Monday, October 31, 2011

Politico reporters accused of fabricating charges against Cain,& of racism

RRD:Politico reporters Jonathan Martin,Maggie Haberman,Anna Palmer & Kenneth Vogel were accused of fabricating sexual harrassment charges against Herman Cain today.
Sources,who prefer to remain anonymous,accused the reporters of literally making up the story out of whole cloth over lattes at Starbucks.Multiple anonymous sources have also described the reporters as making racially tinged remarks about Herman Cain.The multiple anonymous sources accused Jonathan Martin in particular of making statements,that,while not overtly racist,had a kind of racist aura about them,which caused the multiple anonymous sources to feel discomfort.
Remember,its the seriousness of the charge.

Herman Cain accused by two women of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

..."The sources —including the recollections of close associates and other documentation —describe episodes that left the women upset and offended. These incidents include conversations allegedly filled with innuendo or personal questions of a sexually suggestive nature, taking place at hotels during conferences, at other officially sanctioned restaurant association events and at the association’s offices. There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made women who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship. ".....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Surprise! No warming in last 11 years « Hot Air #tcot #tlot

The Protect IP act threatens the internet & Freedom of Speech #tcot #tlot #p2

RRD:There is a bill in Congress that threatens the functioning of the internet,and,potentially,your free speech rights.
It is a bill that has been drafted and redrafted in different versions with different names:COICA,(the Combating Online Infringements & Counterfeits act),PIPA(the Protect Intellectual Property Act) aka the Protect IP Act,The E-Parasite Act,& SOPA(the Stop Online Piracy Act).
Under whatever name all the variants share two things in common:

1.They are intended to stop online piracy of intellectual property.

2.They go to far and give the government broad powers to take down legitimate,non-infringing content.And those powers could be abused to suppress free,speech.

The history of the legislation is convoluted.Rather than rehashing it, in detail I will give you a brief overview & then point you to the links which support my assertions.

1.The bill permits content and blogs to be taken down without adequate legal safeguards to protect the innocent.(See "legal problems with the bill" below)

2.The bill will have the unintended side effect of "breaking" the internet by its requirement to block certain DNS addresses(the technical details are spelled out in the letter of the internet engineers linked to below).

RRD:The technical problems with the law.

An Open Letter From Internet Engineers to the Senate Judiciary Committee | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Tim Berners-Lee Comes Out Against COICA Censorship Bill; Shouldn't You? | Techdirt

RRD:Argues that Protect IP could outlaw TOR (The Onion Router),a service used by political dissidents to protect themselves from their dictatorships.

PROTECT-IP Act Becomes E-PARASITE (And Gets Much Worse) - HotHardware

RRD:The legal problems with the law:

The Volokh Conspiracy » Once Again, the Copyright/Trademark Tail Tries to Wag the Internet Dog

The PDF of Law Professors arguing COICA(the original bill)was unconstitutional,referred to above.Though the name has changed,the bill presents the same problems.


Sequel To COICA Bill, The PROTECT IP Act, May Be Even Worse - TechCrunch

Son Of COICA: PROTECT IP Act Will Allow For Broad Censorship Powers, Even Granted To Copyright Holders | Techdirt

Disastrous IP Legislation Is Back – And It’s Worse than Ever | Electronic Frontier Foundation

What Congress Can Learn from the Recent ICE Seizures | Electronic Frontier Foundation

New Letter From Artists & Content Creators Against PROTECT IP/E-PARASITE Act | PHP Hosts

Ron Wyden Speaks Out Against COICA: We Shouldn't Toss Out The First Amendment Just To Go After A Few Bad Actors | Techdirt

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Would TOR be outlawed under #eparasite censorship bill? #pipa #coica #tcot #tlot #p2 #censorship

RRD:The author below argues that TOR could be outlawed under the E-Parasite bill.The E-Parasite bill is the U.S. House's even more draconian version of the Senate's PIPA,(The Protect Intellectual Property Act).TOR(The Onion Router) is a free web service used by political dissidents throughout the globe,(Iran,China etc.)to bypass their Dictatorship's control of the Internet.
Frankly I'm not sure that the bill goes that far;but if it does,& those supporting the E-Parasite bill know that it does,then they have gone beyond "just" defacto censorship & indifference to individual rights;to enabling murderous tyrannies.
For the record,unlike some individuals,I do wholeheartedly support the rights of copyright holders.
I also support the right of children not to be sexually molested,yet I would not support a anti-pedophile bill that required that all Americans submit their DNA to the state,or one that permitted house-to-house searches.
That something should be illegal does not mean that anything proposed to stop the unlawful act should automatically be approved.The sin of the Copyright Lobby is not that they seek to protect their rights,but that they seek to protect their rights without any regard to the rights of others.

