Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Expert: #Tehran backing Yemeni Shi’ite Houthi Movement to increase it's influence #Iranelections #jcot

Iran backing Yemen militants to increase regional influence: expert | Israel & Middle East | World | News | National Post


” The Iran-backed Shi’ite Houthi Movement’s
increasing support throughout Yemen is triggering concerns among the country’s majority Sunni population.
The Houthi Movement, based in the northern governorate of Sa’adah that borders with Saudi Arabia, was founded in the mid-nineties by the late Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi,who had studied in Tehran. ”

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Monday, October 29, 2012

NYTimes #Tehran said to near completion of underground Nuclear enrichment plant #irannuclear #jcot #tjot

Iran Said to Complete Underground Nuclear Enrichment Plant - NYTimes.com


...." Until just two months ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel suggested he would not allow the Fordo plant to go into operation, warning that once it did Iran would have begun to enter a “zone of immunity” where it could produce nuclear fuel without fear of an Israeli strike. Israel does not possess the bunker-busting bombs that would be needed to destroy the facility, though the United States does have one weapon that can do the job: the “massive ordnance penetrator” that just entered the American arsenal.

In September, however, Israeli officials suddenly stopped using the “zone of immunity” phrase, and Mr. Netanyanu told the United Nations that he could wait until late spring before any taking military action, saying that was when Iran would be on the cusp of the ability to produce a bomb. European and American officials interpreted that announcement as evidence that Mr. Netanyahu concluded that Israel could not get through the more than 200 feet of rock over the Fordo plant without American help"...

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

"I Pledge to Serve Barack Obama" (Urgent 2012 Election Update) - YouTube

Health of #Iranian #HumanRights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudehs health has deteriorated due to hunger strike undertaken because #Tehran will not let her visit her 13yr old daughter #iranelections #jcot #p2

AIUK : Iran: Health Fears for Nasrin Sotoudeh - EU Sakharov Prize winner


"News that Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has won the Sakharov Prize – EU award for human rights & freedom of thought came as her health deteriorated due to a hunger strike in protest at the Iranian authorities’ refusal to allow her face-to-face visits with her 13-year-old daughter & 5-year-old son.
The prisoner of conscience, who has been in prison since September 2010 has been on hunger strike for 10 days & was taken to the medical facility in Tehran’s Evin Prison on 22 October. "

“The Iranian authorities have imposed a travel ban on her daughter and on one occasion held her husband overnight
in prison for their peaceful advocacy on her behalf.
“Despite espousing the importance of the family in Iranian life, the authorities do their utmost to silence the families of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners. This is a shocking example of the lengths to which Iran will go to
suppress criticism of their policies and practices.
“By harassing the family members of prisoners solely in order to stop their legitimate public campaigning, the Iranian authorities are trampling wholesale on their international human rights obligations.”

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

She Is On Hunger Strike (Nasrin Setoudeh) - YouTube #iranelections #amnesty #tjot

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook Answers: Obama's #AynRand Comments - YouTube #teaparty #twisters #iamthemob

Obama wrong on Lincoln as well as #Aynrand


RRD: We have already seen that Obama "misunderstands" Ayn Rand.

Obama, Unsurprisingly, Gets Ayn Rand Wrong


However he is also off-base on Lincoln as well:

Rolling Stone Mobile - Politics - Politics: Obama and the Road Ahead: The Rolling Stone Interview


.... ”Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us,
when we were 17 or 18 and feeling
misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get
older, we realize that a world in which we’re only
thinking about ourselves and not thinking about
anybody else, in which we’re considering the
entire project of developing ourselves as more
important than our relationships to other people
and making sure that everybody else has
opportunity—that that’s a pretty narrow
vision. . . . Unfortunately, it does seem as if
sometimes that vision of a “you’re on your own”
society has consumed a big chunk of the
Republican Party.
Of course, that’s not the Republican tradition. . . .
You look at Abraham Lincoln: He very much
believed in self-sufficiency and self-reliance. He
embodied it—that you work hard and you make it,
that your efforts should take you as far as your
dreams can take you. But he also understood that
there’s some things we do better together. That we
make investments in our infrastructure and
railroads and canals and land-grant colleges and
the National Academy of Sciences, because that
provides us all with an opportunity to fulfill our
potential, and we’ll all be better off as a consequence. He also had a sense of deep, profound empathy, a sense of the intrinsic worth of every individual, which led him to his opposition to slavery and ultimately to signing the
Emancipation Proclamation. That view of life—as one in which we’re all connected, as opposed to all isolated and looking out only for ourselves—that’s a view that has made America great. . .

Lincoln on Liberty & Tyranny #tcot #teaparty #aynrand | Glory to man in the highest


… “The world has never had a good definition of the word “liberty,” and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing. With some, the word “liberty” may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself and the product of his labour; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men and the product of other men’s labour . Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name,–liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names,–liberty and tyranny.”….

