Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ruger will not be pandering to the ”political environment” #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment

Ruger Earnings Call: “A busy factory is a happy factory” | The Firearm Blog

......” Ruger has no interest is the so-called “smart guns”. An analyst from Summit Brokerage, who clearly has little clue about the gun culture, asked …
“Gentlemen, can you talk a little bit about your smart gun? Obviously, you want to reduce the misuse
of guns maybe through this RFID technology or maybe fingerprints? Because I would think if you took
the lead that way, with everything that is going on in the political environment, you might look like
heroes. Can you talk a little bit about if you are doing anything with that whole concept?”
Michael Fifer simply responded “No.”

.....” The last time an “assault” weapons ban was contemplated Mr. William B. Ruger was doing his best to sell out the entire industry in order to keep his Mini-14 off a ban list. He significantly tarnished the brand of the company he founded. I am pleased that Mr. Fifer is not contemplating a similarly turncoat response to the political situation.”.....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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