Tuesday, March 5, 2013

#antisemitic co-author of ”Israel-lobby” smear Stephen Walt to address State Dept. #tcot #tjot #jcot #supportisrael

‘Israel Lobby’ Author Addresses State Department | Washington Free Beacon


RRD: Walt is Mearsheimer's partner in reviving & legitimizing anti-semitic tropes. First it was the ”Jews control America” trope in their book the ”Israel Lobby” & then all the other anti-semitic tropes known to man through Mearsheimer's endorsement of Atzmon's ”the Wandering Who” (see below) which Walt eagerly agreed with.

Yes Mearsheimer is a anti-semite. #tcot #jcot #antisemitism - fightingstatism


Why are John Mearsheimer and Richard Falk Endorsing a Blatantly Anti-Semitic Book? | New Republic


RRD: Who is surprised by this? It's only a matter of time before Atzmon himself is invited by Obama to offer his ”dissenting” view alongside the ”dissenting” Hagel & the ”dissenting” Samantha Power ( "So much of it is about: 'Is he going to be good for the Jews?'" fn1) How many anti-semites & apologists for anti-semites must you associate with before we are permitted to call ”Israel's best friend” an anti-semite? We already have had Wright,& Pfleger,then Power then Chas Freeman ,then Hagel & now Walt is making his little trip to what Hagel thinks of as the Israeli controlled State Department.



Samantha Power unplugged (updated)


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