Lincoln:The Free-Market vs. Slavery | Glory to man in the highest


" FRAGMENT. WRITTEN ABOUT JULY 1, 1854 Equality in society alike beats inequality, whether the latter be of the British aristocratic sort or of the domestic slavery sort. We know Southern men declare that their slaves are better off than hired labourers amongst us. How little they know whereof they speak! There is no permanent class of hired labourers amongst us. Twenty-five years ago I was a hired labourer. The hired labourer of yesterday labours on his own account to -day, and will hire others to labour for him to -morrow. Advancement–improvement in condition–is the order of things in a society of equals. As labour is the common burden of our race, so the effort of some to shift their share of the burden on to the shoulders of others is the great durable curse of the race. Originally a curse for transgression upon the whole race, when, as by slavery, it is concentrated on a part only, it becomes the double -refined curse of God upon his creatures. Free labour has the inspiration of hope; pure slavery has no hope. The power of hope upon human exertion and happiness is wonderful. The slave -master himself has a conception of it, and hence the system of tasks among slaves. The slave whom you cannot drive with the lash to break seventy-five pounds of hemp in a day, if you will task him to break a hundred, and promise him pay for all he does over, he will break you a hundred and fifty. You have substituted hope for the rod. And yet perhaps it does not occur to you that, to the extent of your gain in the case, you have given up the slave system and adopted the free system of labour."

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, October 26, 2012

Obama's wisdom on the maturity of theft vs the immaturity of reason & freedom #teaparty #tcot #twisters #aynrand

Obama Says Ayn Rand Is For Teens - BuzzFeed Mobile


Obama Says Ayn Rand Is For Teens - Democratic Underground


" Q: Have you ever read Ayn Rand?

Obama: Sure.

Q: What do you think Paul Ryan's obsession with her work would mean if he were vice president?

Obama: Well, you'd have to ask Paul Ryan what that
means to him. Ayn Rand is one of those things that a
lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we'd pick up. Then, as we get older,
we realize that a world in which we're only thinking about ourselves and not thinking about anybody else, in which we're considering the entire project of developing ourselves as more important than our relationships to other people and making sure that everybody else has opportunity – that that's a pretty narrow vision. It's not one that, I think, describes
what's best in America. Unfortunately, it does seem
as if sometimes that vision of a "you're on your own"
society has consumed a big chunk of the Republican Party ”....

RRD: In Obama's world dealing with others by reason & letting dissenters "go their own way” is immature. Acting in your own rational self-interest ,neither sacrificing yourself to others ,nor sacrificing others to oneself ,is immature. Believing that you must first develop yourself as a independent human being before you can form relationships,believing that "to say I love you,you must first know how to say the I ", & believing that you cannot live vicariously through others ,is immature.
Maturity consists, not of seeking to persuade people through reason & respecting their rights if they disagree ,but of seeking to persuade others to do what you want,& if you fail,having the state force them to do so by fines or prison sentences with no more regard to their rights,goals,dreams,happiness or conscience than one would afford a to slave.
And in many cases they skip over the attempt at persuasion.
Maturity consists of violating the rights of innocent people & of viewing them as tools to your ends.
Maturity consists of the productive being forced to support,not merely the disabled,but Georgetown University law students who wish to force Catholic institutions to subsidize their birth control.
This is Obama's view of "maturity".
As to his "compassion" I will deal with that in a later post.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rubin Reports » #Iranian Agent Admits Plot to Kill Saudi Ambassador in Washington, D.C. #iranelections

Egypts Pres.Morsi participates in service calling for destruction of Jews

Egyptian President Morsi Participates In Prayer Service Calling For The Annihilation of All Jews, Israel, and Their Supporters « JONATHAN TURLEY


” Morsi was shown this week attempting prayers and listening to cleric Futouh Abd Al-Nabi Mansour calling for the destruction of all Jews and their supporters. Observers report that Morsi not only did not object or distance himself from the remarks, but appears to say “Amen” after the specific call for death to all Jews.

The service occurred at the el-Tenaim Mosque and was shown on Egyptian state television on Friday. The government broadcast of the prayer further showed implied support when there was no immediate condemnation after Abd Al-Nabi Mansour declared “Oh Allah, absolve us of our sins, strengthen us, and grant us victory over the infidels. Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, disperse them, rend them asunder. Oh Allah, demonstrate Your might and greatness upon them. Show us Your omnipotence, oh Lord.”

Various other governmental officials were in attendance.

Morsi has continued to say that he will honor the peace treaty with Israel, but the failure to denounce such a prayer is alarming.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Son of Wisconsin State Senator attacked for supporting Romney,woman burned by KKK #tcot

Son of Wisconsin State Senator assaulted for supporting Romney.

HT to T.R., J.S. & Scott Holleran.

