Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kill the latest Boehner sellout:No real cuts but defense #tcot #tlot #teaparty

RRD:Let me explain this yet again.

*Obama's position is that the debt ceiling MUST be raised.Ours isn't.We have the upper hand.We also have a sizable percentage of the American people who oppose any increase in the Debt Ceiling AT ALL on our side.

*Since this began Boehner et-al have continously played into the hands of the Democrats by "conceding" that the debt ceiling MUST be raised,thereby weakening our leverage.
Indeed Boehner,Kyl et-al have further weakened our position(which was originally weakened by Boehners sellout on the budget deal)by constantly whining that they don't control both houses of Congress and the presidency.To this I would say:What of it?You controlled both the Legislative and the Executive branches and spent like maniacs.Further what is to stop the Democrats from Filibustering the bill?What's more what guarantee do we have that you will not cave to media pressure since "The Independents" will supposedly run to the Democrats.Further what will prevent the "Mavericks" from betraying us?No,this is a con-game and we are being played for suckers.

Here are the details of the latest betrayal.

...."The outline of the debt ceiling deal as of now, according to officials on both sides: $900 billion in the first stage of deficit reduction. $1.5 trillion in second stage of deficit reduction to be defined by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate. If the special committee fails to deliver a deficit -cutting package that would trigger $1.2 trillion in cuts, half would be Defense cuts and the other half would be non -Defense cuts, exempting low-income programs Social Security and Medicaid, and only impacting providers in Medicare. The debt ceiling increase would be done in three phases: $400 billion initially; another $500 billion later thise year would be subject to a vote of disapproval; a third increase of $1.5 to get the rest through 2012 and would also be subject to vote of disapproval. There is also a provision to have Congress vote on balanced budget amendment. The special committee would not necessarily tackle ta
reform. But Mr. Obama is threatening to veto any extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for those making $250,000 a year or more unless Congress acts on an overhaul of the tax code."

Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ

RRD:Let me peel away the protective coating of BS:

*Obama will have a propaganda victory

*There will be no real cuts intially.

*The bi-partisan commission(whose members will conveniently be chosen after the bill is passed),will recommend unacceptable cuts.

*Since congress will not act on their recommendations,the automatic,"across the board" cuts will go into effect.These cuts will target Medicare providers(i.e. Doctors)& defense.If the cuts remain Obama's agenda of turning the country into a socialist state and weakening our military will be advanced.
The other possibility is that a backlash will take place from Doctors and Hawks erasing the cuts.Either way the results would differ only in the degree of surrendering.

In short it's heads Obama wins,tails the teaparty loses.

Kill it.Now.

It should be noted that Boehner has apparently gotten pushback on the defense cuts.

..."Boehner Balking at Debt Deal by Joseph B. White

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) appears to be balking at the debt ceiling deal that Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has signed. Mr. Boehner is concerned about provisions in the deal that could lead to sharp cuts in military spending, say people familiar with the situation. House aides have warned that just because Mr. Reid has signed off on the deal doesn't mean the deal is done. "...

Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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