PROTECT-IP Act Becomes E-PARASITE (And Gets Much Worse) - HotHardware

..."The new law would also allow the Attorney General to take legal action against anyone who provides services or creates a product designed to bypass such blocks—the anonymous browsing service Tor would almost certainly be illegal, as would nearly any software product that includes DVD ripping."...

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Would TOR be outlawed under #eparasite censorship bill? #pipa #coica #tcot #tlot #p2 #censorship

RRD:The author below argues that TOR could be outlawed under the E-Parasite bill.The E-Parasite bill is the U.S. House's even more draconian version of the Senate's PIPA,(The Protect Intellectual Property Act).TOR(The Onion Router) is a free web service used by political dissidents throughout the globe,(Iran,China etc.)to bypass their Dictatorship's control of the Internet.
Frankly I'm not sure that the bill goes that far;but if it does,& those supporting the E-Parasite bill know that it does,then they have gone beyond "just" defacto censorship & indifference to individual rights;to enabling murderous tyrannies.
For the record,unlike some individuals,I do wholeheartedly support the rights of copyright holders.
I also support the right of children not to be sexually molested,yet I would not support a anti-pedophile bill that required that all Americans submit their DNA to the state,or one that permitted house-to-house searches.
That something should be illegal does not mean that anything proposed to stop the unlawful act should automatically be approved.The sin of the Copyright Lobby is not that they seek to protect their rights,but that they seek to protect their rights without any regard to the rights of others.

PROTECT-IP Act Becomes E-PARASITE (And Gets Much Worse) - HotHardware

..."The new law would also allow the Attorney General to take legal action against anyone who provides services or creates a product designed to bypass such blocks—the anonymous browsing service Tor would almost certainly be illegal, as would nearly any software product that includes DVD ripping."...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Income inequality isn't a bug of Capitalism;It's a feature. #aynrand #tcot #tlot #teaparty #objectivism

"From each according to his ability,to each according to his need"

"From each according to his ability,TO each according to his ability":
Ayn Rand

2081 Trailer - YouTube

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama supporters want us to pretend Obama is pro-israel #supportisrael #jcot #xcot #tcot #jlot

RRD:Of course that is not how I am supposed to title this post.I am supposed to say "Conservative groups refuse to sign pro-Israel pledge".It was quite cleverly done,I'll give them that.Conservative groups who are genuinely pro-Israel(and unlike the authors of the "Unity Pledge" not afraid to call out Obama) will be accused of not being willing to "put partisanship aside",in a direct inversion of the truth.One need not become a Republican in order to support Israel,but you do need to be willing to criticize anyone who is unjust towards Israel,regardless of party affiliation.Pro-Israel Democrats,rightly, had no qualms about criticizing James Baker & Bush the first.

“Unity Pledge” for Israel Doesn’t Pass the Political Smell Test « Commentary Magazine

Posted via email from fightingstatism

#Iranian #Kurds at risk of imminent execution #Amnesty International #

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tunisian Islamists win elections #womensrights #tcot #no2sharia #tunisia

Islamists claim win in Tunisia's Arab Spring vote | Reuters

Islamist Party Appears Victorious in Tunisia's Election | News | English

RRD:I warned about this months ago.I was not alone.

A brief comment on my stance on the January 25th revolution:Political Islam is not the answer. | Glory to man in the highest

RRD:I include the following as a sample of what is destroying the world.I wonder why this little misogynist does not also welcome the election of Klansmen who wish to restore slavery to office,or welcome Neo-Nazis to office.So what happens next?Can the Islamists be voted out of office as easily as they are voted in?Or will the land of "Beer & Bikinis"(fn1),become the land of Burkhas and Beheadings.Will there be civil war?I don't know.I do know that no matter what happens Neo-Conservatives will be undeterred.Just as they were undeterred by Hamas' election from their Democractic Elections=Freedom dogma,and in so doing,ignoring both the rise of the Nazis and the oppression of African Americans by the Confederacy.

