RRD: Julian Castro gave a speech last night at the Democratic Presidential Convention.
Background on Castro:
Controversial, inept mayor Julian Castro headlines first night of DNC | Washington Free Beacon
Last night Mr.Castro attempted to bluster his way through his speech at the DNC,but that pesky thing called reality kept getting in his way.
We have had a Democratic President for the past four years. When Obama came into office he obnoxiously proclaimed that he was going to "make government service cool again" .
I remember that shortly after Obama came into office,one of his underlings summed up the attitude of many ignorant liberals,who have apparently never heard of "the projects" or of "the war on poverty" (fn1) ,when he said that they had to correct the effects of years of "anti-government propaganda” which had led to the widespread belief that government programs did not work.
How would they rebut this "propaganda"?
Why with the stimulus of course.
The stimulus whose results this braggart claimed they would document in detail to rebut Republican "lies".
You do remember the trillion dollar (fn2) stimulus don't you?
It's the one that was supposed to prevent unemployment from rising to 8%.
Unemployment is 8.3% as I write this,not only did the "stimulus" not stimulate the economy to the levels predicted,but the economy WITH the stimulus has been far worse than what Obama's team predicted that it would be without the stimulus. (fn3)
I want Mr.Castro to say--with a straight face--that he would be hailing a 8.3% unemployment rate,purchased at a cost of nearly a trillion dollars,as a success,if a Republican was the one who had orchestrated this debacle.
Mr.Castro is brazen enough to think that if only he pretends that the past four years never happened,if only he pretends that Obama himself,through his own actions ,had not already reminded us that centrally planned "investments" do not succeed in creating wealth,then the rest of us would ride along with him on his crazy train.
Castro defends Obama’s economic record in keynote - The Hill's Video
http://thehill.com/conventions-2012/dem-convention-charlotte/247553-castro-defends-obamas-economic-record-in-keynote ....“We all understand that freedom isn't free,” he said.“What [Mitt] Romney and [Paul] Ryan don't
understand is that neither is opportunity. We have to
invest in it.”...
RRD: "Investing" is the Democrats latest term for government spending and/or subsidies.
What Castro means is that without the government "investing" in Apple there would be no Personal Computers,without the Government "investing" in Andrew Carnegie's Carnegie Steel corp, America would not have become the dominant player in the steel industry,but for the Government's "investments" in Standard Oil,America would not be a world player in the oil industry,without Government "investments" Edison would not have invented the light bulb(fn4), that without Government "investments" the Wright Brothers would never have invented the Airplane,& that without Government "investments" Henry Ford would never have invented the automobile (fn5). Wait?
Those were private firms that did those things,they were not the result of a government plan by designed by bureaucratic mandarins?
Yes,I know,odd that these things slipped his mind,though.
...“It's a choice between a nation that slashes funding for
our schools and guts Pell grants, or a nation that invests more in education,”.....
RRD: Or "a choice between being a nation that goes bankrupt and suffers hyperinflation,or the United States."
And by "investments" he means paybacks to the Teachers Unions for their support of the Democratic Party. The same Teacher's Unions who ensure that mediocrity reigns in the classroom. But then Obama need not worry,since his children go to private school (fn6)
“It's a choice between a politician who rewards companies that ship American jobs overseas or a leader who brings jobs back home.”
RRD: What hypothetical "leader" who "brings American Jobs home" is he referring to?
I assume that the politician that he is referring to who "rewards companies that ship jobs overseas" is of course Obama.
We know that GM closed a American plant..and opened a nice shiny new Chinese one,(fn7) and we know that Obama "invested" the money that we refused to spend on GM's defective cars ourselves,in GM,so that GM could keep it's UAW workers on the Government dole,so that they in turn,would "give back" ...to Obama (you see how the racket works?)
..“Mitt Romney, quite simply, doesn't get it,” he said.
“A few months ago he visited a university in Ohio and
gave the students there a little entrepreneurial advice.
'Start a business,' he said. But how? 'Borrow money, if you have to, from your parents,' he told them. Gee,why didn't I think of that? Some people are lucky enough to borrow money from their parents, but that shouldn’t determine whether you can pursue your dreams. I don’t think Gov. Romney meant any harm. I think he’s a good guy. He just has no idea how good he’s had it.”...
RRD: What ”should determine whether you succeed”,then? Whether you kiss up to some bureaucrat ,or whether you bribe a Democratic party politician,or whether you employ UAW workers?
What actually should determine whether your business succeeds or fails is the Free Market,which means free men and women making free choices about whether to patronize a business or not. That choice was taken from us by both the Bank & Auto bailouts,courtesy of Bush & Obama respectively (& both of which I have opposed)
"He just has no idea how good he’s had it.”
Actually,you have no idea "how good you've had it" living in a first world superpower whose wealth was the product of the Free-Market which you benefit from,even as you use technology invented through it,to spew your ignorant kiddie-socialism.
As I recall Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagon van and Steve Wozinak sold his Scientific Calculator to start Apple. By contrast with Jobs,Stanford Rockefeller was impoverished ,and yet he helped to make America a super-power,(through that perpetually reviled field the oil industry);his reward was to be persecuted by the Anti-Trust laws,similiar stories exist for many of America's greatest entrepreneurs,(see above).
Castro's prattle is self-righteous ignorance at its worst.
