Monday, January 7, 2013

Gohmert: 'Any weapon' is an assault weapon - The Hill #tcot #tlot #secondamendment

....." Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that he would not support efforts for a renewed assault weapons ban, because "any weapon" — including hammers and machetes — could qualify as an "assault weapon."
"I refuse to play the game of 'assault weapon,' " Gohmert said on the "Dennis Miller Show," as first reported by ThinkProgress. "That’s any weapon. It’s a hammer. It’s the machetes. In Rwanda that killed 800,000 people, an article that came out this week, the massive number that are killed with hammers."....

RRD: There are of course differences between battle rifles,including semi-automatic battle rifles,& machetes etc,but her underlying point is valid: A machete in the hands of a genocidal gang egged on by a genocidal government is a threat,a AR-15 in the hands of a innocent person is not a threat,it can become a threat if a evil or insane person aqcuires it, but the weapon itself is neither good nor evil.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

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