As Tunisia Counts its Votes, Can the West Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Islamists? | Global Spin



Tunisia is known as the land of "Beer & Bikinis",because it is particularly secular country,with a strong tradition of defending women's rights;until now.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Don't Let It Go show podcast #34 is up #aynrand #objectivism

Sunday, October 23, 2011

#Aynrand : "Today, the last group one can expect to fight for capitalism is the capitalists." Silicon Valley bets on Obama for #2012 #tcot #twisters

Silicon Valley makes a big investment in President Obama's reelection campaign - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

...." As a group, businessmen have been withdrawing for decades from the ideological battlefield, disarmed by the deadly combination of altruism and Pragmatism. Their public policy has consisted in appeasing, compromising and apologizing: appeasing their crudest, loudest antagonists; compromising with any attack, any lie, any insult; apologizing for their own existence. Abandoning the field of ideas to their enemies, they have been relying on lobbying, i.e., on private manipulations, on pull, on seeking momentary favors from government officials. Today, the last group one can expect to fight for capitalism is the capitalists."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

No,we should not have replaced Gaddafi with a group that includes Al-Qaeda sympathizers #tcot #gwot

Bachmann: Libya still a mistake - POLITICO Live -

The Republicans and foreign policy -,0...

...."A recurring theme of this pre-election year has been the search for "the grown-up in the room." As Moammar Gadhafi's death vindicates President Obama's Libya policy, his persistent critics are looking more like munchkins. I mean no disrespect to munchkins, by the way, wherever they may be on the map. "....

We are aiding our enemies in Libya.Demand a end to the Libya war now. - fightingstatism

A interview with "reformed" members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group #no2sharia #tcot #tlot - fightingstatism

Libyan leader:Don't worry,Libyan rebels who fought US soldiers in afghanistan not Al-Qaeda - End US Involvement in Libya

Former head of #alqaeda affiliated LIGF(current Libyan Rebel Military Commander) celebrates his victory #no2sharia #tcot #tlot - End US Involvement in Libya

Libyan Draft Constitution: Sharia is 'Principal Source' of Laws

The Associated Press: Exiled Libyan Jew says synagogue efforts blocked

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, October 21, 2011

Islamist groups demand Obama remove training materials which promote the idea that Islam promotes violence.He submits. #gwot #jcot #tcot


Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says | The Daily Caller

"Some believe the Obama administration’s Justice Department will go even further. “The Attorney General has announced what sounds like reprogramming if they find people who have actually received training” that Islamist groups find objectionable, Center for Security Policy president Frank Gaffney told The Daily Caller. Gaffney is co-author of a report, published by the Center, titled “Sharia: The Threat to America.”...

...“I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for,” Holton said Wednesday. “They will not be tolerated.” Such training materials “pose a significant threat to national security, because they play into the false narrative propagated by terrorists that the United States is at war with Islam,” he added. ".....

RRD:Classical Islam(fn1) promotes violence and armed conflict.Classical Islam promotes the invasion & subjugation of foreign nations.There are areas where Al-Qaeda diverges from Classical Islam;most notably in their defense of suicide bombings,(And of course Islam is hardly the only religion to promote bloodshed)(fn2),but the "Islam is peace" view of history is absurd.


By Classical Islam,I refer to Islam as it has been interpreted & practiced for centuries by mainstream Muslims.Not all past or contemporary Muslims subscribe to those beliefs.Some have attempted,sometimes at great risk to themselves,to bring about a Islamic version of the Renaissance,Reformation,or Enlightenment.They have yet to succeed.I base my statements on observation,the study of history,& Bernard Lewis.

See here:


In Islamic tradition suicide--unless caused by literal insanity--is regarded as a mortal sin irrespective of circumstances that outweighs all past virtues & condemns the suicide to eternal damnation.The definition of suicide excludes throwing yourself in harms way,(such as going on a "suicide mission" ala The Assassins),but does includes anything done to cause your own death.It is considered to be blasphemously presumptuous, because "your life belongs to Allah".Throwing yourself against the enemy,even if you face capture & certain death,by contrast,is not suicide;it is "martyrdom".According to Lewis it is only in the 20th Century that suicide bombings became became accepted by many Muslims as a form of "martyrdom".And it remains controversial even among Jihadists.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Obama leaves #Iraq to Tehran and #AlQaeda in #Mesopotamia #tcot #gwot

RRD:In a decision that by sheerest coincidence happens to coincide with the 2012 election,Obama announced today that he is handing Iraq over to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard & to Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia.He will,however leave a embassy there to be taken hostage,or simply blown up by whoever decides to target it first.
We should never have gone into Iraq.We did.Leaving in this manner will put our security at risk:both from Iran & from Al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia,since the latter could build a base there.(Though,do to this President ,Al-Qaeda will have their pick of Iraq & soon Yemen,Libya & Afghanistan, & probably Egypt,all of which this traitor is delivering into the hands of our mortal enemies)

