Sunday, July 31, 2011
Kill the latest Boehner sellout:No real cuts but defense #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RRD:Let me explain this yet again. *Obama's position is that the debt ceiling MUST be raised.Ours isn't.We have the upper hand.We also have a sizable percentage of the American people who oppose any increase in the Debt Ceiling AT ALL on our side.
*Since this began Boehner et-al have continously played into the hands of the Democrats by "conceding" that the debt ceiling MUST be raised,thereby weakening our leverage.
Indeed Boehner,Kyl et-al have further weakened our position(which was originally weakened by Boehners sellout on the budget deal)by constantly whining that they don't control both houses of Congress and the presidency.To this I would say:What of it?You controlled both the Legislative and the Executive branches and spent like maniacs.Further what is to stop the Democrats from Filibustering the bill?What's more what guarantee do we have that you will not cave to media pressure since "The Independents" will supposedly run to the Democrats.Further what will prevent the "Mavericks" from betraying us?No,this is a con-game and we are being played for suckers.
Here are the details of the latest betrayal.
...."The outline of the debt ceiling deal as of now, according to officials on both sides: $900 billion in the first stage of deficit reduction. $1.5 trillion in second stage of deficit reduction to be defined by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate. If the special committee fails to deliver a deficit -cutting package that would trigger $1.2 trillion in cuts, half would be Defense cuts and the other half would be non -Defense cuts, exempting low-income programs Social Security and Medicaid, and only impacting providers in Medicare. The debt ceiling increase would be done in three phases: $400 billion initially; another $500 billion later thise year would be subject to a vote of disapproval; a third increase of $1.5 to get the rest through 2012 and would also be subject to vote of disapproval. There is also a provision to have Congress vote on balanced budget amendment. The special committee would not necessarily tackle ta
reform. But Mr. Obama is threatening to veto any extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for those making $250,000 a year or more unless Congress acts on an overhaul of the tax code."
Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ RRD:Let me peel away the protective coating of BS:
*Obama will have a propaganda victory
*There will be no real cuts intially.
*The bi-partisan commission(whose members will conveniently be chosen after the bill is passed),will recommend unacceptable cuts.
*Since congress will not act on their recommendations,the automatic,"across the board" cuts will go into effect.These cuts will target Medicare providers(i.e. Doctors)& defense.If the cuts remain Obama's agenda of turning the country into a socialist state and weakening our military will be advanced.
The other possibility is that a backlash will take place from Doctors and Hawks erasing the cuts.Either way the results would differ only in the degree of surrendering.
In short it's heads Obama wins,tails the teaparty loses.
Kill it.Now.
It should be noted that Boehner has apparently gotten pushback on the defense cuts.
..."Boehner Balking at Debt Deal by Joseph B. White House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) appears to be balking at the debt ceiling deal that Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has signed. Mr. Boehner is concerned about provisions in the deal that could lead to sharp cuts in military spending, say people familiar with the situation. House aides have warned that just because Mr. Reid has signed off on the deal doesn't mean the deal is done. "... Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ
*Since this began Boehner et-al have continously played into the hands of the Democrats by "conceding" that the debt ceiling MUST be raised,thereby weakening our leverage.
Indeed Boehner,Kyl et-al have further weakened our position(which was originally weakened by Boehners sellout on the budget deal)by constantly whining that they don't control both houses of Congress and the presidency.To this I would say:What of it?You controlled both the Legislative and the Executive branches and spent like maniacs.Further what is to stop the Democrats from Filibustering the bill?What's more what guarantee do we have that you will not cave to media pressure since "The Independents" will supposedly run to the Democrats.Further what will prevent the "Mavericks" from betraying us?No,this is a con-game and we are being played for suckers.
Here are the details of the latest betrayal.
...."The outline of the debt ceiling deal as of now, according to officials on both sides: $900 billion in the first stage of deficit reduction. $1.5 trillion in second stage of deficit reduction to be defined by a bipartisan special committee of lawmakers appointed by leaders of the House and Senate. If the special committee fails to deliver a deficit -cutting package that would trigger $1.2 trillion in cuts, half would be Defense cuts and the other half would be non -Defense cuts, exempting low-income programs Social Security and Medicaid, and only impacting providers in Medicare. The debt ceiling increase would be done in three phases: $400 billion initially; another $500 billion later thise year would be subject to a vote of disapproval; a third increase of $1.5 to get the rest through 2012 and would also be subject to vote of disapproval. There is also a provision to have Congress vote on balanced budget amendment. The special committee would not necessarily tackle ta
reform. But Mr. Obama is threatening to veto any extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for those making $250,000 a year or more unless Congress acts on an overhaul of the tax code."
Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ RRD:Let me peel away the protective coating of BS:
*Obama will have a propaganda victory
*There will be no real cuts intially.
*The bi-partisan commission(whose members will conveniently be chosen after the bill is passed),will recommend unacceptable cuts.
*Since congress will not act on their recommendations,the automatic,"across the board" cuts will go into effect.These cuts will target Medicare providers(i.e. Doctors)& defense.If the cuts remain Obama's agenda of turning the country into a socialist state and weakening our military will be advanced.
The other possibility is that a backlash will take place from Doctors and Hawks erasing the cuts.Either way the results would differ only in the degree of surrendering.
In short it's heads Obama wins,tails the teaparty loses.
Kill it.Now.
It should be noted that Boehner has apparently gotten pushback on the defense cuts.
..."Boehner Balking at Debt Deal by Joseph B. White House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) appears to be balking at the debt ceiling deal that Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has signed. Mr. Boehner is concerned about provisions in the deal that could lead to sharp cuts in military spending, say people familiar with the situation. House aides have warned that just because Mr. Reid has signed off on the deal doesn't mean the deal is done. "... Live Blog on the Deficit Fight - Washington Wire - WSJ
Every Democrat Senator Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling – 2006: Because G.W. Bush Was White? Maggie's Notebook #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Every Democrat Senator Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling – 2006: Because G.W. Bush Was White? | Maggie's Notebook
Obama Vote's Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006 - YouTube #tcot #tlot #teaparty
Obama Vote's Against Raising Debt Ceiling in 2006
Herman Cain,Schizoid man:From calling for banning Mosques to groveling before the Muslim Brotherhood #tcot #jcot #2012 #no2sharia
RRD:If I anger Cain supporters,so be it,this is not a game.
