Monday, January 7, 2013

False & Valid quotes on the #secondamendment & victim disarmament #tcot #tlot #teaparty

Whenever gun control laws are proposed defenders of the Second Amendment legitimately seek to marshal quotations from famous individuals in their defense,but according to a blog post on this website ,which purports to be a pro-Second Amendment blog,some of these quotations are false. ( I say "purports" not because I doubt them,but because I have not yet had the opportunity to investigate their claims for myself,hence the disclaimer) . False claims do not strenghten our case,they merely play into the hands of our enemies,so if these quotes are indeed false they should not be used.

The Gun Zone RKBA 8 -- Gun Quotes

GunCite - Gun Control: Bogus gun control quotes

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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