in GM,so that GM could keep it's UAW workers on the Government dole,so that they in turn,would "give back" Obama (you see how the racket works?)

..“Mitt Romney, quite simply, doesn't get it,” he said.
“A few months ago he visited a university in Ohio and
gave the students there a little entrepreneurial advice.
'Start a business,' he said. But how? 'Borrow money, if you have to, from your parents,' he told them. Gee,why didn't I think of that? Some people are lucky enough to borrow money from their parents, but that shouldn’t determine whether you can pursue your dreams. I don’t think Gov. Romney meant any harm. I think he’s a good guy. He just has no idea how good he’s had it.”...

RRD: What ”should determine whether you succeed”,then? Whether you kiss up to some bureaucrat ,or whether you bribe a Democratic party politician,or whether you employ UAW workers?
What actually should determine whether your business succeeds or fails is the Free Market,which means free men and women making free choices about whether to patronize a business or not. That choice was taken from us by both the Bank & Auto bailouts,courtesy of Bush & Obama respectively (& both of which I have opposed)

"He just has no idea how good he’s had it.”

Actually,you have no idea "how good you've had it" living in a first world superpower whose wealth was the product of the Free-Market which you benefit from,even as you use technology invented through it,to spew your ignorant kiddie-socialism.
As I recall Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagon van and Steve Wozinak sold his Scientific Calculator to start Apple. By contrast with Jobs,Stanford Rockefeller was impoverished ,and yet he helped to make America a super-power,(through that perpetually reviled field the oil industry);his reward was to be persecuted by the Anti-Trust laws,similiar stories exist for many of America's greatest entrepreneurs,(see above).
Castro's prattle is self-righteous ignorance at its worst.
Is Castro really attempting to tell us that the GOVERNMENT is responsible for funding most of the successful entrepreneurial ventures in American history? Has he not heard of private financing? From JP Morgan (the man) to VCs (Venture Capitalists) to "angels" (wealthy private investors) private capital has funded most of the successful businesses in history. Granted Romney is not self-made man like Soichiro Honda, a man who dropped out of school at age 15 to become a apprentice and who succeeded in the Japanese auto industry,defying the wise government "planners" of Japan's "managed capitalism", (fn8),who in their infinite wisdom had decided that two automobile companies were quite enough.
But what has this fool Castro,or his fool in chief done?

“The Romney-Ryan budget doesn’t just cut public
education, cut Medicare, cut transportation and cut job
training,” he said. “It doesn’t just pummel the middle
class — it dismantles it.”

RRD: I'm sorry, the middle class is the product of government subsidies?? On what is this claim based? How then did we have a middle-class before government subsidies? When Eastern-European Jews came to the United States they had little in the way of a government "safety net",(indeed some had to overcome the efforts of those wonderful public school teachers who wanted to channel their children into trade schools. ) Nonetheless they became fluent in english and in a very short while had achieved great success.

And that is what Obama-Castro seek to stamp out of our memories. It is the actual history of America,and the knoweledge of the actual achievements of Individual Americans AS Individuals,that they seek to blank out of their minds and our minds through their despicable appeals to envy.

They are at war with the American Spirit.


Or if they did hear of the projects,they probably thought they were created by private companies.


How much the failed Obama Stimulus cost us is a subject of debate,but it ranges from nearly a trillion to 1.7 trillion,in any case it was not intended to prevent unemployment from rising to 20%,or 40% or 80% or whatever figure Obots wish to invent. Using this kind of "reasoning" of course,Bush can claim credit for saving 300 million people from death,since Al-qaeda did not kill 300 million people. ("Created or saved lives" perhaps?)


Oh,and if you wish to pull a Martin Bashir see:

March Unemployment Much Higher than Obama Predicted

Biden Says 'Everyone Guessed Wrong' on Unemployment Numbers | Fox News

Obama predicts that unemployment levels will continue to rise - New York Daily News

"The White House has been criticized for being overly rosy
about employment projections. Just 10 days before taking
office, Obama's top economic advisers released a report
predicting unemployment would remain at 8 percent or
below through this year if an economic stimulus plan won
congressional approval.
Instead, it is headed toward double digits.
The president said the creation of jobs that pay good
wages is the "single biggest challenge" in the recovery for
the U.S. and governments worldwide. He defended his
multi-pronged agenda of trying to revamp health care,
energy, science innovation and infrastructure as the key to
real economic growth."