WisPolitics.com: Sen. Kedzie: Statement on assault of son, Sean Kedzie


Sen. Kedzie: Statement on assault of son, Sean Kedzie 10/22/2012

"Early on Friday morning, October 19th, my son Sean was awakened by noises outside his residence in Whitewater. As he went to see what the commotion was about, he noticed an individual removing a Romney/Ryan yard sign from his property. He yelled to the person that they were taking something not theirs and to return it immediately. The individual returned the sign, however, a second person confronted and attacked Sean without warning.

Sean was wrestled to the ground by both persons, held down by a constricting chokehold, and struck repeatedly about the face and head. He nearly passed out from the chokehold and suffered contusions to his face and eyes. Fortunately, an alert neighbor heard the commotion, scared the individuals away, and called the police. My wife and I were awakened by a telephone call from Sean’s roommate that Sean had been taken by ambulance to Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital.

Sean was treated for his injuries and released from the hospital the same day. As this was a private family matter, we chose not to remark publicly about it and allow law enforcement to do their job. But we understand these types of incidents will eventually become public and questions will arise, particularly in my position as a state legislator.

Sean is still recovering from the injuries he sustained as a result of this beating, and we are confident he will make a full recovery. But obviously, as parents, we are shaken by this event and very troubled it was apparently initiated and motivated for political reasons.

**Attached is a photograph of Sean Kedzie in his hospital bed shortly after the beating incident in Whitewater, Wisconsin"


RRD: As I have noted before, there are many cases of Leftists threatening people,attacking them,or placing them in danger through the practice of SWATting.

My Response To Those Who Seek To Exploit The Giffords Tragedy #tcot #p2 #tlot #tpot #nomore | Glory to man in the highest


Victim of Alleged SEIU Town Hall Assault in St. Louis Interviewed on Cavuto | NewsBusters.org


Michelle Malkin » Breakthrough: Fox covers Brett Kimberlin/ Patterico SWATting, bloggers continue pressing the story


RRD: At roughly the same time that this assault occured,a even more vicious assault against a 20 year Winnsboro woman named Sharmeka Moffitt was carried out by apparent White Supremacists. Initial reports that the young woman was wearing a Obama T-shirt have since been rejected by the victim's mother.
But some leftists on Twitter raced to blame,not the KKK,but the Teaparty & Mitt Romney.

Black woman attacked, burned in La., Twitterers blame Romney, Tea Party | Twitchy


Woman set on fire is in critical condition - KLTV.com-Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News



Authorities confirm 'KKK' spray painted on burn victim's car

Posted: Oct 22, 2012 4:46 AM EDT Updated: Oct 22, 2012 7:50 PM EDT

By KSLA Staff

"New details are emerging surrounding the critical injury of a Winnsboro woman set on fire in a city park on Sunday night.
20-year-old Sharmeka Moffitt is in critical condition at LSU Medical Center in Shreveport. Her mother, Edna Moffitt, says surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. "Both of her arms, and they are third degree burns, down her chest and legs - one. Basically her arms are real bad." Edna Moffitt also confirms her daughter was not wearing an Obama t-shirt, as initial rumors on social media had indicated. "

"However, the sheriff's office has also confirmed with KSLA News 12 that Moffitt was not wearing a President Obama t-shirt, despite claims on social media that the t-shirt is what provoked the attack.

Family and friends are planning a candlelight vigil for Sharmeka Moffitt. It's set for Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. at Civitan Park. "

RRD: My thoughts are with the Kedzie & Moffitt families.

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Saturday, October 20, 2012

#humanrights watch free jailed teachers #hrw #iranelections

Iran: Free Teachers Jailed for Speaking Out | Human Rights Watch


" Iranian authorities have detained at least 39 teachers since
2009 on various national-security-related charges.
Revolutionary courts have sentenced 15 of them to prison,
mostly in connection with trade union activities, including
protests calling for wage raises. Several others were
arrested in connection with activities unrelated to their
teaching, including participation in anti-government
demonstrations following the disputed 2009 presidential
election and advocacy on behalf of ethnic minority rights.”

Posted via email from Americans for Freedom in Iran

Author accused of copyright infringement for quoting four sentences #tcot #tlot #freedomofspeech (( delay: 15 hours ))

Copyright As Censorship: Author Removes Blog Post After Being Threatened For Quoting 4 Sentences | Techdirt Lite


....." O'Shea quoted those few lines, and then detailed what her
group chose (with some explanations for why or where
they agreed/disagreed) and then briefly discussed how
they compared to "experts" and how well her group did
against everyone else (they had the best score, compared
to the experts). All in all, the blog post was 12 paragraphs,
only one of which quoted the scenario in question."...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Freed #Iranian Pastor #Nadarkhani's Lawyer Now in Prison - World - CBN News #iranelections #xcot #jcot

Should the U.S. launch a military strike to prevent Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon as a last resort? #tcot #jcot

RRD: I wish to preface this post by noting that I believe that if Tehran's nuclear program is not stopped that we face a potential nuclear holocaust .
That said,how that threat is neutralized, whether through sabotage,or through a overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran by it's people,or through a military strike,is another question.

