Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why Are You Opposed To Ending Violence? - Derek Hunter #tcot #tlot #teaparty #secondamendment (( delay : in 4 hours ))

...." There are First Amendment extremists who will tell you
freedom of speech is absolute, but it’s not. You can’t
yell fire in a crowed theater; you can’t threaten the life
of the president, and so on.
If we just banned a few, just the semi-mean words,
how many tears might we save? Does anyone really
need the word “loser”? People who have “loser” in
their vocabulary are just as likely to use it in a fit of
anger in their home or, in a lot of cases, in a self-
deprecating way against themselves.
No one needs the word “loser,” or for that matter
“jerk,” “moron,” “idiot,” or countless other semi-mean
words. As the media has told us, words can kill.
First Amendment extremists would have you believe
they have a right to use these words for whatever
purpose they want. But banning them will not change
Scrabble, Words With Friends or crossword puzzles. And
the hurt feelings saved by eliminating these words
would be immeasurable.
I know many First Amendment extremists will say I’m
calling for punishing the innocent for the acts of a very
few. But anyone with these words in their vocabulary,
even if only use them in private, could become a user
of them in public.
And most of the words these First Amendment
extremists revel in being able to freely enjoy were not
even invented at the time the First Amendment was
written. The Founding Fathers could not have
conceived of something as nasty as “cyber-nerd.” So
their defense falls flat.
I hope you join me in my push to end speech violence.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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