Martin Bashir’s Duplicitous, Child-like Claim Romney Going To Hell For Saying Obama Pegged Unemployment At 8% | Mediaite’s-duplicitous-child-like-claim-romney-going-to-hell-for-saying-obama-pegged-unemployment-at-8/

Romer and Bernstein on stimulus -

Martin Bashir Flat Out Lies While Saying Mitt Romney Is Going to Hell for...Lying |


Edison Biography

”At age seven - after spending 12
weeks in a noisy one-room
schoolhouse with 38 other students
of ll ages - Tom's overworked and
short tempered teacher finally lost
his patience with the child's
persistent questioning and
seemingly self centered behavior.
Noting that Tom's forehead was unusually broad and his
head was considerably larger than average, he made no
secret of his belief that the hyperactive youngster's brains
were "addled" or scrambled.
If modern psychology had existed back then, Tom would
have probably been deemed a victim of ADHD (attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder) and proscribed a hefty dose
of the "miracle drug" Ritalin. Instead, when his beloved
mother - whom he recalled "was the making of me...
[because] she was always so true and so sure of me...
And always made me feel I had someone to live for and
must not disappoint." - became aware of the situation, she
promptly withdrew him from school and began to "home-
teach" him. Not surprisingly, she was convinced her son's
slightly unusual demeanor and physical appearance were
merely outward signs of his remarkable intelligence.”


Sarcasm,I know that Diamler Benz invented the automobile though our President does not.

Who Invented The Automobile?


Obama Sends His Kids to Private School But Opposes School Choice Vouchers |

"As chairman of the
Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) from 1995 to 2001, Barack Obama helped distribute $49.2 million to help improve Chicago’s public schools, a task for the CAC that two studies showed had little or no impact on improving public education.
Despite his work to improve Chicago’s public schools, the 2008 Democratic,presidential nominee sends his two daughters to the University of Chicago’s Laboratory School, a prestigious private school in Chicago – and he opposes school vouchers, which would allow parents to send their kids to the school of their choice.”...


Despite Obama bailout of GM American plants close while foreign plants boom | Washington Free Beacon


Which Obama no doubt sees as a model

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama considers executive order to implement cybersecurity rules the won't pass #tcot #tlot

Democratic platform diverges with GOP on cybersecurity - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

"After the Senate stalled on cybersecurity legislation last
month, the White House is considering drafting an
executive order that would put cybersecurity measures
in place to better protect critical infrastructure from
cyber attacks. However, the administration has kept
quiet about what those possible measures would look
The GOP would likely bash such a cybersecurity
executive order. In their platform, Republicans
cautioned that the Obama administration's
cybersecurity approach would add another layer of
bureaucracy and costs to an already bloated federal
government and ultimately harm innovation.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Obama wants your Union Dues going to support the DNC. Not a Union Member? If Obama gets his way you will be,whether you want to or not. #tcot #teaparty


RRD: A few months ago,in yet another of his brazen lies Obama condemned Right-to-Work laws as being attacks on the right to bargain collectively.

Obama attacks right-to-work laws | Mobile Washington Examiner

Of course Right-to-Work laws don't prevent people from joining Unions, they prevent people from being forced to join Unions against their will.

What they actually do is to prevent a free people from being forced to subsidize the Democratic party & that is why this power lusting psychopath wants them gone.
In Obamatopia we would all be forced to pay tribute to this man & his power mad gang under penalty of being unable to get what few jobs are remaining.
Obama does not care about workers. Obama cares about what Alinsky told his students was the most important thing on earth ;POWER! (Alinsky would literally scream this at his students;men who in turn taught Alinsky's methods to Obama)

Individuals have the right to unionize and to strike if they wish. But there is no "right" of Unions to force people to join Unions,against their will if they are to be able to get a particular job.
Perhaps one reason people are so reluctant to join Unions is because of oh..I..don't know...the association of the Teamsters with criminals,or the fact that part of their dues will go to the DNC,or the fact that they fear that they will be intimidated or threatened by Union bosses if they actually dare to vote for someone other than the Union's "picked" candidate. In short,Unions today are all too often headed by the Frank Kinnan (fn1) type of Union Boss (except without Kinnan's intellectual honesty).

Nonetheless Obama continued his shtick today (in that pro-union utopia the Dems choose for the site of their convention:North Carolina) & with his trademark sneer of hope derided "Right-to-work" laws as "Right-to-Work-for-less" laws.