I do not believe that the matter is as simple as immediate war on the one hand, or ”containment” on the other. Containment & deterrence are not terribly effective when you are dealing with apocalyptic medievalists. But Tehran's nuclear program was delayed for months to years by sabotage. Whether we have reached a point where we must face a stark choice between bombing Tehran's nuclear facilities or "learning to live with" nuclear armed maniacs is unclear to me. Certainly the leaks on Israel's cyberwarfare program by this administration have moved us closer to that point.
War is not a lark or a game,& it should only be undertaken as a last resort,but if it does in fact come down to a war initiated by the U.S. against a non-nuclear armed Tehran ,or a war initiated by nuclear armed religious fanatics it would be suicide ( for the U.S. & Iran & Israel) for us to choose the latter.
The Iranian people are held hostage by the maniacs who rule their country,but their situation will not be improved if their dictators unleash a nuclear holocaust in the middle east.
My purpose in posting this is not to call for war,but to make the case that if we exhaust all other options,we must preserve the option of a military strike on Tehran's nuclear facilities.

More arguments:

The argument against Military action (even as a last resort) :

No Rush to War - NYTimes.com


The argument for Military action as a last resort:

The Price of Inaction An Analysis of Energy and Economic Effects of a Nuclear Iran Bipartisan Policy Center


HT to for the source:

The Costs of Inaction on Iran « Commentary Magazine



List of links on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear Threat and Mahdism (the doctrine of the Twelfth Imam) | Glory to man in the highest


Posted via email from fightingstatism

#Iran: Brother of death row prisoner feared arrested for giving interviews #Amnesty International #iranelections #iranexecutions

#HumanRights activists beaten, raped in #Iran: U.N. | Reuters #iranelections

US concerned over imminent execution of #Iran opposition activist #iranelections #iranexecutions

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Virginai Teacher cuts 10 yr old girl's hand while forcing her to make Islamic hand sign #islamization #twisters #912 #xcot #jcot

October 18,2012

Tara Harris Charged With Assault After Stephanie Bennett Says Daughter Cut Hand in ‘Islami Hand Sign’ Drill | TheBlaze.com


RRD: Today The Blaze,( Glenn Beck's publication) reported that Tara Harris ,a schoolteacher at the Butts Road Intermediate School in Chesapeake Virginia, was charged with simple assault for causing a student to cut her hand while forcing the student to perform a Muslim Hand gesture. According to the Blaze,Stephanie Bennett,the mother of the ten year old girl told them that:

..."Harris has a disturbing trend of “indoctrinating” students with Islamic teachings. She also said the teacher openly campaigns for President Barack Obama in the classroom.

and that:

...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children — she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class,” she said."...

RRD: According to Bennett when her daughter,who has a learning disability,was unable to perform the hand sign correctly after two days, Harris:

... “went over and yanked her hand out of her desk and my daughter’s hand got hung up on the metal wire on her file folder and the skin got caught on it,” ....“The other children saw my daughter’s hand dripping with blood after the teacher had gotten so mad that she went to twist my daughter’s hand into an Islamic sign.”...

Bennett also told The Blaze that Harris prays to Allah five times a day & seeks to persuade students that Islam is superior to other religions.
Bennett claims that other parents share her concerns,and that according to The Blaze :

..."One of those parents, Nita Redditt, told TheBlaze that her young son confirmed Bennett’s story. The boy said he was “scared” to go back to school the next day after she found out, she added.

“I think he was intimidated,” Redditt said. “I couldn’t believe what was going on in the classroom in regards to this teacher praying to Allah and having them pray with her.”...

Bennett also complained that she was not informed that another parent had complained to school officials about :

..."Harris campaigning for Obama in the classroom and bashing Republican GOP nominee Mitt Romney."...

The Virginian Pilot partially confirmed the story:

Teacher charged with assault; mom says lesson involved Islam | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com


..."Police Spokeswoman Kelly O’Sullivan confirmed that Tara Harris has been charged for an Oct. 2 incident at the school. She would not say, however, what happened to warrant the charges. O’Sullivan did say an investigator looked into the matter.”

[Stephanie Bennett,the mother]

...”Reached by The Virginian-Pilot, she said she wanted to speak with a lawyer before doing other interviews. She did say she thought the story would “go global.”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Virginia teacher cut schoolgirl's hand while forcing her to make Islamic handsign. #islamization #xcot #jcot #tcot

October 18,2012

Tara Harris Charged With Assault After Stephanie Bennett Says Daughter Cut Hand in ‘Islami Hand Sign’ Drill | TheBlaze.com


RRD: Today The Blaze,( Glenn Beck's publication) reported that Tara Harris ,a schoolteacher at the Butts Road Intermediate School in Chesapeake Virginia, was charged with simple assault for causing a student to cut her hand while forcing the student to perform a Muslim Hand gesture. According to the Blaze,Stephanie Bennett,the mother of the ten year old girl told them that:

..."Harris has a disturbing trend of “indoctrinating” students with Islamic teachings. She also said the teacher openly campaigns for President Barack Obama in the classroom.

and that:

...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children — she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class,” she said."...

