Monday, July 18, 2011

Call them,stop the Debt Ceiling Sellout,tell them anyone who votes for this is finished

RRD:If profanity offends you,understand that this is a issue of the gravest consequence.There are no "bad words" in my view,only words that are used incorrectly.Even racist or anti-semitic terms are not evil if used in a quotation(depending on the context).This is my view of profanity.I do not use it when I believe it is uncalled for; but there are times when you are past anger;when anger has "gone out the window, cross the rooftops, run away,"and you are left with rage.

Now is the time for rage.

Many of us remember calling our Senators & Congressmen:reasoning,begging,pleading,cajoling,screaming even;in opposition to Obamacare.We remember the sense of helpless rage,& grief,& frustration at being ignored.
It is happening again.

In the face of a historic repudiation by the voters of Obama and his agenda,we have a half-senile lunatic--Mitch Mcconnell-- seeking to play Obama's prison bitch*.
We sent these people to Washington to stop Obama and first they pass a budget "deal" which promises half the cuts they originally promised($50 billion half of $100 billion),and then they increase Obama's power by making it easier to get his appointments confirmed,& for him to appoint more Czars.(fn1)

And now Mitch Mcconnell & Kyl,& Mccain are pushing the Mcconnell surrender plan.The plan would give Obama a blank check on the debt ceiling and make it effectively impossible to override.(It would take a 2/3 majority.)(fn2)
Yes,you read that correctly,this wet dream of Obama's has been proposed BY A REPUBLICAN!

Political Masochism?
Demonic Possession?Dybbuk Possession?(fn3)Has Mcconnell been replaced by a clone or a robot?
Who knows?Who cares?
The important thing is that he is again betraying us.

Mccain for his part,speaking on the Sean Hannity radio show(fn4) said:(paraphrase) that: *The Mcconnell plan is a last resort.

*That we must pass it,just as we "had to pass TARP".

*He again repeats the canard that "Republicans lost the last time the Government was shut down",despite the fact that Republicans actually gained seats.

*That "it is the only plan that can pass both houses" :by which he means both that the whims of the Democrats are immutable(fn5),& that he is willing to "cross the aisle" to help his Democratic friends browbeat the Republicans out of their rational convictions.(This is the man who we were told we must support over JD Hayworth because Hayworth was supposedly not a man of "conviction" like Mccain)

Meanwhile while Republicans are being "stubborn",& "intransigent" Obama has taken his toy train monument to his greatness off the negotiating table.(fn6)

Perhaps the thinking(if it can be called that) is that Teapartiers and Conservatives have no choice but to vote Republican,
since the alternative is worse.

This is a mistake.

Opposing the Democrats does not require supporting THESE Republicans.We could level primary challenges against them.
Alternately,we could create third parties on a state by state basis,or support candidates running as independents:(Look at Lieberman and Murkowski for examples of someone who lost the nomination, but went on to win the seat.See also Sanders.)
We could also be willing to lose seat X,and make up for it by picking up seat Y.

A third party need not field presidential candidates.Indeed it need not even be national.

In the interim,call your Senator or Congressman and tell them that you will work for their defeat if they support the Mcconnell plan.Also you may wish to contact the House Leadership.(The Senate leadership is too far gone and will need to be politically cauterized to clean out the gangrene).

House Republican Leadership:

John Boehner Speaker of the House

E-Mail Me | John Boehner - 8th District of Ohio

Eric Cantor second ranking House Republican

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) :: Seventh District of Virginia

Kevin Mccarthy House whip,third ranking House Republican

Contact Kevin Mccarthy

*If you think that is "racist";have fun.



McConnell Hits the Panic Button -

fn 3

fn 4

Mccain speaking on the Sean Hannity radio show 7/18/2011


In this case the phrase "The Metaphysical vs. The Man-Made" refers to the fallacy of treating objective threats(such as bankruptcy) as if they were irrelevant while treating the irrational whims of politicians(or the public) as if they were immutable laws of nature to be obeyed.

Metaphysical vs. Man-Made — Ayn Rand Lexicon


Federal expansion the real issue in debt ceiling debate | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

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