First the man displays a amazing degree of ignorance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by flubbing a response to the right of return issue(fn1).Then he declares he would be reluctant to appoint a Muslim to his cabinet(fn2).So does this mean that he would be reluctant to appoint Faoud Ajami to his cabinet?How about Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury?Choudhury is a Bangladeshi self-described Muslim-Zionist (Yes,there have been a handful of them throughout history,& several have paid with their lives)& editor of a anti-jihadist newspaper.Though Choudhury believes that-- contra Wilders--there is such a thing as "moderate Islam",he is clearly a enemy of Jihadists.He is currently charged with treason for being--yes,you guessed it--a mossad agent.
After declaring that he would be reluctant to appoint a muslim,
--& then qualifying the statement by suggesting that he might if they took a loyalty oath(fn3)--Cain declares that communities have the right to ban mosques.No sooner than he does this he meets with--and apologizes to--ISNA(fn4).
ISNA(The Islamic Society of North America)one of two american groups(along with CAIR:the Council of American Islamic Relations)to be listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Case,& as branches of the global terrorist jihadist network the Muslim Brotherhood.)
Herman Cain is the schizoid man.One day he defends banning mosques--even if there is no connection to terrorists--the next he apologizes to the propaganda arm of one the most dangerous Jihadi groups on earth. I cannot in good conscience support this man for presidency(certainly not for the nomination)
Herman Cain Blunders on Palestinian 'Right of Return' - The Note
fn2 Herman Cain Vows He Won’t Appoint Muslims if He Becomes President | Video |
So a Islamist inflitrator would lie about everything else but would consider a loyalty oath binding?Just as in Christianity and Judaism lying is considered perfectly acceptable under certain circumstances in war,at least in some interpretations.
fn4 Pajamas Media » Herman Cain Apologizes … to the Muslim Brotherhood
First the man displays a amazing degree of ignorance of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by flubbing a response to the right of return issue(fn1).Then he declares he would be reluctant to appoint a Muslim to his cabinet(fn2).So does this mean that he would be reluctant to appoint Faoud Ajami to his cabinet?How about Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury?Choudhury is a Bangladeshi self-described Muslim-Zionist (Yes,there have been a handful of them throughout history,& several have paid with their lives)& editor of a anti-jihadist newspaper.Though Choudhury believes that-- contra Wilders--there is such a thing as "moderate Islam",he is clearly a enemy of Jihadists.He is currently charged with treason for being--yes,you guessed it--a mossad agent.
After declaring that he would be reluctant to appoint a muslim,
--& then qualifying the statement by suggesting that he might if they took a loyalty oath(fn3)--Cain declares that communities have the right to ban mosques.No sooner than he does this he meets with--and apologizes to--ISNA(fn4).
ISNA(The Islamic Society of North America)one of two american groups(along with CAIR:the Council of American Islamic Relations)to be listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Case,& as branches of the global terrorist jihadist network the Muslim Brotherhood.)
Herman Cain is the schizoid man.One day he defends banning mosques--even if there is no connection to terrorists--the next he apologizes to the propaganda arm of one the most dangerous Jihadi groups on earth. I cannot in good conscience support this man for presidency(certainly not for the nomination)
Herman Cain Blunders on Palestinian 'Right of Return' - The Note
fn2 Herman Cain Vows He Won’t Appoint Muslims if He Becomes President | Video |
So a Islamist inflitrator would lie about everything else but would consider a loyalty oath binding?Just as in Christianity and Judaism lying is considered perfectly acceptable under certain circumstances in war,at least in some interpretations.
fn4 Pajamas Media » Herman Cain Apologizes … to the Muslim Brotherhood
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Will Turkey become a Islamist State? #tcot #gwot #jcot
NEWS ANALYSIS Turkish Prime Minister Climbs a Higher Perch in Wake of Resignations
...."Turks grappled Saturday with the shock of the resignations -and an unprecedented moment in modern Turkey's history -officials scrambled to project a facade of business as usual, even as their critics warned of a creeping authoritarianism engineered by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has governed the country for eight years. But the resignations on Friday delivered Mr. Erdogan a perch to reshape a military bound by civilian control, pursue a foreign policy emboldened by the decisive victory of his conservative and populist party in elections in June and pursue constitutional changes that could transform politics here. In many ways, the struggle that has posed the most serious danger to Mr. Erdogan -a powerful military willing to act above the law -appears to have come to an end."...
...." In a move that officials acknowledged took them by surprise, Turkey's top commander, Gen. Isik Kosaner, together with the leaders of the navy, army and air force, resigned Friday in protest over the sweeping arrests of dozens of generals as suspects in conspiracy investigations that Mr. Erdogan's critics contend are politically motivated. ...."But Mr. Erdogan quickly promoted Gen. Necdet Ozel, the commander of the military police, as the projected replacement for General Kosaner."...
....." More than 40 serving generals, almost a tenth of the country's commanders, are under arrest on charges their supporters call flimsy. But the battle runs far deeper, pitting a party with religious roots against an institution that has considered itself the guarantor of secular traditions, which underpinned the founding of the modern state in 1923 on the wreckage of the Ottoman Empire."....
...."Turks grappled Saturday with the shock of the resignations -and an unprecedented moment in modern Turkey's history -officials scrambled to project a facade of business as usual, even as their critics warned of a creeping authoritarianism engineered by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has governed the country for eight years. But the resignations on Friday delivered Mr. Erdogan a perch to reshape a military bound by civilian control, pursue a foreign policy emboldened by the decisive victory of his conservative and populist party in elections in June and pursue constitutional changes that could transform politics here. In many ways, the struggle that has posed the most serious danger to Mr. Erdogan -a powerful military willing to act above the law -appears to have come to an end."...
