Sunday, January 13, 2013

I find it ....odd that the solutions of Biden &Morgan ...only attack...& seek to limit the actions of law-abiding people. "

What the Meaning of 'Infringe' Is - Kevin McCullough

.....” In both Newtown, Connecticut and the Portland,
Oregon shootings, the character deficient individuals
who were killing innocent people, immediately ceased
shooting others and shot themselves, the moment (not
a second before), that they realized a gun was aimed
at them.
In the Newtown case the shooter had already jumped
through the hoops of the gun control legislation on the
books. He had been denied the opportunity to buy a
gun based on his desire not to have a background
check run. Additionally, the Newtown school's gun-free
security system made it harder for him to get into the
building--trying separate locked doors--and finally
blasted his way in when he had grown frustrated
But imagine if an armed security officer, policeman, or
school personnel had been waiting on the other side.
20 children would be alive today that are not with us.
I find it excessively odd that the solutions of Biden and
Morgan appear to only attack, address the behavior of,
and seek to limit the actions of law-abiding people. As
if after passing more than twenty thousand federal,
state, and local gun laws, this nation still believes that
legislation will prevent criminal, heinous acts from

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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