Is Castro really attempting to tell us that the GOVERNMENT is responsible for funding most of the successful entrepreneurial ventures in American history? Has he not heard of private financing? From JP Morgan (the man) to VCs (Venture Capitalists) to "angels" (wealthy private investors) private capital has funded most of the successful businesses in history. Granted Romney is not self-made man like Soichiro Honda, a man who dropped out of school at age 15 to become a apprentice and who succeeded in the Japanese auto industry,defying the wise government "planners" of Japan's "managed capitalism", (fn8),who in their infinite wisdom had decided that two automobile companies were quite enough.
But what has this fool Castro,or his fool in chief done?
“The Romney-Ryan budget doesn’t just cut public
education, cut Medicare, cut transportation and cut job
training,” he said. “It doesn’t just pummel the middle
class — it dismantles it.”
RRD: I'm sorry, the middle class is the product of government subsidies?? On what is this claim based? How then did we have a middle-class before government subsidies? When Eastern-European Jews came to the United States they had little in the way of a government "safety net",(indeed some had to overcome the efforts of those wonderful public school teachers who wanted to channel their children into trade schools. ) Nonetheless they became fluent in english and in a very short while had achieved great success.
And that is what Obama-Castro seek to stamp out of our memories. It is the actual history of America,and the knoweledge of the actual achievements of Individual Americans AS Individuals,that they seek to blank out of their minds and our minds through their despicable appeals to envy.
They are at war with the American Spirit.
Or if they did hear of the projects,they probably thought they were created by private companies.
How much the failed Obama Stimulus cost us is a subject of debate,but it ranges from nearly a trillion to 1.7 trillion,in any case it was not intended to prevent unemployment from rising to 20%,or 40% or 80% or whatever figure Obots wish to invent. Using this kind of "reasoning" of course,Bush can claim credit for saving 300 million people from death,since Al-qaeda did not kill 300 million people. ("Created or saved lives" perhaps?)
Oh,and if you wish to pull a Martin Bashir see:
March Unemployment Much Higher than Obama Predicted
Biden Says 'Everyone Guessed Wrong' on Unemployment Numbers | Fox News
Obama predicts that unemployment levels will continue to rise - New York Daily News
http://articles.nydailynews.com/2009-07-14/news/17928876_1_unemployment-rate-economic-growth-president-barack-obama "The White House has been criticized for being overly rosy
about employment projections. Just 10 days before taking
office, Obama's top economic advisers released a report
predicting unemployment would remain at 8 percent or
below through this year if an economic stimulus plan won
congressional approval.
Instead, it is headed toward double digits.
The president said the creation of jobs that pay good
wages is the "single biggest challenge" in the recovery for
the U.S. and governments worldwide. He defended his
multi-pronged agenda of trying to revamp health care,
energy, science innovation and infrastructure as the key to
real economic growth."
Martin Bashir’s Duplicitous, Child-like Claim Romney Going To Hell For Saying Obama Pegged Unemployment At 8% | Mediaite
Romer and Bernstein on stimulus -
NYTimes.com http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/10/romer-and-bernstein-on-stimulus/
Martin Bashir Flat Out Lies While Saying Mitt Romney Is Going to Hell for...Lying |
NewsBusters.org http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/04/20/martin-bashir-flat-out-lies-segment-claiming-mitt-romney-going-hell-f fn4.
Edison Biography
http://www.thomasedison.com/biography.html ”At age seven - after spending 12
weeks in a noisy one-room
schoolhouse with 38 other students
of ll ages - Tom's overworked and
short tempered teacher finally lost
his patience with the child's
persistent questioning and
seemingly self centered behavior.
Noting that Tom's forehead was unusually broad and his
head was considerably larger than average, he made no
secret of his belief that the hyperactive youngster's brains
were "addled" or scrambled.
If modern psychology had existed back then, Tom would
have probably been deemed a victim of ADHD (attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder) and proscribed a hefty dose
of the "miracle drug" Ritalin. Instead, when his beloved
mother - whom he recalled "was the making of me...
[because] she was always so true and so sure of me...
And always made me feel I had someone to live for and
must not disappoint." - became aware of the situation, she
promptly withdrew him from school and began to "home-
teach" him. Not surprisingly, she was convinced her son's
slightly unusual demeanor and physical appearance were
merely outward signs of his remarkable intelligence.”
Sarcasm,I know that Diamler Benz invented the automobile though our President does not.
Who Invented The Automobile?
http://uspolitics.about.com/b/2009/02/25/who-invented-the-automobile.htm fn6.
Obama Sends His Kids to Private School But Opposes School Choice Vouchers |
cnsnews.com http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-sends-his-kids-private-school-opposes-school-choice-vouchers "As chairman of the
Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) from 1995 to 2001, Barack Obama helped distribute $49.2 million to help improve Chicago’s public schools, a task for the CAC that two studies showed had little or no impact on improving public education.
Despite his work to improve Chicago’s public schools, the 2008 Democratic,presidential nominee sends his two daughters to the University of Chicago’s Laboratory School, a prestigious private school in Chicago – and he opposes school vouchers, which would allow parents to send their kids to the school of their choice.”...
Despite Obama bailout of GM American plants close while foreign plants boom | Washington Free Beacon
Which Obama no doubt sees as a model
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