...." In a move that officials acknowledged took them by surprise, Turkey's top commander, Gen. Isik Kosaner, together with the leaders of the navy, army and air force, resigned Friday in protest over the sweeping arrests of dozens of generals as suspects in conspiracy investigations that Mr. Erdogan's critics contend are politically motivated. ...."But Mr. Erdogan quickly promoted Gen. Necdet Ozel, the commander of the military police, as the projected replacement for General Kosaner."...
....." More than 40 serving generals, almost a tenth of the country's commanders, are under arrest on charges their supporters call flimsy. But the battle runs far deeper, pitting a party with religious roots against an institution that has considered itself the guarantor of secular traditions, which underpinned the founding of the modern state in 1923 on the wreckage of the Ottoman Empire."....
Why have 1 Islamist nuclear power when you can have 2 #tcot #gwot
Obama administration mulls India-style nuclear pact with Saudi Arabia -
Why have one nuclear armed islamist state in the middle-east when you can have two.Now all that is necessary is for the administration to pressure Israel to give up it's nukes and the inversion will be complete.Oh,yes,Saudi Arabia doesn't want the the's program is peaceful..won't be diverted blah...blah..blah
Why have one nuclear armed islamist state in the middle-east when you can have two.Now all that is necessary is for the administration to pressure Israel to give up it's nukes and the inversion will be complete.Oh,yes,Saudi Arabia doesn't want the the's program is peaceful..won't be diverted blah...blah..blah
An open letter to Sen.John McCain concerning Christine O'Donnell,Hobbits,& the debt ceiling.
RRD:I recently read your latest comments regarding the debt ceiling debate;specifically regarding Christine O'Donnell.Since you are confused on this--as on so many other things--I thought I would clear up your misperceptions(or your lies) on this issue.
You are quoted in The Hill as saying: ...."This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into GOP Senate nominees"....
GOP ponders debt repercussions - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
The Hill goes on to note: ..."’Some Republicans blame those weak candidates, elected as Tea Party favorites in GOP primaries, helped the party lose a chance at winning control of the Senate.".... RRD:Let me explain basic math to such people. If the GOP had won in Delaware with Mike Castle,that would have given them one seat.
If the GOP had picked up Nevada that would have given them one seat.
If the GOP had picked up Colorado that would have given them one seat. 1+1+1=3 The GOP was 12 seats short.It is now 6 votes short.If the GOP had not nominated Angle,Buck or O'Donnell--& had won all three races--it would still be three seats short.
This means that the GOP would not have won control of the Senate.
Now let us turn to the other races:
Carly Fiorina--whom you endorsed over Chuck Devore,the Hobbit's choice--was exactly the sort of RINO who was supposed to win.(As opposed to that silly Devore).She lost 52/42 to BARBARA (Ah!But Devore would have lost by even more,at least with Fiorina we LOST BY TEN POINTS!YAY!) By contrast Hobbits(fn1):Ron Johnson,Rand Paul,Mike Lee,Pat Toomey,and Marco Rubio won their races.
Paul,Toomey,Rubio & Lee were not the establishment picks. Lindsey Graham declared that Toomey could not win. Orrin Hatch said(fn2): ...."I don't think there is anybody in the world who believes he can get elected senator there," ..... "Asked if the NRSC would back Toomey, Hatch said, "I don't think so" and that the party should look for "someone who can win there."[RRDIn the same article Graham suggested Ridge] .... "Hatch later equivocated and said, "I'm not saying he can't win —nobody gave me a chance when I ran." Indeed the NRSC(the National Republican Senatorial Committee) backed Specter,who switched to the Democrats--and in the end--could not beat Joe Sestak for the Democratic nomination. Crack political thinking Mccain? Then there's Rubio.You remember Rubio,Senator Mccain?You endorsed the "Obamacan" Charlie Crist to reward him for endorsing you in 2008.Some believe that he betrayed Giuliani in the process(fn3).But that shouldn't disturb your code of "honor".After all,it does permit you to do "whatever's necessary to win".(fn4)
Against Republicans that is. But I digress.
In any event,after the NRSC endorsed Crist over Rubio(it's almost unheard of for the NRSC to endorse a candidate unless they are the incumbent for that seat),the Hobbits gave Rubio the nomination.Crist then declared himself a independent candidate,& in a amazing display of narcissism,demanded the Democrat Kendrick Meek drop out of the race.
Marco Rubio,who "could not win"--according to the "crack political thinking" of the NRSC--won 48% to 29% for Crist,& 20% for Meek. Having gotten the "Those tricksy Hobbits cost us cost us control of the Senate",canard out of the way,let us turn to the underlying assumption:i.e. Hobbits/Tea Partiers care about whether Republicans win elections.
We don't.
We care about whether Obamacare is repealed.
We care about whether The United States Of America,collapses into Weimar Germany,replete with hyperinflation and mass unemployment.
What we do not care about is the Republican Party.The Republican Party is at best,a useful tool for achieving our goals.At worst,it is a obstacle or a threat.If it cannot be reformed then it will need to be replaced.
Let's take the case of Mike Castle.Castle,would,in all likelihood,have cruised to a easy victory over Democrat Chris Coons.Delaware IS a bluish state.Yet,knowing this,I & others waged a crusade to help O'Donnell defeat Castle.Indeed,I went further & vowed to help Coons defeat Castle,if Castle got the nomination.
Now why would I do that?
Answer:Why does a chess player sacrifice a rook,or a knight,to checkmate his opponent.(Or to protect his King or Queen?) The answer is;because he understands that the goal is winning the game.Not preserving a particular chess piece. Except that the "game" in this case is not a game.And the goal is not giving the Republicans control of the Senate. Republicans had control of the House,the Senate,& the Presidency. What did they do with it? Under the Rovian strategy(fn5) of "compassionate conservatism" (which was neither),they added massively to our debt,and planned to adopt a neo-conservative philosophy of social welfare spending and social conservatism.
The problem with Mike Castle was not that he was "impure",or even that he was a RINO.Nor even--as Christine O'Donnell called him--a "Super-Rino".
