Friday, January 11, 2013

#RINO Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey "willing to consider" restricting #Secondamendment #tcot #tlot #teaparty

Your daily jolt: Phil Gingrey to consider limits on mag clips, and says Todd Akin was ‘partly right’ | Political Insider‘partly-right’/

...." There are some problems, and maybe these huge magazines even for someone who says,‘look, I just use an AR-15 for target practice,’ but do you really need to be standing there shooting at a silhouette a shot a second or even quicker with that kind of weapon? For what purpose?” Gingrey asked. "....


1. ” Phil Gingrey to consider limits on mag clips”
They are neither "clips" or "mag clips" anymore than apes are "monkeys" ,or spiders are "insects" ;they are magazines ,abrreviated Mag (singular ) or Mags plural . And the Standard capacity of a AR-15 magazine is 25 - 30 rounds. That is what they are designed to carry & feed reliably . These are not "high-capacity" magazines . If these imbeciles in the news media are too ignorant to understand that ,they have no business babbling about things that they do not understand.

2. ” but do you really need to be standing there shooting at a silhouette a shot a second or even quicker with that kind of weapon”

The burden of proof is on you to establish that you have the right to prohibit something,not on us to plead with you that we "need" something.

2. "For what purpose?” .... To train so as to be prepared to resist a future dictatorship should the country become one. Something which seems like a increasing possibility given the utter contempt with which our Constitution is routinely treated with on a whole host of issues . Or to put it more succinctly: we need them to protect us from you.
Does that clear it up?

P.S. : As Limbaugh notes Gingrey will probably get a pass on the Akin comment due to his statement on victim disarmament. My own further comment is this: The AR-15 is preferred by many women because of its light weight,it is a useful solution for dealing with would-be rapists whether "legitimate" or "illegitmate" .
HT to a friend for the photo.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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