RRD: According to Bennett when her daughter,who has a learning disability,was unable to perform the hand sign correctly after two days, Harris:

... “went over and yanked her hand out of her desk and my daughter’s hand got hung up on the metal wire on her file folder and the skin got caught on it,” ....“The other children saw my daughter’s hand dripping with blood after the teacher had gotten so mad that she went to twist my daughter’s hand into an Islamic sign.”...

Bennett also told The Blaze that Harris prays to Allah five times a day & seeks to persuade students that Islam is superior to other religions.
Bennett claims that other parents share her concerns,and that according to The Blaze :

..."One of those parents, Nita Redditt, told TheBlaze that her young son confirmed Bennett’s story. The boy said he was “scared” to go back to school the next day after she found out, she added.

“I think he was intimidated,” Redditt said. “I couldn’t believe what was going on in the classroom in regards to this teacher praying to Allah and having them pray with her.”...

Bennett also complained that she was not informed that another parent had complained to school officials about :

..."Harris campaigning for Obama in the classroom and bashing Republican GOP nominee Mitt Romney."...

The Virginian Pilot partially confirmed the story:

Teacher charged with assault; mom says lesson involved Islam | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com


..."Police Spokeswoman Kelly O’Sullivan confirmed that Tara Harris has been charged for an Oct. 2 incident at the school. She would not say, however, what happened to warrant the charges. O’Sullivan did say an investigator looked into the matter.”

[Stephanie Bennett,the mother]

...”Reached by The Virginian-Pilot, she said she wanted to speak with a lawyer before doing other interviews. She did say she thought the story would “go global.”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Virginia teacher cut schoolgirl's hand while forcing her to make Islamic handsign. #islamization #xcot #jcot #tcot

October 18,2012

Tara Harris Charged With Assault After Stephanie Bennett Says Daughter Cut Hand in ‘Islami Hand Sign’ Drill | TheBlaze.com


RRD: Today The Blaze,( Glenn Beck's publication) reported that Tara Harris ,a schoolteacher at the Butts Road Intermediate School in Chesapeake Virginia, was charged with simple assault for causing a student to cut her hand while forcing the student to perform a Muslim Hand gesture. According to the Blaze,Stephanie Bennett,the mother of the ten year old girl told them that:

..."Harris has a disturbing trend of “indoctrinating” students with Islamic teachings. She also said the teacher openly campaigns for President Barack Obama in the classroom.

and that:

...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children — she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class,” she said."...

RRD: According to Bennett when her daughter,who has a learning disability,was unable to perform the hand sign correctly after two days, Harris:

... “went over and yanked her hand out of her desk and my daughter’s hand got hung up on the metal wire on her file folder and the skin got caught on it,” ....“The other children saw my daughter’s hand dripping with blood after the teacher had gotten so mad that she went to twist my daughter’s hand into an Islamic sign.”...

Bennett also told The Blaze that Harris prays to Allah five times a day & seeks to persuade students that Islam is superior to other religions.
Bennett claims that other parents share her concerns,and that according to The Blaze :

..."One of those parents, Nita Redditt, told TheBlaze that her young son confirmed Bennett’s story. The boy said he was “scared” to go back to school the next day after she found out, she added.

“I think he was intimidated,” Redditt said. “I couldn’t believe what was going on in the classroom in regards to this teacher praying to Allah and having them pray with her.”...

Bennett also complained that she was not informed that another parent had complained to school officials about :

..."Harris campaigning for Obama in the classroom and bashing Republican GOP nominee Mitt Romney."...

The Virginian Pilot partially confirmed the story:

Teacher charged with assault; mom says lesson involved Islam | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com


..."Police Spokeswoman Kelly O’Sullivan confirmed that Tara Harris has been charged for an Oct. 2 incident at the school. She would not say, however, what happened to warrant the charges. O’Sullivan did say an investigator looked into the matter.”

[Stephanie Bennett,the mother]

...”Reached by The Virginian-Pilot, she said she wanted to speak with a lawyer before doing other interviews. She did say she thought the story would “go global.”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

VA teacher cut schoolgirl's hand while forcing her to make Muslim Hand sign #islamization #xcot #jcot #no2sharia

October 18,2012

Tara Harris Charged With Assault After Stephanie Bennett Says Daughter Cut Hand in ‘Islami Hand Sign’ Drill | TheBlaze.com


RRD: Today The Blaze,( Glenn Beck's publication) reported that Tara Harris ,a schoolteacher at the Butts Road Intermediate School in Chesapeake Virginia, was charged with simple assault for causing a student to cut her hand while forcing the student to perform a Muslim Hand gesture. According to the Blaze,Stephanie Bennett,the mother of the ten year old girl told them that:

..."Harris has a disturbing trend of “indoctrinating” students with Islamic teachings. She also said the teacher openly campaigns for President Barack Obama in the classroom.

and that:

...“The teacher was going over Islamic hand signs with the children — she stayed on this issue for two days straight during their reading and math class,” she said."...