He wasn't.
He was a Mega-RINO.(In order:Super,Hyper,Mega)
This is a man who was one of two Republican votes,(not two in the House.TWO.Out of hundreds)to vote for the insane DISCLOSE act(fn6).The DISCLOSE act,which was supposedly intended to "merely" require the disclosure of campaign donations,in fact was closer to a 21st century version of the Alien and Sedition act.It was discrimatory against new political groups(read Tea party groups),placed few restrictions on unions,and was written in a way to permit harrassment of bloggers and to destroy online anonymity.
In short it was a effort to censor,& to destroy the Tea Party.
What on earth would possess me to support my enemy?
Losing the Delaware Senate seat was more than compensated for,by the message it sent to other ,more "normal" RINOS:There is a line,and you cross it--even if it costs us the seat--you're gone. And that,Senator Mccain,is what you didn't get in 2010,what you don't get in 2011,and what you will probably never get. So,why then am I writing this to you? I'M NOT. Open Letters are often used as a rhetorical device.
I'm writing this for anyone whose mind is open to my argument. fn.1
On a side note the question must be raised as to whether your insistence on singling out the Hobbits for condemnation(when in fact,the hobbits were only one of several races battling Mordor,e.g.Dwarves,Elves,Men etc.) implies anti-hobbitism on your part.Have you considered that your anti-hobbit views might be explained by MicroAnthropophobia?You might wish to consult a mental health professional on this matter.
Hatch: Toomey has no shot in Pa. - Manu Raju - fn3.
It is rumored that Crist promised his support to Giuliani,& then switched because of some more promising bribe offered by Mccain.
McCain: I don’t change my positions « Hot Air "Well, I don't know. But I've always done whatever's necessary to win," fn5 This strategy,which Rove had worked out so very cleverly,and which was supposed to lead to a 50 yr reign of the GOP,collasped in 2006 due to the mismangement of the war in Iraq and the abandonment of the Republican party by the group of Republican voters now known as the Tea Party(or the hobbits).
What Rove did not understand is that voters have free will.
fn6 theneointellectual: Why Mike Castle must be defeated whatever it takes #tcot #teaparty #DESEN
theneointellectual: Jay Cost's argument for Castle is flawed #tcot #DESEN This blog post is protected by copyright under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial,Non-Derivative License 3.0
Copies made be made(in addition to the terms of Fair Use)so long as they are for Non-Commercial use,& derivative works are not made.
An open letter to Sen.John McCain concerning Christine O'Donnell,Hobbits,& the debt ceiling. by Robert Reed Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
You are quoted in The Hill as saying: ...."This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into GOP Senate nominees"....
GOP ponders debt repercussions - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
The Hill goes on to note: ..."’Some Republicans blame those weak candidates, elected as Tea Party favorites in GOP primaries, helped the party lose a chance at winning control of the Senate.".... RRD:Let me explain basic math to such people. If the GOP had won in Delaware with Mike Castle,that would have given them one seat.
If the GOP had picked up Nevada that would have given them one seat.
If the GOP had picked up Colorado that would have given them one seat. 1+1+1=3 The GOP was 12 seats short.It is now 6 votes short.If the GOP had not nominated Angle,Buck or O'Donnell--& had won all three races--it would still be three seats short.
This means that the GOP would not have won control of the Senate.
Now let us turn to the other races:
Carly Fiorina--whom you endorsed over Chuck Devore,the Hobbit's choice--was exactly the sort of RINO who was supposed to win.(As opposed to that silly Devore).She lost 52/42 to BARBARA (Ah!But Devore would have lost by even more,at least with Fiorina we LOST BY TEN POINTS!YAY!) By contrast Hobbits(fn1):Ron Johnson,Rand Paul,Mike Lee,Pat Toomey,and Marco Rubio won their races.
Paul,Toomey,Rubio & Lee were not the establishment picks. Lindsey Graham declared that Toomey could not win. Orrin Hatch said(fn2): ...."I don't think there is anybody in the world who believes he can get elected senator there," ..... "Asked if the NRSC would back Toomey, Hatch said, "I don't think so" and that the party should look for "someone who can win there."[RRDIn the same article Graham suggested Ridge] .... "Hatch later equivocated and said, "I'm not saying he can't win —nobody gave me a chance when I ran." Indeed the NRSC(the National Republican Senatorial Committee) backed Specter,who switched to the Democrats--and in the end--could not beat Joe Sestak for the Democratic nomination. Crack political thinking Mccain? Then there's Rubio.You remember Rubio,Senator Mccain?You endorsed the "Obamacan" Charlie Crist to reward him for endorsing you in 2008.Some believe that he betrayed Giuliani in the process(fn3).But that shouldn't disturb your code of "honor".After all,it does permit you to do "whatever's necessary to win".(fn4)
Against Republicans that is. But I digress.
In any event,after the NRSC endorsed Crist over Rubio(it's almost unheard of for the NRSC to endorse a candidate unless they are the incumbent for that seat),the Hobbits gave Rubio the nomination.Crist then declared himself a independent candidate,& in a amazing display of narcissism,demanded the Democrat Kendrick Meek drop out of the race.
Marco Rubio,who "could not win"--according to the "crack political thinking" of the NRSC--won 48% to 29% for Crist,& 20% for Meek. Having gotten the "Those tricksy Hobbits cost us cost us control of the Senate",canard out of the way,let us turn to the underlying assumption:i.e. Hobbits/Tea Partiers care about whether Republicans win elections.
We don't.
We care about whether Obamacare is repealed.
We care about whether The United States Of America,collapses into Weimar Germany,replete with hyperinflation and mass unemployment.
What we do not care about is the Republican Party.The Republican Party is at best,a useful tool for achieving our goals.At worst,it is a obstacle or a threat.If it cannot be reformed then it will need to be replaced.
Let's take the case of Mike Castle.Castle,would,in all likelihood,have cruised to a easy victory over Democrat Chris Coons.Delaware IS a bluish state.Yet,knowing this,I & others waged a crusade to help O'Donnell defeat Castle.Indeed,I went further & vowed to help Coons defeat Castle,if Castle got the nomination.
