Thursday, March 21, 2013

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I first posted this in 2012 (I have edited it slightly) . There is not much more to say without going into a elaborate essay about the evils of Government controlled healthcare . I will be away over the weekend & over the next week so I am posting this ahead of the March 23rd anniversary of the signing of this monstrosity into law.

#IopposeObamacare because it violates individual rights,starting with the right to your own life. #obamacare #teaparty - fightingstatism

I oppose Obamacare because socialized medicine i.e.: government run health care,violates the ONLY real "right to health care" that exists: The right to freely make what arrangements you wish for your health care without government interference. I oppose it because it violates individual rights. I oppose it because it violates the rights of both Doctors and Patients. I oppose it because it is bureaucrat -run medicine and not free market healthcare,(which we do NOT have in this country) which violates the real right to health care. I oppose it because bureaucrat -run medicine will kill the innocent by denying them of life saving medical care which the government deems to be "wasteful" of "our limited resources” . ( See Britain's ”quality adjusted life years” rationing standard.) Such rationing is inevitable under socialized medicine. ( And unlike the "rationing" of the free market it is imposed by the initiation of physical force b y the state ). And as with so many other schemes to expand government control of our lives, the actual effect will be diametrically opposed to its supposed intent: While the wealthly,including ne'er do well leftists & those with political clout ,will always be able to bypass government controls (again see Britain) those in the middle & lower economic strata will be at the mercy of the dictator-bureaucrat with a god complex.
( I mention this to point out how absurd & self-deluded the supporters of socialized medicine are when they profess to be ”friends of the poor” . Obviously the situation would not be improved by being more consistently destructive towards the wealthly .)

Further I oppose Obamacare it because it is NEITHER MORAL NOR PRACTICAL to deprive people of their rights.

They say no nation,once it has enacted socialized medicine,can ever return to freedom.

They said that about communism too.

Anyone been to Latvia lately ?

That which is done,can be undone.

For more see below:

Health Care Is Not a Right

And here:

I Oppose ObamaCare

and here:

Our Educational Kit for Students

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: To Fix American Healthcare, Get the Government Out of It

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