RRD: According to Bennett when her daughter,who has a learning disability,was unable to perform the hand sign correctly after two days, Harris:

... “went over and yanked her hand out of her desk and my daughter’s hand got hung up on the metal wire on her file folder and the skin got caught on it,” ....“The other children saw my daughter’s hand dripping with blood after the teacher had gotten so mad that she went to twist my daughter’s hand into an Islamic sign.”...

Bennett also told The Blaze that Harris prays to Allah five times a day & seeks to persuade students that Islam is superior to other religions.
Bennett claims that other parents share her concerns,and that according to The Blaze :

..."One of those parents, Nita Redditt, told TheBlaze that her young son confirmed Bennett’s story. The boy said he was “scared” to go back to school the next day after she found out, she added.

“I think he was intimidated,” Redditt said. “I couldn’t believe what was going on in the classroom in regards to this teacher praying to Allah and having them pray with her.”...

Bennett also complained that she was not informed that another parent had complained to school officials about :

..."Harris campaigning for Obama in the classroom and bashing Republican GOP nominee Mitt Romney."...

The Virginian Pilot partially confirmed the story:

Teacher charged with assault; mom says lesson involved Islam | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com


..."Police Spokeswoman Kelly O’Sullivan confirmed that Tara Harris has been charged for an Oct. 2 incident at the school. She would not say, however, what happened to warrant the charges. O’Sullivan did say an investigator looked into the matter.”

[Stephanie Bennett,the mother]

...”Reached by The Virginian-Pilot, she said she wanted to speak with a lawyer before doing other interviews. She did say she thought the story would “go global.”...

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Damon Root on 3 Supreme Court Cases to Watch in 2013 - YouTube #twisters #tcot

Obama equates liberation of Iraq by American soldiers with invasion of Democratic Georgia by Putin #tcot #teaparty

Obama: Russia, U.S. should not ‘charge into’ other countries | Tales


“We’ve got to send a clear message to Russia and unify our allies,” Obama told a crowd of supporters in Virginia. “They can’t charge into other countries. Of course it helps if we are leading by example on that point.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Obama's response to prospective Genocide in Iraq,the butchery of Iranian dissidents,& Libya.


Obama's response to prospective Genocide in Iraq,the butchery of Iranian dissidents,& Libya.

Obama "Don't stay in Iraq even if it necessary to protect the Shiia & Kurds from a genocide:

Obama: Don't Stay In Iraq Over Genocide - CBS News


...."Well, look, if that's the criteria by which we are making decisions on the deployment of U.S. forces, then by that argument you would have 300,000 troops in the Congo right now — where millions have been slaughtered as a consequence of ethnic strife — which we haven't done,"

"We would be deploying unilaterally and occupying the Sudan, which we haven't done. Those of us who care about Darfur don't think it would be a good idea," ....

Obama's reaction to the secular,Green Movement Protesters of Iran? Protesters against a regime that threatens both us & our allies?
Empty words about "bearing witness"...bearing witness to the Iranians being cut down.



..."We must . . . bear witness to the courage and the dignity of the Iranian people and to a remarkable opening within Iranian society. And we deplore the violence against innocent civilians anywhere that it takes place. . . .

In 2009, no iron fist is strong enough to shut off the world from bearing witness to peaceful protests of justice. Despite the Iranian government's efforts to expel journalists and isolate itself, powerful images and poignant words have made their way to us through cell phones and computers. And so we've watched what the Iranian people are doing.

This is what we've witnessed. We've seen the timeless dignity of tens of thousands of Iranians marching in silence. We've seen people of all ages risk everything to insist that their votes are counted and that their voices are heard.

Above all, we've seen courageous women stand up to the brutality and threats, and we've experienced the searing image of a woman bleeding to death on the streets."....

Obama returns a fleeing Chinese defector to appease the Chicoms.

Reports Asylum Denied to Wang Lijun on Biden's instructions to avoid embarrassing Chinese gov #humanrights #tcot - The Neointellectual


Biden refuses to condemn China's forced abortion's policy.

Biden "not second guessing",& "fully understands" China 's forced abortion policy #tcot #teaparty - fightingstatism


Obama chose Chas Freeman as chair of the National Intelligence Council,a psychopath whose only criticism of the Chinese dictators was that they acted with too much "restraint" in dealing with the Tiananmen Square protesters.

...."From: CWFHome@cs.com [mailto:CWFHome@cs.com] Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:29 PM

I will leave it to others to address the main thrust of your reflection on Eric's remarks. But I want to take issue with what I assume, perhaps incorrectly, to be yoiur citation of the conventional wisdom about the 6/4 [or Tiananmen] incident. I find the dominant view in China about this very plausible, i.e. that the truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud, rather than -- as would have been both wise and efficacious -- to intervene with force when all other measures had failed to restore domestic tranquility to Beijing and other major urban centers in China. In this optic, the Politburo's response to the mob scene at "Tian'anmen" stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action.