Now why would I do that?
Answer:Why does a chess player sacrifice a rook,or a knight,to checkmate his opponent.(Or to protect his King or Queen?) The answer is;because he understands that the goal is winning the game.Not preserving a particular chess piece. Except that the "game" in this case is not a game.And the goal is not giving the Republicans control of the Senate. Republicans had control of the House,the Senate,& the Presidency. What did they do with it? Under the Rovian strategy(fn5) of "compassionate conservatism" (which was neither),they added massively to our debt,and planned to adopt a neo-conservative philosophy of social welfare spending and social conservatism.
The problem with Mike Castle was not that he was "impure",or even that he was a RINO.Nor even--as Christine O'Donnell called him--a "Super-Rino".
He wasn't.
He was a Mega-RINO.(In order:Super,Hyper,Mega)
This is a man who was one of two Republican votes,(not two in the House.TWO.Out of hundreds)to vote for the insane DISCLOSE act(fn6).The DISCLOSE act,which was supposedly intended to "merely" require the disclosure of campaign donations,in fact was closer to a 21st century version of the Alien and Sedition act.It was discrimatory against new political groups(read Tea party groups),placed few restrictions on unions,and was written in a way to permit harrassment of bloggers and to destroy online anonymity.
In short it was a effort to censor,& to destroy the Tea Party.
What on earth would possess me to support my enemy?
Losing the Delaware Senate seat was more than compensated for,by the message it sent to other ,more "normal" RINOS:There is a line,and you cross it--even if it costs us the seat--you're gone. And that,Senator Mccain,is what you didn't get in 2010,what you don't get in 2011,and what you will probably never get. So,why then am I writing this to you? I'M NOT. Open Letters are often used as a rhetorical device.
I'm writing this for anyone whose mind is open to my argument. fn.1
On a side note the question must be raised as to whether your insistence on singling out the Hobbits for condemnation(when in fact,the hobbits were only one of several races battling Mordor,e.g.Dwarves,Elves,Men etc.) implies anti-hobbitism on your part.Have you considered that your anti-hobbit views might be explained by MicroAnthropophobia?You might wish to consult a mental health professional on this matter.
Hatch: Toomey has no shot in Pa. - Manu Raju - fn3.
It is rumored that Crist promised his support to Giuliani,& then switched because of some more promising bribe offered by Mccain.
McCain: I don’t change my positions « Hot Air "Well, I don't know. But I've always done whatever's necessary to win," fn5 This strategy,which Rove had worked out so very cleverly,and which was supposed to lead to a 50 yr reign of the GOP,collasped in 2006 due to the mismangement of the war in Iraq and the abandonment of the Republican party by the group of Republican voters now known as the Tea Party(or the hobbits).
What Rove did not understand is that voters have free will.
fn6 theneointellectual: Why Mike Castle must be defeated whatever it takes #tcot #teaparty #DESEN
theneointellectual: Jay Cost's argument for Castle is flawed #tcot #DESEN This blog post is protected by copyright under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial,Non-Derivative License 3.0
Copies made be made(in addition to the terms of Fair Use)so long as they are for Non-Commercial use,& derivative works are not made.
An open letter to Sen.John McCain concerning Christine O'Donnell,Hobbits,& the debt ceiling. by Robert Reed Daly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
On Thaddeus Mccotter,Hobbits, #Rinos ,& #aynrand 's "the man in the middle"
RRD:It is too soon for me to rule out voting for Thaddeus Mccotter,however if his statement adopting a stance of moral equivalency between Tea Partiers & Rinos is typical then he would be a disastrous candidate. Rep. McCotter calls for a truce between Republicans, Tea Party - The Hill's Floor Action ..."McCotter said on the House floor. "It is as unwarranted and injurious for a Republican to call a Tea Partier a hobbit, as it is for a Tea Partier to call a Republican a RINO." McCotter was referring to a comment earlier this month from Sen. John McCain (R -Ariz.), who compared Tea Partiers to hobbits."
RRD:Ah,no,it's not,anymore than it's unjust to distinguish between people acting out of conviction & cowards who break their promises & sell out their voters.
..."We cannot unite America if we divide the movement," McCotter warned. "Consequently, the time has come for the Tea party to grow up and the Republican Party to wake up, and come together to serve and save this great nation.".... RRD:Actually,(regarding this) the Tea Party(and some Tea Party Republicans) are the only "Grown-ups in the room".The others(both Republicans like Bush et-al,and Democrats) are more comparable to drug addicts who claim that if you will meet them halfway--you give them half of what they initially asked for--they will cut their heroin intake in half.Then when they don't they go through the whole process again. Mccotter is here guilty of being the "man in the middle".A concept developed by Ayn Rand here:
...."There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube . . . When men reduce their virtues to the approximate, then evil acquires the forc
e of
an absolute, when loyalty to an unyielding purpose is dropped by the virtuous, it’s picked up by scoundrels—and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self -righteously uncompromising evil."
Galt’s Speech, For the New Intellectual, 216; pb 173. ..."McCotter said on the House floor. "It is as unwarranted and injurious for a Republican to call a Tea Partier a hobbit, as it is for a Tea Partier to call a Republican a RINO." McCotter was referring to a comment earlier this month from Sen. John McCain (R -Ariz.), who compared Tea Partiers to hobbits."
RRD:Ah,no,it's not,anymore than it's unjust to distinguish between people acting out of conviction & cowards who break their promises & sell out their voters.
..."We cannot unite America if we divide the movement," McCotter warned. "Consequently, the time has come for the Tea party to grow up and the Republican Party to wake up, and come together to serve and save this great nation.".... RRD:Actually,(regarding this) the Tea Party(and some Tea Party Republicans) are the only "Grown-ups in the room".The others(both Republicans like Bush et-al,and Democrats) are more comparable to drug addicts who claim that if you will meet them halfway--you give them half of what they initially asked for--they will cut their heroin intake in half.Then when they don't they go through the whole process again. Mccotter is here guilty of being the "man in the middle".A concept developed by Ayn Rand here:
...."There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube . . . When men reduce their virtues to the approximate, then evil acquires the forc
e of
an absolute, when loyalty to an unyielding purpose is dropped by the virtuous, it’s picked up by scoundrels—and you get the indecent spectacle of a cringing, bargaining, traitorous good and a self -righteously uncompromising evil."
