Monday, September 3, 2012

Team Obama: We're better off with higher unemployment #tcot #teaparty


RRD: There are three words for this, one is,”spin” & the other two are a compound word whose mentionable part is ”bull”. One must ask why Team Obama thinks that Americans will permit them to redefine "recovery" downward to mean increased unemployment,higher poverty rates,& having more Americans on food stamps and welfare.
Evidently Americans are supposed to give up their hopes and their dreams so Obama can feel good. After all he wants to be President,isn't that all that matters.
Obama needn't do anything to merit reelection, his mere presence on tv is his gift to us.

”Asked on NBC’s “Today” show whether Americans were
better off, Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie
Cutter was definitive.

“Absolutely,” said Cutter, listing statistics about rising
unemployment and declining wages in the six months
before Obama took office. “By any measure, the country
has moved forward over the last four years. It might not
be as fast as some people would have hoped, [but] the
president agrees with that, he knows we need to do
“The answer is we are better off,” Los Angeles Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa, chairman of the Democratic National
Convention, said on CBS’s “This Morning.” “We were
losing 800,000 jobs a month, we lost 3.5 million jobs, the
mortgage lending crisis was creating a foreclosure
problem that we hadn’t seen since probably the Great
Depression … We’ve had 29 consecutive months of growth
in private-sector jobs… So the answer is yes, we are better

RRD: How can one have job growth if Unemployment is higher? Answer words mean whatever we wish them to mean.

“Absolutely,” said Democratic National Committee
spokesman Brad Woodhouse on CNN’s “Starting Point.”
“The truth is, though, is that the American people know,
we were literally a plane that was heading, the trajectory
was towards the ground when the president took over. He
got the stick and pulled us up out of that decline.”

RRD: If Obama pulled us out of the decline how is it that he has added trillions to the debt and we now have fewer jobs after his stimulus?

These answers differ from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s (D-
Md.) response to the same question Sunday on CBS’s
“Face the Nation.” Asked whether Americans were better
off, O’Malley replied, “No, but that’s not the question of
this election.”

RRD: Really? What is the question? Whether Obama wishes to be re-elected or not?

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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