For myself, I side on this -- if not on numerous other issues -- with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be. Such folk, whether they represent a veterans' "Bonus Army" or a "student uprising" on behalf of "the goddess of democracy" should expect to be displaced with despatch from the ground they occupy. I cannot conceive of any American government behaving with the ill-conceived restraint that the Zhao Ziyang administration did in China, allowing students to occupy zones that are the equivalent of the Washington National Mall and Times Square, combined. while shutting down much of the Chinese government's normal operations. I thus share the hope of the majority in China that no Chinese government will repeat the mistakes of Zhao Ziyang's dilatory tactics of appeasement in dealing with domestic protesters in China.

I await the brickbats of those who insist on a politically correct -- i.e. non Burkean conservative -- view.


And Obama's response to Libya?

Obama: “I Refused to Wait for Images of Slaughter and Mass Graves Before Taking Action” | The Gateway Pundit


You lie.

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#Ahmadinejad: The Idol of Zionism Created by the West Must Be Shattered - The Neointellectual #jcot #irannuclear

Donald Berwick Obama Medicare appointee ”Britain you choose well” #tcot #teaparty #obamacare #twisters

RRD: For those who claim that I am taking Berwick out of context please note that I have linked to the full speech.

Transcript: Dr. Donald Berwick's Speech To The British National Health Service - Kaiser Health News


Dr. Donald Berwick: Here, in the NHS, you have historically put primary care – general practice – where it belongs: at the forefront. The NHS is a bridge, it’s a towering bridge, between the rhetoric of justice, and the fact of justice. No one in their right mind could expect that to be easy. …

Here, in England, accountability for the NHS is ultimately clear. Ultimately, the buck stops in the voting booth. You place the politicians between the public served and the people serving them. That is why Tony Blair commissioned new investment and modernization in the NHS soon after he took office, it is why the government has repeatedly modified policies in the search for traction, it is why your government now chartered the report by Lord Darzi. Government action in the NHS is not mere restlessness or meddling or recreation; it is accountability at work through the maddening, majestic machinery of politics.

In the United States, we fund health care through hundreds of insurance companies. Any American doctor or hospital interacts with a zoo of payment streams. Administrative costs for that zoo approach 20% of our total health care bill, that’s at least three times as much as in England, maybe more.

In the United States, these hundreds of insurance companies have a strong interest in not selling health insurance to people who are likely to need health care. Our insurance companies try to predict who will need care, and then to find ways to exclude them from coverage through underwriting and selective marketing. That increases their profits. Here, you know that that is not just crazy; it is immoral.

So, you could have had a simpler, less ambitious, less troubled plan than the NHS. You could have had the American plan. You could have been spending 17% of your GDP to make health care unaffordable as a human right instead of spending 9% and guaranteeing it as a human right. You could have kept your system in fragments and encouraged supply -driven demand, instead of making tough choices and planning supply. You could have made hospitals and specialists, not general practice, your mainstay.

You could have obscured – you could have obliterated – accountability, or left it to the invisible hand of the market, instead of holding your politicians ultimately accountable for getting the NHS sorted. You could have let an unaccountable system play out in the darkness of private enterprise instead of accepting that a politically accountable system must act in the harsh and, admittedly, sometimes very unfair, daylight of the press, public debate, and political campaigning. You could have a monstrous insurance industry of claims, and rules, and paper -pushing, instead of using your tax base to provide a single route of finance.

You could have protected the wealthy and the well, instead of recognizing that sick people tend to be poorer and that poor people tend to be sicker, and that any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must – must – redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition redistribution. Britain, you chose well. …

The full text of speech, A Transatlantic Review of the NHS at 60 , includes this beginning remark: "I am romantic about the NHS; I love it. All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country."

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The 10 prisoners not executed; transferred from Evin to Ghezel Hesar. - Iran Human Rights #iranexecutions #iranelections #stopexecutions #humanrights

Iran: Freedom marcher raped to death with baseball bat - Wilmington Conservative | Examiner.com #iranelections #stopexecutions #iranexecutions

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Obama's science Czar Holdren: Common Good justifies Rape,Forced Abortion,& "sterliants in drinking water" #tcot #womensrights #twisters

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet


...."Individual rights. Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction. Some people—respected legislators, judges, and lawyers included —have viewed the right to have children as a fundamental and inalienable right. Yet neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce. Nor does the UN Charter describe such a right, although a resolution of the United Nations affirms the "right responsibly to choose" the number and spacing of children (our emphasis). In the United States, individuals have a constitutional right to privacy and it has been held that the right to privacy includes the right to choose whether or not to have children, at least to the extent that a woman has a right to choose not to have children. But the right is not unlimited. Where the society has a "compelling, subordinating interest" in regulating population size, the right of the individual may be curtailed. If society's survival depended on having more children, women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. Similarly, given a crisis caused by overpopulation, reasonably necessary laws to control excessive reproduction could be enacted.