(What a rapier-like wit this man has!)

So Obama is delivering a speech on the value of Unions,after his party selected North Carolina--one of the least unionized states--to be the site of this pro-union party's convention. Obama who robbed our tax dollars to bail out GM & Chrysler,two companies which went bankrupt precisely because their Unions got their employees unsustainable benefit packages (which we must now subsidize with our tax dollars,so that the Democratic party can rake in more campaign contributions from the Unions).
Why does Obama not talk about the other industries and fields destroyed by,or crippled by, unsustainable work rules and unsustainable benefits packages.
Why does he not talk about the Unions' sordid history of racial discrimination and their history of sex discrimination?

Why does he not talk about the destruction wreaked on the black community by the public schools which have been reduced to a jobs program where merit is punished and incompetence is rewarded?

Guess why?

What type of party forces people to support it through compulsory donations?



The Labor leader in Atlas Shrugged who led his men "to the stockyards" as serfs of the dictatorship in exchange for wealth and power.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Monday, September 3, 2012

Team Obama: We're better off with higher unemployment #tcot #teaparty


RRD: There are three words for this, one is,”spin” & the other two are a compound word whose mentionable part is ”bull”. One must ask why Team Obama thinks that Americans will permit them to redefine "recovery" downward to mean increased unemployment,higher poverty rates,& having more Americans on food stamps and welfare.
Evidently Americans are supposed to give up their hopes and their dreams so Obama can feel good. After all he wants to be President,isn't that all that matters.
Obama needn't do anything to merit reelection, his mere presence on tv is his gift to us.

”Asked on NBC’s “Today” show whether Americans were
better off, Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie
Cutter was definitive.

“Absolutely,” said Cutter, listing statistics about rising
unemployment and declining wages in the six months
before Obama took office. “By any measure, the country
has moved forward over the last four years. It might not
be as fast as some people would have hoped, [but] the
president agrees with that, he knows we need to do
“The answer is we are better off,” Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa, chairman of the Democratic National
Convention, said on CBS’s “This Morning.” “We were
losing 800,000 jobs a month, we lost 3.5 million jobs, the
mortgage lending crisis was creating a foreclosure
problem that we hadn’t seen since probably the Great
Depression … We’ve had 29 consecutive months of growth
in private-sector jobs… So the answer is yes, we are better

RRD: How can one have job growth if Unemployment is higher? Answer words mean whatever we wish them to mean.

“Absolutely,” said Democratic National Committee
spokesman Brad Woodhouse on CNN’s “Starting Point.”
“The truth is, though, is that the American people know,
we were literally a plane that was heading, the trajectory
was towards the ground when the president took over. He
got the stick and pulled us up out of that decline.”

RRD: If Obama pulled us out of the decline how is it that he has added trillions to the debt and we now have fewer jobs after his stimulus?

These answers differ from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s (D-
Md.) response to the same question Sunday on CBS’s
“Face the Nation.” Asked whether Americans were better
off, O’Malley replied, “No, but that’s not the question of
this election.”

RRD: Really? What is the question? Whether Obama wishes to be re-elected or not?

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Obama is not Mcgovern,he is more dangerous #aynrand #tcot #objectivism

How Obama is,& isn't different from previous Democrats.

Hercule Poirot once remarked that the difference between murder and attempted murder is not moral,it is that the attempted murderer is incompetent,whereas the murderer was successful.

In this analogy Bill Clinton would be the attempted murderer and Obama would be the murderer.

Some time ago I had a argument with someone who was urging us to vote for Romney.

He was arguomg that,essentially,Obama would destroy the United States. (fn1)

I responded to this by noting that Republicans had been proclaiming that "this time it's different" at least since Bill Clinton vs Bush. They made the same argument against Clinton and against Kerry that they have made against Obama. I also noted that I knew some friends who had spelled Clinton with a K as "Klinton" to indicate that he was a Communist back during his reign.

To this he replied that I was ”committing a horrendous injustice" against Bill Clinton, since Clinton "backed down" and "listened".

To this, I in turn responded :"No I really do not think that I have committed a 'horrendous injustice" against Bill Clinton by saying that he is morally no different from Obama,Clinton proposed Hillarycare,and he wanted to install backdoors into our computers and into our phones via the Clipper chip. Cowardice is not a virtue,the fact that Clinton was not as driven,and as ruthless, and as competent as Obama made him less dangerous than Obama,but there was no moral distinction between the two".