Obama declares Iraq war over with all US troops home at year's end -

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, October 20, 2011

International Pressure Keeping Pastor Youcef Alive The Moral Liberal #iranelections #iranexecutions

Iran Supreme Leader to Eliminate President Ahmadinejad's Post?, Christian News #iranelections #freeiran

Don't Let It Go MittRomney:The Fruitcake of 2012Presidential Candidates #rino #tcot #teaparty #2012

A Encapsulation of the Obama Presidency.Provided by Obama's campaign. #tcot #tlot #teaparty


Obama campaign asks artists to work for free on jobs posters;sparks outrage

...."President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign is asking artists to design promotional posters that convey a message: “support American jobs.” The brutal irony for artists, however, is that they will receive no payment for their work. The campaign, which has $61 million on hand, will reward only the three artists whose work is selected for use. The compensation? A copy of their artwork, signed by the president. "....

...."The Obama campaign’s request for submissions says that it “is seeking poster submissions from artists across the country illustrating why we support President Obama’s plan to create jobs now, and why we’ll re-elect him to continue fighting for jobs for the next four years.” ...

...." selected posters will be sold, “with proceeds benefiting the campaign"...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yet another reason why I will not support Gary Johnson. #2012 #tcot

RRD:I have long warned of the threat posed to the United States by the Islamic Republic of Iran.Both Gary Johnson & Ron Paul do not recognize this threat.Paul at least,does not contradict himself.Johnson believes apparently that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not only not a threat,but is unlikely to become a threat.He also believes,(correctly)that we should not be in Libya.But now he apparently believes that we should be involved in Uganda.Why?Apparently Johnson simply feels that we should be in Uganda & should not be Libya or Iran.There is no rhyme or reason to his positions,he is not even a consistent altruist.

"We're Spending More Than All The Other Countries Combined & We're 5% Of The World's Population!" - YouTube

Posted via email from fightingstatism

UN slams Iran on women’s rights, execution numbers #iranelections #iranexecutions

Lawyer: Ruling on #Iran Pastor Due in Three Weeks #iranexecutions #iranelections

Iran must acknowledge abuses before UN Committee Amnesty International #iranelections #iranexecutions

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lincoln on Liberty & Tyranny #tcot #teaparty #aynrand

... "The world has never had a good definition of the word "liberty," and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing. With some, the word "liberty" may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself and the product of his labour; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men and the product of other men's labour. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name,--liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names,--liberty and tyranny."....

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Iran Pastor's Lawyer Calls on UN and Pope to Help Secure Freedom #iranexecutions #iranelections

Monday, October 10, 2011

Iran frees two filmmakers accused of providing reports to BBC - The Washington Post #iranelections #iranexecutions

Lincoln:..."You say you will not fight to free negroes. Some of them seem willing to fight for you; but no matter. ...

..."You say you will not fight to free negroes. Some of them seem willing to fight for you; but no matter. Fight you, then, exclusively to save the Union. I issued the proclamation on purpose to aid you in saving the Union. Whenever you shall have conquered all resistance to the Union, if I shall urge you to continue fighting, it will be an apt time then for you to declare you will not fight to free negroes. I thought that in your struggle for the Union, to whatever extent the negroes should cease helping the enemy, to that extent it weakened the enemy in his resistance to you. Do you think differently? I thought that whatever negroes could be got to do as soldiers leaves just so much less for white soldiers to do in saving the Union. Does it appear otherwise to you? But negroes, like other people, act upon motives. Why should they do anything for us, if we will do nothing for them? If they stake their lives for us, they must be prompted by the strongest motive, even the prom
ise of
freedom. And the promise being made, must be kept."....


Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pastor charged with "crime" of converting to Christianity suddenly charged with rape. #xcot #jcot #humanrights

RRD:Just as Tehran sentenced Sakineh Ashtiani to death for adultery--until her plight became well known,THEN she faced death for murder,so to Pastor Youcef Nadarkani was charged with the "crime" of leaving Islam for Christianity & performing baptisms--until his gained world renown,when he suddenly became a rapist and extortionist!Nothing to see here people,move along.

State Media Reports Iranian Pastor Facing Execution For Rape, Not Religion | Fox News

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran