Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sorkin's latest shibboleth #teaparty as Taliban The American Spectator #tcot

"They can call themselves the Tea Party. They can call
themselves conservatives. They can even call themselves
Republicans, though Republicans certainly shouldn't. But
we should call them what they are: the American Taliban."
That might sound like a drunken rant at your local College
Democrat club. But then the scene shifts to the newsroom
where Will's producers are backslapping and hear-hearing
each other, as though the French had finally sailed into
Yorktown. This is perhaps the most striking feature of The
Newsroom. Seeping out of every pore of its characters,
embedded in every word of its dialogue, is the demand
that we prostrate ourselves before its crayon-scrawled,
left-wing nonsense and hail its moral courage.
The Newsroom is the brain child of Aaron Sorkin, the once-
wunderkind writer behind The West Wing. He clearly
intends for conservatives like me to be either outraged or
intellectually swayed by his Speaking Truth to Power.
Instead it's hard not to feel bored…even sorry for Sorkin.
Will's entire rant feels yellowed and musty. The "American
Taliban"? Really? In addition to being tedious, that was also
the title of a book by Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas.
At this point, the savants of liberalism are even borrowing
banalities from each other.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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