Galt’s Speech, For the New Intellectual, 216; pb 173.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
"Is your position so weak that it cannot withstand a debate"/Krugman calls for media to ignore conservatives & report his opinions as "facts" #tcot #tlot #teaparty
"Is your position so weak that it cannot withstand a debate" Data Star Trek:The Next Generation Krugman: Conservative Views About Debt Ceiling Should Be Censored From News Reports |
"Is your position so weak that it cannot withstand a debate" Data Star Trek:The Next Generation Krugman: Conservative Views About Debt Ceiling Should Be Censored From News Reports |
Pajamas Media » The 5 Biggest Lies Told about Oslo Shooter Anders Breivik
..."Writers work with words; killers write in blood. Breivik could have read all our anti-jihadic work. Like the Dutchman, Geert Wilders, he could have run for public office or launched an educational campaign. True, he would have had to live with being demonized as a racist and criminally sued; ironically, Breivik’s violent approach has led to a similar outcome. Breivik could have made a film about the normalized violence against Muslim-European girls and women at the hands of their families or about the honor killing of Muslim-Norwegian women—but Breivik might have risked the Dutchman Theo van Gogh’s fate and been butchered by an Islamist. Breivik could have penned some fairly innocuous “Mohammed” cartoons, as the Swede Lars Vilks did —but he would have had to live in hiding and with round the clock security. Or, like Lars Langballe, a Danish parliamentarian, he could have spoken his truth and been prosecuted for “hate speech,” just as Elisabeth Sabaditsch-W
was in Austria. There are other ways to “run with” the anti-jihadic expose of how Islamic gender and religious apartheid has penetrated Europe, why this is important, and what is at stake."....
..."Writers work with words; killers write in blood. Breivik could have read all our anti-jihadic work. Like the Dutchman, Geert Wilders, he could have run for public office or launched an educational campaign. True, he would have had to live with being demonized as a racist and criminally sued; ironically, Breivik’s violent approach has led to a similar outcome. Breivik could have made a film about the normalized violence against Muslim-European girls and women at the hands of their families or about the honor killing of Muslim-Norwegian women—but Breivik might have risked the Dutchman Theo van Gogh’s fate and been butchered by an Islamist. Breivik could have penned some fairly innocuous “Mohammed” cartoons, as the Swede Lars Vilks did —but he would have had to live in hiding and with round the clock security. Or, like Lars Langballe, a Danish parliamentarian, he could have spoken his truth and been prosecuted for “hate speech,” just as Elisabeth Sabaditsch-W
was in Austria. There are other ways to “run with” the anti-jihadic expose of how Islamic gender and religious apartheid has penetrated Europe, why this is important, and what is at stake."....
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Obama courts La Raza/ABC again equates Mexican-American & "Latino",I correct them #latinosarenotmexicans #tcot #teaparty
The Presidential Planner: Obama Courts Latino Voters - Political Punch RRD:My comment posted to the website. ....""Latino" is not a synonym for Leftist Mexican-American.I know.I am partially of Spanish Descent.I am not a Mexican.Nor are Cuban-Americans,Portuguese-Americans,Puerto Rican Americans,Guatemalan-Americans,Colombian-Americans,El-Salvadoran Americans etc.Why not speak of courting "Anglos"(like you know,the British,Australian,& Americans,who,after all,all speak the same language,and therefore have no differences.)Do you group Jews and Irish Catholics together?And no "Immigration"(by which you mean the status of illegal immigrants)is not important to "Hispanics".What personal interest does a puerto rican,or cuban american have in the immigration status of Mexicans?They may have a political interest,but in that they are no different from whites.The Democratic Dream of fusing Latinos into some kind of racial block is just that.A dream. " RRD:My comment posted to the website. ....""Latino" is not a synonym for Leftist Mexican-American.I know.I am partially of Spanish Descent.I am not a Mexican.Nor are Cuban-Americans,Portuguese-Americans,Puerto Rican Americans,Guatemalan-Americans,Colombian-Americans,El-Salvadoran Americans etc.Why not speak of courting "Anglos"(like you know,the British,Australian,& Americans,who,after all,all speak the same language,and therefore have no differences.)Do you group Jews and Irish Catholics together?And no "Immigration"(by which you mean the status of illegal immigrants)is not important to "Hispanics".What personal interest does a puerto rican,or cuban american have in the immigration status of Mexicans?They may have a political interest,but in that they are no different from whites.The Democratic Dream of fusing Latinos into some kind of racial block is just that.A dream. "
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Lincoln:The Free-Market vs. Slavery #tcot #teaparty #wethepeople #twisters
FRAGMENT. WRITTEN ABOUT JULY 1, 1854 Equality in society alike beats inequality, whether the latter be of the British aristocratic sort or of the domestic slavery sort. We know Southern men declare that their slaves are better off than hired labourers amongst us. How little they know whereof they speak! There is no permanent class of hired labourers amongst us. Twenty-five years ago I was a hired labourer. The hired labourer of yesterday labours on his own account to-day, and will hire others to labour for him to-morrow. Advancement--improvement in condition--is the order of things in a society of equals. As labour is the common burden of our race, so the effort of some to shift their share of the burden on to the shoulders of others is the great durable curse of the race. Originally a curse for transgression upon the whole race, when, as by slavery, it is concentrated on a part only, it becomes the double-refined curse of God upon his creatures.