And it was that very last sentence that gave me pause,not because I was in doubt as to whether there was a moral distinction between the two,but because I had inadvertently named the main,real,distinction between Obama and Clinton,and between Obama and Kerry and between Obama and Dukakis,hell for that matter between Obama and Mcgovern.

Why do we call the Health Care bill Obamacare,instead of calling it Mcgoverncare,or Dukakiscare,or Clintoncare,or Kerrycare?

"Why that's obvious,Obama passed it"

Exactly,for decades Democrats have lusted after a bill that would destroy private insurance and who passed it?

Why did Obama not back down?

For that matter,why did Obama get elected?

Yes Bush and Mccain contributed to his victory,but Obama not only won, he won by large margins,at least part of this was due to the ruthlessness of David Axelrod (who should not be underestimated in 2012,see David Mendell's: Obama from Promise to Power), but part of the reason was simply due to the fact that Obama is a charismatic demagogue.

(Charismatic to me? No. To his followers,yes,even now when many have become disillusioned,one need only show up at a moderately liberal campus to see that some people, particularly women, still swoon over the man)

And once Obama was elected,he was evidently prepared to sacrifice the House to ram through Obamacare,(hell if the claims about Fast & Furious are true,then he was willing to cause Americans to die to enact gun control).

This is not ”Jimmy Carter's second term”, Jimmy Carter,Clinton,Kerry etc were buffoons by contrast,(to paraphrase Rush Limbaugh)

Nor is Obama Peter Keating.

Long ago,back in 2008 ,Robert Tracinski remarked that Obama was a chamelon ”like Peter Keating”,that statement,though wrong,was at least somewhat understandable in 2008.

This is not 2008.

There is no justification for that belief now,none,(and so far as I know, Mr.Tracinski himself jettisoned that belief around 2009)

Can you picture Peter Keating ramming through Obamacare?

Comparing Obama to Keating,or Obama to Clinton ,is as absurd as comparing the Republican Guard of Iraq to the Revolutionary Guard of Iran because "just as people told us that the Republican Guard was fearsome,and it wasn't,so they are now crying wolf about the Revolutionary Guard".

Ask the Israeli soldiers who fought both the PLO and Hezbollah in Lebanon whether Hezbollah--which was trained by the Revolutionary Guard--was "no different" than the PLO .

Morally they weren't.

Hezbollah,however,at the height of the conflict,nearly inflicted a one-to-one casualty ratio against the IDF. They were that well disciplined,and that tenacious.
They are not buffoons,and in the political realm,neither is Obama.

People sometime forget that the last time the boy cried wolf, there was an actual wolf.

And speaking of the Islamic Republic of Iran,those who see no difference between Romney and Obama on foreign policy should note that it is Obama, and not Romney,who has leaked operational information which could cripple the one program--the cyberwarfare program--that has slowed down Iran's nuclear program. If that program is defeated, Israel will be forced to stage a strike alone,and absent American support, (indeed against ”American” opposition),it will be unlikely to succeed.

Who is Leaking About Cyberattacks? « Commentary Magazine

Also see

Obama, Gospel and Verse -

Should that occur we may face a nuclear first strike on the United States, or on Israel.

But Romney won't stop Iran?

Perhaps not,but I doubt that he will be trying to sabotage Israel's efforts,Obama by contrast,IS DOING THAT RIGHT NOW.

There is absolutely no reason why we must vote for Romney in 2016,certainly not if he betrays us,but it will take time to build up a alternative to the current choice of evils that we are offered.

But back to Obama.
Far from being Keating,if I had to name a Atlas Shrugged character that he is most like,it would be--at a minimum-- Walter Breckenridge,& at worst,one of the Starnes heirs, or Ellsworth Toohey,or Floyd Ferris. ( And yes I am quite serious)



I doubt that Obama will destroy the U.S., indeed the only possible way that I think that he could reasonably do so would be if he declared martial law after a terrorist attack ,or a nuclear first strike,and attempted to impose an Alien and Sedition like bill,that could be the trigger for massive civil unrest ( a "civil war" of a kind,though of "The Troubles" variety rather than the American Civil War) But I regard this as a improbable scenario.

Posted via email from fightingstatism