Wednesday, January 30, 2013

AP runs slanted story pushing for gun registration #tcot #tlot #2ndamendment

Next up: Push for a national firearms database » News -- GOPUSA

The AP begins by lamenting the fact that the poor ATF agents are prohibited from creating a national database of all legally owned guns.

...... ”that data is not available because of an amendment introduced by Tiahrt, said Mike Bouchard, a former ATF assistant director for Field Operations. ......."It's pretty ridiculous when we have an automated system that will do it for the chiefs," Bouchard said.
Tiahrt said he first proposed limiting access to trace data to make sure the information wasn't available under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. It was an issue of keeping undercover police, informants & innocent gun buyers and sellers out of the public eye, Tiahrt said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. Knowing who legally buys guns won't prevent gun violence, the former Republican congressman said.”.....

RRD: Reading this you would never know that gun registration has preceded confiscation in Britain ,Canada, & Australia. (fn1) You would not know that this law was passed to combat the criminal abuses of the ATF,(fn2) a organization that has-- under this administration--supplied guns to Mexican drug cartels (fn3). You wouldn't know of the ATF's history of entrapment (fn4) urging innocent people to commit crimes so that they could then prosecute them. You wouldn't know of anecdotal evidence that the ATF is already violating the law. (fn5) You wouldn't know this because the AP (or at least this reporter/editorialist) either does not want you to know or does not know herself.

This is the typical method used to expand government power:

1. Put forward some ”reasonable” proposal such as mandating ratings for video games ,or appropriating money for ”objective” studies of ”gun violence”(fn6),or ”just” giving the government the power to register guns.

2. Swear up & down & backwards & forwards that you don't want to: fill in the blank ____________ censor video games,create pro-gun control propaganda or confiscate firearms. Repeat this again & again & again & relentlessly focus on how silly & paranoid those people are who warn that this is just a first step. Say
”no one is talking about confiscation” ,except for those paranoid fools over there. Divide & Conquer: swear that you love hunting & that you just want to target ”those wackos” with the AR-15 (just as they ”just” wanted to target fully automatic weapons). Reach out to the naive & gullible people on the other side who want to ”do something” & who give you ”the benefit of the doubt”. Bring the naive people forward to marginalize opposition to your agenda. And then :

3. As soon as you can get away with it, spring the trap shut on your ”enemies” neck. Go out & boldly,brazenly ,sneer contemptuously at those murderous scum who dare to oppose (again fill in the blank) ________ Censoring video games,running government funded propaganda, or enacting gun confiscation or whatever ”common sense” proposal that you were swearing for the last decade that you would NEVER seek to enact. Having disarmed owners of AR-15s because ”you don't need them to hunt” you then turn your attention to those ”selfish hunters” who ”want schoolchildren to die” so that they can kill ”poor bambi”. And all the while never,ever under any circumstances let anyone state the issue clearly: It's not about AR-15s or school shootings ,or registration,or ”common sense” anything; it's about power lust. It isn't about gun control,it's about CONTROL period. Ultimately total control of everything,from what medical care you get, to what your children are taught,to what job you hold,to what books you read,to whether & how many children you have,every aspect of your life controlled by the Philosopher Kings who will ultimately decide when & where & how you die.



NRA-ILA | Canada: Where Gun Registration Equals Confiscation

registration leads to confiscation | walls of the city


Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's
Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up: Katie Pavlich: 9781596983212: Books


Ambush at Ruby Ridge -


Does the ATF Already Maintain a National Gun Registry? » The Truth About Guns

Colorado News & Denver News: The Denver Post


Obama Directs His Executive Power at America’s Gun Owners - By Timothy Wheeler - The Corner - National Review Online

MILLER: Tax dollars for gun control - Washington Times

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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