Free labour has the inspiration of hope; pure slavery has no hope. The power of hope upon human exertion and happiness is wonderful. The slave-master himself has a conception of it, and hence the system of tasks among slaves. The slave whom you cannot drive with the lash to break seventy-five pounds of hemp in a day, if you will task him to break a hundred, and promise him pay for all he does over, he will break you a hundred and fifty. You have substituted hope for the rod. And yet perhaps it does not occur to you that, to the extent of your gain in the case, you have given up the slave system and adopted the free system of labour.
Free labour has the inspiration of hope; pure slavery has no hope. The power of hope upon human exertion and happiness is wonderful. The slave-master himself has a conception of it, and hence the system of tasks among slaves. The slave whom you cannot drive with the lash to break seventy-five pounds of hemp in a day, if you will task him to break a hundred, and promise him pay for all he does over, he will break you a hundred and fifty. You have substituted hope for the rod. And yet perhaps it does not occur to you that, to the extent of your gain in the case, you have given up the slave system and adopted the free system of labour.
Remember...Islamaphobia is the "real" threat.Not Islamism #no2sharia #tcot #jcot
Pictures of Islamists,Their atrocities,& Their victims.
How is it "legitimate criticism of Islam can be..discredited" by #oslo?But Islam cannot be by 9/11? #twisters #no2sharia
RRD:I grow very weary of people who accept the premise of our enemies.
...."Not only has it lost almost one hundred people, including dozens of young people, in a senseless rampage of violence. But legitimate criticism of Islam, which remains a very real threat to freedom in Norway and the West, has been profoundly discredited by association with this murderous lunatic.".... Pajamas Media » A Double Tragedy for Norway
...."Not only has it lost almost one hundred people, including dozens of young people, in a senseless rampage of violence. But legitimate criticism of Islam, which remains a very real threat to freedom in Norway and the West, has been profoundly discredited by association with this murderous lunatic.".... Pajamas Media » A Double Tragedy for Norway
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Update to #oslo :Right-Wing Nationalist held as suspect,+ my response to the inevitable PC crap that will follow
RRD:A right-wing nationalist has been detained as a suspect in the Oslo massacre.(fn1)Previously I wrote in the following posts here(fn2)That the attack was carried out by Islamists. First:let me offer my heartfelt apologies to Al-Qaeda,Ansar Al-Islam,and all other Islamist-terrorist groups for my bigoted assumption that a Islamist-Terrorist group might have been behind the attacks. After all,aside from countless attacks carried out by Hamas & Hizbollah & Al-Qaeda e.g.(in no particular order):the Khobar tower bombings,the bombings of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,the attempted bombing of LAX,the first World Trade center bombing,the COLE bombing,the Bali Bombing,9/11,the Spanish bombings,the murder of Theo Van Gogh,the threats against Ali Hirshi Ali,the threats and attacks against cartoonists and dissidents worldwide,the slaughter of innocents in London and Mumbai,the numerous thwarted massacres,the Ft.Hood Massacre,the attempted bombing in Times Square(which Bloomberg speculated was by a Tea Partier);that plus the surreal spectacle of the murderer of Salman Taseer--a Governor in Pakistan who was murdered by his bodyguard for questioning it's blasphemy law there--being treated as a hero by a significant swath of the population(fn3),
and the unending parade of victims of Islamist terror(most of them Muslims) in Iraq,Iran,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Morrocco,Algeria,Bangladesh,and on & on & ....Have I have left out anything?
Probably.See here:
Dr. John Lewis Updated: November 30, 2008 The Evidence: Chronology of Islamist Attacks
Given all this--Oh,plus the fact that a Islamist group claimed responsibility for the attack(fn4)--I hope that I may be forgiven for assuming that Islamists(as opposed to members of the Tea Party)were responsible for the attack. As to the question;Why didn't you update this sooner?Answer:I have been known to sleep occasionally.
fn1. Terror In Norway: Shooting Suspect Named, At Least 87 Dead | Neon Tommy fn2. Peace #oslo #norway #no2sharia #tcot - fightingstatism After Islamists take credit Reuters says "suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right -wing extremists" #oslo #norway #gwot - fightingstatism fn3
Mumtaz Qadri shot Salman Taseer 28 times; in Pakistan, he's a hero. - By Sarah A. Topol - Slate Magazine
Mumtaz Qadri: Salman Taseer's killer has no excuse for resorting to political violence. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of Salmaan Taseer | World news | The Guardian
How Pakistan responded to Salmaan Taseer's assassination | World news | The Guardian
Muslim scholars praise killer of Pakistan governor - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -
Mumtaz Qadri, Killer Of Pakistan Governor Salman Taseer, Greeted With Valentine Cards And Flowers After Guilty Plea
See also:
BBC News - Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi 'has price on her head'
"Global Jihad" group says it's behind Oslo blast - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
and the unending parade of victims of Islamist terror(most of them Muslims) in Iraq,Iran,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Turkey,Morrocco,Algeria,Bangladesh,and on & on & ....Have I have left out anything?
Probably.See here:
Dr. John Lewis Updated: November 30, 2008 The Evidence: Chronology of Islamist Attacks
Given all this--Oh,plus the fact that a Islamist group claimed responsibility for the attack(fn4)--I hope that I may be forgiven for assuming that Islamists(as opposed to members of the Tea Party)were responsible for the attack. As to the question;Why didn't you update this sooner?Answer:I have been known to sleep occasionally.
fn1. Terror In Norway: Shooting Suspect Named, At Least 87 Dead | Neon Tommy fn2. Peace #oslo #norway #no2sharia #tcot - fightingstatism After Islamists take credit Reuters says "suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right -wing extremists" #oslo #norway #gwot - fightingstatism fn3
Mumtaz Qadri shot Salman Taseer 28 times; in Pakistan, he's a hero. - By Sarah A. Topol - Slate Magazine
Mumtaz Qadri: Salman Taseer's killer has no excuse for resorting to political violence. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of Salmaan Taseer | World news | The Guardian
How Pakistan responded to Salmaan Taseer's assassination | World news | The Guardian
Muslim scholars praise killer of Pakistan governor - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan -
Mumtaz Qadri, Killer Of Pakistan Governor Salman Taseer, Greeted With Valentine Cards And Flowers After Guilty Plea
See also:
BBC News - Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi 'has price on her head'
"Global Jihad" group says it's behind Oslo blast - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
Friday, July 22, 2011
After Islamists take credit Reuters says "suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right -wing extremists" #oslo #norway #gwot
"LONDON (Reuters)-Security experts say suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right -wing extremists" Snap Analysis: No clear pointers in Norway twin attacks Reuters NYT: Blasts and Gun Attack in Norway ..."Reports in local media said officials were assuming it was a deliberate bombing. A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces' presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. "We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations," the group said, according to Mr. McCants' translation, apparently referred to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. "What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come." The claim could not be confirmed. "...