It is often argued that the right to have children is so personal that the government should not regulate it. In an ideal society, no doubt the state should leave family size and composition solely to the desires of the parents. In today's world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern. The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time. Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?”''.....

.... ”If society's survival depended on having more children,women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. ”...

RRD:In civilized societies & among civilized human beings,whether Libertarian,Liberal,Objectivist or Conservative,the word for ”forcing women to bear children”(which means,logically,forcing them to conceive) is RAPE.

Do Progressives believe raping women is acceptable?Or will they say:he ”just” meant banning abortion?

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Michelle Obama: We are a nation of "downright mean" "sloths"

Michelle Obama: America is ‘Just Downright Mean’ | NewsBusters.org


"Obama begins with a broad assessment of life in America in 2008, and life is not good: we're a divided country, we're a country that is "just downright mean," we are "guided by fear," we're a nation of cynics, sloths, and complacents. "We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day," she said, as heads bobbed in the pews. "Folks are just jammed up, and it's gotten worse over my lifetime. And, doggone it, I'm young. Forty-four!"

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Friday, October 12, 2012

Michelle Obama Barack will heal our "broken souls" ,won't let us go back to our "old life"

Michelle Obama greatest quotes


“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my
country. And not just because Barack has done well, but
because I think people are hungry for change.”
Michelle Obama’s adult life goes back to the mid-1980s.
Can it really be the case that nothing the U.S. achieved
since then has made her proud? Apparently. For, as she
said later in the same appearance: “Life for regular folks
has gotten worse over the course of my lifetime, through
Republican and Democratic administrations. It hasn’t
gotten much better.”
Now in almost every empirical respect, American lives have
in fact gotten better over the last quarter-century. "....

...."But that clearly isn’t what she was talking about. For as
she had argued in the Wisconsin speech, America’s illness
goes far beyond a flawed political process: “Barack knows
that at some level there’s a hole in our souls.” This was a
variation of language she had used earlier on the
campaign trail: “Barack Obama is the only person in this
race who understands that, that before we can work on
the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are
broken in this nation.”
But they can be repaired. Indeed, she had said a couple of
weeks before, in Los Angeles: “Barack Obama ... is going
to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put
down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation,
that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push
yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will
never allow you to go back to your lives as usual,uninvolved, uninformed.”
So we don’t have to work to improve our souls. Our
broken souls can be fixed — by our voting for Barack
Obama. We don’t have to fight or sacrifice to help our
country. Our uninvolved and uninformed lives can be
changed — by our choosing Barack Obama. America can
become a nation to be proud of — by letting ourselves be
led by Barack Obama. "

RRD: This is a personality cult:

“Barack Obama ... is going
to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put
down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation,
that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push
yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will
never allow you to go back to your lives as usual,uninvolved, uninformed.”

“Barack knows
that at some level there’s a hole in our souls.” This was a
variation of language she had used earlier on the
campaign trail: “Barack Obama is the only person in this
race who understands that, that before we can work on
the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are
broken in this nation.”

Posted via email from fightingstatism

Thursday, October 4, 2012

#Iran Claims it was Target of Cyber Attack Israel National News #iranelections #irannuclear

Obama's Next Arab target? Bringing ” Democracy” to Saudi Arabia #tcot #jcot

Obama's Next Arab Toppling Target: Saudi Arabia - Op-Eds - Israel National News


.... "Curiously, the only Middle East revolutions Obama has not helped and perfected are those of countries on the US State Sponsors of Terror list - like Syria and Iran.

So it seems, under the Obama Doctrine, if you are a state-sponsor of terror against the United States and are trying to build a nuclear bomb to annihilate Israel, Obama doesn’t want “ordinary people” to overthrow such “so -called” enemies. However, if you are a Sunni Arab US “so -called ally” not in touch with “ordinary people,” Obama wants to “tear down your walls” and wipe you out” ....

RRD: I don't agree with the authors soft-peddling of the House of Saud's dictatorship. But we could very well see the home of Mecca & Medina move from being "ally-enemies" to becoming Al-qaeda's new home. If Al-qaeda ends up taking over Islam's holiest sites can you imagine what the effect would be on the Muslim World,a world whose mindset is largely rooted in the dark ages? It would be taken as "a sign" that Allah is on Al-qaeda's side. We could be swamped with radically emboldened Jihadists. We could very easily have this become a much,much bloodier conflict .
In a sense it's similiar to the situation in Pakistan,the "Paks" are aiding our enemies in Afghanistan,but they are not setting off Nukes in NYC.

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#Iranian Currency Dives, Ahmadinejad in Hot Water Israel National News #iranelections

Holocaust History in Farsi Published for #Iranians Israel National News #jcot #iranelections

#Tehran We Lie to Inspectors on Our Nuke Program Israel National News #irannuclear #iranelections