RRD:I myself have narrowed it down to: *Bush
*The Jeeeeews
*The Amish
*The Quakers I'm laughing through tears.
"Peace"--or as Bernard Lewis translates it more precisely Submission--has killed again.
I am going to sleep right now.I am very tired.And not just from lack of sleep. ..."Reports in local media said officials were assuming it was a deliberate bombing. A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism. The message said the attack was a response to Norwegian forces' presence in Afghanistan and to unspecified insults to the Prophet Muhammad. "We have warned since the Stockholm raid of more operations," the group said, according to Mr. McCants' translation, apparently referred to a bombing in Sweden in December 2010. "What you see is only the beginning, and there is more to come." The claim could not be confirmed. "...
RRD:I myself have narrowed it down to: *Bush
*The Jeeeeews
*The Amish
*The Quakers I'm laughing through tears.
"Peace"--or as Bernard Lewis translates it more precisely Submission--has killed again.
I am going to sleep right now.I am very tired.And not just from lack of sleep.
Boehner unwilling to commit to surrendering,House Balks,Dems Divided #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RRD:Of course the "Dems Divided" could be a Mutt & Jeff routine(i.e. Good Cop/Bad Cop),so as to show how "moderate" Obama is etc..
That said,the only thing preventing the total surrender of the TIT s (Tories in Training) in the Republican losership is the Tea Party.The scum need to wiped away with Ajax(or Comet or your preferred bathroom cleanser,I choose Ajax because of The Iliad).
The photo of Boehner making flesh Ayn Rand's quip about "loose lips & unseeing eyes" Plus two prophetic illustrations of our government courtesy of Bosch & Durer.(The Ship of Fools)
...."Boehner told reporters, "Frankly, I think it would be irresponsible on behalf of the Congress and the president not to be looking at back-up strategies for how to solve this problem." "At the end of the day, we have a responsibility to act," the Ohio Republican said. Asked whether GOP lawmakers supporting the House's "cut, cap and balance" debt limit measure would be unwilling to ultimately compromise, Boehner said, "I'm sure we've got some members who believe that, but I do not believe that would be anywhere close to the majority.".... Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit - BusinessWeek
..."But he also made clear that he was not inclined to take any steps that could be considered a tax increase. "I've never voted to raise taxes," he said, "and I don't intend to." .....
Boehner and Obama Nearing Deal on Cuts and Taxes RRD:In short Boehner is too wishy-washy to even commit to surrendering. ..."Many conservative Republicans are in an uproar over the McConnell plan, and more than 70 House members signed a letter circulated by members of the conservative Republican Study Committee calling on Boehner to come out in public opposition to the McConnell-Reid plan."... ....."The hope appears to be that such an option will look a lot better to the House in a week or so, given the lack of other ideas. The Gang of Six plan has come under assault from critics like House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who say the plan would increase taxes by $2 trillion over the next 10 years instead of the $1 trillion -plus claimed by proponents like Conrad "....
...."Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., who is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, blasted the plan in a missive to his panel members, saying it would cut the Pentagon much too deeply and would unfairly curb military health and retirement benefits. "....
Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit - BusinessWeek
That said,the only thing preventing the total surrender of the TIT s (Tories in Training) in the Republican losership is the Tea Party.The scum need to wiped away with Ajax(or Comet or your preferred bathroom cleanser,I choose Ajax because of The Iliad).
The photo of Boehner making flesh Ayn Rand's quip about "loose lips & unseeing eyes" Plus two prophetic illustrations of our government courtesy of Bosch & Durer.(The Ship of Fools)
...."Boehner told reporters, "Frankly, I think it would be irresponsible on behalf of the Congress and the president not to be looking at back-up strategies for how to solve this problem." "At the end of the day, we have a responsibility to act," the Ohio Republican said. Asked whether GOP lawmakers supporting the House's "cut, cap and balance" debt limit measure would be unwilling to ultimately compromise, Boehner said, "I'm sure we've got some members who believe that, but I do not believe that would be anywhere close to the majority.".... Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit - BusinessWeek
..."But he also made clear that he was not inclined to take any steps that could be considered a tax increase. "I've never voted to raise taxes," he said, "and I don't intend to." .....
Boehner and Obama Nearing Deal on Cuts and Taxes RRD:In short Boehner is too wishy-washy to even commit to surrendering. ..."Many conservative Republicans are in an uproar over the McConnell plan, and more than 70 House members signed a letter circulated by members of the conservative Republican Study Committee calling on Boehner to come out in public opposition to the McConnell-Reid plan."... ....."The hope appears to be that such an option will look a lot better to the House in a week or so, given the lack of other ideas. The Gang of Six plan has come under assault from critics like House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who say the plan would increase taxes by $2 trillion over the next 10 years instead of the $1 trillion -plus claimed by proponents like Conrad "....
...."Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., who is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, blasted the plan in a missive to his panel members, saying it would cut the Pentagon much too deeply and would unfairly curb military health and retirement benefits. "....
Boehner: House will compromise on debt limit - BusinessWeek
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
In honor of the Moon Landing Apollo 11 #aynrand
RRD:I strongly recommend these two excellent articles by Ayn Rand. The Ayn Rand Institute: Apollo 11: A Symbol of Man's Greatness The Ayn Rand Institute: The Ayn Rand Multimedia Library--Apollo & Dionysus The Ayn Rand Institute: The Ayn Rand Multimedia Library--Apollo & Dionysus
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